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hollowdheart 06-17-2012 04:31 PM

After the last DVD set is out...would anyone be interested in doing a rewatch and/or making a thread about it to keep the morale up?

Leoblaze24 06-17-2012 05:23 PM

This is an interesting turn of Events
In this part of the series. The thing that turned me was how much Pumyra actually gave the gem to Mumm-Ra instead of Lion-O. The getting the allies to fight against Mumm-ra was a nice touch to the series. Also Vultaire was so easily turned to the side of evil with the rest of the mutants. those are the things that I saw that were different and cool

Singe 06-17-2012 06:23 PM

I do want to say, Cats give more leeway in letting humans pet them like the belly. Do that to a person and it's sexual assault.

Vultare only turned because he was, "That was cool." after seeing Mumm-ra nuke the sky.

CreepySariFan 06-17-2012 07:23 PM

Funny, this episode, how much it did to tie up all those "filler" episodes.

Without New Alliances, Mumm-Ra would not have had nearly the army he did to attack the cloud City.

Without the Trials of Lion-O, Tygra and the team wouldn't be behind him like they were in this episode.

Without the Pit, Curse of Ratilla, and Birth of the Blades, they wouldn't have been able to set up Mumm-Ra with the weapons of Plundarr or Pumyra's place with the ThunderCats.

Without the Forever Bag, they never would have been able to take all of the ThunderCats allies to the could city.

Recipe for Disaster I'm a bit torn on. I feel like they used it to show how Lion-O felt about Pumyra. It did affect me on how big Pumyra's betrayal was.

If we never took a trip to the Soul Sever's lair, they never would have known about the cloud city in the first place, nor would they have found the parts needed to build the Feliner.

So really, the only throw-away episodes of this half of the season have been Survival of the Fittest and Native Son. Everything else has been utterly relevant to build up to this finale. Maybe even those episodes I don't see as relevant right now are meant to flourish later too.

EDIT: Actually, Native Son illustrated to use how powerful the Ancient Spirits of Evil are, and their capabilities over life and death; utterly relevant to them not just pulling a resurrected Pumyra out of their asses. That leaves ONE episode that may be authentically filler.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 06-17-2012 08:03 PM

Now this was a damn good season finale. I'd hate for it to be the series finale, but even as that, it's a good one. Things are looking down, but not terrible. Pumyra came outta left field for me, I loved it. And Vultaire's line "I'm a politician" got me laughing given the current state of affairs. And I love bringing in people fromk the earlier episodes, but I wanted the swordmaster. He'd be great! Again, nice way to cap off a season, maybe series.

luigi 06-17-2012 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Leoblaze24 (Post 55903)
In this part of the series. The thing that turned me was how much Pumyra actually gave the gem to Mumm-Ra instead of Lion-O. The getting the allies to fight against Mumm-ra was a nice touch to the series. Also Vultaire was so easily turned to the side of evil with the rest of the mutants. those are the things that I saw that were different and cool

don't you know about war well the espionage part of it

"before you can deceive your enemies you must first deceive your friends"

luigi 06-17-2012 08:30 PM

now is purmyra betrayal real?
cause mumra blasted her at one point makes me question that
he might have magic that is able to control minds
so is her messed up mind really under her control

CreepySariFan 06-17-2012 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by luigi (Post 55920)
now is purmyra betrayal real?
cause mumra blasted her at one point makes me question that
he might have magic that is able to control minds
so is her messed up mind really under her control

It's something Mumm-Ra did in the original series all but of too many times, and Lion-O was quick to use the Sword of Omens to fix it.

Chique 06-17-2012 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by luigi (Post 55920)
now is purmyra betrayal real?
cause mumra blasted her at one point makes me question that
he might have magic that is able to control minds

True. Why blast her into unconsciousness if she's on your side? He could have instructed her to get the stone while he fought Lion-O. He had no way of knowing she'd wake up when she did.

hollowdheart 06-17-2012 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 55923)
True. Why blast her into unconsciousness if she's on your side? He could have instructed her to get the stone while he fought Lion-O. He had no way of knowing she'd wake up when she did.

I only got to watch the episodes once, but.....maybe he was doing that to test how close she was to Lion-o? That or he didn't want her getting in the way of his fight. And i think he instructed her to get the Stone before but she kept failing (trying to seduce Lion-o into taking it, etc). And....does Mumm-Ra really have anyone on his side? I don't think he cares for anyone but himself. He doesn't need anyone on his side, he has pawns and minions that he can get rid of later.

Mum Star 06-17-2012 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by luigi (Post 55920)
now is purmyra betrayal real?
cause mumra blasted her at one point makes me question that
he might have magic that is able to control minds
so is her messed up mind really under her control

Personally I'm of the school that villians shouldn't always tell the truth. When it's to their benifit, they should lie.

luigi 06-17-2012 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Mum Star (Post 55926)
Personally I'm of the school that villains shouldn't always tell the truth. When it's to their benefit, they should lie.

it works better if they tell part of the truth(the parts that benefit them) and always carry out their threats
just like politicians but with more violence :P

thetoylegend 06-17-2012 09:42 PM

as a collector and fan of the thundercats wich ive ben supporting the new series buying all the toys and watching every episode i must say i do love it and would like to see it keep going as for this last ep it looks like the show will go on all i can say is they need people like us to give them ideas to bring to reality because who evers workin for them doesnt know much about the thundercats there kinds slacking on how there doing the toy line i wana see these figures being made like linx-o, pummyra, driller, jakalman, vultureman, monkian, berbils and the feliner and cats lair mummras tomb ect same for the classics they should be makin every figure and prototypes same for vehicles and playsets that werent made so come bandai wake up smell the coffee make these toys make some real money before it fails

Singe 06-17-2012 09:52 PM

It's all part of the act, Mumm-ra can blast her and hold back. Remember that Mumm-ra and Pumyra are both fueled under the same power AS. So Pumyra might be tougher than her previous self.

If the tech stone didn't fall to her, then she could have continued the act until they got to the fourth stone. Then reveal her true self. However circumstances made her reveal herself at the crucial moment.

luigi 06-17-2012 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by thetoylegend (Post 55936)
as a collector and fan of the thundercats wich ive ben supporting the new series buying all the toys and watching every episode i must say i do love it and would like to see it keep going as for this last ep it looks like the show will go on all i can say is they need people like us to give them ideas to bring to reality because who evers workin for them doesnt know much about the thundercats there kinds slacking on how there doing the toy line i wana see these figures being made like linx-o, pummyra, driller, jakalman, vultureman, monkian, berbils and the feliner and cats lair mummras tomb ect same for the classics they should be makin every figure and prototypes same for vehicles and playsets that werent made so come bandai wake up smell the coffee make these toys make some real money before it fails

doubt the huge sets will come and if they do they will be horrendously undersized

cmangund 06-17-2012 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 55855)
Don't forget the hero would've be the main focus of the trinagle and would've have a harem.:D

Ah a "normal stuff" for japan. The hero's "personal entourage".:D

Maybe Mumm-ra got his own harem club running already, though probably it was cut by CN 'cause deemed too "gross and graphic" for kids 6-11 (and adults). :eek::eek::eek:
And who can say Cheetara was not in Mumm-ra's harem club too in the past, she did "betray" Lion-O too beside Pumyra and both "mentally not too stable"...:eek::eek::eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

MONSTAR 06-17-2012 10:58 PM

Really hope this isnt the end!!!
I really hope this isnt the end of the series .... By all means this was a great episode and a great season finale but they cant just leave it hanging like that... If theyre not going to continue airing the show on CN then why not release them on DVD once they finish making them... We didnt even get to see Bengali , i wouldve liked to see Lynx-o return also... Another thing i wouldve liked to see was Lion-o grown up as king ... They just cant leave it like this ..

luigi 06-17-2012 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by MONSTAR (Post 55947)
I really hope this isnt the end of the series .... By all means this was a great episode and a great season finale but they cant just leave it hanging like that... If theyre not going to continue airing the show on CN then why not release them on DVD once they finish making them... We didnt even get to see Bengali , i wouldve liked to see Lynx-o return also... Another thing i wouldve liked to see was Lion-o grown up as king ... They just cant leave it like this ..

i see one more season
first finding the last stone or stealing back the 3rd and then finding the last stone
then the final battle and lion-o will barely beat mumra and
pumyra will break out of mumra's spell at some point during this :P

Singe 06-18-2012 02:11 AM

Next episode, the Book of Omens leads the TC to a village with the inhabitants being various animal species living there, except they are all women and girls. The leader turns out to be a cat person. Lion-O becomes mesmerized by the leader.

Apparently, Jaga was getting tired of the love triangles.

KurtulanSama 06-18-2012 02:59 AM

Last few episodes were entertaining but this one was good. I got used to some events being rushed, like Vultaire turnung but he seemed always easy to turn admit it, Pumyra's signs were really obvious but still I didn't want it to happen.

Well I should thank the crew for the Mummyra images....

BTW it was obvious that Lion-o is a big brother to kittens and a hero to kit it is normal for her to cheer lion-o up.

One last thing, luigi I'm pretty sure Umbreon is a fox pokemon.

luigi 06-18-2012 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by KurtulanSama (Post 55964)
One last thing, luigi I'm pretty sure Umbreon is a fox pokemon.

lol i know that
i just threw that together for my sig cause umbreon is awesome and this site is about the thunder cats
in all it took 5-10 mins i think to complete
and yes i do need a sig image cause i'm so used to having them over at hisstank because of a forum game i play over there
anyways it's due to be replaced soon
(yes i know i'm very off topic)

Vanishing Point 06-18-2012 07:19 AM

the path I'd offer for season2/movie considering the Fireflt/Serenity mortality of the show.

Pumy-ra assumes the favorite general spot, along with a Grune styled new uniform...further driving dissention from Sithe, eventually leading his own against everyone

some explotation of either the Tigersharks series or Silverhawks for the final stone

union of the four stones bestows a choice upon their guardian...

option a show a near future where ion-O has used the stones power to form a utopian coexistance between all of the creaturs on 3rd Earth

option 1 he awakens from his Sight beyond sight ritual in the first episode with all of the knowedge he has emassed

Sining 06-18-2012 09:51 AM

The climax of the fight was really...anti-climatic. There was some good Lion-O on Mumm-ra action for the first half and then suddenly...the kitkats show up to save the day... Not even Panthro. The kitkats... And then mumm-ra stood around and waited for them to finish summoning everyone and for everyone to stop talking before continuing on to fight. IT REALLY KILLED THE MOOD THERE.

Preferably, what should have happened was Lion-O and Mumm-ra continue their fight without anyone interrupting while everyone else is trying to save the city. The battle isn't going well and Mumm-ra taunts Lion-O saying he's a failure and that he'll watch everyone he loved burn again. And then the kitkats show up with their reinforcements and they help turn the tide of the city WITHOUT interfering with Lion-Os battle.\

For a quick reference of what I mean, read Wheel of Time, book2 ending chapters where Rand and the heroes throw back the Seanchen.

Big Snarf 06-18-2012 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 55987)
The climax of the fight was really...anti-climatic. There was some good Lion-O on Mumm-ra action for the first half and then suddenly...the kitkats show up to save the day... Not even Panthro. The kitkats... And then mumm-ra stood around and waited for them to finish summoning everyone and for everyone to stop talking before continuing on to fight. IT REALLY KILLED THE MOOD THERE.

Preferably, what should have happened was Lion-O and Mumm-ra continue their fight without anyone interrupting while everyone else is trying to save the city. The battle isn't going well and Mumm-ra taunts Lion-O saying he's a failure and that he'll watch everyone he loved burn again. And then the kitkats show up with their reinforcements and they help turn the tide of the city WITHOUT interfering with Lion-Os battle.\

For a quick reference of what I mean, read Wheel of Time, book2 ending chapters where Rand and the heroes throw back the Seanchen.

If it went like that then tygra wouldn't of got his chance to stand up for lion-o and punch pumyra in the face. It would've been cool or cheesy :D:D with all the other animals there lion-o says "everyone hooooo" and laser the hell out of mumm-ra and pumyra

Sining 06-18-2012 10:16 AM

My point is that the whole 'lets stand around and wait for the kitkats to summon everyone and have them greet Lion-O' sequence really killed the tension. The only thing that would have been worse is if the animals said 'I'm going to punish you in the name of the moon'

Big Snarf 06-18-2012 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 55990)
My point is that the whole 'lets stand around and wait for the kitkats to summon everyone and have them greet Lion-O' sequence really killed the tension. The only thing that would have been worse is if the animals said 'I'm going to punish you in the name of the moon'

Normally mumm-ra would've ran away by them but since he got a stone he was feeling confident plus he didn't want to look bad infront of pumyra :D:D:D. So when the kittens came he was like WTF do you think you can do then when everyone showed up he thought the other animals might be afraid of him like back in the day so he was thinking it was no big deal until they started to attack. I see what your saying though and a little more dialogue from mumm-ra (OS rant + laugh) during that scene would've made it flow better. Was that a sailor moon reference?? Oh no now I want to watch sailor moon

fuukonomiko 06-18-2012 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 55994)
Was that a sailor moon reference?? Oh no now I want to watch sailor moon

Yes it was! SailorMoon rocks the casbah!!!! Girl power! :D

Silverback 06-18-2012 01:08 PM

I thought it was one of the stronger episodes but I also got the sense things were rushed or possibly changed at the last minute because of the continuation of the series being in question. I think this series is a lot like Star Wars in that George Lucas had a great story to tell but then sold out for $$$ and started panicking cause he was trying to please everybody. TPM for kids, AOTC for teens and ROTS for adults. I think the writers for Thundercats lurk on these message boards and pander to the masses not to mention the pressure to sell toys. CN had to have sampled the pilot before giving the green light to air this show in the first place. If the writers were just telling the story, the series would have a far better overall feeling and more consistancy. My philosophy, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. You can't please everybody so you might as well do what makes you personally happy.

DanaLynn 06-18-2012 01:26 PM

I enjoyed this episode a lot. There is a question that came to mind, though. Where did the book of omens go to? The last I saw it, Lion-o was holding it outside the room with the tech stone. I am guessing this is just one of those plot holes that keep coming up, or the offscreen things, but still leaves the question there.

L08e16o 06-18-2012 01:36 PM

I don't think the writers pander to the fans, well maybe one fan group.

They told the story they wanted to tell.

Singe 06-18-2012 01:36 PM

The Wilykat & Wilykit Circus presents Mumm-ra and Pumyra getting their asses kicked, making this "The Greatest Show on Third Earth."

JASONKAT 06-18-2012 03:48 PM

Its official, im a wilykit fan! :) well the wily's :)

Mazaera 06-18-2012 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 55587)
I get the being angry at Lion-O part, irrational as it is. But why wouldn't she ALSO be angry at Mumm-Ra? Since he's the one that frikkin attacked the city and caused her to die.

I imagine, looking at the way they pictured Pumyra's death, that she would be like a ghost with unfinished business, which would be waiting to be rescued by prince Lion-O. She died and her last thoughts where of bitterness and rage against the prince (so strong that the ASOE took notice of her). So, following that thread, when she was revived, she became like an angry and resentful spirit with a body of flesh and bone… how about that.

Kanus 06-18-2012 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Mazaera (Post 56026)
I imagine, looking at the way they pictured Pumyra's death, that she would be like a ghost with unfinished business, which would be waiting to be rescued by prince Lion-O. She died and her last thoughts where of bitterness and rage against the prince (so strong that the ASOE took notice of her). So, following that thread, when she was revived, she became like an angry and resentful spirit with a body of flesh and bone… how about that.

and thus, she does still need to be rescued, just its from Mum-ra's control and not from just the pit

Mazaera 06-19-2012 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 55651)
Mumm-Ra has stated that Lion-O hasn't mastered the Spirit Stone yet. He might be able to resurrect her like he was resurrected by the stone in the Trials.

I support that... it’s already established that each Power Stone, aside from just being an immensely great power source (which would explain that anyone can be used to create the armor) has unique abilities. Let me remember:
War Stone: Plain brutal force (even when it can open a door to the Astral Plane, it is by brutally slicing it lol), and Clairvoyance; which makes and interesting combination.
Spirit Stone: Spirit Manipulation, Meditation (which would explain why the elephants didn’t build an empire around it, but used it to find inner peace), Revival and Protection.
Tech Stone (Did anybody else heard “Text Stone”, that’s what I had understood, and it would make sense; text means information, and plans for technology): Antigravitation, and information about science and technology.
If I had to guess about the last stone, I would go with:
“Mind Stone”: Levitation, Mind Reading, Teleportation.

Mum Star 06-19-2012 11:28 AM

Actually Clairvoyance goes very well with the warstone if you think about it. In war, the ability to see what your enemy is doing is one of the most useful things imaginable.

Singe 06-19-2012 11:58 AM

Grune could comeback and sees Pumyra. Then he and her fight it out for a spot next to Mumm-ra.

If Pumyra could have switch the stone and thrown Lion-O a fake.

Lion-O: Pumyra the stone.
Pumyra; Here. *Throws to Lion-O.*
Mumm-ra: NO!
Lion-O: Get ready Mumm-ra to lose.....*Tries to have his gauntlet shield absorb the stone but nothing happens.* What? Is this made out cardboard.
Mumm-ra: Actually, Lion-O I have the real stone.
Lion-O: Then what did you throw me? A Pog. Of course, you're betraying me.
Pumyra: Yes, that's right Lion-O.
Lion-O: I should've seen the signs.
Pumyra: Oh please, what signs? You were to busy checking out my goods since you first met me.
Lion-O: That's not true. Let's see........dang it, why the heck did I walk in on Panthro taking a shower! It keeps staring at me! There we go, a nice Snarf face to cover it. Oh Ancient Spirits, why did it turn into Cheetara face wanting to kiss me!!
Pumyra: Should we just go?
Mumm-ra: Yeah.

Mum Star 06-19-2012 09:44 PM

Had another idea for what the last stone might be. The Time Stone. It'd be a neat call back to stuff from TOS like the Caverns of Time and the Valleys of Youth.

hollowdheart 06-19-2012 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mum Star (Post 56170)
Had another idea for what the last stone might be. The Time Stone. It'd be a neat call back to stuff from TOS like the Caverns of Time and the Valleys of Youth.

That would be cool. If it's that then Lion-o could use it to go back and save Pumyra from dying.

Sining 06-19-2012 10:06 PM

The last stone is...the philosophers stone -_-

lionslayer 06-19-2012 10:44 PM

Don't give them any ideas, about a time stone. They would write an episode where Lion-O goes back in time to warn his father, but ultimately fails and everthing happens anyway. Cliche anyone?

BB Shockwave 06-20-2012 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Mazaera (Post 56106)
I support that... it’s already established that each Power Stone, aside from just being an immensely great power source (which would explain that anyone can be used to create the armor) has unique abilities. Let me remember:
War Stone: Plain brutal force (even when it can open a door to the Astral Plane, it is by brutally slicing it lol), and Clairvoyance; which makes and interesting combination.
Spirit Stone: Spirit Manipulation, Meditation (which would explain why the elephants didn’t build an empire around it, but used it to find inner peace), Revival and Protection.
Tech Stone (Did anybody else heard “Text Stone”, that’s what I had understood, and it would make sense; text means information, and plans for technology): Antigravitation, and information about science and technology.
If I had to guess about the last stone, I would go with:
“Mind Stone”: Levitation, Mind Reading, Teleportation.

Hmm, yeah, good throught. I also think Pumyra is not really herself there. She is a shade of her former personality, the only aspect remaining after her death, namely rage.

It could be possible for Lion-O to encounter the "rest of Pumyra" in the spirit realm - I can see how she would be unable to pass on until a part of her is on Third Earth. It'd be an interesting situatuion to see Lion-O deal with a part of her he never saw, and having to trust someone who betrayed her.

And let's not forget, much like in the OS, Grune is there in the spirit realm too. He did not really die, just got trapped there. (And so did Panthro's arms... wonder what they are doing? Armwrestling?)

moreprimeland 06-20-2012 06:58 PM

Only had time to watch this ep once, need to watch again...but would like to say that I wish all the episodes had contained as much action and excitement as this one.

When the ads mentioned someone would betray them, it was kind of obvious who that someone would be.
Nasty thing to have happened to Pumyra tho, hated to see that.
Loved everything Tygra did. :cool:
Also loved that the "Bag" came in very handy. Good job kittens!

It ended with Lion-O saying they still had to find the LAST stone, so I'm hoping that will be a hint that we'll get another season...or at least a few episodes to finish the series and not just leave things hanging.

Altaica 06-21-2012 08:12 AM

Mixed feelings
I have some mixed feelings about the finale. While over all I love the series I really do hope we get more insight as to just why the writers took Pumyra in this direction. I'm guessing on some mind tampering. I also would not be surprised if Pumyra equally takes out her anger on the lizards army as well. She does seem to have two personalities going on, suggesting some sort of fractured and flawed and messed with mind.

As far as the sudden knowledge of things, I have to wonder if they had more planned but ran out of time. I suppose some sort of genetic memory for the tiger clan could exist predisposing them to be good at piloting, or maybe there's some sort of magic involved in that bracer and new whip that he has that somehow beamed something into his memory like the book seems to have done with Lion-O. Or maybe he just has a natural aptitude as some people do. I'm curious as to the explanation. That may be something to ask over at the crewofomens tumblr page. (Thundercats Crew Blog) since the staff there does answer some questions about the show.

I like to think that Jorma helped them with some of the salvaging and repairs of the feliner like the berbils helped with the tank, and I do hope the iconic tank is repaired.

Standing on it's own merits and not comparing it to the old series I do like that there is an over arcing story and several subplots, even if they are rushed at points and leave us wondering. Putting my disappointment of taking one of the original shows Thundercats and turning them into a double agent aside, it does make for a good story. Pumyra was especially neglected in the original series and she has gotten some more development here. And it was pretty funny to see her get punked by a berbil.

I hope we see the same level of development for Bengali and Lynx-O in the next season (and I hope we have one). Given as how the Pumyra story arc was played out I can understand why Bengali and Lynx-O were not introduced around the same time as in the original series as it would have detracted from the story for her.

I certainly would like to see more development and story for Cheetara. I feel she is actually the most neglected of the main characters. I think there is a lot of potential for her character development and I would like to see more. I do agree with what was posted earlier too, it would have been more appropriate for the cleric to come to Lion-O at the end than Kit. I hope we get to see her stepping more into her role as cleric and also seeing more character development with her should the show continue.

Honestly if the shows writers wanted to capitalize on the show and tell more story without such time constraints they could always put out a series of novels or manga. That would give them the ability to explain more and give more detail and development. I'm sure there is a market for it.

Well, we shall see. I do enjoy the new series I just hope it continues.

Sining 06-21-2012 09:02 AM

I'm doubtful that there'll be a series of novels or manga. It really depends on how well the DVDs sell. If not enough people even bother to buy the DVDs, I really doubt they would come up with new material.

For everything else, there will be fanfiction -_-

Thunderian scholar 06-21-2012 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by lionslayer (Post 56183)
Don't give them any ideas, about a time stone. They would write an episode where Lion-O goes back in time to warn his father, but ultimately fails and everthing happens anyway. Cliche anyone?

Actually, it would be interesting to see, if they can undo the attack and then strike Mumm-Ra first to foil his plan…

hollowdheart 06-21-2012 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Thunderian scholar (Post 56400)
Actually, it would be interesting to see, if they can undo the attack and then strike Mumm-Ra first to foil his plan…

I wonder if it'd only take Lion-o, or if it'd take the whole group?

Sining 06-21-2012 07:14 PM

I wonder if Lion-O can go back and get rid of a flower -_-

hollowdheart 06-21-2012 07:29 PM

I'd rather he find a way for his mom to not die in childbirth, then save Pumyra and help the twins out.

Silverback 06-22-2012 10:18 AM

I copied and pasted this DVD description from Amazon. This wasn't in the review section but actual details & description. It's like they don't want it to sell. I'm starting to believe the conspiracy theories. Produced by Rankin-Bass, the original ThunderCats (1985) was one of the toy-based sword-and-sorcery programs created for syndication in the mid to late '80s: the era of He-Man and She-Ra. For the new version, the characters have been redesigned--to match a new line of toys. Once again, the story takes place on the "Third Earth," a planet inhabited by creatures who resemble human-animal chimeras. The feline ThunderCats rule the Kingdom of Thunderra at the expense of other species until their old enemy, the living mummy Mumm-Ra, attacks with an army of lizard-men and a lot of high-tech weaponry. King Claudus is killed, leaving Prince Lion-O the enchanted Sword of Omens. Lion-O must find the Book of Omens and reclaim his kingdom, with the help of his brother Tygra, loyal general Panthro, the obnoxious kids Wilykit and Wilykat, and Cheetara (whose eye-spots make her look something like Annie Lennox). Despite the addition of the poorly integrated CG effects and mecha, ThunderCats feels hopelessly dated. The character development is minimal, and the voice actors deliver all the dialogue in hammy tones. When Lion-O draws his sword and intones, "ThunderCats, Ho!" the impression is more camp than heroic. Despite the many battle scenes and duels, there's not much sense of a narrative thrust. Lion-O and company wander around Third Earth, learning occasional Life Lessons, but there's no sense of much being at stake, let alone a kingdom. The tanks, robots, and arms Mumm-Ra's minions deploy are too obviously available at local toy stores. At a time when Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Bleach, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and Gurren Lagann have offered new visions of what a fantasy-adventure can be, ThunderCats feels as passé as an Archies 45. (Not rated; suitable for ages 8 and older: minor violence) --Charles Solomon

Anywho, bought book 2 at Walmart yesterday and pre-orders are up for book 3 wich includes the final 10 episodes. I hope we at least get a feature length wrap up if not a season 2.

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