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MegaPrime33 02-07-2011 05:33 PM

Avengers: Eath's Mightest Heroes
Anybody been watching this? What do you think so far? I love this show and it's quickly becoming my favorite animated show of the year. The whole Kang story line was/is great. They do a lot in a half hour and it never feels rushed.

Echo7Solo 02-07-2011 06:02 PM

do not like it at all. I mean the animation looks like they ripped off JLU and the way Disney airs it they make it hard to keep up with things. Plus it was a good idea to do the web mini episodes but to turn around and show them after the two parter as regular episodes was a mistake. It just messed with the flow of the show. Plus I think they could have used a better voice cast.

Don't get me wrong, it's not as bad as I make it sound. I just expected a lot more from the first Marvel toon to come from the mouse.

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