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Joe Moore 11-18-2011 11:20 AM

Thundercats Ep 12 Into The Astral Plane Discussion
Thundercats Episode 12 - Into The Astral Plane airs Friday, November 18 at 8:30PM EST on Cartoon Network.

Use this thread to talk about what you expect, as a live commentary thread as well as post airing discussion.

Wilyjo 11-18-2011 08:44 PM

There's something off looking about the young Cheetara model, mostly around the brow area. But that doesn't make sense, since the adult model has that too. Huh. Oh well it's just a personal gripe.

Young Tygra looks cute as a button in that armor.

Also, interesting first use of the new staff.

Joe Moore 11-18-2011 09:43 PM

Hope you enjoy the review.

Ravenxl7 11-18-2011 10:03 PM

Really good episode. Though I feel bad that I missed it on TV. Was really nice to see the lizards and Grune again. The almost skycutter/nosediver like vehicle they drove off on was a nice touch. Would be cool to get one of those in toy-form.

Panthro will probably always be my favorite character, but Tygra is slowly becoming a very close second. This episode really made me feel sorry for him. Meanwhile Lion-O is only making himself seem like more of a jerk, lol.

Not really much else to say about this episode. It's setting up for what should be one great episode next week. Will be really nice to see Mumm-Ra in action again. Should also be interesting to see how Tygra's "betrayal" works out in the end. Since next Friday is my birthday, I'm going to make sure I don't miss the next episode when it first airs.

Joe Moore 11-18-2011 11:25 PM

HD Screen Caps are now up! Enjoy!

Death2Fanboys 11-19-2011 12:03 AM

Good to see Grune and Mumm ra back.

I dunno, I dont like the vision foretold of Tygra. I'm on the very edge of my seat for next week's episode.

jerica 11-19-2011 12:06 AM

All around loved this episode. Like the review says, the flashbacks seemed a little out of sync than with previous episodes but that honestly doesn't bother me in the slightest. The big thing was seeing some back story with Tygra and Cheetara as well as bringing Grune and the lizards back in (seeing Jaga again was great to). And...Tygra, holy shiznit, why do they always put big cliffhangers like that at the end GAHHHH next Friday won't come soon enough let me tell you. And with Mumm-ra thrown in between a sure-to-see brotherly feud, we can definitely expect to not be disappointed. Can't wait!!

RedAlert Rescue 11-19-2011 01:55 AM

Looking forward to the download - it's nice to have a complementary story arc and not just stand alone eps, Thundercats is my cartoon lifeline as TF Prime is not back until Jan now supposedly. And i'm not really especially interested the new DC comics related shows.

LXL Guy 11-19-2011 01:58 AM

I honestly hope Tygra does betray Lion-O. It'd make for a good story (though a bit bias since I'm not a fan of Tygra so I kind of like it even more).

Pravus Prime 11-19-2011 02:08 AM

I'm thinking Tygra will fall for Mumm-Ra's game because he actually isn't well equipped to deal with the Astral Plane. I also think he's really been a whiny little bitch lately so some comeuppance would be well deserved.

To be honest, this series seems to kinda be sputtering for me, not sure why, maybe it's because I've been watching the old series and having a blast essentially watching these episodes for the first time (I'm sure I saw them as a kid, but I only remember about 4 and I've already seen those); causing an unfair comparison to the older series or what, but lately the momentum that the series started with really seems to be waning for me.

As an aside, I still love Mumm-Ra's leitmotiff.

xhavoc86 11-19-2011 02:24 AM

The episode was really good... I feel bad for Tygra, he can't seem to catch a break and it does seem likely that Mumm-ra will exploit that to the fullest.

SerahGetzlaf15 11-19-2011 02:34 AM

Only caught the last 10 minutes tonight, but looks like next week's gonna be insane! So far, so good...

Yasraina 11-19-2011 04:35 AM

I hope they want do something extreme but i'm scared that perhaps they will.
I don't want them to change Tygra more i can't handle to see him do bad things I ADORE him his my favorite thunderian.

TheCopperkid 11-19-2011 07:00 AM

dont worry tygra may do something in the heat of the moment but he will unite with his brother to defeat mumm-ra!

PANTHRO HOOO 11-19-2011 09:01 AM

I'm not sure if any of you have seen tv before so ill help you. In the elephants vision he saw mumm-ra the evermotherfuckingliving take the form of Tygra. Seriously you guys think Tygra is gonna turn. Lololololololok

Yasraina 11-19-2011 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by PANTHRO HOOO (Post 21722)
I'm not sure if any of you have seen tv before so ill help you. In the elephants vision he saw mumm-ra the evermotherfuckingliving take the form of Tygra. Seriously you guys think Tygra is gonna turn. Lololololololok

(Where have you seen that?):eek: my mistake. Ok sorry for that now i understand what you mean

Jlogano20 11-19-2011 09:43 AM

anyone else notice the mess up??
when tygra attack with the thundertank and lion steals back the sword out of grunes hand and then it cut to the thunder thunder thunder etc clip with him pulling the sword out of the claw even though it was already out lol

NIBMRatchet 11-19-2011 11:05 AM

I'd like to where they take this Tygra vs. Lion-O for Cheetara relationship. I support "Lion-O + Cheetara" but felt odd after watching Tygra's flashback scenes. He is indeed shadowed by Lion-O. We are yet to see Lion-O's connection with Cheetara. I'll reserve my final judgement to that day.

merlin 11-19-2011 11:10 AM

i miss it

Yasraina 11-19-2011 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by NIBMRatchet (Post 21729)
I'd like to where they take this Tygra vs. Lion-O for Cheetara relationship. I support "Lion-O + Cheetara" but felt odd after watching Tygra's flashback scenes. He is indeed shadowed by Lion-O. We are yet to see Lion-O's connection with Cheetara. I'll reserve my final judgement to that day.

Perhaps you know it, i'm not sure thought, in the original thundercats in the comics ofcourse Tygra and Cheetara where together and they had 2 cubs (boys btw).Even if i don't like Cheetara that much it is unfair for Tygra the way she treats him and to be honest thanks to her kiss towards Lion-o, Tygra diside to enter the astral plane (following the upcoming mess).;)

NIBMRatchet 11-19-2011 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Yasraina (Post 21735)
Perhaps you know it, i'm not sure thought, in the original thundercats in the comics ofcourse Tygra and Cheetara where together and they had 2 cubs (boys btw).Even if i don't like Cheetara that much it is unfair for Tygra the way she treats him and to be honest thanks to her kiss towards Lion-o, Tygra diside to enter the astral plane (following the upcoming mess).;)

Yep, I read the comic books. The Doberlord invasion (Dogs of War) right? :)
I like this Tygra better than the original. So much character development. I honestly don't know where they'll be taking the relationship. I have a feeling that Cheetara might be a sisterly character to Tygra in this series in the end. Or we'll see a complete turnaround and Lion-O will get the boot. :D

Ravenxl7 11-19-2011 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by PANTHRO HOOO (Post 21722)
I'm not sure if any of you have seen tv before so ill help you. In the elephants vision he saw mumm-ra the evermotherfuckingliving take the form of Tygra. Seriously you guys think Tygra is gonna turn. Lololololololok

That's certainly a possibility (wouldn't be the first time he's disguised himself as a Thunderian), but Mumm-Ra could also exploit Tygra's current mind-set to make him do something he wouldn't normally do.

RedAlert Rescue 11-20-2011 09:37 AM

Any Megaupload links going any place yet for this episode Please ?

LouLou 11-20-2011 03:31 PM

Thought it was a great episode and im espeically liking the whole love triangle thing going on. Though ive always been a Cheetara and Lion-o fan :) Think the elephants are great and couldn't help but laugh at the scene with them and Grune! I hate having to wait a week till the next one though lol

Tracer 11-20-2011 07:41 PM

Great episode, minor nitpick I'm not a fan of how deep the tension is between Lion-o and Tygra but I'm sure everything will pan out. I'm assuming they will run across Jaga and Claudus in the Astral Plane and hopefully that will resolve some issues.

PANTHRO HOOO 11-20-2011 08:17 PM

I am also pretty sure whoever doesn't get cheetara will get pumyra.

Ravenxl7 11-20-2011 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by PANTHRO HOOO (Post 21832)
I am also pretty sure whoever doesn't get cheetara will get pumyra.

Not necessarily. Maybe she'll just add to the competition....if you catch my drift. Though I doubt they would go that route with her, but it would be kinda interesting, and definitely not something people would be expecting.

SPLIT LIP 11-20-2011 09:42 PM

Kit, you little idiot. lol Great episode. Nice seeing Tygra more developed, Cheetara, too. I'm mega excited for next episode.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 11-21-2011 09:13 AM

Finally able to sit down and watch the episode;
Wow, that was a good one! First off, the flashbacks to Tygra and Cheetara were extremely interesting. I think the next episode will play off all the times where Tygra was the one mind-controlled or hooked on drugs in the old series. And yeah, the elephants were actually funnier this time than last. Very curious to see what Tygra does in the Astral Plane.

NinSage 11-21-2011 07:41 PM

1. Nice to see the Grune/MummRa returning.
2. The Tygra/Cheetara flashbacks were extraordinarily heartwarming. Really enjoyed that.
3. I'm very worried about Tygra and the whole Lion-O/Cheetara thing.

As Yasraina knows, Tygra is the man and my favorite character. I'm worried that his character is becoming that of a foil. In other words, he isn't so much a protagonist as much as a method of illustrating what great protagonists the rest of the 'Cats are. He is being shown as jealous and bitter and unworthy of that which he desires (Cheetara and the role as Lord of the Thundercats).

I'm OK with Cheetara and the sword choosing Lion-O. But I'm sad to see that Tygra was once worthy of Cheetara's affection (the flashbacks) but now has been soured over time and responds with anger and jealousy. :(


Originally Posted by TheCopperkid (Post 21717)
dont worry tygra may do something in the heat of the moment but he will unite with his brother to defeat mumm-ra!

I think this is probably correct. But I hope that "settles" things. Cuz otherwise, if the Lion-O/Tygra friction continues, us Tygra fans might be very sad.... cuz let's face it, Lion-O is not going to be surpassed on his own show. :) And I would hate to see Tygra "quit" the team for any number of episodes or, even worse, join Grune or some such thing.

Yasraina 11-22-2011 04:45 AM

Well NinSage reading your post i just got a reminder in my memory. In the original show Tygra exept of the invisibility think he could use illusions as well (We show that in lion-os trials part 4). Maybe they will do something to give him that power in that episode and throught that power he will snap out of everything evil that will happen in the astral plane. My theory ofcourse i'm not inside the writers minds. :)

RedAlert Rescue 11-24-2011 03:20 PM

I finally found a link :

Oh and to wander off-topic a little in the UK discussion section of TFW2005 they are saying that UK Tesco stores now stock some Thundercats toys and some had a Figure and a Thundertank from their.

So keep a look out if you are in the UK and don't forget the clubcard voucher offer on toys (double your money up).

PANTHRO HOOO 11-25-2011 08:58 PM

You know what I'll miss most? The scars.......

Panthro is a Fucking gangster. Awsome episode. Elephants fight grune Slythe and Mumm-Ra all fight. Did not expect the cheetara situation to end so soon. I also enjoyed the little reference panthro made about Snarf being a nurse maid.

Death2Fanboys 11-26-2011 12:01 AM

A Total Kickass Episode! I was glad to see the Elephants getting into the action. It seems like the episode was hinting to Lion-O always winning. But the kissing sealed for Tygra and Cheetara.

Great episode, and I get the feeling we will see Ghost Grune in the future like in the original...that is gonna be badass!

Grune the Warrior 11-26-2011 09:37 PM

That episode was awesome. Now we're talking.

vantheman77 11-27-2011 01:36 AM

Hello, newbie here. This is one of the better episodes where we finally get back on track on the main storyline concerning the stones. We also have the return of Grune and the Lizard Army since we last saw them in both Old Friends and Journey To The Temple of Omens respectively.

The sibling rivalry between Lion-O and Tygra has resurfaced once again and for some reason late in this first season, we get the history between Tygra and Cheetara when they were young and why Cheetara became a cleric. This detracts from whatever relationship Lion-O and Cheetara have throughout this first season.

Wilykit and Wilykat's differences start to emerge where Kit feels home with the elephants while Kat still wants to look for treasure.

Tygra saves everyone with the Thundertank and Lion-O didn't seem to care as this makes Lion-O almost unlikeable here just as they're about to enter the portal into the Astral plane. The elephant people have a vision of Lion-O being betrayed by Tygra that ends as a cliffhanger.

Pravus Prime 11-27-2011 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by PANTHRO HOOO (Post 21722)
I'm not sure if any of you have seen tv before so ill help you. In the elephants vision he saw mumm-ra the evermotherfuckingliving take the form of Tygra. Seriously you guys think Tygra is gonna turn. Lololololololok

How's your foot taste?

(Normally I wouldn't have said anything, but that first sentence is pretty offensive.)

PANTHRO HOOO 11-27-2011 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 22477)
How's your foot taste?

(Normally I wouldn't have said anything, but that first sentence is pretty offensive.)

Yeah well get ready cause now I'll attack the writers. It's rediculous that Tygra turned. The great betrayel the elephant spoke of was over cheetara? Seriously that's pretty gay cause he was pretty open to Lion-O and they have even said let the best cat win. The only thing that made sense was a Mumm-ra shape shift because Tygra should never turn at least not violently on his brother.

vantheman77 11-27-2011 03:09 PM

If I were Lion-O, I'd be weary of Tygra now that the spirit memory shows Tygra trying to kill him.

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