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The Ever Living 09-14-2011 07:34 PM

Really short review of Classics Lion-O
It @)(@ing ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Ever Living 09-14-2011 08:54 PM

Okay in all seriousness, I was surprised that the upper torso is made up of soft plastic?
Of 6 there was only one with semi perfect paint job.
I wish small and large sword were cast in silver plastic.....some paint details could not have hurt either.
I hope they don't re release these with proper colored foot and wrist connections, I'll be forced to buy another one.
4 and up? Really? lol
Other than that, great figure.

Lion O of savannah 09-14-2011 08:58 PM

I have to agree with you Ever Living. I love mine, and so does my cousin. I bought one for a guy that lives in my town and he hasn't claimed it yet, and im glad. Give me an extra. My only complaint is the soft plastic sword, but I can live with it.

The Ever Living 09-14-2011 09:04 PM

Funny thing is I don't even mind the sword, just the little one. I put it in the glove and it looks like it may have messed up some paint.....tempted to get the TRU Lion-o one day.
The bastard is in stock and I have no cash lol.
Do have a 20% coupon though....Why not give the extra one to your cousin?

Lion O of savannah 09-16-2011 11:21 AM

Dude the day my toys r us had the toys on display we wiped out their stock. When we were done all they had was 1 tank and two attachments. The classic figures were the first ones I bought for us. Ill hold on to it maybe kenny will email me and ask for it. If not ill keep it in the box and store it away. Can't wait for the next wave of toys man. And anxiously awaiting the next episode. 5 weeks to go

The Ever Living 09-16-2011 12:24 PM

Damn! Soon the toys stores will be flooded with this stuff!
The floppyness of the sword started to bug me. Kinda want the tru exclusive one....just don't like the paint wash.

Pravus Prime 09-27-2011 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by The Ever Living (Post 16250)
It @)(@ing ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pretty much.

I finally saw one for the first time ever yesterday and picked one up. I had high expectations, but it blew them all away. Utterly fantastic figure.

Need Mumm-Ra NOW!

McSoundwave 10-01-2011 10:28 AM

I concur! I just hope the excellence that is the Classics Lion-O and Tygra are mere indications of what lies ahead. I seriously can't wait to see what comes out next in the Classics line. I just hope it's sooner rather than later. :cool:

si3ge 10-07-2011 01:42 AM

i agree but i have 1 gripe. after watching PixelDans review of Tygra... i agree that he should have the same articulation in his chest-torso piece that Lion-o does. for some reason they chose to give that mobility to lion-o but Tygra just has 1 solid torso piece. seems like the lion-o figure having that would set the standard for the rest of the line.

si3ge 10-07-2011 01:47 AM

oh yeah... i totally agree about the floppy sword. who thought that was a good idea? i mean donatello's staff back in the day was hard plastic! this should have been the same way. and i want the SDCC exclusive version for the same reason... chromed out sword that stays straight!

Star Saber 10-28-2011 10:05 AM

I just recently got the Classics and agree. Floppy sword is really annoying. Good thing the SDCC one is on the way!

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