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Joe Moore 11-04-2011 12:18 PM

Thundercats Ep 10 - Sight Beyond Sight Discussion
Thundercats Episode 10 - Sight Beyond Sight airs at 8:30PM EST on Cartoon Network.

Use this thread to talk about what you expect, as a live commentary thread as well as post airing discussion.

moondog 11-04-2011 01:31 PM

It looks good I just don't like the way the elephant ppl look with the tusk coming out the side of the head I'd rather see them coming out of the mouth

Wilyjo 11-04-2011 07:56 PM

Score one for Wilykit, zero for Lion-O. This has been pretty cool \ o /

GK Punk 11-04-2011 08:33 PM

I loved that Kit saved the day haha. Almost felt like a filler, but wasn't a bad episode.

moondog 11-04-2011 08:39 PM

I consider a rerun a filler anything new is new a new story adds to the thundercats world even if it's just story about snarf finding candy or whatever in mho

shmashwitdaclub 11-04-2011 08:48 PM

not my favorite episode - but still entertaining. I think the lack of a real "bad guy" really is what took away from the episode for me.

Joe Moore 11-04-2011 09:22 PM

Thundercats Ep 10 - Sight Beyond Sight Review

Didn't really feel it this week. Just nothing interesting going on.

moondog 11-04-2011 10:04 PM

Althoe I don't think it was filer I really wasnt diging it ether

Death2Fanboys 11-04-2011 11:00 PM

I like the concept of this episode. Very Eastern Philosophy with a touch of action. I'm satisified with this episode.

Best part- Elephant Buddhists.

So-so part- Kit as Lisa Simpson.

ThundercatsHo 11-04-2011 11:01 PM

any download links folks?

ThundercatsHo 11-04-2011 11:13 PM

I missed it, looking for any good download links..

Tracer 11-04-2011 11:38 PM

This show has a lot of heart. The Wily's and Monks interaction was charming. I loved the race in the beginning too.

Ravenxl7 11-05-2011 12:26 AM

Missed it's airing on TV, but was just able to catch it online. Another good episode, but not quite as good as some of the others. Definitely not a filler episode.

It's really nice to see them getting back on track with the stones. Should be interesting to see where else this journey takes them. Should also be interesting to witness their next encounter with Mumm-Ra.

The race at the beginning was quite nice. Especially seeing the bikes in action for the first time. Was also a good opportunity to have Panthro say samoflange again. I'm beginning to think it could be turned into a phrase he uses to essentially say don't get ahead of yourself, or something like that, rather than something physical.

Wilykit's flute having so me importance was a nice touch. I look forward to seeing that used in future episodes. Hopefully Wilykat gets to use his claw things in the near future.

Already looking forward to next week's episode, and well, all the episodes following that, lol.

Tony_Bacala 11-05-2011 12:28 AM

Good ep, sound character development. Inched the story along a bit. But, felt again like another filler ep. The series had a ton of juice going into the break, and coming back off the break with these 2 eps hasn't felt the same. Hoping that the next mumm-ra oriented arc gets kicked off soon.

Tony_Bacala 11-05-2011 01:16 AM

HD Caps are up: Thundercats Episode 10 High Res Image Gallery


dolza_khyron 11-05-2011 01:25 AM

willy kit is amazing in this episode! it's about time some one gets development other then lionO! lol!

but then again panthro got some last episode, but it seems as if she lost some in this episode. but still great to see the other cats getting used.

it's nice to see willykit save the village. and it is nice to see that lionO almost destroyed it, oops lol!

maybe next time he won't rush in to hastily!

mumm_ra_the_ever_living 11-05-2011 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by ThundercatsHo (Post 20649)
any download links folks?

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BB Shockwave 11-05-2011 04:34 AM

Here is a rapidshare link too.

Wow, this was uploaded early!

crackus 11-05-2011 05:23 AM

thanks for the link you guys!!!

Jack-Pumpkinhead 11-05-2011 08:04 AM

Caught it last night, and I was left a little confused at the end. We know something is up with the hut, but then they mention the magic forest and...end?
Now I did enjoy the stuff with Kit and the Elephants. Funny, and still grew the character (that song is her mom's lullaby? Wow.)
All in all, good episode, but room for improvement.

ThundercatsHo 11-05-2011 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by mumm_ra_the_ever_living (Post 20672)

Thank you! :cool:

PANTHRO HOOO 11-05-2011 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by shmashwitdaclub (Post 20639)
not my favorite episode - but still entertaining. I think the lack of a real "bad guy" really is what took away from the episode for me.

It did have a bad guy. Lion-O.

Was a good episode and the search for the stone isn't filler. You know what I miss from the old rhundercats? Mumm-Ras couldron. Even when he didn't get involved he was always watching. It was part of what made him so evil imo. Have they done this at all my memory ain't what it used to be.

Simbatron 11-05-2011 12:35 PM

It's alright, I'm enjoying watching the show with my kids, but am losing interest.
This episode was okay. Design choice of ear tusks is bad. In general, the designs are not very good, but they work okay IMHO.

I dislike the stroby 'anime' cliches, and lack of real acting in the animation :(

And the stories are so predictable it hurts my face. Just like Avatar The Last Airbender.

Still it's higher quality mythology than the original, and is a solid 2.5 stars for overall quality. Will keep watching with the kids...

Oh and Cheetarah is ridiculously hot for a cartoon. It's silly. :D

dolza_khyron 11-05-2011 03:49 PM

i loved their designs! and i didn't see any "anime" cliches in this story, nor in the animation, or at least nothing that didn't exist BEFORE anime.

i didn't really predict the end of the episode myself. i would of predicted lion O would of found away to destroy the rock biter himself. also, i don't see HOW you could of predicted that there was going to be a rock biter in the story! lol! if you're predicting that, then you must of peaked at the images here, a head of time of watching it.

RedAlert Rescue 11-05-2011 06:09 PM

I'm so pleased we got a decent 500MB + HD version some of the 180MB ones are a little pixely even on my Modest Computer screen so I hate to think how they look on a big TV. Fine for playing on your Palm Computer / Netbook type Computer though.

But I like the bigger files.... so If anyone spots any for the older eps that had previously lacked 500MB+ file versions please share the love.

Thankfully the conventional Animation does not get harmed by the compression as much as say Transformers Prime does but it's still nice to have the best possible version In my opinion.

moondog 11-05-2011 07:20 PM

Ya I got to say everything is a li predictable think comes from 28 years of watching cartoons reading comics and watching every sic fi and fantasy movie that's presented to me lol

Pravus Prime 11-05-2011 08:13 PM

Not a bad episode, but it didn't do all that much for me. The Elephants were great characters, but beyond that, I just didn't feel sucked in.

The opening was a bit "TO SELL TOYS" for me as well.

Tony_Bacala 11-05-2011 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by moondog (Post 20731)
Ya I got to say everything is a li predictable think comes from 28 years of watching cartoons reading comics and watching every sic fi and fantasy movie that's presented to me lol

I think this is something we should all remember when we comment on all these shows, not just Tcats. Seeing something completely fresh, that's actually good, week to week, is very difficult to achieve.

xhavoc86 11-05-2011 09:28 PM

The show is feeling a bit slowed down, but hopefully it'll pick up soon.

Cat's Pajamas 11-06-2011 10:08 AM

It was good but not great. Seeing how so many relaunch cartoons are horrible, and most of my favorite cartoons from my childhood are just plain unwatchable, I'm still really happy with this series.

Purrsia 11-06-2011 12:57 PM

My 2 cents - ep was a little slow in spots, but not Circus-Train horrible by any means
Liked the sentimental bit about the wilykittens' mom and origin of that song she always plays. Good to see them getting back to focus regarding the Stones too but I guess they needed a working tank for that.

I am wondering why technology isn't made a big deal of anymore. It was a huge thing in the first few eps. That plot point feels lost to me. Anyone else think so or is it just me?

Pravus Prime 11-06-2011 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Purrsia (Post 20762)
I am wondering why technology isn't made a big deal of anymore. It was a huge thing in the first few eps. That plot point feels lost to me. Anyone else think so or is it just me?

No, you're not alone. The inconsistancy on points like technology (including that the Cats outside of Lion-O and Panthro had nothing to do with the stuff), Tygra and Lion-O's rivalry, and several other elements seem to be dropped and then remembered when it's conveinant to the plot of the week.

The pilot and "Journey to the Tower of Omens" gave us several great plot elements, but the series hasn't really continuiously developed them.

One of the reasons I loved Transformers Animated so much was that every episode either contributed to that seasons finale or was part of a story that would be revisited in the next season (or was started in the prior season[s] in the case of seasons 2 and 3), while also being able to be self-contained stories as well. Even if the contribution wasn't much, every episode contributed to building the overall major story. TC lately feels like it's done a fair amount of slipping in this regard.

Cat's Pajamas 11-06-2011 08:02 PM

They need to battle with the lizards again soon, so we get a sense that they're still being hunted.

Purrsia 11-07-2011 06:56 AM

Pravus Prime, thanks for your thoughts. Glad it's not just me thinking that stuff! Don't get me wrong, still enjoying the series over all, but I'm feeling the story is wandering a little lately so hopefully they get back on track...and address some things they brought up earlier and resolve them.

I'm itching to see the lizards, Mumm-Ra, and/or Grune again too. I also hope we get to see the other "mutants" too, soon. Kind of wondering if the Hook Mountain reference in Berbils will mean a visit to the mountain and maybe the introduction of Vulturemen. I'd love to see Vultureman updated in this series - he was my fave mutant back in the day :)

vantheman77 11-27-2011 03:16 PM

I find the Elephant People to be pretty funny. They'd be a good match against the giants from the Berbil episode. I thought Lion-O mastered sight beyond sight back in Journey To The Temple of Omens.

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