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Singe 04-02-2012 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 42701)
Really?? I would've thought he didn't use sight beyond sight because the writers wrote it that way because he has been shown using sight beyond sight when he was angry and frustrated with the sword

He can use it. However, without the focus and calm mind it either becomes static or limited on the information.

L08e16o 04-02-2012 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 42702)
It seems like all they ever do is criticise Lion-o, even when he's right. It bugs the crap out of me the way they were all ganging up on him at the candyfruit tree. If they have a better solution voice it instead of complaining the whole way. I also love how Panthro waits until they are halfway up the mountain to say this could be an ambush. Half of what these writers come up with completely idiotic and defies logic. Honestly the only ones that don't annoy me at this point are the kittens. Hopefully everyone will learn to appreciate Lion-o a little more when he comes back. Of course I'm sure they will go the other way with "Hey Tygra was a better leader than you" because its more DRAMATIC. At the rate they are going I almost hope the show gets canned. With that said, I did enjoy the first two trials.

It makes you wonder if tygra will give up the crown to lion-o.

Singe 04-02-2012 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 42702)
It seems like all they ever do is criticise Lion-o, even when he's right. It bugs the crap out of me the way they were all ganging up on him at the candyfruit tree. If they have a better solution voice it instead of complaining the whole way. I also love how Panthro waits until they are halfway up the mountain to say this could be an ambush. Half of what these writers come up with completely idiotic and defies logic. Honestly the only ones that don't annoy me at this point are the kittens. Hopefully everyone will learn to appreciate Lion-o a little more when he comes back. Of course I'm sure they will go the other way with "Hey Tygra was a better leader than you" because its more DRAMATIC. At the rate they are going I almost hope the show gets canned. With that said, I did enjoy the first two trials.

Lion-O is a teenager. He's inexperienced and learning on the job. He tends to let his emotions get the best of him. At times when his team mates offer advice, he'll ignore them. When pushed to the point, Lion-O will ditch the group and go solo. They have no choice to follow this guy if they want to get their kingdom back up.

Prince Lion-O did criticize the treatment of the lizards in episode 1 at the previous Lord of the Thundercats Claudis. How dare Lion-O question the Lord of the Thundercats and embarrass him for some lizards.

Panthro made an observation about their current position based off his experience and knowledge of military tactics. The path was not scouted before they walked it.

Big Snarf 04-02-2012 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 42691)
You bet :)

As for why now, I think his latest attitude is just the drop that made the cup run over. This has been building for a while, and what could be excused at first apparently can't anymore. Whatever. I'm not the writer's keeper, we just have to work with what we're given.

What's obvious to me is that they don't want to blindly follow him, and they shouldn't. A true leader is not somebody who is followed and obeyed just because of a birthright.

As I see it with maybe the exception of kit & kat the rest are somewhat still fixated on the old ways of thundera. And at this point they aren't following him blindly the know what the objective is. As their leader he has the connection with the mystical powers that have led them to this point. The way the show was written it would seem that if they waited to figure a plan the tank would be ambushed, if a scout was sent they'd be ambushed the fact the tank radar didn't pick any blips near by etc etc. I think this could've been handled a bit better

AdamofEternia 04-02-2012 01:19 PM

but the book of omens pointed to that direction so them disagreeing with liono makes no damn sense. at times i wonder if it is the same writers from the pilot episodes that are still writing the new episodes. this shows seems to get worse and worse with each episodes and i had high hopes for it too.

Tracer 04-02-2012 01:21 PM

So true.

God I miss episodes like the Duelist and the Petlars


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42706)
Lion-O is a teenager. He's inexperienced and learning on the job. He tends to let his emotions get the best of him. At times when his team mates offer advice, he'll ignore them. When pushed to the point, Lion-O will ditch the group and go solo. They have no choice to follow this guy if they want to get their kingdom back up.

Yup, he's learning. That's all they can do is offer. He doesn't always ignore the advice. He is wrong sometimes. Sometimes, he is the only one that is right. With the exception of Panthro they are all proving they have a lot of growing up to do here.


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42706)
Prince Lion-O did criticize the treatment of the lizards in episode 1 at the previous Lord of the Thundercats Claudis. How dare Lion-O question the Lord of the Thundercats and embarrass him for some lizards.

No problem with them questioning him. Like I said If they feel they have a better solution, voice it instead of just complaining. If they want to turn back, give a reason. No instead they steal fruit from him and mock him.


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42706)
Panthro made an observation about their current position based off his experience and knowledge of military tactics. The path was not scouted before they walked it.

It was a mountain with one path going up it what is there to Scout.

Balgus82 04-02-2012 01:23 PM

the book pointing up makes me wonder if the people who theorized about a floating Tiger city may be right.

Big Snarf 04-02-2012 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42703)
He can use it. However, without the focus and calm mind it either becomes static or limited on the information.

It gives the same info regardless of lion-o's focus but if he isn't focusing he can't understand it or they would've got the stone the first time they went to the elephant village. So if the writers let him use sight beyond sight more then likely they would still have to keep going up the mountain and then we'll be asking why sight beyond sight didn't warn about the ambush

SirSapphire 04-02-2012 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 42712)
the book pointing up makes me wonder if the people who theorized about a floating Tiger city may be right.

Or maybe the bird kingdom seen in the previous episode.

stormbringer 04-02-2012 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 42710)
but the book of omens pointed to that direction so them disagreeing with liono makes no damn sense. at times i wonder if it is the same writers from the pilot episodes that are still writing the new episodes. this shows seems to get worse and worse with each episodes and i had high hopes for it too.

The show does seem to be stumbling. They need to just stick with being an action/adventure, and leave all the poor attempts at character depth out of it.

Chique 04-02-2012 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 42712)
the book pointing up makes me wonder if the people who theorized about a floating Tiger city may be right.

:eek:...That would be so effing cool.

Singe 04-02-2012 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 42710)
but the book of omens pointed to that direction so them disagreeing with liono makes no damn sense. at times i wonder if it is the same writers from the pilot episodes that are still writing the new episodes. this shows seems to get worse and worse with each episodes and i had high hopes for it too.

Lion-O made a straight forward decision based off of one piece of information. The Book of Omens pointed up and Lion-O just decided it was on the mountain.

Cheetara can disagree because she knows the Book of Omens is cryptic and doesn't make things so simple.

The others, from their experience from finding the Book of Omens and the Spirit Stone, they haven't been simple and easy. Also Lion-O didn't SBS and no one suggested it.

From their Spirit Stone quest and Book of Omens, Lion-O needs to use the SBS to pinpoint the location down or get a better reading. However since he didn't do that, there must have been issues with SBS or the writers didn't want to spoil something ahead of time.

Big Snarf 04-02-2012 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42706)
Lion-O is a teenager. He's inexperienced and learning on the job. He tends to let his emotions get the best of him. At times when his team mates offer advice, he'll ignore them. When pushed to the point, Lion-O will ditch the group and go solo. They have no choice to follow this guy if they want to get their kingdom back up.

Prince Lion-O did criticize the treatment of the lizards in episode 1 at the previous Lord of the Thundercats Claudis. How dare Lion-O question the Lord of the Thundercats and embarrass him for some lizards.

Panthro made an observation about their current position based off his experience and knowledge of military tactics. The path was not scouted before they walked it.

So now they scout things :confused::confused::confused: previously walking into a village of huge elephants before knowing if the elephants would be a threat and the tank left at the bottom. The forest wasn't scouted either the list can go on and on and the panthro while in the middle of the mountain voices his gut feeling but yet is relaxed enough to sit back and eat candy fruit while the others are playing at least panthro should've been the one to keep a look out. What it boils down to is what ever can be said about lion-o's inexperience and emotions getting in the way can be said for tygra who by the way has less of an excuse for his behavior

AdamofEternia 04-02-2012 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42717)
Lion-O made a straight forward decision based off of one piece of information. The Book of Omens pointed up and Lion-O just decided it was on the mountain.

Cheetara can disagree because she knows the Book of Omens is cryptic and doesn't make things so simple.

The others, from their experience from finding the Book of Omens and the Spirit Stone, they haven't been simple and easy. Also Lion-O didn't SBS and no one suggested it.

From their Spirit Stone quest and Book of Omens, Lion-O needs to use the SBS to pinpoint the location down or get a better reading. However since he didn't do that, there must have been issues with SBS or the writers didn't want to spoil something ahead of time.

ok say since they all disagreed with liono, then how else are the supposed to find what they are looking for? so im guessing they will just sit in the thundertank playing card games or looking at the sky til some other worldly magic points them in the exact direction. if they are doubting the all knowing book of omens, then there is no point in carrying out this quest to unite the animals, find the spirit stones, defeat mum-ra, rebuild thundera etc.

Big Snarf 04-02-2012 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 42714)
Or maybe the bird kingdom seen in the previous episode.

Atticus probably tried to steal what ever stone is up there from the bird people and that was one the crimes of a long list he committed up there

Big Snarf 04-02-2012 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 42721)
ok say since they all disagreed with liono, then how else are the supposed to find what they are looking for? so im guessing they will just sit in the thundertank playing card games or looking at the sky til some other worldly magic points them in the exact direction. if they are doubting the all knowing book of omens, then there is no point in carrying out this quest to unite the animals, find the spirit stones, defeat mum-ra, rebuild thundera etc.

The tank would've been blown up killing all of them and lion-o would've come back and the team would be replaced by other cats or other animals sadly however at this point in the story it wouldn't make much of a difference because that is about how useful the rest of the team is right now and that is all on the writing

Big Snarf 04-02-2012 01:57 PM

On a side note i would've thought that since atticus, kaynar and slithe were all up on lion-o & kit that that would be enough of a diversion for kat to pick the locks or even in a cuffed stat the should at least be able to beat the lowly lizard men who get beat on a regular basis but they all just stood there

Singe 04-02-2012 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 42711)
Yup, he's learning. That's all they can do is offer. He doesn't always ignore the advice. He is wrong sometimes. Sometimes, he is the only one that is right. With the exception of Panthro they are all proving they have a lot of growing up to do here.

They are on their own with Mumm-ra's army constantly after them. The group can't afford for Lion-O to keep making mistakes since their lives are constantly on the line.


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 42711)
No problem with them questioning him. Like I said If they feel they have a better solution, voice it instead of just complaining. If they want to turn back, give a reason. No instead they steal fruit from him and mock him.

Episode 14 ended badly for them since Lion-O decided not to listen to Tygra and Cheetara at that one crucial moment near the end.

As to why they would gang up on him, well Lion-O has been treating Cheetara like crap for her own personal decision to choose Tygra, since 14.


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 42711)
It was a mountain with one path going up it what is there to Scout.

There could have been anything on the path.

In a number of stories, going up a mountain path has been referenced at times the group being vulnerable to attacks.

Also Mumm-ra's army started off by firing missiles and surrounded them with no way to escape. Minimum effort, it was like they did the same tactic that Lion-O and his group did in the previous episode.

Singe 04-02-2012 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 42721)
ok say since they all disagreed with liono, then how else are the supposed to find what they are looking for? so im guessing they will just sit in the thundertank playing card games or looking at the sky til some other worldly magic points them in the exact direction. if they are doubting the all knowing book of omens, then there is no point in carrying out this quest to unite the animals, find the spirit stones, defeat mum-ra, rebuild thundera etc.

The formula for the Spirit Stone was Book of Omens which lead them to the location. Then Sight Beyond Sight to locate the point area. There was no Sight Beyond Sight used to back-up the mountain decision. The Spirit Stone was in a closet in another dimension during Season 1, things aren't so simple.


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 42720)
So now they scout things :confused::confused::confused: previously walking into a village of huge elephants before knowing if the elephants would be a threat and the tank left at the bottom. The forest wasn't scouted either the list can go on and on and the panthro while in the middle of the mountain voices his gut feeling but yet is relaxed enough to sit back and eat candy fruit while the others are playing at least panthro should've been the one to keep a look out. What it boils down to is what ever can be said about lion-o's inexperience and emotions getting in the way can be said for tygra who by the way has less of an excuse for his behavior

It was an observation Panthro made. A number of shows and books have some experienced character say the same thing, "this place would be perfect for an ambush" right before they were attacked.

Unlike Tygra, Lion-O was in charge calling the shots since the beginning. The leader has more responsibilities than the others and his decisions carries the lives of the ones that follow him.

He has to shape up and start leading right because non-Thundercats aren't going to listen to a hotheaded teenager who calls himself king.

AdamofEternia 04-02-2012 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42733)
The formula for the Spirit Stone was Book of Omens which lead them to the location. Then Sight Beyond Sight to locate the point area. There was no Sight Beyond Sight used to back-up the mountain decision. The Spirit Stone was in a closet in another dimension during Season 1, things aren't so simple.

It was an observation Panthro made. A number of shows and books have some experienced character say the same thing, "this place would be perfect for an ambush" right before they were attacked.

Unlike Tygra, Lion-O was in charge calling the shots since the beginning. The leader has more responsibilities than the others and his decisions carries the lives of the ones that follow him.

He has to shape up and start leading right because non-Thundercats aren't going to listen to a hotheaded teenager who calls himself king.

i understand things aren't so simple but why didn't somebody mention using the sight beyond sight trick to locate the exact location of the stone. cheetara is a cleric and seems to know a lot about the book and the sword so why didn't she just tell liono to use the SBS to pinpoint the stone. the writers just keep on making liono out to be the bad guy in every situation and it really is getting old. whatever happened to clerics swearing to protect and if need be give their life for their king, that really shows where cheetara's loyalty stands. also i seem to remember in ep 14 when cheetara surrendered when tygra was held hostage, you would at least think she would want to confirm whether her king is truly dead by looking for his body. it's really funny when wilykit was crying and cheetara told her that their would be time to mourn liono's death, so if she supposedly had her emotions in check, what the hell happened in ep 14 when she surrendered for her boyfriends sake.

L08e16o 04-02-2012 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42733)
The formula for the Spirit Stone was Book of Omens which lead them to the location. Then Sight Beyond Sight to locate the point area. There was no Sight Beyond Sight used to back-up the mountain decision. The Spirit Stone was in a closet in another dimension during Season 1, things aren't so simple.

It was an observation Panthro made. A number of shows and books have some experienced character say the same thing, "this place would be perfect for an ambush" right before they were attacked.

Unlike Tygra, Lion-O was in charge calling the shots since the beginning. The leader has more responsibilities than the others and his decisions carries the lives of the ones that follow him.

He has to shape up and start leading right because non-Thundercats aren't going to listen to a hotheaded teenager who calls himself king.


Panthro was a good subject unlike Tygra and Cheetara. He didn't question lion-o. :D

L08e16o 04-02-2012 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 42736)
i understand things aren't so simple but why didn't somebody mention using the sight beyond sight trick to locate the exact location of the stone. cheetara is a cleric and seems to know a lot about the book and the sword so why didn't she just tell liono to use the SBS to pinpoint the stone. the writers just keep on making liono out to be the bad guy in every situation and it really is getting old. whatever happened to clerics swearing to protect and if need be give their life for their king, that really shows where cheetara's loyalty stands. also i seem to remember in ep 14 when cheetara surrendered when tygra was held hostage, you would at least think she would want to confirm whether her king is truly dead by looking for his body. it's really funny when wilykit was crying and cheetara told her that their would be time to mourn liono's death, so if she supposedly had her emotions in check, what the hell happened in ep 14 when she surrendered for her boyfriends sake.

I think the writers are showing that she can't balance tygra and her duty.

She was right. She said there would be a time to mourn when they took care of those guys. Escape first then mourn.

I think cheetara expression when he died, was a lot.

Tracer 04-02-2012 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42731)
They are on their own with Mumm-ra's army constantly after them. The group can't afford for Lion-O to keep making mistakes since their lives are constantly on the line.

Episode 14 ended badly for them since Lion-O decided not to listen to Tygra and Cheetara at that one crucial moment near the end.

As to why they would gang up on him, well Lion-O has been treating Cheetara like crap for her own personal decision to choose Tygra, since 14.

He listened Tygra at the end of the Petlar episode about not retreating and it almost killed them all. Tygra also made the mistake of kicking his brother into a bottomless pit in the Astral plane which could have potentially killed him and squashed their entire misson. Has Lion-o been a little bitch about it and brought it up to him every chance he gets? No.


There could have been anything on the path.
In a number of stories, going up a mountain path has been referenced at times the group being vulnerable to attacks.
That was exactly my point. So why did Panthro (a general) wait until halfway up the mountain to figure it out and say something.

That's great I'm glad you love the show unconditionally but based on these and your responses to everyone else. I can tell your going to argue this to death. I simply don't have that kind of time.

Bottom line is for me the writers have a selective memory and forego logic for drama sake. Personally, that doesn't work for me. I'm glad that you like it though.

L08e16o 04-02-2012 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 42739)
and Tygra made the mistake of kicking his brother into a bottomless pit in the Astral plane which could have potentially killed him and squashed their entire misson. Has Lion-o been a little bitch about it and brought it up to him every chance he gets? No.

That was exactly my point. So why did Panthro (a general) wait until halfway up the mountain to figure it out and say something.

That's great I'm glad you love the show unconditionally but based on these and your responses to everyone else. I can tell your going to argue this to death. I simply don't have that kind of time.

Bottom line is for me the writers have a selective memory and forego logic for drama sake. Personally, that doesn't work for me. I'm glad that you like it though.

You're right.

If you notice, almost everything is being driven by the triangle. This might go all the way until epsidoe 26.

Singe 04-02-2012 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 42736)
i understand things aren't so simple but why didn't somebody mention using the sight beyond sight trick to locate the exact location of the stone. cheetara is a cleric and seems to know a lot about the book and the sword so why didn't she just tell liono to use the SBS to pinpoint the stone. the writers just keep on making liono out to be the bad guy in every situation and it really is getting old. whatever happened to clerics swearing to protect and if need be give their life for their king, that really shows where cheetara's loyalty stands. also i seem to remember in ep 14 when cheetara surrendered when tygra was held hostage, you would at least think she would want to confirm whether her king is truly dead by looking for his body. it's really funny when wilykit was crying and cheetara told her that their would be time to mourn liono's death, so if she supposedly had her emotions in check, what the hell happened in ep 14 when she surrendered for her boyfriends sake.

That one has to be on the part of the writers for SBS rather they forgot or it's part of a future story aspect.

Otherwise, why should they tell Lion-O to use SBS when the last stone quest needed it and they are on another.

As for Cheetara's decision, a good amount of the blame falls on Lion-O since he started treating her like crap and bashed her for choosing Tygra. It was her personal decision and none of Lion-O's business.

Big Snarf 04-02-2012 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42733)
The formula for the Spirit Stone was Book of Omens which lead them to the location. Then Sight Beyond Sight to locate the point area. There was no Sight Beyond Sight used to back-up the mountain decision. The Spirit Stone was in a closet in another dimension during Season 1, things aren't so simple.

It was an observation Panthro made. A number of shows and books have some experienced character say the same thing, "this place would be perfect for an ambush" right before they were attacked.

Unlike Tygra, Lion-O was in charge calling the shots since the beginning. The leader has more responsibilities than the others and his decisions carries the lives of the ones that follow him.

He has to shape up and start leading right because non-Thundercats aren't going to listen to a hotheaded teenager who calls himself king.

Non cats will see him as their liberator when that time comes, just as in legacy they will fight not just for lion-o but for themselves and unite under the that cause. Just like in legacy each had non cat had their own leaders they followed but knew leo was their shot at being free they fought when they could've stayed slaves. So it seems the story has come full circle. Unbeknownst to the other lion-o has already laid the foundation for overall success in the story. And as I've stated the writing would've made the ambush happen no matter what. So here is a thought why didn't cheetara run ahead since it doesn't seem she has a speed restriction in this series or big mouth tygra turn invisible and go ahead and check things out oh but that would throw off the writing just like sight beyond sight would've

Singe 04-02-2012 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 42739)
and Tygra made the mistake of kicking his brother into a bottomless pit in the Astral plane which could have potentially killed him and squashed their entire misson. Has Lion-o been a little bitch about it and brought it up to him every chance he gets? No.

Tygra proved himself to Lion-O, after he beat Lion-O, saved his life, and didn't give in to Mumm-ra's game. It would make Lion-O a real *** for throwing this back in Tygra's face.


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 42739)
That was exactly my point. So why did Panthro (a general) wait until halfway up the mountain to figure it out and say something.

That's great I'm glad you love the show unconditionally but based on these and your responses to everyone else. I can tell your going to argue this to death. I simply don't have that kind of time.

Bottom line is for me the writers have a selective memory and forego logic for drama sake. Personally, that doesn't work for me. I'm glad that you like it though.

When they got up higher on the path better view, different location, and new information to process the observation.

Lion-O chose the path, Panthro made an observation after getting enough information at their current location, they got ambushed, and Lion-O died.

Singe 04-02-2012 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 42743)
Non cats will see him as their liberator when that time comes, just as in legacy they will fight not just for lion-o but for themselves and unite under the that cause. Just like in legacy each had non cat had their own leaders they followed but knew leo was their shot at being free they fought when they could've stayed slaves. So it seems the story has come full circle. Unbeknownst to the other lion-o has already laid the foundation for overall success in the story. And as I've stated the writing would've made the ambush happen no matter what. So here is a thought why didn't cheetara run ahead since it doesn't seem she has a speed restriction in this series or big mouth tygra turn invisible and go ahead and check things out oh but that would throw off the writing just like sight beyond sight would've

Really bad that he needs some crutch to cover his tail rather Lord of the Thundercats or has to be their liberator when he screws up.

Lion-O made the call before they did anything to check it out and the next scene on the path.

Big Snarf 04-02-2012 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42733)
The formula for the Spirit Stone was Book of Omens which lead them to the location. Then Sight Beyond Sight to locate the point area. There was no Sight Beyond Sight used to back-up the mountain decision. The Spirit Stone was in a closet in another dimension during Season 1, things aren't so simple.

It was an observation Panthro made. A number of shows and books have some experienced character say the same thing, "this place would be perfect for an ambush" right before they were attacked.

Unlike Tygra, Lion-O was in charge calling the shots since the beginning. The leader has more responsibilities than the others and his decisions carries the lives of the ones that follow him.

He has to shape up and start leading right because non-Thundercats aren't going to listen to a hotheaded teenager who calls himself king.


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 42739)
He listened Tygra at the end of the Petlar episode about not retreating and it almost killed them all. Tygra also made the mistake of kicking his brother into a bottomless pit in the Astral plane which could have potentially killed him and squashed their entire misson. Has Lion-o been a little bitch about it and brought it up to him every chance he gets? No.

That was exactly my point. So why did Panthro (a general) wait until halfway up the mountain to figure it out and say something.

That's great I'm glad you love the show unconditionally but based on these and your responses to everyone else. I can tell your going to argue this to death. I simply don't have that kind of time.

Bottom line is for me the writers have a selective memory and forego logic for drama sake. Personally, that doesn't work for me. I'm glad that you like it though.


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42745)
Tygra proved himself to Lion-O, after he beat Lion-O, saved his life, and didn't give in to Mumm-ra's game. It would make Lion-O a real *** for throwing this back in Tygra's face.

When they got up higher on the path better view, different location, and new information to process the observation.

Lion-O chose the path, Panthro made an observation after getting enough information at their current location, they got ambushed, and Lion-O died.

Tygra hasn't prove a thing with his behavior being the same so who is to say he doesn't repeat his previous actions when he reaches a boiling point but what he did do was apologize and had cheetara done like wise it would've been squashed. But now yelling tygra and running to save him each time is a problem for the whole team not just for lion-o. Really ??? even kat could make that observation from the very bottom so to think it took panthro halfway to figure that out is absurd.

Singe 04-02-2012 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 42747)
Tygra hasn't prove a thing with his behavior being the same so who is to say he doesn't repeat his previous actions when he reaches a boiling point but what he did do was apologize and had cheetara done like wise it would've been squashed. But now yelling tygra and running to save him each time is a problem for the whole team not just for lion-o. Really ??? even kat could make that observation from the very bottom so to think it took panthro halfway to figure that out is absurd.

Maybe you missed the Tygra's loyalty story. Lion-O was suspecting Tygra was going to betray him. Even the viewers thought Tygra was going to betray Lion-O. Mumm-ra gave Tygra the chance and powers to kill Lion-O. However he stuck by Lion-O and proved his loyalty to Lion-O. Lion-O was wrong.

Tygra was willing to bow out and let Cheetara go with Lion-O.

However she chose Tygra of her own personal choice and Lion-O starts treating her like crap for it.

Big Snarf 04-02-2012 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42746)
Really bad that he needs some crutch to cover his tail rather Lord of the Thundercats or has to be their liberator when he screws up.

Lion-O made the call before they did anything to check it out and the next scene on the path.

Really ?? I thought he was lord of the thundercats and not lord of all animals. When the time comes lion-o like leo is the main piece. So regardless of what TYGRA-ISM might believe he will be the liberator of the other animals and king of his people and thats the end of the story.

L08e16o 04-02-2012 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42745)
Tygra proved himself to Lion-O, after he beat Lion-O, saved his life, and didn't give in to Mumm-ra's game. It would make Lion-O a real *** for throwing this back in Tygra's face.

When they got up higher on the path better view, different location, and new information to process the observation.

Lion-O chose the path, Panthro made an observation after getting enough information at their current location, they got ambushed, and Lion-O died.

If lion-o didn't find the spirit stone, where would tygra be?

Also, he still kicked him in the pit.

Big Snarf 04-02-2012 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42748)
Maybe you missed the Tygra's loyalty story. Lion-O was suspecting Tygra was going to betray him. Even the viewers thought Tygra was going to betray Lion-O. Mumm-ra gave Tygra the chance and powers to kill Lion-O. However he stuck by Lion-O and proved his loyalty.

You know if someone intentionally tried to kill me and put the act into motion they have already betrayed me and my trust regardless of the fact if they later changed their mind. Its like if grune wanted to come back the fact is he still betrayed the people and the kings trust.

Big Snarf 04-02-2012 03:28 PM

Whats with the writing when the tiny petalars put up a better fight for lion-o then the thundercats do is so :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: :confused::confused::confused:

SirSapphire 04-02-2012 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42742)
As for Cheetara's decision, a good amount of the blame falls on Lion-O since he started treating her like crap and bashed her for choosing Tygra. It was her personal decision and none of Lion-O's business.

Seriously? We're still having this conversation? Okay, once again: It's not that she chose Tygra over Lion-O, it's that she lead Lion-O on and let him think he had a shot (and since no one seems to listen I'll say it one more time), granted Lion-O should have been more decisive and made his feelings more clear too, but when she hurt Tygra's feelings she apologizes and makes out with him. When she hurt Lion-O's feelings she said Jaga told her to. That's why it pisses people off.

stormbringer 04-02-2012 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 42756)
Whats with the writing when the tiny petalars put up a better fight for lion-o then the thundercats do is so :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: :confused::confused::confused:

One of the big problems with this show, is how they act like its only Lion-o who needs to learn lessons, even though the other characters (Tygra/Cheetara) clearly have their own stuff that needs to be worked out.

Singe 04-02-2012 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42751)
If lion-o didn't find the spirit stone, where would tygra be?

Also, he still kicked him in the pit.


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 42755)
You know if someone intentionally tried to kill me and put the act into motion they have already betrayed me and my trust regardless of the fact if they later changed their mind. Its like if grune wanted to come back the fact is he still betrayed the people and the kings trust.

Tygra was jealous Lion-O had the Kingship and Cheetara was paying him more attention. That was the writers' point to make this Tygra different from his boring 80s counterpart.

Lion-O thought Tygra was just being a jealous prick. Then the Elder Elephant gives him a prediction. That so called jealous prick could betray Lion-O. Lion-O and Tygra were both focused on outdoing each other. When in the dimension, Lion-O pushed it and they fought. Like usual, Tygra showed to be the better man in the end.

L08e16o 04-02-2012 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42760)
Tygra was jealous Lion-O had the Kingship and Cheetara was paying him more attention. That was the writers' point to make this Tygra different from his boring 80s counterpart.

Lion-O thought Tygra was just being a jealous prick. Then the Elder Elephant gives him a prediction. That so called jealous prick could betray Lion-O. Lion-O and Tygra were both focused on outdoing each other. When in the dimension, Lion-O pushed it and they fought. Like usual, Tygra showed to be the better man in the end.

Sounds like someone hates lion-o.

Tygra was going to betray lion-o or lion-o was going to feel betrayed before the eight bells ring, that is what Annet said. He reminded him again after the AP. Only this time it was cheetara that lion-o feels betrayed by.

CCDustyV 04-02-2012 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42760)
Tygra was jealous Lion-O had the Kingship and Cheetara was paying him more attention. That was the writers' point to make this Tygra different from his boring 80s counterpart.

Lion-O thought Tygra was just being a jealous prick. Then the Elder Elephant gives him a prediction. That so called jealous prick could betray Lion-O. Lion-O and Tygra were both focused on outdoing each other. When in the dimension, Lion-O pushed it and they fought. Like usual, Tygra showed to be the better man in the end.

All Tygra's ever done this whole series was prove he's little more than a jack***. What I'm most curious about is what the jerk's lesson is going to be. Kittens, Cheetara and Panthro have all tried to show him something, which is being capitolized in the Trials. All Tygra's done is complain about every single choice he's ever made in likely his whole life.

80's Tygra was the most noble and most loyal of the Thundercats and Lion O's second in command. He was the least likely to turn on Lion O, and last to ever question his leadership, and would be the first to defend his decisions. this version is total blame opposite.

L08e16o 04-02-2012 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 42756)
Whats with the writing when the tiny petalars put up a better fight for lion-o then the thundercats do is so :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: :confused::confused::confused:

Plot convenience.:D

L08e16o 04-02-2012 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 42763)
All Tygra's ever done this whole series was prove he's little more than a jack***. What I'm most curious about is what the jerk's lesson is going to be. Kittens, Cheetara and Panthro have all tried to show him something, which is being capitolized in the Trials. All Tygra's done is complain about every single choice he's ever made in likely his whole life.

80's Tygra was the most noble and most loyal of the Thundercats and Lion O's second in command. He was the least likely to turn on Lion O, and last to ever question his leadership, and would be the first to defend his decisions. this version is total blame opposite.

Agree. 80's Tygra was awesome!!!!

Tygra got his wish though. Someone under his command getting hurt will really wake him up.

To remove the warstone, mummra is going to need cheetara to tell him. He could torture her like he did jaga.

Singe 04-02-2012 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 42758)
Seriously? We're still having this conversation? Okay, once again: It's not that she chose Tygra over Lion-O, it's that she lead Lion-O on and let him think he had a shot (and since no one seems to listen I'll say it one more time), granted Lion-O should have been more decisive and made his feelings more clear too, but when she hurt Tygra's feelings she apologizes and makes out with him. When she hurt Lion-O's feelings she said Jaga told her to. That's why it pisses people off.

Blame the girl for giving a care and having faith for the teenager that lost his father, the kingdom. and all this responsibility thrown on to him. She didn't lead him on. Lion-O assumed that Cheetara fell into his lap. Tygra also assumed the same thing. This was causing problems with the group. Cheetara kept quiet about it for the whole first season because it was irrelevant. However the two hotheads made her decide to tell Tygra to put tensions at ease. However Lion-O saw them and it threw gas on the fire. So now he burns Cheetara for it.

stormbringer 04-02-2012 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42760)
Tygra was jealous Lion-O had the Kingship and Cheetara was paying him more attention. That was the writers' point to make this Tygra different from his boring 80s counterpart.

Lion-O thought Tygra was just being a jealous prick. Then the Elder Elephant gives him a prediction. That so called jealous prick could betray Lion-O. Lion-O and Tygra were both focused on outdoing each other. When in the dimension, Lion-O pushed it and they fought. Like usual, Tygra showed to be the better man in the end.

Initially Lion-o told the elder elephant, that Tygra wouldn't betray him, but the elder elephant told Lion-o that the predictions are never wrong. It was only in the AP when Lion-o saw that Tygra nearly killed him when they were kids, that Lion-o started to think Tygra capable of betraying him.

stormbringer 04-02-2012 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42766)
Agree. 80's Tygra was awesome!!!!

Tygra got his wish though. Someone under his command getting hurt will really wake him up.

To remove the warstone, mummra is going to need cheetara to tell him. He could torture her like he did jaga.

Nah, all Mumm-ra has to do is grab Tygra, and tell Cheetara '"remove the spell, or your boyfriend gets it".:p

L08e16o 04-02-2012 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 42768)
Initially Lion-o told the elder elephant, that Tygra wouldn't betray him, but the elder elephant told Lion-o that the predictions are never wrong. It was only in the AP when Lion-o saw that Tygra nearly killed him when they were kids, that Lion-o started to think Tygra capable of betraying him.

Remember before lion-o goes to see tygra, he talks to Annet. Lion-o said tygra was not going to betray him. Annet said "I haven't heard the evening bells right".

That is when lion-o went to where tygra was. They way he has acted, he has felt betrayal by cheetara, not tygra.

SirSapphire 04-02-2012 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42767)
Blame the girl for giving a care and having faith for the teenager that lost his father, the kingdom. and all this responsibility thrown on to him. She didn't lead him on. Lion-O assumed that Cheetara fell into his lap. Tygra also assumed the same thing. This was causing problems with the group. Cheetara kept quiet about it for the whole first season because it was irrelevant. However the two hotheads made her decide to tell Tygra to put tensions at ease. However Lion-O saw them and it threw gas on the fire. So now he burns Cheetara for it.

Never mind that it's a fire she started by playing with matches.

L08e16o 04-02-2012 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 42769)
nah, all mumm-ra has to do is grab tygra, and tell cheetara '"remove the spell, or your boyfriend gets it".:p


L08e16o 04-02-2012 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 42771)
Never mind that it's a fire she started by playing with matches.

You're correct. I just don't like the flashback, that was weak.

Singe 04-02-2012 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42761)
Sounds like someone hates lion-o.

Tygra was going to betray lion-o or lion-o was going to feel betrayed before the eight bells ring, that is what Annet said. He reminded him again after the AP. Only this time it was cheetara that lion-o feels betrayed by.

The betrayal was a curve ball in the story. There was never a betrayal, it's all in Lion-O's mind. Tygra and Cheetarah are still in the group and he hasn't threaten to kick any of them out.


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 42763)
All Tygra's ever done this whole series was prove he's little more than a jack***. What I'm most curious about is what the jerk's lesson is going to be. Kittens, Cheetara and Panthro have all tried to show him something, which is being capitolized in the Trials. All Tygra's done is complain about every single choice he's ever made in likely his whole life.

80's Tygra was the most noble and most loyal of the Thundercats and Lion O's second in command. He was the least likely to turn on Lion O, and last to ever question his leadership, and would be the first to defend his decisions. this version is total blame opposite.

He's the guy of the group that has to keep saying, "He's going to get us all killed." Until Lion-O shows he's capable at the leadership position, Tygra will lighten up.

Big Snarf 04-02-2012 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 42760)
Tygra was jealous Lion-O had the Kingship and Cheetara was paying him more attention. That was the writers' point to make this Tygra different from his boring 80s counterpart.

Lion-O thought Tygra was just being a jealous prick. Then the Elder Elephant gives him a prediction. That so called jealous prick could betray Lion-O. Lion-O and Tygra were both focused on outdoing each other. When in the dimension, Lion-O pushed it and they fought. Like usual, Tygra showed to be the better man in the end.

How was tygra's 80's counterpart boring when aside from lion-o most of the complex things happened around him. He was involve in the sword being broken the first time he has been addicted to "substances" he designed the lair and the third earth vehicles list list can go on. Though his role became smaller towards the end to say he was boring :confused::confused::confused:. In the AP tygra is shown that he tried to kill lion-o twice so how is that not a betrayal of someones trust. So i guess making lion-o smaller physically weaker than his 80's counterpart makes it easy for this new tygra to pick on because the 80's lion-o would have this tygra wearing his tail stripes for a hat :D:D:D:D

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