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AnonymousIncognito 05-14-2012 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 50736)
Pfff.... 'Destroy'? Really? You think 11 episodes were all about Lion-O's anc Cheetara's love relationship? So I guess all the stuff that happened in those episodes, as well as the revelation of the cats and Mumm-Ra's joint history was just filler, eh? You are ridiculous.

Btw, why are people calling Pumyra 'Myra'? Are two more letters too hard to type?


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 50733)
Can we NOT talk about stupid shipping anymore, please?

This is a cartoon, what happens will happen because it's written that way. It's pretty stupid to argue that you'd like things to have a different outcome in an OFFICAL story. If you want that, write a fanfic, but it won't change the official media.

I much prefer to discuss what happened in a show than what people would like to happen in a show. That's for fanfics.

Actually, we can talk about shipping. No law or rule says we can't. If you don't like the discussion, skip it and move onto the next.

AnonymousIncognito 05-14-2012 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 50624)
TCL isn't any worse with the Tygra fans than this place is with Lion-O fans. As long as you're respectful when you post your opinions everyone is fine. They'll counter your arguments, but how is that any different than what we do here?

Hmmm considering how the Tygra fans cried for 3-4 pages on TCLair about a fanfic that made Tygra out to be a "player" (one of them even harrassed the writer by leaving anon flames) and I have yet to see anything like that here, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that your biased opinion of TCLair is wrong.

AnonymousIncognito 05-14-2012 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 50730)
You do realize that most viewers never watch interviews and just turn on the TV to see what's on? As much as you'd like to think, this show is made for a new audience. We can be glad it has so many callbacks and homages to the old series, but it is made FOR KIDS. They are the ones who'll be buying the toys.?

No, I realize that a lot of viewers are fans and tune in to get as much info as they can. I also realize that people talk so all it takes is one person to talk about the interviews for what was said in the interviews to spread like wildfire.

Actually, most parents will be buying the toys for the kids.

L08e16o 05-14-2012 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 50695)
That explains why you have to spend so much money on flowers, mister! :D


Don't forget the clothes, shoes, bags, and jewely.:D

Trust me, I would never say that. I would be in the obituary the next day.:D

Chique 05-14-2012 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 50753)
Hmmm considering how the Tygra fans cried for 3-4 pages on TCLair about a fanfic that made Tygra out to be a "player" (one of them even harrassed the writer by leaving anon flames) and I have yet to see anything like that here, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that your biased opinion of TCLair is wrong.

I assume you're talking about the Romance for Lion-O thread?

There was no ripping or bashing. A few posters talked about not liking out of character fanfics. They don't mention or hint at a specific author or fanfic, so unless they review under the same name, I don't see how you know the reviewers come from TCL. They were not crying about Tygra being a player, just that we had no evidence to support it, and so it made little sense for it to be so strongly accepted. That goes for both T/C and anti- T/C fanfics.

" of them even harassed the writer by leaving anon flames"..
..anon flames.. know one of the posters on that board left an anonymous flame?

CCDustyV 05-14-2012 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 50761)
I assume you're talking about the Romance for Lion-O thread?

There was no ripping or bashing. A few posters talked about not liking out of character fanfics. They don't mention or hint at a specific author or fanfic, so unless they review under the same name, I don't see how you know the reviewers come from TCL. They were not crying about Tygra being a player, just that we had no evidence to support it, and so it made little sense for it to be so strongly accepted. That goes for both T/C and anti- T/C fanfics.

" of them even harassed the writer by leaving anon flames"..
..anon flames.. know one of the posters on that board left an anonymous flame?

hi, author of said fanfic here *waves*

I read over the thread that my fic was mentioned in, and I must say some of the comments were rather insulting to me, but I've been ripped far worse for my Harry Potter/Hermione Granger favoring fics, and don't get me started on the Digimon pairing wars or the Avatar Kataang vs Zutara slamfests... being called a "Butthead Lion-O fanboy" is like throwing a piece of cotton. Meh.

I *DO* like Tygra. I do, but he *is* an arrogent jerk who from what I *interperated* from the first eps was a lady's cat. They have done NOTHING to discourage this, nor have they incouraged it. Tygra in my opinion up until now isn't a BAD character. But he's definately not the bright and morning star like a lot of the fans I've encountered on the lair make him out to be. He's just more in the anti-hero class than straight up hero. Nothing wrong with that. That said, sorry, I'm not one of the bow down to the Tygra alter fangirls and fanboys. BUT Tygra in my opinion is the Yen to Lion O's Yang. he's the Zuko to Lion O's Aang. Yet I will say I am disappointed with the way his character has grown or lack there of, so far. Pairing wise, I honestly do not buy the whole falling for each other with a few stolen moments through the years, nor do I buy that he knew that was Cheetara in the pilot. The Clerics ALL looked exactly a like in their outfits, how the heck could he tell? Relationships take time and effort, popping in every couple years and saying hi and dropping a flower in her lap does not a relationship make.

If they prove me wrong in the coming eps, showing that Cheetara knows Tygra and vice versa better than I've seen with provided info, great on them. I'm keeping my mind open for the future but they have a lot of work to do convence me on that.

Back to my story, this was my INTERPRETATION in a FANFICTION, note key words capped. yeah I had no factual backing, but that's the point of fanfiction. is it not? And if someone doesn't like it, I'm sorry but there's plenty of other fics out there. Someone want a girls bonding fic, I've got one in mind just have to plot it all the way out. I only had a plot bunny of this one where Pumyra had a history with Tygra back in his less then honorable days in between the so called "Stolen moments". I thought it would be interesting to write someone point out that she MIGHT NOT know Tygra as well as she thinks she does. I did not write that she ran back to Lion O, I didn't write Cheetara run up and kick Tygra in the nadds, I just ran with Cheetara's past history of a possible jump too soon. No brake ups, no fights, just a lil food for thought. Nothing more. Nothing less.

This is exactly why I tend to not go over to the lair anymore..... Sorry for the rant but some of the Tygra worshippers on TCL do bug the snot out of me...

Thunderian scholar 05-14-2012 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Shadowknight1 (Post 50600)
I had a few problems with this episode. Not really "writing" per se, but some things that strain logic. First, the idea that wiping out an entire galaxy would only destroy two planets that support life that only orbit a single star is kinda bogus. Surely there would be more than two in an entire galaxy.

Yeah, that was bad astronomy… Will is just a VA, not an astronomer. Not everyone watches Star Trek.


Secondly...why in the name of Thundera would Mumm-ra need a SWORD when he has a bomb that can reduce an entire galaxy to a glob of metal???? It seems to me that he already has a weapon more powerful than his stupid sword. That'd be like Emperor Palpatine claiming he needs a new lightsaber even though he has the Death Star at his beckon call.
Now that you mention that, you're right, but the flaw derives from the galaxy/solar system mix-up… The scene should have been rewritten into a scenery of a solar system or a view on the planet Plun-Darr, that collapses into itself. Would have made more sense. With the special alloy and the enchantment from the SoE, it may be more powerful weapon AT HAND in this galaxy.


And now for a problem I had with the writing. Since Lion-O refused to fight Pumyra in the Pit, she treated him with a great deal of respect in the last episode, even going so far as to throw that flirty "Maybe you should move on to another cat" line. Then, in THIS episode, she goes back to being bitchy, snarky, and all around rude up until the end. Tell me, do the writers watch the previous episodes? Or is Pumyra just supposed to be bipolar?
Ever been with a bitchy bitch?


And to throw in my two cents about Cheetara. At first, I was like many of you, ie. ticked off that she was "in love" with Tygra after throwing all those signals at Lion-O. She then said that she was sticking close to him to help him reach his destiny, blah blah. I wasn't buying it at first, but now that I think on it...Lion-O's essentially a young man, probably just out of his teens if not still in them. What better way for a girl with nice curves to push a guy into following the path laid out before him? She doesn't exactly have Jaga's talent for...well, talking and making Lion-O she has to work with what she's got. But I think that her confidence in her cleric abilities and duties has fallen since the "everything's changed" bit, so she really needs an episode to get herself back up and on the job. Where's the spirit of Jaga when you need him?
Girls are evil! :D

stac 05-14-2012 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 50730)
Really? So you think it is perfectly reasonable that after watching people you cared for die around you, getting worked to death or sent to die for the rats in the mines by getting the sword... you forget about it and never ever bring it up to the king who (let's face it) went on a revenge-quest after his father died and forgot about any and all survivors? Remember how Lion-O wanted to leave the kittens behind in episode 3?

I thought it seemed a bit weird how resentful Pumyra was of Lion-O in the beginning considering they ended the previous episode on a more positive note. Surely there were better ways to show how Pumyra felt than the way it was done in this episode.

Pumyra keeps fluctuating between extremes with her like/dislike of Lion-O in the last three episodes. It might not be the writers’ intention but it does make her seem bipolar.

AnonymousIncognito 05-14-2012 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 50761)
I assume you're talking about the Romance for Lion-O thread?

There was no ripping or bashing. A few posters talked about not liking out of character fanfics. They don't mention or hint at a specific author or fanfic, so unless they review under the same name, I don't see how you know the reviewers come from TCL. They were not crying about Tygra being a player, just that we had no evidence to support it, and so it made little sense for it to be so strongly accepted. That goes for both T/C and anti- T/C fanfics.

" of them even harassed the writer by leaving anon flames"..
..anon flames.. know one of the posters on that board left an anonymous flame?

Wrong Chique, they did mention a specific fanfic.

From TCL: "I mean, I've even seen fanfiction recently where Tygra used women freely and threw them away, Cheetara somehow doesn't know about this at all despite having known him all these years and as a Guardian of the Crown presumably being around the palace a lot, and has to be told this by Pumyra smugly warning her that Tygra probably doesn't love her and also who claims to be another woman he used and tossed away."


"Then you end up reading a fic because you just wanted to see Pumyra and Cheetara have a pleasant/funny conversation and it is... something else entirely."

Both comments pertain to a specific fanfiction; the same fanifiction story actually.

The subsequent comments all complained about fanfictions and ripped into the one Perepeteia first brought up. Well news flash kids. Fanfiction doesn't have to follow the story nor do the characters.

Based on the wording of the flame, yeah, I am inclined to believe it was someone from TCL because the same words are used there and really, nowhere else.

AnonymousIncognito 05-14-2012 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by ccdustyv (Post 50771)
hi, author of said fanfic here *waves*

i read over the thread that my fic was mentioned in, and i must say some of the comments were rather insulting to me, but i've been ripped far worse for my harry potter/hermione granger favoring fics, and don't get me started on the digimon pairing wars or the avatar kataang vs zutara slamfests... Being called a "butthead lion-o fanboy" is like throwing a piece of cotton. Meh.

I *do* like tygra. I do, but he *is* an arrogent jerk who from what i *interperated* from the first eps was a lady's cat. They have done nothing to discourage this, nor have they incouraged it. Tygra in my opinion up until now isn't a bad character. But he's definately not the bright and morning star like a lot of the fans i've encountered on the lair make him out to be. He's just more in the anti-hero class than straight up hero. Nothing wrong with that. That said, sorry, i'm not one of the bow down to the tygra alter fangirls and fanboys. But tygra in my opinion is the yen to lion o's yang. He's the zuko to lion o's aang. Yet i will say i am disappointed with the way his character has grown or lack there of, so far. Pairing wise, i honestly do not buy the whole falling for each other with a few stolen moments through the years, nor do i buy that he knew that was cheetara in the pilot. The clerics all looked exactly a like in their outfits, how the heck could he tell? Relationships take time and effort, popping in every couple years and saying hi and dropping a flower in her lap does not a relationship make.

If they prove me wrong in the coming eps, showing that cheetara knows tygra and vice versa better than i've seen with provided info, great on them. I'm keeping my mind open for the future but they have a lot of work to do convence me on that.

Back to my story, this was my interpretation in a fanfiction, note key words capped. Yeah i had no factual backing, but that's the point of fanfiction. Is it not? And if someone doesn't like it, i'm sorry but there's plenty of other fics out there. Someone want a girls bonding fic, i've got one in mind just have to plot it all the way out. I only had a plot bunny of this one where pumyra had a history with tygra back in his less then honorable days in between the so called "stolen moments". I thought it would be interesting to write someone point out that she might not know tygra as well as she thinks she does. I did not write that she ran back to lion o, i didn't write cheetara run up and kick tygra in the nadds, i just ran with cheetara's past history of a possible jump too soon. No brake ups, no fights, just a lil food for thought. Nothing more. Nothing less.

This is exactly why i tend to not go over to the lair anymore..... Sorry for the rant but some of the tygra worshippers on tcl do bug the snot out of me...

(thunderous applause) well said!

KaleRylan 05-14-2012 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 50783)
I thought it seemed a bit weird how resentful Pumyra was of Lion-O in the beginning considering they ended the previous episode on a more positive note. Surely there were better ways to show how Pumyra felt than the way it was done in this episode.

Pumyra keeps fluctuating between extremes with her like/dislike of Lion-O in the last three episodes. It might not be the writers’ intention but it does make her seem bipolar.

Exactly. As I said in my post on the last page, I'm sort of glad she regressed. It actually makes more sense.

The problem is that they wrote her as a blushing fangirl in the last episode and the end of the pit, so to have her suddenly revert to behaving how she did when they met her doesn't make any sense.

Once again, the writing team here is incapable of showing smooth plot progression. Everything is incredibly disjointed and it seems like everything: characters, experiences, powers; are all just moved out around at random to serve whatever plot the writers feel like telling, rather than having the plot grow organically from who the characters are and what they are capable of.

AnonymousIncognito 05-14-2012 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 50783)
I thought it seemed a bit weird how resentful Pumyra was of Lion-O in the beginning considering they ended the previous episode on a more positive note. Surely there were better ways to show how Pumyra felt than the way it was done in this episode.

Pumyra keeps fluctuating between extremes with her like/dislike of Lion-O in the last three episodes. It might not be the writers’ intention but it does make her seem bipolar.

I noticed that the slaves really didn't seem all that upset with Lion-O. The one he gave water to seem really grateful and when they were freed and told to go to the refuge, none of them mouthed off at Lion-O at all.

CCDustyV 05-14-2012 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 50783)
I thought it seemed a bit weird how resentful Pumyra was of Lion-O in the beginning considering they ended the previous episode on a more positive note. Surely there were better ways to show how Pumyra felt than the way it was done in this episode.

Pumyra keeps fluctuating between extremes with her like/dislike of Lion-O in the last three episodes. It might not be the writers’ intention but it does make her seem bipolar.

I put Pumyra in the same class of character as Artemis Crock (Young Justice), Asuka Sohryu(NGE) and Akane Tendo(Ranma 1/2), spitfires with short fuses and long memories. a common trait is they have no idea how to do affection and tend to hit/yell at those they care about.

AnonymousIncognito 05-14-2012 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by KaleRylan (Post 50786)
Exactly. As I said in my post on the last page, I'm sort of glad she regressed. It actually makes more sense.

The problem is that they wrote her as a blushing fangirl in the last episode and the end of the pit, so to have her suddenly revert to behaving how she did when they met her doesn't make any sense.

Once again, the writing team here is incapable of showing smooth plot progression. Everything is incredibly disjointed and it seems like everything: characters, experiences, powers; are all just moved out around at random to serve whatever plot the writers feel like telling, rather than having the plot grow organically from who the characters are and what they are capable of.

Welcome to the twisted world of Mike Jelenic.

KaleRylan 05-14-2012 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50788)
I put Pumyra in the same class of character as Artemis Crock (Young Justice), Asuka Sohryu(NGE) and Akane Tendo(Ranma 1/2), spitfires with short fuses and long memories. a common trait is they have no idea how to do affection and tend to hit/yell at those they care about.

True, but the difference is that with Artemis and Asuka, they fit the plot they're in. They do not randomly switch completely between episodes for no apparent reason.

Asuka is messed up in literally EVERY single episode she's in, even when she's being nice you can see the rage and screwiness under the surface.

Pumyra on the other had, might as well have been two different characters between last episode and this one. Again, this episode's Pumyra actually makes more sense, but it just doesn't fit AT ALL with the way she behaved last episode.

CCDustyV 05-14-2012 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by KaleRylan (Post 50790)
True, but the difference is that with Artemis and Asuka, they fit the plot they're in. They do not randomly switch completely between episodes for no apparent reason.

Asuka is messed up in literally EVERY single episode she's in, even when she's being nice you can see the rage and screwiness under the surface.

Pumyra on the other had, might as well have been two different characters between last episode and this one. Again, this episode's Pumyra actually makes more sense, but it just doesn't fit AT ALL with the way she behaved last episode.

hm I can see your point. perhaps...

*end of ep*

*Pumyra siting in a actor's foldup chair on the set of ThunderCats, smiling professionally at the camera*

"Hello, I'm Pumyra, and I'm here to talk to you all about a serious subject. BiPolar Disorder..."

L08e16o 05-14-2012 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50792)
hm I can see your point. perhaps...

*end of ep*

*Pumyra siting in a actor's foldup chair on the set of ThunderCats, smiling professionally at the camera*

"Hello, I'm Pumyra, and I'm here to talk to you all about a serious subject. BiPolar Disorder..."

That is GREAT!!!:eek::eek::eek::D:D


L08e16o 05-14-2012 12:05 PM

Someone had to replace tygra in this episode. :)

stormbringer 05-14-2012 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50792)
hm I can see your point. perhaps...

*end of ep*

*Pumyra siting in a actor's foldup chair on the set of ThunderCats, smiling professionally at the camera*

"Hello, I'm Pumyra, and I'm here to talk to you all about a serious subject. BiPolar Disorder..."

Should Cheetara be sitting right next to her?:p

AnonymousIncognito 05-14-2012 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50792)
hm I can see your point. perhaps...

*end of ep*

*Pumyra siting in a actor's foldup chair on the set of ThunderCats, smiling professionally at the camera*

"Hello, I'm Pumyra, and I'm here to talk to you all about a serious subject. BiPolar Disorder..."

I laughed so hard, I could barely get a breath.

AnonymousIncognito 05-14-2012 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 50795)
Should Cheetara be sitting right next to her?:p

No, she gets her own PSA about abuse and degredation of females.

AlexofThundera 05-14-2012 12:47 PM

Not that the writers intended it like this, but the only excuse I can think of for the difference in Pumyras actions from last episode to this one is that she was enslaved for months in the mines, followed by having to fight in the Pit for the dogs amusement. Suddenly she is free and going through a wave of emotions, trying to re-acclimate to the "free" world. It's sort of like what a rescued POW goes through after months of enslavement and separation from the free world.

Balgus82 05-14-2012 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 50753)
Hmmm considering how the Tygra fans cried for 3-4 pages on TCLair about a fanfic that made Tygra out to be a "player" (one of them even harrassed the writer by leaving anon flames) and I have yet to see anything like that here, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that your biased opinion of TCLair is wrong.

wow really? 3-4 pages? how about that episode 13 talkback thread here where we have over a hundred pages of people complaining about how Lion-O didn't get Cheetara?

Mako Crab 05-14-2012 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 50799)
Not that the writers intended it like this, but the only excuse I can think of for the difference in Pumyras actions from last episode to this one is that she was enslaved for months in the mines, followed by having to fight in the Pit for the dogs amusement. Suddenly she is free and going through a wave of emotions, trying to re-acclimate to the "free" world. It's sort of like what a rescued POW goes through after months of enslavement and separation from the free world.

You are the voice of reason. :)

Honestly, I thought these eps were a lot of fun. Yeah, it kind of made me raise an eyebrow when Pumyra was bitching at Lion-O again right after flirting with him last ep, but I like your reasoning. Besides, it's not like she didn't have her share of snarky remarks during the previous episode either, when Lion-O prevented her from killing her tormentors on the spot, and when that led to their capture. At the start of this new episode, he still had to win her over and gain her trust.

CreepySariFan 05-14-2012 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 50799)
Not that the writers intended it like this, but the only excuse I can think of for the difference in Pumyras actions from last episode to this one is that she was enslaved for months in the mines, followed by having to fight in the Pit for the dogs amusement. Suddenly she is free and going through a wave of emotions, trying to re-acclimate to the "free" world. It's sort of like what a rescued POW goes through after months of enslavement and separation from the free world.

I doubt she was too thrilled to have to go back into the mines either.

Mako Crab 05-14-2012 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 50800)
wow really? 3-4 pages? how about that episode 13 talkback thread here where we have over a hundred pages of people complaining about how Lion-O didn't get Cheetara?

To be fair, that's because no one could be bothered to use the multi-quote feature. Those 113 pages probably would've been cut down to 10. :P


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 50802)
I doubt she was too thrilled to have to go back into the mines either.

Good call.

Balgus82 05-14-2012 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50771)
hi, author of said fanfic here *waves*

I read over the thread that my fic was mentioned in, and I must say some of the comments were rather insulting to me, but I've been ripped far worse for my Harry Potter/Hermione Granger favoring fics, and don't get me started on the Digimon pairing wars or the Avatar Kataang vs Zutara slamfests... being called a "Butthead Lion-O fanboy" is like throwing a piece of cotton. Meh.

I *DO* like Tygra. I do, but he *is* an arrogent jerk who from what I *interperated* from the first eps was a lady's cat. They have done NOTHING to discourage this, nor have they incouraged it. Tygra in my opinion up until now isn't a BAD character. But he's definately not the bright and morning star like a lot of the fans I've encountered on the lair make him out to be. He's just more in the anti-hero class than straight up hero. Nothing wrong with that. That said, sorry, I'm not one of the bow down to the Tygra alter fangirls and fanboys. BUT Tygra in my opinion is the Yen to Lion O's Yang. he's the Zuko to Lion O's Aang. Yet I will say I am disappointed with the way his character has grown or lack there of, so far. Pairing wise, I honestly do not buy the whole falling for each other with a few stolen moments through the years, nor do I buy that he knew that was Cheetara in the pilot. The Clerics ALL looked exactly a like in their outfits, how the heck could he tell? Relationships take time and effort, popping in every couple years and saying hi and dropping a flower in her lap does not a relationship make.

If they prove me wrong in the coming eps, showing that Cheetara knows Tygra and vice versa better than I've seen with provided info, great on them. I'm keeping my mind open for the future but they have a lot of work to do convence me on that.

Back to my story, this was my INTERPRETATION in a FANFICTION, note key words capped. yeah I had no factual backing, but that's the point of fanfiction. is it not? And if someone doesn't like it, I'm sorry but there's plenty of other fics out there. Someone want a girls bonding fic, I've got one in mind just have to plot it all the way out. I only had a plot bunny of this one where Pumyra had a history with Tygra back in his less then honorable days in between the so called "Stolen moments". I thought it would be interesting to write someone point out that she MIGHT NOT know Tygra as well as she thinks she does. I did not write that she ran back to Lion O, I didn't write Cheetara run up and kick Tygra in the nadds, I just ran with Cheetara's past history of a possible jump too soon. No brake ups, no fights, just a lil food for thought. Nothing more. Nothing less.

This is exactly why I tend to not go over to the lair anymore..... Sorry for the rant but some of the Tygra worshippers on TCL do bug the snot out of me...

I've never read any Tcats fanfic, but I agree here. While there's no evidence to support that Tygra's a player, there's no evidence to disprove it either so it's more than open to interpretation in fanfic.

Balgus82 05-14-2012 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 50783)
I thought it seemed a bit weird how resentful Pumyra was of Lion-O in the beginning considering they ended the previous episode on a more positive note. Surely there were better ways to show how Pumyra felt than the way it was done in this episode.

Pumyra keeps fluctuating between extremes with her like/dislike of Lion-O in the last three episodes. It might not be the writers’ intention but it does make her seem bipolar.

I agree. I like the idea of Lion-O and Pumyra together, but if she keeps acting like this I'd rather Lion-O end up alone. I was extremely annoyed with her this episode.

Chique 05-14-2012 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50771)
hi, author of said fanfic here *waves*

I read over the thread that my fic was mentioned in, and I must say some of the comments were rather insulting to me, but I've been ripped far worse for my Harry Potter/Hermione Granger favoring fics, and don't get me started on the Digimon pairing wars or the Avatar Kataang vs Zutara slamfests... being called a "Butthead Lion-O fanboy" is like throwing a piece of cotton. Meh.

I *DO* like Tygra. I do, but he *is* an arrogent jerk who from what I *interperated* from the first eps was a lady's cat. They have done NOTHING to discourage this, nor have they incouraged it. Tygra in my opinion up until now isn't a BAD character. But he's definately not the bright and morning star like a lot of the fans I've encountered on the lair make him out to be. He's just more in the anti-hero class than straight up hero. Nothing wrong with that. That said, sorry, I'm not one of the bow down to the Tygra alter fangirls and fanboys. BUT Tygra in my opinion is the Yen to Lion O's Yang. he's the Zuko to Lion O's Aang. Yet I will say I am disappointed with the way his character has grown or lack there of, so far. Pairing wise, I honestly do not buy the whole falling for each other with a few stolen moments through the years, nor do I buy that he knew that was Cheetara in the pilot. The Clerics ALL looked exactly a like in their outfits, how the heck could he tell? Relationships take time and effort, popping in every couple years and saying hi and dropping a flower in her lap does not a relationship make.

If they prove me wrong in the coming eps, showing that Cheetara knows Tygra and vice versa better than I've seen with provided info, great on them. I'm keeping my mind open for the future but they have a lot of work to do convence me on that.

Back to my story, this was my INTERPRETATION in a FANFICTION, note key words capped. yeah I had no factual backing, but that's the point of fanfiction. is it not? And if someone doesn't like it, I'm sorry but there's plenty of other fics out there. Someone want a girls bonding fic, I've got one in mind just have to plot it all the way out. I only had a plot bunny of this one where Pumyra had a history with Tygra back in his less then honorable days in between the so called "Stolen moments". I thought it would be interesting to write someone point out that she MIGHT NOT know Tygra as well as she thinks she does. I did not write that she ran back to Lion O, I didn't write Cheetara run up and kick Tygra in the nadds, I just ran with Cheetara's past history of a possible jump too soon. No brake ups, no fights, just a lil food for thought. Nothing more. Nothing less.

This is exactly why I tend to not go over to the lair anymore..... Sorry for the rant but some of the Tygra worshippers on TCL do bug the snot out of me...

Um..the point of the other guys post was that TCL members were ripping apart a fanfic. If you look at the comments, I don't see how you can come to the conclusion that they were being unjustly mean. S/he disagreed with your interpretation of Tygra, and she said so without linking your fic or mentioning your name. She was not rude, or crass. Big difference between constructive criticism (or maybe a disagreement over a cannon potrayal of a character) and flaming. S/he even mentions that while it's not their cup of tea, authors will write characters to suit their own personal taste. I'm not trying to argue over your portrayal of Tygra. All I said was that the posters were not ripping apart your fanfic.

The other guy took a big leap and assumed the person who left you an ANONYMOUS flame was a TCL member. I'm not saying it wasnt, just that he has no proof for obvious reasons.

vantheman77 05-14-2012 01:49 PM

This is exactly why I said that Pumyra should've criticized Lion-O in the last episode and have her warm and flirty with him this episode. Yeah looking at all three episodes dedicated to her she's fluctuating back and forth and if I were Lion-O, I'd be weary of her. I wonder if both Tygra and Cheetara are feeling the same way about her as well.

L08e16o 05-14-2012 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 50809)
This is exactly why I said that Pumyra should've criticized Lion-O in the last episode and have her warm and flirty with him this episode. Yeah looking at all three episodes dedicated to her she's fluctuating back and forth and if I were Lion-O, I'd be weary of her. I wonder if both Tygra and Cheetara are feeling the same way about her as well.

Maybe they were PO about thier screen time in this episode.:D

Mum Star 05-14-2012 02:19 PM

Getting away from SHIPPING MADNESS!!! for a moment, I'd like to bring something up. I kinda think the bad astronomy was intentional now. I started to re-watch the first episode of Thundercats, TOS. There is a similer thing in that where the galaxy and solar system seem to be getting confused. So maybe it wasn't bad science on the writing staff's part, but rather a callback.

fuukonomiko 05-14-2012 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50813)
Maybe they were PO about thier screen time in this episode.:D

Bipolar Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Writer Forgot How I acted last week Disorder

stac 05-14-2012 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mum Star (Post 50814)
There is a similer thing in that where the galaxy and solar system seem to be getting confused. So maybe it wasn't bad science on the writing staff's part, but rather a callback.

If this is true then wouldn’t that just mean it was an intentional call back to something that was wrong in the first place?

Thunderian scholar 05-14-2012 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50792)
hm I can see your point. perhaps...

*end of ep*

*Pumyra siting in a actor's foldup chair on the set of ThunderCats, smiling professionally at the camera*

"Hello, I'm Pumyra, and I'm here to talk to you all about a serious subject. BiPolar Disorder..."

Bwuahahahaha!!!! Put that in the TC jokes thread tooo funny!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!111!!!!1!!!1!

CCDustyV 05-14-2012 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 50808)
Um..the point of the other guys post was that TCL members were ripping apart a fanfic. If you look at the comments, I don't see how you can come to the conclusion that they were being unjustly mean. S/he disagreed with your interpretation of Tygra, and she said so without linking your fic or mentioning your name. She was not rude, or crass. Big difference between constructive criticism (or maybe a disagreement over a cannon potrayal of a character) and flaming. S/he even mentions that while it's not their cup of tea, authors will write characters to suit their own personal taste. I'm not trying to argue over your portrayal of Tygra. All I said was that the posters were not ripping apart your fanfic.

The other guy took a big leap and assumed the person who left you an ANONYMOUS flame was a TCL member. I'm not saying it wasnt, just that he has no proof for obvious reasons.

I do agree, I didn't ake it as being overly mean, but some of the comments ruffled my feathers just a tad, but I've taken worse hits. But I've mentioned many times my mistrust of Tygra on TCL and was chewed out repeatedly. I won't defend my writing, if anyone doesn't like my stories, that's fine, I'm not holding anyone at gunpoint to read it. if they like it, great! If not, that's cool too, I do respect creative criticism. If something I write you don't agree with, tell me so in a polite manner, but should I disagree with your statements, I will give you the reasonings behind my way of thinking and leave it at that. Nothing more and nothing less.

but if being refered to as "Another butthead Lion-O fanboy" is that's the best they can throw at me on, I laugh. I dunno if the anno flame was a TLC member, heck they could be a member on this forum. either way, I'm 85-90% certain that the two flames came from the same person. And should that person be on this forum and reading this I say the same thing that I do to anyone who just does not like my stories. I'm not selling the stories, and you're not paying to read um, so tough tofu. go read another fic that's more to your taste.

TC fics section on are growing with fics that support both pairings. you'll find something else ya'all like I'm sure if I'm not your cup of tea.

L08e16o 05-14-2012 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 50816)
Bipolar Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Writer Forgot How I acted last week Disorder

Was it the spotted cow that made you disorderly?:D

L08e16o 05-14-2012 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50819)
I do agree, I didn't ake it as being overly mean, but some of the comments ruffled my feathers just a tad, but I've taken worse hits. But I've mentioned many times my mistrust of Tygra on TCL and was chewed out repeatedly. I won't defend my writing, if anyone doesn't like my stories, that's fine, I'm not holding anyone at gunpoint to read it. if they like it, great! If not, that's cool too, I do respect creative criticism. If something I write you don't agree with, tell me so in a polite manner, but should I disagree with your statements, I will give you the reasonings behind my way of thinking and leave it at that. Nothing more and nothing less.

but if being refered to as "Another butthead Lion-O fanboy" is that's the best they can throw at me on, I laugh. I dunno if the anno flame was a TLC member, heck they could be a member on this forum. either way, I'm 85-90% certain that the two flames came from the same person. And should that person be on this forum and reading this I say the same thing that I do to anyone who just does not like my stories. I'm not selling the stories, and you're not paying to read um, so tough tofu. go read another fic that's more to your taste.

TC fics section on are growing with fics that support both pairings. you'll find something else ya'all like I'm sure if I'm not your cup of tea.

I thought fanfic was all about that.

If a fan (MJ) wants to kill off lion-o and have tygra get evey female, then that is their right. I really don't care what fans right about.

Now this show is a different story.

fuukonomiko 05-14-2012 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50813)
Maybe they were PO about thier screen time in this episode.:D


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50821)
Was it the spotted cow that made you disorderly?:D

Not sure what the spotted cow was about? You got me confused there...(mind you I may have missed it in the thread. I don't read everything around here).

L08e16o 05-14-2012 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 50824)
Not sure what the spotted cow was about? You got me confused there...(mind you I may have missed it in the thread. I don't read everything around here).

I didn't know if you meant I as in you or the writers about disorder.

Spotted Cow is a beer that is brewed in Wisconsin. I have a friend from there and she brags about Wisconsin beer.

Mum Star 05-14-2012 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 50817)
If this is true then wouldn’t that just mean it was an intentional call back to something that was wrong in the first place?

Oh, it was very wrong. But the difference is that it at least means the new shows creators aren't that bad at astronomy, but rather threw an easter egg in for the long time fans.

AnonymousIncognito 05-14-2012 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 50800)
wow really? 3-4 pages? how about that episode 13 talkback thread here where we have over a hundred pages of people complaining about how Lion-O didn't get Cheetara?

Did the episode 13 thread have to do with a fanfiction?

No? Then it's apples to oranges.

You really need to work on your comparisons; you seem to have a lot of trouble with them.

AnonymousIncognito 05-14-2012 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50813)
Maybe they were PO about thier screen time in this episode.:D

Nah, they were off doing that stuff that, as Dan Norton said, happens "off scene" i.e. Tygra was trying on Cheetara's clothes.

L08e16o 05-14-2012 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 50832)
Nah, they were off doing that stuff that, as Dan Norton said, happens "off scene" i.e. Tygra was trying on Cheetara's clothes.

Hey, don't give anyone ideas. We might see some art work with that in it.:eek:

Maybe he was tending to his flower collection.:)

fuukonomiko 05-14-2012 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50825)
I didn't know if you meant I as in you or the writers about disorder.

Spotted Cow is a beer that is brewed in Wisconsin. I have a friend from there and she brags about Wisconsin beer.


I don't drink so I wasn't familiar with the spotted cow, lol.

L08e16o 05-14-2012 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 50834)

I don't drink so I wasn't familiar with the spotted cow, lol.


I had a blonde moment.:)

AnonymousIncognito 05-14-2012 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 50833)
Hey, don't give anyone ideas. We might see some art work with that in it.:eek:

Maybe he was tending to his flower collection.:)

I can see the episode now.

Tygra bends down and Cheetara flips out seeing him wearing one of her thongs. Pumyra checks her bag and finds she is missing underwear. Tygra is forced to admit he is a panty-sniffer.

Lol yeah. Good thing the Queen had a green thumb or Cheetara would have gone with the more noble Prince.

stormbringer 05-14-2012 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by AnonymousIncognito (Post 50832)
Nah, they were off doing that stuff that, as Dan Norton said, happens "off scene" i.e. Tygra was trying on Cheetara's clothes.

Will those scenes be in the dvd release?:p

Sining 05-14-2012 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 50788)
I put Pumyra in the same class of character as Artemis Crock (Young Justice), Asuka Sohryu(NGE) and Akane Tendo(Ranma 1/2), spitfires with short fuses and long memories. a common trait is they have no idea how to do affection and tend to hit/yell at those they care about.

Akane Tendo did know how to do affection -_- In the manga, she was actually capable of being nice to people. It's fanon that she doesn't. Asuka was just a very very very messed up person. Artemis again is capable of being nice to people and she doesn't hit/yell at Wally much. Pumyra however....

hollowdheart 05-14-2012 08:57 PM

Can we not compare Pumyra to other characters? Especially ones like Asuka? They're nothing alike.

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