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Joe Moore 08-05-2011 07:27 AM

Thundercats 2011 DVD Announced
Thundercats Season One - Book One 2-Disc DVD Set

Thundercats 2011 2-Disc DVD Announced

ejrussell 08-05-2011 07:29 AM

Cool. What can we expect? Also will the first season be divided into volumes?

Joe Moore 08-05-2011 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by ejrussell (Post 8937)
Cool. What can we expect? Also will the first season be divided into volumes?

All details are at the link above. 8-episodes, looks like season being broken up into "books".

IndyCat 08-05-2011 07:59 AM

wow that was really fast! thats probably one of the fastest TV to DVD anouncements I have ever heard of!

Ravenxl7 08-05-2011 11:09 AM

While it's nice to see them getting the DVD's out really quick, I'm not a fan of the breaking-up of the season into books/volumes/sets. Also, if they stick to releasing eight episodes per book, what are they going to do with the last two episodes of the season?

I'm honestly not sure if I'll get this, or wait in-hopes of an entire Season 1 package. I don't think it's likely that they'll package the entire show together once it's all over, but packaging each full season on it's own would be nice.

LordLionO 08-05-2011 11:24 AM

I'm glad they are at least doing 8-episode sets as opposed to 3-episode sets.

RydenJager 08-05-2011 11:38 AM

Omg! Omg!! Omg!!! That was fast!!! I want it!!!

Ravenxl7 08-05-2011 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by LordLionO (Post 8949)
I'm glad they are at least doing 8-episode sets as opposed to 3-episode sets.

Good point. This is definitely one of those "could be better, but could also be a whole lot worse" type of situations.

Tony_Bacala 08-05-2011 12:32 PM

I think it's cool, but not down with the format. Need Blu-Ray or nothing. Hopefully once the full season is out, they do a Blu Ray version. I'll pick that up.

nitewing73 08-05-2011 12:39 PM

This is great news but I'd rather get the entire season in one shot. How many episodes in season 1, 26? If anything they could have split it into two 13 episodes volumes.

Joe Moore 08-05-2011 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Tony_Bacala (Post 8961)
I think it's cool, but not down with the format. Need Blu-Ray or nothing. Hopefully once the full season is out, they do a Blu Ray version. I'll pick that up.

Agreed. Blu-ray or nada.

Beej B 08-05-2011 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 8967)
Agreed. Blu-ray or nada.

Thirded. It's getting tiresome how so many of these shows are being treated on home video these days. I mean, the HD feed is BEAUTIFUL and really shows how incredible Blu would treat this series on physical media. It's the Batman: The Brave and the Bold nightmare all over again. No Blu, and stretching the seasons out over several sets to milk the cow dry.

That said, I see one major positive here others have also touched on, and that is the speed in which this is hitting disc in any shape or form. That, IMO, shows confidence from the studios on the new brand in that they are clearly ready to push it on home video. Sure, making money is the prime motivation, but it still seems like they are very certain it will sell the minute it hits. That's at least reassuring in terms of the immediate success of the new show. :)

Balgus82 08-05-2011 02:35 PM

I don't have a HDTV and the only Blu ray player I have is my PS3 so I'm perfectly fine with DVD. lol

Ravenxl7 08-05-2011 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 8984)
I don't have a HDTV and the only Blu ray player I have is my PS3 so I'm perfectly fine with DVD. lol

Pretty much the same here, except I don't even have a PS3, lol. I'll buy DVD's till they're gone completely. Blu-ray just doesn't interest me, and the "difference" from regular DVD's is nowhere great enough to make upgrading worth it, imho.

dragon 08-05-2011 06:02 PM


Pretty much the same here, except I don't even have a PS3, lol. I'll buy DVD's till they're gone completely. Blu-ray just doesn't interest me, and the "difference" from regular DVD's is nowhere great enough to make upgrading worth it, imho.

my thoughts exaclty & there is alot movies, tvshows that are not on bluray or may never be on bluray to begin with the first original phantom of the opera siloent black & white version, jhon wyahne movies for my grandfather, brucelee for me.

that is very fast here is hoping for complete season 1 boxset

Hyper Jaguar 08-05-2011 06:15 PM

Anyone know if the episodes will be available on Itunes?

xhavoc86 08-05-2011 06:48 PM

I hate when they do these kinds of releases, i guess these are nice to have too if you want them sooner, but i rather just have the box set of the complete season.

Joe Moore 08-05-2011 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Hyper Jaguar (Post 9006)
Anyone know if the episodes will be available on Itunes?

According to the attached trailer, it claims the episodes will be available via digital download.

LXL Guy 08-06-2011 12:32 AM

I will get this regardless just so I can watch again. Plus from a collecting aspect it's just nice things to show off.

break24er 08-07-2011 12:59 PM

Im guessing by the Episode title Panthro wont make an appearance till episode 5? thats pretty lame. Im liking the show overall but not into these stand alone episodes, The fish one was pretty lame.

Hyper Jaguar 08-07-2011 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 9017)
According to the attached trailer, it claims the episodes will be available via digital download.

Hey, that's just as good. :)

Khev 08-08-2011 10:08 AM

I've been enjoying these episodes in high definition on Cartoon Network too much to plunk down the cash for standard-def DVD's. I'll keep them saved on my DVR in HD until they offer a proper blu-ray assortment.

wesitron 08-08-2011 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Tony_Bacala (Post 8961)
I think it's cool, but not down with the format. Need Blu-Ray or nothing. Hopefully once the full season is out, they do a Blu Ray version. I'll pick that up.

I'm with you, Tony, gotta be Blu :D

dragon 08-09-2011 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by wesitron (Post 9476)
I'm with you, Tony, gotta be Blu :D

not to start fight but what if it never gets released on bluray ive seen complete boxsets that never got bluray format & spongebob has been out for soemtimes & still has new episodes never bluray format spongbob hes very popluar complete bluray boxset for this series could very slim to nothing same with trasnfromers, gijoe complete animated series no bluray format not even for single dvd release volumes:confused:

Khev 08-09-2011 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by dragon (Post 9519)
not to start fight but what if it never gets released on bluray ive seen complete boxsets that never got bluray format & spongebob has been out for soemtimes & still has new episodes never bluray format spongbob hes very popluar complete bluray boxset for this series could very slim to nothing same with trasnfromers, gijoe complete animated series no bluray format not even for single dvd release volumes:confused:

If it gets to the point where the entire season is released as a full box set and still no word on a blu-ray release then I'll consider it. I do own the full series of GI Joe and He-Man on DVD, but those are easier to swallow because they weren't originally broadcast in high definition.

Thundercats looks fantastic on Cartoon Network HD and it will be a shame if they don't allow for the extra vibrant colors and details to be preserved in a blu-ray release.

Beej B 08-10-2011 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Khev (Post 9533)
Thundercats looks fantastic on Cartoon Network HD and it will be a shame if they don't allow for the extra vibrant colors and details to be preserved in a blu-ray release.

Absolutely. Unfortunately, it's seeming pretty unlikely though. But let's keep the faith anyway, lol.

Altaica 08-10-2011 06:58 AM

Thundercats DVD
While I would love to have this I may just buy the HD downloads and burn my own discs so I can have the better quality. As a collector I would want professional dvds, but I think I would wait until I see if they put out sets like they did with the original.

I think they are pushing the dvd out so fast to get it out there for christmas. People start shopping early if they don't want to fight the rush and Thundercats will probably be a hot christmas commodity.

PANTHRO HOOO 10-11-2011 09:58 PM

I would get a digital download if it weren't for drm. I want this on my ps3 and phone. I'm pretty sure they will do complete seasons in boy ray though. Nowadays that means free downloads a lot of the time.

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