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evilanimation 01-20-2012 07:49 PM

6" Classic already on clearance at Target
People are posting that these are on clearance at Target!!! I am going to see if i can go find them.

Kregermeister 01-21-2012 12:08 AM

i dont see anyone posting that. Care to share?

Mongor 01-21-2012 12:37 AM

I was just at Target tonight looking for Wave 2 and I saw the classics there and they're still $15.00.

adssse 01-21-2012 08:35 AM

They werent on clearance at my target (yet), but here's to hoping.

Dr Kain 01-21-2012 12:36 PM

If they are, then I'm going to get a price adjustment on the ones I bought a few weeks ago.

Lody 01-21-2012 03:31 PM

I can see people buying them and trying to scalp them

Agent-GHQ 01-28-2012 08:55 AM

Man ive yet to see it at Target!!

Cat's Pajamas 01-28-2012 09:02 AM

Still $15 here.

adssse 01-28-2012 09:27 AM

Stopped by the Target in Lansing, MI. All still wave 1 at full price...

RichardC 01-28-2012 10:43 AM

Still 15 here in Alabama as well

Lody 01-28-2012 11:30 AM

Take this as a rumor.

Kregermeister 01-28-2012 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Lody (Post 32656)
Take this as a rumor.

Or Trolling.

Lody 01-28-2012 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Kregermeister (Post 32659)
Or Trolling.


Ravenxl7 01-29-2012 01:02 AM

I still haven't seen any Tcats toys at Target, and don't expect to until their big reset happens.

jabus 01-31-2012 10:23 PM

It's true:
Thundercats haul!!! - ThunderCats Lair Message Boards/Forums

Guy has pictures of his haul.

Ravenxl7 01-31-2012 11:03 PM

Hmm...looks like I'll be going to Target in the near future, lol...

Edit:Would anybody who happens to be lucky enough to find these on clearance be interested in trading a 6" Classics Lion-O and Mumm-Ra for my 8" Lion-O?....:o

GK Punk 02-01-2012 01:44 AM

I hit a few targets today, none of them had them on clearance :(

Ravenxl7 02-03-2012 07:12 AM

Out of curiosity, does anybody have the DPCI for the 6" Classic figures? If I can, I'd like to check the local Target's stock online before going out.

Tracer 02-03-2012 10:51 PM

These clearance prices don't bode too well for the line. Add to that our local Toys R Us's and Walmart's are sitting on a glut of 4" figures (series 1), Deluxe Lion-o's & Tygra's, Thunderracers, Thundertanks and Tower of Omens. I wonder how long these lines will be around at all.

One of the TRU's has somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 Thundertanks sitting on the shelf.

Mongor 02-04-2012 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 33756)
These clearance prices don't bode too well for the line. Add to that our local Toys R Us's and Walmart's are sitting on a glut of 4" figures (series 1), Deluxe Lion-o's & Tygra's, Thunderracers, Thundertanks and Tower of Omens. I wonder how long these lines will be around at all.

One of the TRU's has somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 Thundertanks sitting on the shelf.

The Wallmart and Target near me sell a ton of Thundercats figures and vehicles so don't assume it's a dead line because your area isn't doing well, just as I don't assume it's selling out everywhere because it's big here in Dallas. I'll say it here, the OP that said that the classics were on discount at Target was mistaken or full of s**t. No one has been able to show that they are in fact discounted down on this forum alone. When I see a haul WITH a receipt I'll believe it. While Bandai's quality does leave something to be desired I wouldn't worry about how well the line is selling, especially with Wave 2 figures selling for 3 to 4X their worth online right now because people can't wait to have them.

jabus 02-04-2012 12:01 PM

^ yer delusional

Mongor 02-04-2012 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by jabus (Post 33803)
^ yer delusional

About what? What did I say that is even remotely delusional? Mad that I don't believe you?

You haven't proved a thing. Where's the receipt? Don't take it personal, it's not an attack. It's just that what you said hasn't been supported yet by your thread link or by anybody's experience here on this forum, including myself.

Until then, sounds like bull crap to me.

Lody 02-04-2012 12:34 PM


Look at the source

jabus 02-04-2012 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Mongor (Post 33806)
About what? What did I say that is even remotely delusional? Mad that I don't believe you?

You haven't proved a thing. Where's the receipt? Don't take it personal, it's not an attack. It's just that what you said hasn't been supported yet by your thread link or by anybody's experience here on this forum, including myself.

Until then, sounds like bull crap to me.

Not mad at all lol. I don't have to prove anything picture speaks for itself. And just because you personally haven't found them on clearance doesn't mean they aren't at some stores. Was @ a Target last month and they had the ThunderTank half off...(so I know some targets ARE marking stuff down).

Mongor 02-04-2012 01:39 PM

It really doesn't but speak for anything, nor is it just me but pretty much nobody else has seen this discount. None the less, I'm moving on as I don't come here to debate or fight. Good day.

Ravenxl7 02-04-2012 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 33596)
...does anybody have the DPCI for the 6" Classic figures?...


jabus 02-04-2012 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by ravenxl7 (Post 33835)


Ravenxl7 02-05-2012 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by jabus (Post 33837)

Thank you :D

According to the site, they should be available at my local Target. Not sure when I'll get the chance to get out there though. At the latest this next Friday, but knowing how fast the clearance isles clear out, I'll be lucky to see anything left, let alone anything Thundercats...

CrimsonMonkey 02-06-2012 08:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I got these last week, only 2 there. MY target never had thundercats and then boom, the whole line 50% off.

Here's photo proof.

Tracer 02-06-2012 10:55 AM

Someone really screwed up at Target. These (minus the new stuff) should have hit back in September. The fact that the Cartoon is in limbo right now isn't helping any.

IndyCat 02-07-2012 01:41 PM

pictures work for receipt is necessary.

point and fact. If the Thundercats arent on clearance at your local Target, then it doesnt really matter what anyone says about it. They could be free, but if you cant find them, the point is null and void anyways.

afterall, its the internets.....take everything with a grain of salt.

CrimsonMonkey 02-07-2012 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by IndyCat (Post 34136)
pictures work for receipt is necessary.

point and fact. If the Thundercats arent on clearance at your local Target, then it doesnt really matter what anyone says about it. They could be free, but if you cant find them, the point is null and void anyways.

afterall, its the internets.....take everything with a grain of salt.

Very true. since I bought the last two at my Target, technically they are not on clearance there any more. :)

DecepticonSpike 02-07-2012 05:19 PM

The only 6 inch they had as my local Target was Mumm-Ra, but since I want to complete my 3 3/4 inch collection first, I picked up Mumm-Ra and Tygra for $3.98 each.

Saint Phe 02-07-2012 07:53 PM

The 6" Classics are on "clearance" at my local Walmart, too. They're only like a dollar or two off, though. I think the only reason they did that was because they cut the action figure section in half and just didn't have space for them. There is also no longer space for vehicles, so the Thundertanks, Towers, and small vehicles are also "clearanced".

DecepticonSpike 02-10-2012 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Saint Phe (Post 34186)
The 6" Classics are on "clearance" at my local Walmart, too. They're only like a dollar or two off, though. I think the only reason they did that was because they cut the action figure section in half and just didn't have space for them. There is also no longer space for vehicles, so the Thundertanks, Towers, and small vehicles are also "clearanced".

Don't you just love Wal Mart's clearance? :D My local Wal Mart has toys on clearance, but I'd hardly call $1 off a sale.

IndyCat 02-10-2012 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by DecepticonSpike (Post 34478)
Don't you just love Wal Mart's clearance? :D My local Wal Mart has toys on clearance, but I'd hardly call $1 off a sale.

seriously. I have seen stuff put on clearance thats only marked off like .20 cents.! it costs more for the sticker and employee to mark it clearance. whats the point??

DecepticonSpike 02-10-2012 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by IndyCat (Post 34497)
seriously. I have seen stuff put on clearance thats only marked off like .20 cents.! it costs more for the sticker and employee to mark it clearance. whats the point??

Heck, I tried to but a 2009 U.S.S. Enterprise that was marked down to $10, and the cashier wouldn't sell it to me, so I asked to see the MOD (Manager on Duty) and he told me that it was an "accidental" markdown, and that if I wanted it, it would be full price. After that, I hardly ever check Wal Mart clearance any more.

Joe Moore 02-17-2012 09:44 AM

Ok, I deleted a bunch of childish, bickering posts in here. If it continues past this point, I will start removing people from the thread or outright close it.

Keep it civil.

BigD 02-17-2012 10:41 PM

About a year ago I bought a brand new just released WWE: John Cena figure on clearence at Target for $2.50. When I bought it I figured it was a return or a figure from one of the first waves. But then I realized it was painted in what at the time was his current t-shirt, wrist and headband colors which got me to loocking and found that the figure was just released. Thundercats figures are still full price in my area at both Target and Wal Mart. All three of the WMs I shop at have TC toys and only on WM ahs G.I. Joe figures.

Lion-O* 02-18-2012 12:28 PM

My local Walmart and Target have em for full price. They do not seem to be selling too well. Walmart had 8 inch classics Tygra on clearance for 1/2 price

MegatronWolf 02-19-2012 01:18 PM

full price where i shop, although target has had the same wave 1 stuff since January and its not selling at all so possibly they'll go on clearance but wallmart sells a shit ton of these guys so thats doubtful there. Plus they never had wave 1 & just put out wave 2. TRU has had the same few overpriced figures for months now but they never put anything good on clearance and if they do its juts a few cents cheaper.

Silverhawk 03-01-2012 12:27 AM

6" classics on clearance at Walmart
Just left my local Walmart, and was told that all classics were on clearance, the 6" classics come up as $14.97 at a price check but the dept. employee told me "these in the black box are all on clearance." She also told me that the classics were not on there new mod so they would not be getting any more. So I gave in and picked up the 6" classics. So if the 8" classics are on clearance at your Walmart, talk to an employee, you may be able to get the new 6" classics for $8.40 each.

adssse 03-01-2012 06:40 AM

Thanks for the heads up. Sounds like its time to visit my local walmart!

Covenant 03-01-2012 02:30 PM

I was just in Walmart up on Rt. 23 in NJ and they had NOTHING! Not even in the clearance section. How the hell am I supposed to get that damned Claudus?!?

Mongor 03-01-2012 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Covenant (Post 38020)
How the hell am I supposed to get that damned Claudus?!?

The same way I got my two. Ebay. You don't have to pay outrageous prices for him if you have patience. He's popping up more and more on Ebay for less and less money. Check Ebay users Genghoul and Hay-bert. Those are the two that I got mine from. Good luck !

jmf243 03-15-2012 08:42 AM

The 2 Walmarts near me have the modern 6" on clearance for $11. I guess I'll have to get Tygra and any other future releases elsewhere.

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