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L08e16o 01-14-2012 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 30708)
I think if she had went to both brothers together it would've been really untactful and seems like it would've rubbed it in Lion-O's face a bit.

I think they most likely just didn't have time for something like that as well. They had a lot happening in the finale. I read them saying quite often in interviews how they have to squeeze a lot of story into a small amount of time.


The writers did that on purpose.

L08e16o 01-14-2012 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 30712)
They probably won't think too highly of her. Kids may not know the term "tease" in the relationship context, but they'll see that's exactly what Cheetara is.

Agreed. Kids usually don't kiss on the lips, but they do kiss on the cheek and hold hands.

Balgus82 01-14-2012 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 30713)
Thats why i would've been better to go to lion-o 1st but hten we wouldn't get to see his face looking all:eek:

"but then we wouldn't get to see his face looking all :eek:"

Exactly. They did it the way they did for the sake of the shock ending.

Balgus82 01-14-2012 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30716)
Agreed. Kids usually don't kiss on the lips, but they do kiss on the cheek and hold hands.

yeah they kiss on the cheek and hold hands with friends and pretend. kids don't actually have boyfriends and girlfriends.

cmangund 01-14-2012 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30711)
Agreed. I don't think cheetara is like that.

She would've gone to lion-o and let him down; which I think he would have moved on. She went to tygra who seems to be ready to move on, but she the difference. He was going to be fine, because cheetara came to talk to him.

She didn't talkt to lion-o and he caught them kissing. That is a big difference. Especially when someone is saying I believe in you and flirting with you. Lion-o won't be able to move on, because the one person he trusted betrayed him.

And if They wanted to end with T/C for now The would be scene of Cheetara telling both brothers her choises are much less time consuming for the episode to do than the flower flash back scene and Lion-O devastated scene and the explaning and Tygra kissing scene. Cleary time was not the factor here as they have more to spare. They have done this for a reason, thus the clifhanger and Lion-o/Cheetara angle next. Clear as day.

In Ep14 all could lead to "found causes" with Lion-O/Cheetara thing developing more regardless Tygra, the triangle type they will be using and/or snarf.

Balgus82 01-14-2012 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30714)
I know some kids of thunderdads that were not happy. They think cheetara did lion-o wrong, of course the are closer to 11.

I should ask my nephew what he thinks. I'd like to know his opinion. I've got him into watching the show, but don't know if he's seen every episode yet. He's 13 and said he doesn't watch cartoons anymore, but says Thundercats is ok cause it's an "action" show. lol

L08e16o 01-14-2012 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 30718)
yeah they kiss on the cheek and hold hands with friends and pretend. kids don't actually have boyfriends and girlfriends.

I had my first gilfriend in 1st grade, I bought her gifts with the money my mom gave me.

Balgus82 01-14-2012 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 30720)
And if They wanted to end with T/C for now The would be scene of Cheetara telling both brothers her choises are much less time consuming for the episode to do than the flower flash back scene and Lion-O devastated scene and the explaning and Tygra kissing scene. Cleary time was not the factor here as they have more to spare. They have done this for a reason, thus the clifhanger and Lion-o/Cheetara angle next. Clear as day.

In Ep14 all could lead to "found causes" with Lion-O/Cheetara thing developing more.

The flower scene was her way of explaining her choice. If they had left that out it would make it harder to have her choose Tygra because of their lack of time together during the episodes.

L08e16o 01-14-2012 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 30721)
I should ask my nephew what he thinks. I'd like to know his opinion. I've got him into watching the show, but don't know if he's seen every episode yet. He's 13 and said he doesn't watch cartoons anymore, but says Thundercats is ok cause it's an "action" show. lol

When I was 13, I was done with cartoons. I was about hanging out with my friends.

Balgus82 01-14-2012 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30725)
When I was 13, I was done with cartoons. I was about hanging out with my friends.

And? I swear to god you better not be trying to imply something bad about my nephew. Talking about me is one thing but don't talk about my family.

L08e16o 01-14-2012 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 30720)
And if They wanted to end with T/C for now The would be scene of Cheetara telling both brothers her choises are much less time consuming for the episode to do than the flower flash back scene and Lion-O devastated scene and the explaning and Tygra kissing scene. Cleary time was not the factor here as they have more to spare. They have done this for a reason, thus the clifhanger and Lion-o/Cheetara angle next. Clear as day.

In Ep14 all could lead to "found causes" with Lion-O/Cheetara thing developing more.

Agreed. She had time to talk to lion-o first. She had time to talk to both, but she had to get there before the evening bells. It was planned, more layers and drama.

L08e16o 01-14-2012 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 30727)
And? I swear to god you better not be trying to imply something bad about my nephew. Talking about me is one thing but don't talk about my family.

What is wrong with you? What did I say about your nephew? I said when I was 13, I didn't watch cartoons and I hung out with my buddies. You know kids play sports.

You need to chill.

Balgus, what did I say about you? Please enlighten me.

Balgus82 01-14-2012 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30729)
What is wrong with you? What did I say about your nephew? I said when I was 13, I didn't watch cartoons.

Maybe I read it wrong, but you saying that after me saying my nephew watches the show made it sound, to me, like you were trying to imply you were better than my nephew or something because he still watches the show and you stopped watching cartoons.

L08e16o 01-14-2012 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 30731)
Maybe I read it wrong, but you saying that after me saying my nephew watches the show made it sound, to me, like you were trying to imply you were better than my nephew or something.

You said he doesn't watch cartoons and I was trying to say I can relate to that. At 13, kids change.

Why would I try to say I am better, I am an adult.

Balgus82 01-14-2012 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30732)
You said he doesn't watch cartoons and I was trying to say I can relate to that. At 13, kids change.

Well in that case I apologize for jumping the gun. The way it was written made me think something else.

Personally I never stopped watching cartoons. I didn't see what the big deal was. A tv show was a tv show to me. Plus I lived about 14 miles from the town the school I went to was in so I didn't get to hang out with friends outside of school often.

Big Snarf 01-14-2012 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 30727)
And? I swear to god you better not be trying to imply something bad about my nephew. Talking about me is one thing but don't talk about my family.

Don't think he was talking about your nephew. But when i was 13 those xmen cartoons were out for a while and i watched them

L08e16o 01-14-2012 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 30733)
Well in that case I apologize for jumping the gun. The way it was written made me think something else.

Personally I never stopped watching cartoons. I didn't see what the big deal was. A tv show was a tv show to me. Plus I lived about 14 miles from the town the school I went to was in so I didn't get to hang out with friends outside of school often.

No big deal this is a MB, I don't take it personal. :D

I got back into cartoons with x-men (big wolverine fan).

I didn't get back into cartoons or anime until my 20s. I just partied a lot. Most of my friend hate cartoons, so I don't talk to them about it.

There is nothing wrong with watching cartoons. I am glad our society is accepting everyone doesn't have to be a cookie cutter.

My dad still watches cartoons and plays games. I still play video games. I am not going to change, even though my boss hates video games. She grew up on book while I grew up on tv.

I am sure your nephew is a great kid.

L08e16o 01-14-2012 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 30734)
Don't think he was talking about your nephew. But when i was 13 those xmen cartoons were out for a while and i watched them

I use to collect comic books up to 12. I still have them. All X-men and Wolervine. If Wolverine appeared in Dare Devil or Hulk, I bought them.

Balgus82 01-14-2012 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30736)

My dad still watches cartoons and plays games. I still play video games. I am not going to change, even though my boss hates video games. She grew up on book while I grew up on tv.

My dad is probably one of the main reasons I never stopped watching cartoons. My mom hates them, but my dad never minded sitting down and watching them with me on Saturday morning.

L08e16o 01-14-2012 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 30739)
My dad is probably one of the main reasons I never stopped watching cartoons. My mom hates them, but my dad never minded sitting down and watching them with me on Saturday morning.

Same here. We use to play games so much, my mom would trip over the wire on purpose. We didn't even save the game.

My dads last birthday, he wanted me to buy him the TC OS. he likes the older stuff.

cmangund 01-14-2012 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 30673)
Snarf shall have his revenge!:p

By making a clone of snarf troopers?:D

cmangund 01-14-2012 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 30703)
Man, his self esteem must really be trashed. Dang Cheetara!

The more reason Cheetara must fix Lion-O's broken "Sword" with "Direct and personal" method :D

cmangund 01-15-2012 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 30712)
They probably won't think too highly of her. Kids may not know the term "tease" in the relationship context, but they'll see that's exactly what Cheetara is.

Fixing cheetara's character will be one of the most important thing they must do. Otherwise most kids will just keep on seeing her as Ho without good moral compass. Cheetara/Lion-O/SoO connections are the best way to do that, aside from tieing it with the core plot and making Cheetara's character deeper than just love interest. And will be the most easy for parents to explain in to their kids, with clever dialogue, as her dialogue at Ep 13 was only I did choose without any name so if later in Ep14 in fact she has chosen Lion-O because of the SoO ocnnections and feelings the writers add Lion-O's name kids will only see it that she has chosen long ago and Lion-O was her choice, though from adults prespective Cheetara has chosen twice, first Tygra then after becoming a cleric and assigned with the SoO thing as foreseen by Jaga, things change. And the Tygra kiss parrents can say to their kids it was a thank you kiss. Writers underlined that Thank you dialogue for a reason, otherwise the Tygra kiss can happen anywhere before making the Thank you clear, so later when they do the Lion-O/Cheetara kiss kids will not be confused as the L/C kiss is a more love type kiss.

L08e16o 01-15-2012 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 30761)
Fixing cheetara's character will be one of the most important thing they must do. Otherwise most kids will just keep on seeing her as Ho without good moral compass. Cheetara/Lion-O/SoO connections are the best way to do that, aside from tieing it with the core plot and making Cheetara's character deeper than just love interest. And will be the most easy for parents to explain in to their kids, with clever dialogue, as her dialogue at Ep 13 was only I did choose without any name so if later in Ep14 in fact she has chosen Lion-O because of the SoO ocnnections and feelings the writers add Lion-O's name kids will only see it that she has chosen long ago and Lion-O was her choice, though from adults prespective Cheetara has chosen twice, first Tygra then after becoming a cleric and assigned with the SoO thing as foreseen by Jaga, things change. And the Tygra kiss parrents can say to their kids it was a thank you kiss. Writers underlined that Thank you dialogue for a reason, otherwise the Tygra kiss can happen anywhere before making the Thank you clear, so later when they do the Lion-O/Cheetara kiss kids will not be confused as the L/C kiss is a more love type kiss.

They would seeing her as being dishonest with lion-o and she is not like that.

Agreed with the SoO connection. They can really add a lot of stories and depth to her.

See I would agree with the choicing, but as we know right now, she chose tygra (DN). The dialouge was so vague. You shouldn't have to wait for someone from the crew to confirm it and he really didn't touch on it.

I agree with the thank you. Kids will see that as a thank you kiss and so did I. They wouldn't have her say "oh I owe you a thank you". If she has chose tygra, there is no need for her to say that. She could have kissed him from the begining or say thank you and kiss him. They really made that dialogue not so to the point.

Yes, they would have to make it easier for parents can explain to thier kids.

Eclipse 01-15-2012 06:02 PM


Quick survey: who in here -besides me- is actually raising a kid 6-11?

Balgus82 01-15-2012 06:55 PM

I don't think a kid would see a kiss (on the lips) as a thank you at all. I think a kid would think it is something only couples do. They're not going to over analyze the dialogue. They're just going to pay attention to the end result.

And to answer Eclipse I am not raising a 6-11 kid.

AdamofEternia 01-15-2012 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 30811)

Quick survey: who in here -besides me- is actually raising a kid 6-11?

i don't have a kid, im just a college kid who enjoys cartoons and is a thundercats fan.

L08e16o 01-15-2012 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 30811)

Quick survey: who in here -besides me- is actually raising a kid 6-11?

I see where you are going with this one. If you are not raising a kid then how would you know.:D

I have a couple of friends that have kids 6-11. Thunderdads.

The ones I am in tune with is my brother's kids 8-12. Two girls 12 and 8, boy 9. The youngest is like my shadow, she has been like that since she was two.

What they were taught about that episode is to be honest with people. If you are not, you can hurt them like in with lion-o. Trust is very important. If you can't trust people or if they can't trust you, you have nothing.

Reap what you sow.

He was nice and tried to make the issue as light as possible. Two girls thought cheetara was bad.

They are good kids.

Don't have kids, she had a miscarriage. :( This why we are so close with my brothers kids.

Eclipse 01-15-2012 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30829)
I see where you are going with this one. If you are not raising a kid then how would you know.:D

There was no hidden meaning, that was exactly the point.


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30829)
I have a couple of friends that have kids 6-11. Thunderdads.

The ones I am in tune with is my brother's kids 8-12. Two girls 12 and 8, boy 9. The youngest is like my shadow, she has been like that since she was two.

What they were taught about that episode is to be honest with people. If you are not, you can hurt them like in with lion-o. Trust is very important. If you can't trust people or if they can't trust you, you have nothing.

Reap what you sow.

He was nice and tried to make the issue as light as possible. Two girls thought cheetara was bad.

They are good kids.

I'm sure they are, and you seem quite fond of them too.

You are implying through this and your earlier comment that they think Cheetara is bad now, but they would be OK with Cheetara doing yet another 180. Is that correct?

Two wrongs don't make one right. IMO, if that were to happen she would sink further down and I'm already not happy with what they've done to her.


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30829)
Don't have kids, she had a miscarriage. :( This why we are so close with my brothers kids.

Been there too. Still too sad to comment further. Hang in there.

L08e16o 01-15-2012 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 30836)
There was no hidden meaning, that was exactly the point.

I'm sure they are, and you seem quite fond of them too.

You are implying through this and your earlier comment that they think Cheetara is bad now, but they would be OK with Cheetara doing yet another 180. Is that correct?

Two wrongs don't make one right. IMO, if that were to happen she would sink further down and I'm already not happy with what they've done to her.

Been there too. Still too sad to comment further. Hang in there.

You should have come out and say it.:)

If cheetara didn't have a good solution to the issue, then she should have told both of them that she can't pick and complete the mission first. If she was meant to be with one of them, then those feelings won't be able to hide for long.

Depends on how they do the 180. They can do it with both T/C looking good. We disagree on this, but that was a thank you kiss. She never had had to say I owe you a thank you. I think they put that in for the kids to understand it was a thank you. There was no reason for her to say that before she kissed him.

Well two wrongs did make a right at the end of 13 (tygra's jealousy and cheetara not being honest).:D

I agree. Brother told the girls and boy to tell someone first, before something bad happens.


We think it was a boy. I hope to have a girl later.

DarkKnight 01-15-2012 10:31 PM

Wat is up!

L08e16o 01-15-2012 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by DarkKnight (Post 30839)
Wat is up!

How are you?

Do you get to work on you pics?

DarkKnight 01-15-2012 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30837)
You should have come out and say it.:)

If cheetara didn't have a good solution to the issue, then she should have told both of them that she can't pick and complete the mission first. If she was meant to be with one of them, then those feelings won't be able to hide for long.

Depends on how they do the 180. They can do it with both T/C looking good. We disagree on this, but that was a thank you kiss. She never had had to say I owe you a thank you. I think they put that in for the kids to understand it was a thank you. There was no reason for her to say that before she kissed him.

Well two wrongs did make a right at the end of 13 (tygra's jealousy and cheetara not being honest).:D

I agree. Brother told the girls and boy to tell someone first, before something bad happens.


We think it was a boy. I hope to have a girl later.

(gasp) congratulations.

DarkKnight 01-15-2012 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30840)
How are you?

Do you get to work on you pics?

I got lion-o and cheetara. woo hooo football!

L08e16o 01-15-2012 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by DarkKnight (Post 30841)
(gasp) congratulations.

I hope to have a girl later, she isn't pregnant. To busy right now in our careers. She also ice skates, is at silver level right now.

DarkKnight 01-15-2012 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30845)
I hope to have a girl later, she isn't pregnant. To busy right now in our careers. She also ice skates, is at silver level right now.

nice. right now Im pissed.

cmangund 01-15-2012 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by DarkKnight (Post 30847)
right now Im pissed.


cmangund 01-15-2012 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by DarkKnight (Post 30842)
I got lion-o and cheetara. woo hooo football!

:cool: any pics?

DarkKnight 01-15-2012 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 30848)

personal reasons

DarkKnight 01-15-2012 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 30849)
:cool: any pics?

not yet but cool poses. lion-o is being such a gentleman.

DarkKnight 01-15-2012 10:45 PM

Donatello(TMNT) has got his back.

cmangund 01-15-2012 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by DarkKnight (Post 30853)
Donatello(TMNT) has got his back.

Oh yeah TMNT is :cool:! Leonardo is my favorite turtle.

DarkKnight 01-15-2012 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 30854)
Oh yeah TMNT is :cool:! Leonardo is my favorite turtle.

Leonardo such a badass

L08e16o 01-15-2012 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by DarkKnight (Post 30847)
nice. right now Im pissed.

Why are you pissed?

DarkKnight 01-15-2012 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30856)
Why are you pissed?

personal reasons

L08e16o 01-15-2012 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 30854)
Oh yeah TMNT is :cool:! Leonardo is my favorite turtle.

Leonardo is my favorite too. I love and collect swords. If a character has swords, I usually like them.

DarkKnight 01-15-2012 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30858)
Leonardo is my favorite too. I love and collect swords. If a character has swords, I usually like them.

tygra vs. leonardo sword fight................ hands down leonardo.

L08e16o 01-15-2012 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by DarkKnight (Post 30853)
Donatello(TMNT) has got his back.

My counsins and I liked Michelangelo too. He was a trip.

L08e16o 01-15-2012 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by DarkKnight (Post 30859)
tygra vs. leonardo sword fight................ hands down leonardo.

Agree, heck I think leonardo would beat lion-o and tygra together.

DarkKnight 01-15-2012 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 30860)
My counsins and I liked Michelangelo too. He was a trip.

no doubt

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