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shmashwitdaclub 01-21-2012 06:03 PM

Another new Lion-O, Panthro, and Claudus review
Ok so first off Lion-O

Here is the old one:

and the new one with Dad:

oddly enough I thought that before opening this figure he just had a new lower left arm and a new head - not true. His whole right arm is new. On top of that both of his lower legs are all new because now he has no ankle articulation... This move by a toy company always baffles me... Why the hell would they use tooling dollars on making a figure less articulated? This is just like the "deluxe" crappy version figures that come in say the Iron Man. Fpr whatever reasons toy company decide to make new tooling for no reason... /end rant. There might be other new thing about him too. I think they may have "updated" the pre-existing tooling on him like they did on Panthro - I will get to him later.

Claudus is pretty standard for the line. swivel hea, ball jointed shoulders, single hinge elbows, swivel wrists, ball jointed hips, single hinged knees, but again no ankle articulation. All around a nice looking figure.

shmashwitdaclub 01-21-2012 06:04 PM

And now for Panthro:

This was where I initially started scratching my head. Is this an all new figure or did they just tweek the existing mold?

You can see new details on the sculpt such as dimples filled in on the raised bumps on his belt to the left and the right of the thundercats symbol. I originally thought just his head and arms were new but then I started looking at other minor details. One the first version there was just one screw in the Panthro figures lower back area and it was in the center of his lower back. Now on the new figure he has 2 screws in the same area - both are left and right of center in the same region as the previous figure. The new figure does come with a new coiled nunchuck accessory. The coiled nuncheck accessory is inaccurate now with the new figure - the new version does not have the fists at the end of the nunchecks. Something else Bandai did was fill in the shoulder joint holes on the new versions of all of these figures.

But again, Panthro has also loss ankle articulation in this new version for whatever the heck reason... Also his new arms have no articulation below the elbow. One thing I do like about this new version is the paint job. I already mentioned in my previous post that they took away his goofy lips, but I also like how the new version is not glossy. Ad since you cant tell from the pic quite that well, his nunchuks are painted appropriately now.

shmashwitdaclub 01-21-2012 06:27 PM

sorry if that doesnt read well, I stopped caring as I was writing and I dont care to proof read it lol.

Mongor 01-21-2012 06:59 PM

I stopped caring as I was reading, but I enjoyed what I did read. Thanks for posting.

Covenant 01-22-2012 12:00 AM

The molds that are used for injection molding plastics wear out so I guess rather than reusing the tooling for the old figures they made all new molds for the new figures. Unfortunately for us, Bandai has decided to make the new figures with even less articulation and detail than the ones they released a few months ago. It must save them money on plastic, labor and tooling costs. I cannot figure out why Claudus has open hands and why he wouldn't get a claw shield. Why the hell don't they ever paint the spikes on Panthro's feet? Lion-O's new Claw arm looks weird, like a gorilla arm. BTW, thanks for the review!

Lody 01-22-2012 01:43 PM

Already posted here:

You guys really need to use the search button here

adssse 01-22-2012 07:38 PM

I am really hoping to find Claudus in the store soon!

Mongor 01-22-2012 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Lody (Post 31933)
Already posted here:

You guys really need to use the search button here

Believe it or not, sometimes other people like to do reviews as well. Sometimes people like to hear another opinion. Is that ok with you? :D

Cat's Pajamas 01-23-2012 07:27 AM

Plus pictures are helpful for those of us who don't own the figures (which , not owning the figure is the main reason for reading reviews).

Saint Phe 01-23-2012 08:08 AM

Great review and pics! Can the new gauntlet be placed on the old Lion-O?

shmashwitdaclub 01-23-2012 08:04 PM

@Saint Phe - it fits but the pegs on the arms of the two Lion-O's are different. I think the new Lion-O has a short peg and the older Lion-O has a little bit of a longer peg. So it kind of fits. But it might work better with some boiling water.

either way, the swap didn't look good imo.

@Lody - I saw your review and that is why I put the word "another" in my title. I debated just putting my review in your thread, but I didn't want you to think I was "thread hijacking", some internet forumites don't take kindly to it.

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