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Dr Kain 06-21-2012 09:25 AM

Yeah, I don't have cable anymore either. I either stream things on Netflix, Hulu, or just download them from the bay and if they are good enough (and complete, meaning has an ending), I will buy it when it comes out to Blu-Ray.

L08e16o 06-21-2012 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 56372)
This was yet another WB blunder with Thundercats. By only releasing the series in DVD they missed out on a lot of profit. A Blu release, with 5.1 Dolby or DTS would have been phenomenal. The NS art is top notch and putting it solely on DVD is just doing it a disservice.

And your right. When people can go online and download the series in HD, why would they downgrade to DVD quality? This is where Blu Ray would have been the answer.

You're right!

They need something different that fans couldn't get from just downloading from anime sites.

dragon818 06-21-2012 02:12 PM

No Bandai Thundercats toys at SDCC and WB is not confirming if the show is cancelled or not.
No Bandai ThunderCats Exclusive For SDCC - Thundercats -

Balgus82 06-21-2012 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by dragon818 (Post 56411)
No Bandai Thundercats toys at SDCC and WB is not confirming if the show is cancelled or not.
No Bandai ThunderCats Exclusive For SDCC - Thundercats -

That says no SDCC exclusive toys. It doesn't say they won't have any TCats toys at all.

Just means they won't have any figures like that SDCC Lion-O that had the crappy paint job last year.

eero 06-21-2012 02:57 PM

Or an 8" Cheetara ...

BB Shockwave 06-22-2012 11:00 AM

If it's DVD sales that matter, then I have done my part to save the series - also buying the three 6-inch toys released so far (still waiting for Tygra...)


Originally Posted by Lioconvoy (Post 54848)
BB: I'm not sure how bad it was back in Beast Wars' premier, as I didn't have the internet at the time. Though, I hear it was pretty bad. And yes, I'm from the Allspark. Chances are, if you see a "LioConvoy" on-line somewhere, it's me. :P

Oh, good to know! ;) "There can be only one!" Just thought I'd ask, as I go by simply "Shockwave" on most boards where there isn't a Shockwave yet. :)


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54995)
And we know MJ is against BM/WW.


At least they listen to their fans and share information with their fans. TCrew doesn't say anything, if they do it is a tease to keep people watching the show.

How is that even relevant, considering Jelenic never was involved with JLU EVER? Brave and the Bold does not take place in the same continuity as JLU or prior DCAU shows - DCAU ended with JLU (sadly...)

Or it's simply your compulsion that you have to say something bad about Jelenic in every second post of yours? I noticed...

Kregermeister 06-22-2012 11:25 AM

I guess if there is NO presence at all at SDCC it pretty much confirms the worst, at least unless it does gangbusters over seas.

AlexofThundera 06-22-2012 11:30 AM

As per a member on who has a retail license, it appears Bandai pulled back shipments of Wave 2 meant for US distributors in order to create supply for the international market. I am hoping that doesn't mean Bandai is just shipping that stuff and not creating more as that would just create the same problem over seas that we had here; not enough inventory.

Mongor 06-22-2012 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 56521)
As per a member on who has a retail license, it appears Bandai pulled back shipments of Wave 2 meant for US distributors in order to create supply for the international market. I am hoping that doesn't mean Bandai is just shipping that stuff and not creating more as that would just create the same problem over seas that we had here; not enough inventory.

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they're doing. Mark Vasquez at Fantastic Plastic Toys had all his cases of Tygra and Slithe cancelled.
Bandai and CN truly belong together. Both are clueless.

L08e16o 06-22-2012 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 56516)
If it's DVD sales that matter, then I have done my part to save the series - also buying the three 6-inch toys released so far (still waiting for Tygra...)

Oh, good to know! ;) "There can be only one!" Just thought I'd ask, as I go by simply "Shockwave" on most boards where there isn't a Shockwave yet. :)

How is that even relevant, considering Jelenic never was involved with JLU EVER? Brave and the Bold does not take place in the same continuity as JLU or prior DCAU shows - DCAU ended with JLU (sadly...)

Or it's simply your compulsion that you have to say something bad about Jelenic in every second post of yours? I noticed...

Lets see, JL came out before BM brave and bold and WW 09. I think there is a common theme in MJ's shows of BM brave and bold and WW, Steve Trevor and WW. JL had a established ship of BM/WW (popular), but he has to do it his own way. Just like TCats.

You notice cause you like to go around and tell on people, how many people did you get banned? I think 3 right. I bet you wouldn't act like that in person.

cmangund 06-22-2012 05:49 PM

In BM brave and the bold MJ made WW "gaga" over Trevor without any "good" reason and made bats "jealous" with it. BM/WW is popular like I said in many-many previous posts. BB and Timm's DCAU are different universes but using "same" characters. MJ likes to make the "popular" ships "sinking".

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Balgus82 06-22-2012 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 56537)
You notice cause you like to go around and tell on people, how many people did you get banned? I think 3 right. I bet you wouldn't act like that in person.

A couple of those people were the same person. And if they didn't do anything wrong they wouldn't have been banned no matter who had told. They got themselves banned.

Balgus82 06-22-2012 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 56550)
In BM brave and the bold MJ made WW "gaga" over Trevor without any "good" reason and made bats "jealous" with it. BM/WW is popular like I said in many-many previous posts. BB and Timm's DCAU are different universes but using "same" characters. MJ likes to make the "popular" ships "sinking".

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Steve Trevor has been the primary love interest for Wonder Woman for decades. Since the 40s in fact. If you want to complain about people pairing up couples that weren't in previous iterations start with your precious BM/WW pairing.

CCDustyV 06-22-2012 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 56560)
Steve Trevor has been the primary love interest for Wonder Woman for decades. Since the 40s in fact. If you want to complain about people pairing up couples that weren't in previous iterations start with your precious BM/WW pairing.

Steve Trevor also hasn't even been a afterthought as a romantic intrest for Wonder Woman since the 80's. she's had other off and on romances with forgetable characters, but Batman has been the highest note romance for her in a LONG time.

Balgus82 06-22-2012 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 56561)
Steve Trevor also hasn't even been a afterthought as a romantic intrest for Wonder Woman since the 80's. she's had other off and on romances with forgetable characters, but Batman has been the highest note romance for her in a LONG time.

I'm just saying he's not just some random guy they put her with to make Batman Jealous. She's had a long history with ST.

CCDustyV 06-22-2012 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 56563)
I'm just saying he's not just some random guy they put her with to make Batman Jealous. She's had a long history with ST.

multiple histories actually, and not a one of them ended very well... hense why I wence when I see him show up... same as Gwen Stacy, characters with very bad luck they are :(

cmangund 06-22-2012 09:00 PM

Ah the same old same old WW/ST and WW/BM "arguments "again.
Same like BM/WW and BM/CW and WW/SM "arguments"
I have seen it all. :D:D:D:D

MJ likes to "kill" "famous" ships, in TCATS Tygra also not some random guy
MJ put in, T/C also had the blasted comics thing, but it's not "famous", while L/C is "famous".

Grant Morrison the famed BM writer on BM/WW thing (at 3:29) and other things:
Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

cmangund 06-22-2012 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 56564)
multiple histories actually, and not a one of them ended very well... hense why I wence when I see him show up... same as Gwen Stacy, characters with very bad luck they are :(

Gwen is Spidey's LI in the new movie. I think the Spidey/Gwen ship in the new movie will be good.

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

CCDustyV 06-22-2012 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 56575)
Gwen will be Spidey's LI in the new movie. I think the Spidey/Gwen ship in the new movie will be good.

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

agreed, Gwen/Peter was great, till GG tossed her off that bridge...

cmangund 06-22-2012 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 56576)
agreed, Gwen/Peter was great, till GG tossed her off that bridge...

I haven't watched the new movie. How's the story and characterization as a whole? was it out?
Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Chique 06-22-2012 10:30 PM

Lets be honest, while the show and various writers have teased BM/WW, that ship is not as famous as Batman/Catwoman or even Batman/Talia.

If we're going to talk about pissed off fans, we're you into DC comics when Blackest Night Wonder Woman # 2 hit the stands? Most of the reaction to that book was negative. Hell fans in a forum I used to frequent were sending Nicola Scott ripped up defaced pictures of this

cmangund 06-22-2012 10:37 PM

Because BM/CW and BM/Talia were there long before BM/WW made it into Timm's cartoons that made it famous (especially since nowdays more people watching Timm's cartoons rather than reading comics, DC did reboots one proof of the comic industry dying beaten by manga and japan comic stuff in sales drastically). Timm also already did BM/Talia and BM/CW, BM/Andrea, BM/Zattana, etc.
I also liked the BM/CW ship but Timm and Co. made me a BM/WW fan and the fact that the late Mcduffie said it himself about BM/WW's future in Timm's DCAU and "proper" reasoning (similair to what Grant Morrison said in the video)with it (not like MJ's thing)I am fully onboard the BM/WW ship :D. Though DC already did BM/WW in the 80s too and the old comic did well with the fans and sales wise.

Matt Wagner's Trinity (reprinted with hard covers ranked 25 "Greatest Batman Graphic Novels" by IGN), JLA: The obsidian Age by Joe Kelly(reprinted with special edition thing with Kelly's interviews and sketches),Superman/Batman Generations by John Byrne,,

Gods Of Gotham"by Phil Jimenez and George PĂ©rez, Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia by Greg Rucka (Comics Worth Reading considered it to be "one of the best Wonder Woman story"),etc
these five and other series with BM/WW did well with many fans liking it. The blackest night thing mainly because the story was not "properly" done. It's like "out of the blue" in a way like MJ's T/C (though MJ's T/C was done even worse IMO)if you didn't pay any attention to BM/WW's previous interactions scattered around in different comics. On another thing, BM/CW fans not "happy" with what DC did to the BM/CW ship not so long ago, they were "pissed off" by it. How well they did the story will also help determine how the performance of the book will be no matter what ships in it and In the end how famous it is all depends on how you see it, in comics world, in TV world, etc. Since these kind of things will keep on changing. But the fact remains many "high profile" writers like the BM/WW ship and it's been around for many years too(Another proof of many BM/WW fans, without them DC will not continue doing BM/WW from time to time in the comics and they will not allow it in Timm's DCAU JL, since partly again TV audience numbers also much greater than the ones reading comics). In the comics all BM ships are practically going "nowhere" they will keep on having stories with it, with Timm and co. that's a different story, they the ones really "locking" the finale of all BM ships, the Amazon Princess as Mcduffie put it. :D And Timm said many fans asked for BM/WW too as he said it himself "Fans went nuts with BM/WW" since it's inline with his plans, he added even more BM/WW in the cartoon. Also the group of fans reading the comics and watching the cartoons were mostly different groups entirely. The ones watching the cartoon mostly did not know what's happening in the comics. Chique, You said you always wanted to keep it on topic.:D(EVIL grin) Now you are doing more off topic thing with your post on 06-22-2012, 10:30 PM .:D(EVIL grin)

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

stormbringer 06-22-2012 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 56576)
agreed, Gwen/Peter was great, till GG tossed her off that bridge...

Don't forget about Marvels brilliant idea of having Gwen give birth to Norman Osborn's twins. That was Mumm-ra/Pumyra level twisted.

stormbringer 06-22-2012 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 56580)
Because BM/CW and BM/Talia were there before BM/WW made it into Timm's cartoons that made it famous. Though DC already did BM/WW in the 80s too

And this getting a little off the TCATS topic, You said you always wanted to keep it on topic.:D Now you are doing more off topic thing.:D

I thought all threads went off topic after awhile. Or maybe its just the ones I'm in.:D

cmangund 06-22-2012 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 56582)
I thought all threads went off topic after awhile. Or maybe its just the ones I'm in.:D

Off topic for awhile is fine, but if this continues it will be like the old SM/WW and BM/WW "wars" again but with no Timm this time.:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Sining 06-23-2012 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 56575)
Gwen is Spidey's LI in the new movie. I think the Spidey/Gwen ship in the new movie will be good.

At least until she's killed off...because apparently in ALL universes, peter parker must end up with MJ...for some reason.....


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 56576)
agreed, Gwen/Peter was great, till GG tossed her off that bridge...

And before she got pregnant with GGs twins...which was wtf

cmangund 06-23-2012 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 56602)
At least until she's killed off...because apparently in ALL universes, peter parker must end up with MJ...for some reason.....

Darn. At least they shouldn't kill her in the movie.

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Sining 06-23-2012 01:29 AM

I prefer black cat myself

cmangund 06-23-2012 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 56607)
I prefer black cat myself

They should make three different spideys in three different universes with each spidey has different LIs.:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

GK Punk 06-23-2012 06:13 AM

I could swear I just entered a thread about Thundercats, and yet all I see is people talking about shipping Batman and Wonder Woman...

cmangund 06-23-2012 06:22 AM

and Spidey/Black Cat, Spidey/Gwen too :D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Cat's Pajamas 06-23-2012 06:51 AM

What's the line from Mallrats...?

"I think you need to get your friend some help. He seems to be obsessed with super hero sex organs."


cmangund 06-23-2012 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 56560)
If you want to complain about people pairing up couples that weren't in previous iterations start with your precious BM/WW pairing.

BM/WW in the 80's (a previous iterations) from my scanned olde comic collection: :D
Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

TIGER007 06-23-2012 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 56521)
As per a member on who has a retail license, it appears Bandai pulled back shipments of Wave 2 meant for US distributors in order to create supply for the international market. I am hoping that doesn't mean Bandai is just shipping that stuff and not creating more as that would just create the same problem over seas that we had here; not enough inventory.

..BET ya ,CANADA get`s this wave...We(CANUCKS) seem to get the odd release that skips the US when shows are cancelled!!:):D

MegaGearX 06-23-2012 08:38 AM

Well, CN actually has Ninjago on instead of ThunderCats. No reruns for us so they can keep any interest going. They probably couldn't wait to get that show off the air.

Young Justice and Green Lantern still aired.

L08e16o 06-23-2012 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 56579)
Lets be honest, while the show and various writers have teased BM/WW, that ship is not as famous as Batman/Catwoman or even Batman/Talia.

If we're going to talk about pissed off fans, we're you into DC comics when Blackest Night Wonder Woman # 2 hit the stands? Most of the reaction to that book was negative. Hell fans in a forum I used to frequent were sending Nicola Scott ripped up defaced pictures of this

I grew up with BM/CW, but it could never happen.

I really don't follow DC, I was always a Marvel fan (Wolverine and X-men).

I like BM the most and I really like WW with him.

It is funny, because I think WW is the actual main character. BM is the supporting character.:D

L08e16o 06-23-2012 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 56664)
Well, CN actually has Ninjago on instead of ThunderCats. No reruns for us so they can keep any interest going. They probably couldn't wait to get that show off the air.

Young Justice and Green Lantern still aired.

I didn't watch it. It wasn't on this morning?

I thought this show didn't need the Thundercrap thing.

BB Shockwave 06-23-2012 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 56537)
Lets see, JL came out before BM brave and bold and WW 09. I think there is a common theme in MJ's shows of BM brave and bold and WW, Steve Trevor and WW. JL had a established ship of BM/WW (popular), but he has to do it his own way. Just like TCats.

Are you for real? I begin to suspect you are just some very advanced spambot... :D Steve Trevor has been the love interest of Wonder Woman since HER EXISTENCE. In comic, in the Wonder Woman TV series, everywhere. Even I know that, and I have hardly read maybe 3 WW comics.

And, oh wait, by your logic, if a shipping is popular, DC should now retcon 60 years of comic books (well, they kinda did anyway...) and ship WW with Batman? (Btw, NO-ONE abbreviates Batman as BM. No-One. Cause he's the friggin BATMAN.)

It's like, because Blackarachnia was Silverbolt's love interest in BW and BM, she can only love him in all future series... 'except, no-one, not even the biggest BW fans minded that she was now Elita-One and the ex-love of Optimus Prime in Animated...


You notice cause you like to go around and tell on people, how many people did you get banned? I think 3 right. I bet you wouldn't act like that in person.
LOLWHUT? :D You are a riot! I am not a mod, buddy. I cannot get anyone banned. If your alt-IDs (as I suspect they were) got banned, it's because they acted like immature trolls. And trust me, I'd treat you the same way in real life - taking your silly hatred-filled arguments apart with logic and reason.


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 56567)
MJ likes to "kill" "famous" ships, in TCATS Tygra also not some random guy
MJ put in, T/C also had the blasted comics thing, but it's not "famous", while L/C is "famous".

Lion-O / Cheetara is such a 'famous' ship, that in the cartoon, they never even kissed each other, or professed their love for each other, or anything. ;) Has to be a reason even the Wildstorm comic married Cheetara with Tygra and not Lion-O...

But why talk about this stupid argument endlessly. I am more interested in seeing more thundercats in the show. Like, Lynxana the Huntress... does anyone even remember her? Her motivations (not getting to lead her clan due to being female) and resentment of her brother do remind me of Tygra's feelings towards Lion-O.

monothingie 06-23-2012 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 56664)
Well, CN actually has Ninjago on instead of ThunderCats. No reruns for us so they can keep any interest going. They probably couldn't wait to get that show off the air.

Young Justice and Green Lantern still aired.

Yup, old pump and dump. No reruns for the next two weeks and well probably forever. Put a fork in the NS, it's done.

RedisPower 06-23-2012 01:33 PM

Why is it that we just can't get a simple "YES" or "NO" pertaining to this series fate?
I will await ComicCon and hope that we can put an end to this silence once and for all.

Balgus82 06-23-2012 01:43 PM

Taking bets now on whether or not Wonder Woman will even have a cameo in Beware the Batman. Any takers? :D

AlexofThundera 06-23-2012 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by RedisPower (Post 56703)
Why is it that we just can't get a simple "YES" or "NO" pertaining to this series fate?
I will await ComicCon and hope that we can put an end to this silence once and for all.

Because at the end of the day it's all business. No business wants to come out and admit one of their products failed. They'd rather quietly sweep it under the rug hoping you'll eventually forget about it....

I'm sure we'll get word one way or the other at some point. How long we have to wait is anyone's guess.

Cat's Pajamas 06-23-2012 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 56713)
Because at the end of the day it's all business. No business wants to come out and admit one of their products failed. They'd rather quietly sweep it under the rug hoping you'll eventually forget about it....

I'm sure we'll get word one way or the other at some point. How long we have to wait is anyone's guess.

It reminds me of MOTU 200x, everything seems to be going great, things start to stagnate a little, new stuff stops showing up, then the waiting begins...

hollowdheart 06-23-2012 02:50 PM

Well, the reruns that were planned got axed at the last minute for Ninjago or something, so i think that's a sign.

L08e16o 06-23-2012 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 56691)
Are you for real? I begin to suspect you are just some very advanced spambot... :D Steve Trevor has been the love interest of Wonder Woman since HER EXISTENCE. In comic, in the Wonder Woman TV series, everywhere. Even I know that, and I have hardly read maybe 3 WW comics.

And, oh wait, by your logic, if a shipping is popular, DC should now retcon 60 years of comic books (well, they kinda did anyway...) and ship WW with Batman? (Btw, NO-ONE abbreviates Batman as BM. No-One. Cause he's the friggin BATMAN.)

It's like, because Blackarachnia was Silverbolt's love interest in BW and BM, she can only love him in all future series... 'except, no-one, not even the biggest BW fans minded that she was now Elita-One and the ex-love of Optimus Prime in Animated...

LOLWHUT? :D You are a riot! I am not a mod, buddy. I cannot get anyone banned. If your alt-IDs (as I suspect they were) got banned, it's because they acted like immature trolls. And trust me, I'd treat you the same way in real life - taking your silly hatred-filled arguments apart with logic and reason.

Lion-O / Cheetara is such a 'famous' ship, that in the cartoon, they never even kissed each other, or professed their love for each other, or anything. ;) Has to be a reason even the Wildstorm comic married Cheetara with Tygra and not Lion-O...

But why talk about this stupid argument endlessly. I am more interested in seeing more thundercats in the show. Like, Lynxana the Huntress... does anyone even remember her? Her motivations (not getting to lead her clan due to being female) and resentment of her brother do remind me of Tygra's feelings towards Lion-O.

I could pull up the thread where you were whiney like a little boy. Someone put a link so you could go to the owner of the board and you whine that you would. No one said your a mod.

Sorry I don't spam.

When you critize someone is not hate.

Cmangund just provided you proof that the BM/WW is popular unlike WW/ST. It took off in JL (BW/WW). The point is MJ does what he wants and does not respect other shows. I bet you he couldn't come up with his own show.

Please don't bring up the trash of WS/DC. Cheetara was raped in that.

L08e16o 06-23-2012 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 56717)
Well, the reruns that were planned got axed at the last minute for Ninjago or something, so i think that's a sign.

I think that is a bad sign.

MegaGearX 06-23-2012 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 56719)
I think that is a bad sign.

Yes it is. Cartoon Network dropped ThunderCats as soon as the final episode aired. No repeats at all.

Bandai probably won't admit defeat until the UK toys have done shipping, so they don't sabotage any sales.

hollowdheart 06-23-2012 03:26 PM

I'd at least like the last season to get a Direct-to-DVD thing. I want to know how it ends.

Balgus82 06-23-2012 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 56718)
Cmangund just provided you proof that the BM/WW is popular unlike WW/ST. It took off in JL (BW/WW).

Um, no. They didn't. All that was proved was that Bruce Wayne has flirted with her in the comics and that they've kissed. That's not proof of popularity. You wouldn't have that without some kind of fan poll or something. And I'm not talking a biased poll like was tried with L/C where the only people that were asked were people they already knew agreed with them.

Lioconvoy 06-23-2012 04:57 PM

Can we please get back on topic?!?

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