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test 10-02-2013 06:59 PM

Just won a complete playful bengali - my holy grail
Excuse the over excited thread ... But I've literally just obtained one of my holy grail figures ... A complete playful variant bengali with original hammer / axe ..
I know a few others have him on this board so I hope he's worth it lol .... I now have all 3 complete variants of bengali for my collection .... However I'm still yet to afford a mint on card one :(
But thrilled as anything right now ... God bless ebay ... I can't wait to put up comparison pics when he arrives ..

adssse 10-02-2013 08:38 PM

Congrats test! I was watching that one also to see what it would go for. I didnt have the money to bid on it myself, but I agree its an awesome figure and I am glad it went to someone who appreciates it! Please post more pics when you get it!

test 10-03-2013 05:10 AM

i still cant believe i won to be honest adssse ..... thought it would go nuts in the last minute but luckily it went nowhere near my max bid ...... fair to say i was pretty deparate for it lol ...... he listed a load of other playful figures which im sad i missed out on as i really wanted that jackalman ..... the playful jackalman colours are so much more cartoon accurate

adssse 10-03-2013 02:56 PM

Yes, I saw the jackal man too. It is a very nice looking figure. I was actually surprised that so many of them went for near starting price. The playful Lynxo is also very much on my want list!

Wakefield wildcats 10-03-2013 03:54 PM

Great piece test!always a good feeling getting the piece you'd love to own!

test 10-03-2013 05:23 PM

I spoke with the guy at some length .. And turns out he is a collector.
He actually has a playful lynx o with original shield but refuses to sell that one as he claims its even rarer than the bengali with hammer .....

Honestly I thought I didn't stand a chance (as Aluro would say) lol I thought in the closing minutes it would jump up to about 300 - 400 pounds ..... I notice he also had one with a gammy leg and a repro hammer which I'm suprised anyone bought lol

But anyways ... I'm totally excited to get him in the mail .... Usually takes about a week from Argentina to UK as I recently bought a nice Aluro custom from Argentina ... I just hope it's authentic ... He did guarantee me that It was genuine before I bid but then again I don't know how you would go about telling the difference between a repro playful hammer and a genuine one ..... I did notice in the pictures of the two listings that the repro hammer one did look a lot more hardened and jagged around the edges though .. Whereas the one I bid on looked very smooth and pliable ...

Does anyone here have a collection of playful thundercats that they would care to share ?? I know it's probably been discussed before but I always love seeing the pictures lol

adssse 10-03-2013 08:23 PM

Cool, I didnt realize he was a collector. Did he mention why he decided to sell all of these? I would really like to see pictures of that Lynxo with shield!

I also was surprised it didnt go higher. I think you did very well for yourself. I am no expert, but I think you can be fairly confident the hammer is legit.

I dont really have a 'collection' of playful's, but I do have a Mumm-ra (only one I have with accessories), Lion-O, Bengali and Panthro in my collections thread if you care to take a look...

test 10-14-2013 03:49 PM

Thanks Adssse ... I love the cross eye expression on the lion-o lol ...
My playful bengali arrived and I have finally taken some comparison pics with my other 2 bengali figs (euro and US versions)
... So here they are all side by side ..

I absolutely love it .. However you can definately feel the slightly lower quality of the figure in comparison to the US and Euro versions ...
The hammer is a massive improvement though and really works so much better with the mechanical function .... It does have some major chrome loss as you would expect but if anything that kind of makes it look cooler ..

adssse 10-14-2013 09:10 PM

It looks awesome Test! It is in very good shape and really enjoyed seeing them all together. Truly a collection to be proud of!

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