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Swiftkill 09-06-2011 05:20 PM

fanfiction loss?
greetings! im not new here just new to having a name and such.
So this be my first post!
fanfiction... i realise that the 2011 show is new and not many people will be willing to write about it.
but on fanfiction, i found only TWO fanfics. thats really not a lot.
now, again i realise that the show is very new and that things like good fanfiction will take time.
but what i really want to see is some writing about human/cat interaction.
doesnt nessasarily have to be a story (although i personally love when a human randomly gets transported to thundera)
but what would be the characters interactions with a human? what if they came to our world or vise versa?

how would they react to seeing a bunch (or even one) tottally 'hairless monkey' as we dub ourselves?
how would we/they react to our differences in hearing, sight, touch (fur/skin) would it be colder on third earth than on our earth?
is their biology different? do they have kids the same way, mate the same way, can they eat chocolate if it was available?
what about average heights. whats considered short or tall?

things such as these i would like to see written in either fanfiction stories or just random musings.

but personally, a good story with good characterization and reaction so a human/s (love story or not) suddenly arriving on third earth (mainly before mumm-ra or days before) would simply be a delight for me to read.
somehting that isnt only three very short 2,000 words long.

im not sure if this is in the right catagory, so if not please feel free to move it wherever its supposed to go, i wont bite you if you do.

rchrz60 09-20-2011 02:49 AM

I'm kind of new to the whole Fan Fiction thing, but I think that most people are just enjoying the new series right now. Most of the fan fiction would be based off of the 80's version, those storylines, and people rather than a new series that hasn't even hit 10 episodes yet. People need to get a feel for these new characters before trying to establish anything new on their own. That's just my opinion though, hope it helps.

Purrsia 11-06-2011 01:03 PM

I agree it will take some time for people to start ficcing in the new universe. Not sure what stories are on ffnet, so this may be redundant, but there's a new-series based fic here if anyone is interested:

The New King by NoWhere_Man

ThunderCats Fan Fiction :: Fan Fiction of ThunderCats Fans

ayaceres 11-16-2011 05:27 PM

Wow o.o
those are some deep questions for a fanfic.
I don't know why but it made me laugh XD
You put so much thought into this it's great, I hardly see such deepthinking around anymore
I think we'll probably start seeing some thundercats fanfic popping up now, I'm working on one myself now that it's got more episodes out ;)

Swiftkill 11-18-2011 01:15 AM

haha, thanks for all your replies! yeah i guess i do put more thought into it then most. im too curious for my own good.
the amount of fics have increased now that there are more episodes out, however the content for the most part remains the same. oh well, they cant be all god-like novels now can they?

ayaceres 11-18-2011 03:41 PM

I'm waiting for writers that really know how to develop a character, some of the fics I've read just don't have that -.-
I hope I can develop my OC at least

LouLou 11-21-2011 11:42 AM

I love reading peoples Fan fiction and are debating on doing one myself at some point.
What does anyone think of Role playing?? Ive done abit in the past, not of thundercats like but i want to give it a try!

Yasraina 11-21-2011 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by LouLou (Post 21880)
I love reading peoples Fan fiction and are debating on doing one myself at some point.
What does anyone think of Role playing?? Ive done abit in the past, not of thundercats like but i want to give it a try!

Fan fiction its nice indeed i would like to read a good one. As for role playing i used to play a little with my brother and his friends. Unfortunately he is far away and are small team dispaned.

LouLou 11-22-2011 03:05 AM

Maybe we should start an RP?? What does anyone think? x

Yasraina 11-22-2011 04:24 AM

That would be nice i think.

LouLou 11-22-2011 04:20 PM

Cool, ive sent you a message :)

Swiftkill 11-22-2011 08:27 PM

i love rpging! i used to moderate many large sites and co-moderated some. iv created three sites on my own. haha im boasting T__T i lik rp, but i think ill wiat until something good starts to happen.

Purrsia 11-22-2011 10:44 PM

Role playing can be great fun. There's been some awesome games in the fandom over the years so if you guys start one, hope you have a blast. It's great if you can get some steady players and a good plot line going :)

ayaceres 11-23-2011 02:56 PM

I love rping but with school it's hard to rp anymore ;A; and plus people randomly stopped rping with me ;-;

LouLou 11-23-2011 03:40 PM

Glad we've got some interest :) Will start something soon!

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