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L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27209)
Yeah if you liked a girl it probably wouldn't take you a near decade to speak up. Cheetara could have been married with kids in that time.

Like you said, someone could have bought her dinner and walked her home. :D

They were young adults, I couldn't see one of them saying something.

Balgus82 01-02-2012 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27208)
I don't think lion-o would take that ground. They know tygra is jealous of lion-o for the crown. I don't they would have said we fought because of cheetara's flirting. I don't think cheetara would've approve of tygra kicking lion-o into the pit. I don't think panthero would stand for that.

I think lion-o would save face for his brother and cheetara. That is how he is.

i agree. I doubt they told them specifics about that. they probably just said the AP and mumm-ra were clouding their judgement in there and influencing them into fighting.

rewatching the ending again she said "I fear I've contributed to it by not being clear."

That actually sounds to me like they didn't actually tell her they were fighting over her and that she figured it out herself.

Balgus82 01-02-2012 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27209)
Yeah if you liked a girl it probably wouldn't take you a near decade to speak up. Cheetara could have been married with kids in that time.

depends on how much free time she actually had. i expect the clerics had some pretty demanding training.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27211)
i agree. I doubt they told them specifics about that. they probably just said the AP and mumm-ra were clouding their judgement in there and influencing them into fighting.

rewatching the ending again she said "I fear I've contributed to it by not being clear."

That actually sounds to me like they didn't actually tell her they were fighting over her and that she figured it out herself.


Maybe it is her female intuition. Not being clear, that has me baffle. What she made clear was she was flirting with lion-o and likes him.

She made nothing clear about how she feels about tygra and the crew would not answer that. This question was ask 2 weeks after E13 was shown. Why be quiet about it.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27212)
depends on how much free time she actually had. i expect the clerics had some pretty demanding training.

Well she had time to follow lion-o in E1.

They had time. I just don't think they are into each other as we might think.

You can disagree, but this is how I see it.

Tygra went after cheetara over jealousy, cheetara went to tygra out of guilt.

If you like someone you don't let those negative feelings push you.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27213)

Maybe it is her female intuition. Not being clear, that has me baffle. What she made clear was she was flirting with lion-o and likes him.

She made nothing clear about how she feels about tygra and the crew would not answer that. This question was ask 2 weeks after E13 was shown. Why be quiet about it.

The ridiculously long wait for the next episodes is just making things worse. We need clarification of what Cheetara meant when she went to Tygra, its still to vague.

AdamofEternia 01-02-2012 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27211)
i agree. I doubt they told them specifics about that. they probably just said the AP and mumm-ra were clouding their judgement in there and influencing them into fighting.

rewatching the ending again she said "I fear I've contributed to it by not being clear."

That actually sounds to me like they didn't actually tell her they were fighting over her and that she figured it out herself.

it's still doesn't answer the question of how she knew tygra even had feelings for her til now. then she said she contributed to the problem by not being clear which was more confusing. then this leads us back to the whole thing about cheetara having feelings for tygra but making moves on liono. she never even held any kind of conversation with tygra up on til the last episode. and now we are supposed to believe she has had feelings for him for years.

Balgus82 01-02-2012 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27215)
Well she had time to follow lion-o in E1.

They had time. I just don't think they are into each other as we might think.

You can disagree, but this is how I see it.

Tygra went after cheetara over jealousy, cheetara went to tygra out of guilt.

If you like someone you don't let those negative feelings push you.

she could have completed her training by the time episode 1 came. that doesn't mean that she had free time for the rest of the decade.

Balgus82 01-02-2012 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27213)

Maybe it is her female intuition. Not being clear, that has me baffle. What she made clear was she was flirting with lion-o and likes him.

She made nothing clear about how she feels about tygra and the crew would not answer that. This question was ask 2 weeks after E13 was shown. Why be quiet about it.

the crew hasn't answered any question since around thanksgiving. not just that question.

AdamofEternia 01-02-2012 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27219)
she could have completed her training by the time episode 1 came. that doesn't mean that she had free time for the rest of the decade.

come on, she had time to make her feelings known to tygra. i just don't like how they now got together at the expense of his brother. i know one thing though, i would never treat my little brother that way. to me, tygra sucks as a big brother, if i was tygra, i would do whatever it takes to help my kid brother out instead of belittling him. tygra is the older one so he should be the one to try to understand his brother. funny thing is im sure liono needs tygra's support and advice more than he needs cheetara's.

Balgus82 01-02-2012 03:01 PM

growing up my brother was a complete asshole. big brother's don't always help their younger siblings.

my brother didn't start calming down and acting like a decent person until he had kids.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 27218)
it's still doesn't answer the question of how she knew tygra even had feelings for her til now. then she said she contributed to the problem by not being clear which was more confusing. then this leads us back to the whole thing about cheetara having feelings for tygra but making moves on liono. she never even held any kind of conversation with tygra up on til the last episode. and now we are supposed to believe she has had feelings for him for years.

That's my problem with this too.All the romantic build up was Lion -o and Cheetara, for about 11 episodes we watched them having close/private moments till all of a sudden we get a flasback of Tygra giving her a flower almost a decade ago.Now were supposed to believe Cheetara is in love with him.

cmangund 01-02-2012 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27227)
That's my problem with this too.All the romantic build up was Lion -o and Cheetara, for about 11 episodes we watched them having close/private moments till all of a sudden we get a flasback of Tygra giving her a flower almost a decade ago.Now were supposed to believe Cheetara is in love with him.

Because she's not in love with him. There are a lot more going on then meets the eye. as of our discussions,etc,etc. If her motive is just feeling, that's will make her character less complex and nothing more then a love interest for both brothers, and loose layers that they can build more on her character by the writers not to mentioned stories they can make with Cheetara and she will fade, as a character.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27229)
Because she's not in love with him. There are a lot more going on then meets the eye. as of our discussions,etc,etc. If her motive is just feeling, that's will make her character less complex and nothing more then a love interest for both brothers, and loose layers that they can build more on her character by the writers not to mentioned stories they can make with Cheetara and she will fade, as a character.


They need to hurry up and start airing new episodes, so we can get some solid answers

cmangund 01-02-2012 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27209)
Yeah if you liked a girl it probably wouldn't take you a near decade to speak up. Cheetara could have been married with kids in that time.

Yeah with Lion-O. as my avatar image has shown the sight beyond sight! :D

cmangund 01-02-2012 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27215)
Well she had time to follow lion-o in E1.

They had time. I just don't think they are into each other as we might think.

Tygra went after cheetara over jealousy, cheetara went to tygra out of guilt.

If you like someone you don't let those negative feelings push you.

Indeed those freakin' 8 or so years is key:rolleyes: Tygra was just palying around with cheetara flirting but not really wanted a relationship until seeing Cheetara with her "special brand of encouragement" for Lion-O, like stormbringer said.

cmangund 01-02-2012 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27189)
All she would be is tygra's cat. She would be a supporting character to a supporting character.

Which will degrade her Character considerably. Cheetara is the only main female that influence the story in good portion as a whole and introduced since Ep1 that made her A-List female character. Tygra is B-List male character, because Lion-O already taken the spot as as A-List Male character like Register said this show is about Lion-O, the spirit of the OS show.

cmangund 01-02-2012 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27199)
It would be different if lion-o dated or knew other females. There are no other females in the group too.

He is not like tygra, I think tygra would've moved on. Tygra's hang up is the crown.

I doubt Lion-O had any previous experience or entanglements with any female cat before. Tygra is more likely to have those entanglements with female cat/s before.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27234)
Which will degrade her Character considerably. Cheetara is the only main female that influence the story in good portion as a whole and introduced since Ep1 that made her A-List female character. Tygra is B-List male character, because Lion-O already taken the spot as as A-List Male character like Register said this show is about Lion-O, the spirit of the OS show.

Exactly. If Cheetara and Tygra got together she would rarely be seen.

stormbringer 01-02-2012 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27235)
I doubt Lion-O had any previous experience or entanglements with any female cat before. Tygra is more likely to have those entanglements with female cat/s before.

Yeah I kinda got the impression that Lion-o would be the more shy type when it cones to the female cats.

cmangund 01-02-2012 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27185)
I think she knew who lion-o was years ago. We will find out in E14.

There's a very high chance she also knew Lion-O well years ago.

Been doing some simple Pattern Analysis Logic here:

-In Ep 12 we saw Tygra’s version of “devastated” face when Cheetara gave the cheek kiss to Lion-O

-Then in Ep 13 we saw Lion-O’s version of devastated face of seeing the dreaded thing


In Ep 14 we should see either (whether or not the illusions theory/theories happening):

1. Both Tygra and Lion-O’s “shock expression”:eek:, by knowing the truth that Cheetara actually chooses the one worthy of wielding the SoO (the Cheetara SoO Connections theory), not on feelings alone (she put duty above feelings)

2. Lion-O/Cheetara knowing each other’s feelings (directly or indirectly)and the past and/or connection with Lion-O (with/without the Cheetara SoO Connections theory happening)with/without the kiss (can be open triangle or close triangle, the conflicted feelings theory)

Unfortunately the human brain, especially of writers are so hard to guess by logic alone as an adult human brain has more than 100 billion neurons. Imagine the possibilites!:eek:

cmangund 01-02-2012 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27237)
Yeah I kinda got the impression that Lion-o would be the more shy type when it cones to the female cats.

It shows, as characters.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27219)
she could have completed her training by the time episode 1 came. that doesn't mean that she had free time for the rest of the decade.

I don't believe that.

I think she has completed her training a while ago. She is the holder of the SoO. I would think the next best cleric after jaga would do that.

If she didn't tygra did. They both had ways to express their feelings.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 27217)
The ridiculously long wait for the next episodes is just making things worse. We need clarification of what Cheetara meant when she went to Tygra, its still to vague.

Agreed, they need to clear up the ending.

I think the next three episodes will, but when will they come out.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27220)
the crew hasn't answered any question since around thanksgiving. not just that question.

Wrong. Hollowdheart ask if lion-o loves cheetara, they said love is a strong word. They said he had strong feelings for her.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 27221)
come on, she had time to make her feelings known to tygra. i just don't like how they now got together at the expense of his brother. i know one thing though, i would never treat my little brother that way. to me, tygra sucks as a big brother, if i was tygra, i would do whatever it takes to help my kid brother out instead of belittling him. tygra is the older one so he should be the one to try to understand his brother. funny thing is im sure liono needs tygra's support and advice more than he needs cheetara's.

Agreed and especially over a women.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 27218)
it's still doesn't answer the question of how she knew tygra even had feelings for her til now. then she said she contributed to the problem by not being clear which was more confusing. then this leads us back to the whole thing about cheetara having feelings for tygra but making moves on liono. she never even held any kind of conversation with tygra up on til the last episode. and now we are supposed to believe she has had feelings for him for years.

Think about what you wrote, what has cheetara made clear so far, she likes lion-o.

If she is going to be more clear, then she will kiss lion-o.

If she was flirting with both of them, then more clear would help them understand who she likes.

This whole time she has made no contact with tygra, except getting on him for not believing in lion-o. How could she make her feelings any clearer?

cmangund 01-02-2012 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27249)
Agreed, they need to clear up the ending.

I think the next three episodes will, but when will they come out.

It will definitely be on the Lion-O/Cheetara angle of the triangle! darn it otherwise it's just bad for the story as a whole.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27224)
growing up my brother was a complete asshole. big brother's don't always help their younger siblings.

my brother didn't start calming down and acting like a decent person until he had kids.

That is different. Being with someone is differetn than having kids.

Kids usually make people grow up.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27253)
It will definitely be on the Lion-O/Cheetara angle of the triangle! darn it otherwise it's just bad for the story as a whole.

If it doesn't, then I don't know how they can finish the series. They will lose a lot of fans.

Big Snarf 01-02-2012 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 27192)
but they were still being influenced by mumm-ra. he was feeding their negative emotions. when he came to his senses he helped lion-o and then made the astral sword disappear.

mum-ra can't feed what is not there. So it shows who the negative character is. He came to his senses until the next time it happens but next time the outcome will be different

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27233)
Indeed those freakin' 8 or so years is key:rolleyes: Tygra was just palying around with cheetara flirting but not really wanted a relationship until seeing Cheetara with her "special brand of encouragement" for Lion-O, like stormbringer said.

He probably flirting all the female cats.

Tygra the CBer.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27234)
Which will degrade her Character considerably. Cheetara is the only main female that influence the story in good portion as a whole and introduced since Ep1 that made her A-List female character. Tygra is B-List male character, because Lion-O already taken the spot as as A-List Male character like Register said this show is about Lion-O, the spirit of the OS show.

This show is about L/C. :)

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27235)
I doubt Lion-O had any previous experience or entanglements with any female cat before. Tygra is more likely to have those entanglements with female cat/s before.

He doesn't seem like that guy that would got after other females.

He is to tied up with his tech.

cmangund 01-02-2012 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27257)
He probably flirting all the female cats.

Tygra the CBer.


cmangund 01-02-2012 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27259)
He doesn't seem like that guy that would got after other females.

He is to tied up with his tech.

Right on! Cheetara will always be his first "love".

Big Snarf 01-02-2012 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27196)

Tell me what guy would brush it off and move on. This is his first crush and as we know, he has never had that type of contact with a female.

He knew it was a possibility that she could choose tygra. He'll act like he did in ep 3 for a while

cmangund 01-02-2012 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 27263)
He knew it was a possibility that she could choose tygra. He'll act like he did in ep 3 for a while

Not necessary, especially if Cheetara and SoO and Lion-O are connected and needed to complete the trials. Eventhough the Cheetara SoO connection not connected to Lion-O, Cheetara will notice that, don't forget her cahracter, should that Ep13 was real. Cheetara will know what's wrong with Lion-O, then the conflicted fellings theory comes into play.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27238)
There's a very high chance she also knew Lion-O well years ago.

Been doing some simple Pattern Analysis Logic here:

-In Ep 12 we saw Tygra’s version of “devastated” face when Cheetara gave the cheek kiss to Lion-O

-Then in Ep 13 we saw Lion-O’s version of devastated face of seeing the dreaded thing


In Ep 14 we should see either (whether or not the illusions theory/theories happening):

1. Both Tygra and Lion-O’s “shock expression”:eek:, by knowing the truth that Cheetara actually chooses the one worthy of wielding the SoO (the Cheetara SoO Connections theory), not on feelings alone (she put duty above feelings)

2. Lion-O/Cheetara knowing each other’s feelings (directly or indirectly)and the past and/or connection with Lion-O (with/without the Cheetara SoO Connections theory happening)with/without the kiss (can be open triangle or close triangle, the conflicted feelings theory)

Unfortunately the human brain, especially of writers are so hard to guess by logic alone as an adult human brain has more than 100 billion neurons. Imagine the possibilites!:eek:

Good analysis.

IMO, I don't think they will make the triangle last after the trails part 2.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 27263)
He knew it was a possibility that she could choose tygra. He'll act like he did in ep 3 for a while

That is dangerous for the group.

I think he was sure she would chose him with all the flirting.

cmangund 01-02-2012 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27266)
Good analysis.

IMO, I don't think they will make the triangle last after the trails part 2.

thanks. Yeah especilally since the haven't given us the proper due for Lion-O/Cheetara moments form Ep1-12.

"we didn't want to drag things out for the sake of dragging them out. At the same time, we wanted to give each moment it's proper due as part of building that sense of epic"

And A whole LOT of others data and interviwews and facts that we know of.

cmangund 01-02-2012 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27266)
Good analysis.

IMO, I don't think they will make the triangle last after the trails part 2.

You know with all these we can make a book "The Triangle Analysis of Lion-O/Cheetara/Tygra by the four musketeers" with the help of fellow Lion-O/Cheetara fans and others:D already 2542 posts

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27262)
Right on! Cheetara will always be his first "love".


No other person made him feel the way he did. :D

cmangund 01-02-2012 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27272)

No other person made him feel the way he did. :D

Except maybe his mother. I mean Mother's kind of love of course.

cmangund 01-02-2012 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27272)

No other person made him feel the way he did. :D

And you know what they say about the first love.:D

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27269)
thanks. Yeah especilally since the haven't given us the proper due for Lion-O/Cheetara moments form Ep1-12.

"we didn't want to drag things out for the sake of dragging them out. At the same time, we wanted to give each moment it's proper due as part of building that sense of epic"

And A whole LOT of others data and interviwews and facts that we know of.

To me that means they don't want to drag out the triangle. They gave T/C past it's proper due. If cheetara does not thank him, he is still jealous. Now they will give L/C their proper due to build the epic kiss scene.:D

Big Snarf 01-02-2012 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27264)
Not necessary, especially if Cheetara and SoO and Lion-O are connected and needed to complete the trials. Eventhough the Cheetara SoO connection not connected to Lion-O, Cheetara will notice that, don't forget her cahracter, should that Ep13 was real. Cheetara will know what's wrong with Lion-O, then the conflicted fellings theory comes into play.

Everyone will know whats wrong not just her "if the ep13 ending is indeed real". Her conflict could be love or her job. Often duty requires sacrifice so the choice is hers to make again. Lion-o doesn't need her for the sword to work as claudis said to lion-o "the sword is ready but you are not". The sword has always work it was that lion-o couldn't see the bigger picture or what was right in front of him and her advise to him hasn't been that good up to now

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27271)
You know with all these we can make a book "The Triangle Analysis of Lion-O/Cheetara/Tygra by the four musketeers" with the help of fellow Lion-O/Cheetara fans and others:D already 2542 posts

You're right. If we had E14, then this thread could rest. :)

Shows you how many people are disappointed in E13.

L08e16o 01-02-2012 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 27273)
Except maybe his mother. I mean Mother's kind of love of course.

We don't know how long she lived.

cmangund 01-02-2012 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 27275)
To me that means they don't want to drag out the triangle. They gave T/C past it's proper due. If cheetara does not thank him, he is still jealous. Now they will give L/C their proper due to build the epic kiss scene.:D

Exactly what I am thinking. Iluusions or no that Ep13 ending scene was to provide the proper due of Tygra's good deeds to Cheetara. So upnext will be Lion-O's kindness that Cheetara should have seen all those years until now and beyond!:D

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