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Robear Coll 04-06-2012 08:12 AM

Thundercats Fans Unite to Support Show
Hey fellow Thundercats fans, I already posted this on the other main site, thundercatslair, but here is the dealios. We had the idea to come together and unite as fans to support the show in any way shape and form possible in a positive and constructive way. One great idea we had was to tweet different Thundercats names as the show starts at 9:30am every Saturday to try and get it trending on twitter. This week is the first week we are going to try it. The idea is to tweet "Lion-o" this saturday at 9:30am. If you want to help support in this tiny way sign up for twitter and tweet your support guys, let's show WB and CN and Bandai how much we love this show and know how successful it is and will continue to be!

Again, the first tweet will be as follows below.


Kregermeister 04-06-2012 11:12 AM

Im in.

Shouldnt it be #Lion-O?

Balgus82 04-06-2012 11:23 AM

yeah #Lion-O

Anyway everyone should probably try to get this info to as many people as we can. If you know any other Tcats sites or FB pages or anything tell them too.

Balgus82 04-06-2012 11:41 AM

Hey someone has said on another page that the Hyphen wouldn't work on it. So it would have to be


Mongor 04-06-2012 12:02 PM

I'm in.

Robear Coll 04-06-2012 12:21 PM

Ok so the hyphen won't work so what we should all tweet this coming Saturday at 9:30am is as follows below


Sound good everyone? Spread the word, I'm going to do the same. Let's use the resources we have (FB, Twitter, word of mouth) and try and get it trending and see how much of a Thundercats ruckus we can make on the tweetosphere :)

Mako Crab 04-06-2012 12:29 PM

Cool idea. I'm in.

CreepySariFan 04-06-2012 03:23 PM

I'm down for that.

Robear Coll 04-06-2012 03:46 PM

That's what I'm talkin' about! Spread the word as best you can, we the fans will do our part to support our show.

Robear Coll 04-07-2012 10:01 AM

Also let's post on our FB walls

"Remember to watch Thundercats at 9:30am on CN every Saturday"

That should help promote it too!

Dont forget to tweet!

dpcphoto 04-07-2012 01:36 PM

Awesome idea! I'm in

CreepySariFan 04-07-2012 02:48 PM

So did you guys actually tweet/twat like you were supposed to this morning? I'm putting pressure on everyone!

@ThunderCatsNOW has been using #ThunderCats as well, fyi.

Mongor 04-07-2012 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 44105)
So did you guys actually tweet/twat like you were supposed to this morning? I'm putting pressure on everyone!

@ThunderCatsNOW has been using #ThunderCats as well, fyi.

I did.

Balgus82 04-07-2012 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 44105)
So did you guys actually tweet/twat like you were supposed to this morning? I'm putting pressure on everyone!

@ThunderCatsNOW has been using #ThunderCats as well, fyi.

yeah but lots of people use #Thundercats and They've been using it for a while.
The whole deal with trending is that it takes into account how long something has been tagged along with how much so that the NEW things people are talking about right THEN are what's trending.
The more you use a particular phrase the less likely it'll trend.

From twitter's own website:
"An algorithm determines which topics are "trending" in the location you've selected. This algorithm identifies topics that are immediately popular, rather than topics that have been popular for a while or on a daily basis, to help people discover the hottest emerging topics of discussion on Twitter."

SirSapphire 04-07-2012 06:16 PM

I twat myself this morning.

Kregermeister 04-07-2012 06:49 PM

I tweeted the hell out of it today. Didnt see it trending at all. CN is holding us down cause of our thunderian race man!

adssse 04-07-2012 07:53 PM

I tweeted this morning also. Can anyone say for sure whether it ended up trending (I didnt see it either)?

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