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Joe Moore 03-01-2011 10:39 AM

Should the cats even leave Thundera (2011)
In the new show, it looks like Thundera will play a huge part in the series. At least at first. So if the writers spend a good deal of time exploring the Thundercats' home planet, do you think they ever need to have them leave?

adam_adamant 03-01-2011 11:42 AM

Third Earth, Thundera, I don't think it matters. As long as the stories are engaging/well written, the animation is good and the voice acting is up to par who cares? Besides...we're guaranteed appearances by Grune and Mumm-Ra - what more can we ask for!

Transformed 03-01-2011 12:10 PM

Seeing that we saw so little of Thundera in the original show, I hope this one spends more than some time there. If the entire first season takes place on Thundera, explaining the Thundercats, the Sword of Omens and the Mutants too (if they actually fit in) I'm all for it. I always wanted to know more about the Thundercats, so yes, I hope they stay on Thundera.

Mako Crab 03-01-2011 12:17 PM

I agree. We only ever saw glimpses of Thunderian society in the original. It'd be nice to see what their culture is actually like. One giant nudist colony of cat people like in the Wildstorm origins comics? :p

topnotch97 03-01-2011 12:18 PM

to me it doesn't matter if they go in that direction and completely different from the original series.

i mean c'mon, why did Thundera exploded? why are the mutants their enemy's? what happened to the people of Thundera? did they survive? those questions.

heck, even if Mumm-ra were Thunderan, it's fine. they should make the story interesting and not stuck with the original series. it's just fanboy rage that they prefer the original.

and also. i hope this is gonna be an ongoing series. rather than stuck with a 26 episodes or something.

brollicon 03-01-2011 12:28 PM

i think they should how would superman be superman if he never left krypton but maybe the episodes where they are on thundera are flashbacks to how things were years earlier

EDcomics 03-01-2011 02:54 PM

I'm a pretty big Thundercats fan, but one of the things I've always wanted to see was a larger group of Thunderians. I think the old comics showed a larger group of characters, especially the mutants and their slave Brutemen. While the core groups of Thundercats is a definite must-have (and we're already getting that), I'm looking forward to seeing a full civilization of Thunderians in the new series. If they never leave Thundera, it won't bother me. That story was a ripoff of Superman's origin, anyway. Thundera = Krypton in the old series. Furthermore, staying on Thundera allows for new characters to be created without having them feel shoehorned in. I always loved the addition of Bangali, Pumyra and Lynx-O, but the explanation never sat well with me. Right now I'm happy with how the new show looks, and I can't wait to see it.

MegaPrime33 03-01-2011 05:21 PM

Thinking it over, why not? I think it would be really interesting to see them have a big battle and then lose their homes and land and have to be forced to go some place to find a new place to live. That would mean Mumm-Ra would have already been known to them, I mean how could he not.

DESTRO 03-01-2011 05:56 PM

As long as they don't screw up Mumm-Ra it matters very little to me. From the looks of the concept art at Toy Fair I would say we are safe.

Ratar-O 03-01-2011 07:10 PM

Doesn't matter to me, I would love for the majority of it to take place on Thundera and of course maybe have some adventures in the Mutants territory and if the lunatacs make an appearance then maybe some action in their area as well. From what I have seen though Thundera looks awesome and I look forward to the stories that take place there.

topnotch97 03-01-2011 09:36 PM

hey at least it's not a kid lion-o incubated to an adult lion-o, like in the original series. :D

here we have a young lion-o learning the ropes and everything.

GK Punk 03-01-2011 10:04 PM

I'm fine with them staying on thundera. It could prevent things from getting so convoluted if done right.

ultramaximus 03-02-2011 03:39 AM

I don't mind them being on Thundera at the start of the series, but I think by the end of the first season they should destroy Thundera and force them to search for a new home on 3rd Earth. Save Mum-Ra for the big bad until the end of the first season/ start of second season like Transformers: Animated did with Megatron.

Quantum 03-02-2011 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Transformed (Post 2232)
Seeing that we saw so little of Thundera in the original show, I hope this one spends more than some time there. If the entire first season takes place on Thundera, explaining the Thundercats, the Sword of Omens and the Mutants too (if they actually fit in) I'm all for it. I always wanted to know more about the Thundercats, so yes, I hope they stay on Thundera.

This. I am itching for more Thundercats history, and if this show gives us that by showing us life on Thundera for most if not all of the 1st season, I'm so down. Could even have the season finale be when Thundera explodes, and the 2nd season opener them arriving on 3rd Earth or wherever.

I'm just stoked for new Thundercats!!!!

Michael'O 03-02-2011 10:43 AM

It doesn't bother me either way, as long as they make all the old characters appear in the show, they can put them on the moon as far as I am concerned.

WingDagger 03-02-2011 01:23 PM

My guess would be that the series will start in a very similar fashion to the '84 Transformers series, More than Meets the Eye, and most of the leaked trailer will be from the three-part premiere. By all appearances, they're really trying to set the Thundercats up as an elite ruling class, with the Plunndarian mutants being their slaves (and Grune as the chief slave-master!).

I got the definate impression that Lion-O may be very sheltered, and may not realise what is going on in his father's name. It also seemed as though Cheetara is trying to get a message to him, maybe to open his eyes to the plight of the mutants.

Another thing I got from the trailer was that it seemed as though it may have been the first time Lion-O was granted "Sight-beyond-sight" by the Eye of Thundera. Could it have been showing him what he'd been sheltered from in his ivory tower?

Also, if all these theories are correct, it could all add fuel to the fire that seems to be present between Lion-O & Tygra if Tygra supports the mutant enslavement.

Without question, the Thundercats will relocate very early in the series. Reasoning? The MTV interview with Ethan Spaulding that this very site posted a few weeks ago.


MTV: And Panthro's looking a little more grizzled with that scar on his eye and such...

SPAULDING: Yeah, we're making him the older veteran. He's been out there on Third Earth exploring. He's the elder of the group, once they get together.
He explicitly states Panthro has been exploring Third Earth, so unless he's being held over until the end of the series too, if the theory about Mumm-Ra not being a major player until later plays out, then they're going to have to set the majority of the series on Third Earth.

Another couple of clues: Tygra's toy has a significantly different costume to the one he's sporting in the trailer.

Finally, unless the Berbils are now residents of Thundera, the concept art has been shown for their village (behind closed doors) at the NYC Toy Fair.

In short, the first three-parter will tell the story of the Thundercats civilisation being something close to the Roman Empire, complacent and decadent, with a few young Thundarians (ie, Cheetara) looking to open the eyes of the young Lord-to-Be to the wrongs being inflicted on another race by his father's trusted servants (ie, Grune). An uprising, probably led by Ssslithe (or Ratar-O?), sets off a chain of events that force Lion-O et al to leave Thundera for Third Earth. Whether this is some kind of exile for using the Eye of Thundera (and subsequently defying Claudus) or if it is due to some sort of catastrophe that leaves Thundera uninhabitable remains to be seen...

Smasher 03-03-2011 02:56 PM

In the original series the Thundercats location and unfamiliarity with the Third Earth was only a factor for a few episodes.
In the last season, when stories switched between Third Earth and New Thundera as locations it wasn't immediately evident which was which.

So, I'm not exactly married to the Third Earth's being the location, but it would be cool if it showed up in some form.

What I'm more wondering about is the concept that the Mutants are slaves to the elitist Thundercats, and that Lion-O may be shielded from the more grim aspects of their society.

This seems a far cry from "Truth. Honor. Justice. Loyalty."

Transformed 03-03-2011 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by WingDagger (Post 2299)
My guess would be that the series will start in a very similar fashion to the '84 Transformers series, More than Meets the Eye, and most of the leaked trailer will be from the three-part premiere. By all appearances, they're really trying to set the Thundercats up as an elite ruling class, with the Plunndarian mutants being their slaves (and Grune as the chief slave-master!).

I don’t remember much of the Tundercats apparently, so could you refresh my memory by telling me who the Plunndarians are? The they the same as the Mutants?

The new trailer that’s up implies Thundera wasn’t too different from ancient Egypt. The hieroglyphics mural scene in the new extended video looks as though a Lizard like race (slaves?) are raising up against the Thundercats with Mumm-ra off in the distant as well.


I got the definate impression that Lion-O may be very sheltered, and may not realise what is going on in his father's name. It also seemed as though Cheetara is trying to get a message to him, maybe to open his eyes to the plight of the mutants.

Another thing I got from the trailer was that it seemed as though it may have been the first time Lion-O was granted "Sight-beyond-sight" by the Eye of Thundera. Could it have been showing him what he'd been sheltered from in his ivory tower?
I got the impression that Lion-O was still in training (isn’t sparring/fighting with his father with the Sword of Omens?), and that everything was still new to him. I’m not saying that your theory is wrong—it sounds quite interesting, actually—just that this being the first episode, everything’s going to be a first.

Lion-O being a prince and all would have had to learn how to use the very things his father knows if he too is to become the Lord of the Thundercats, no?


Also, if all these theories are correct, it could all add fuel to the fire that seems to be present between Lion-O & Tygra if Tygra supports the mutant enslavement.
If true, why would Lion-O accept Tygra as an ally/brother? Wouldn’t he be supporting the very thing Lion-O’s against?

I’m wondering what was the cause of Thundera’s end. Why did it explode; did their sun die or what? Surely the slaves could have destroyed the planet.


He explicitly states Panthro has been exploring Third Earth, so unless he's being held over until the end of the series too, if the theory about Mumm-Ra not being a major player until later plays out, then they're going to have to set the majority of the series on Third Earth.
I wonder why Panthro was exploring Third Earth. Was it due to the pending destruction of his world, a new world to colonize and later relocate slaves to or something else?


Another couple of clues: Tygra's toy has a significantly different costume to the one he's sporting in the trailer.
The extended trailer shows us Tygra in at least two different outfits, Lion-O, too. Isn’t it possible that we’ll see others as well? Isn’t it possible that the toy line will also have characters, gimmicks and an assortment of other things that will not be in the show—other toy lines do it, why not the Thundercats?


Finally, unless the Berbils are now residents of Thundera, the concept art has been shown for their village (behind closed doors) at the NYC Toy Fair.
Wish those were made public :D How often do drawings from concepts make it to the final product? Again, I’m not saying these things don’t exist or can’t happen, just that ideas sometimes change or never come to pass.


In short, the first three-parter will tell the story of the Thundercats civilisation being something close to the Roman Empire, complacent and decadent, with a few young Thundarians (ie, Cheetara) looking to open the eyes of the young Lord-to-Be to the wrongs being inflicted on another race by his father's trusted servants (ie, Grune). An uprising, probably led by Ssslithe (or Ratar-O?), sets off a chain of events that force Lion-O et al to leave Thundera for Third Earth. Whether this is some kind of exile for using the Eye of Thundera (and subsequently defying Claudus) or if it is due to some sort of catastrophe that leaves Thundera uninhabitable remains to be seen...
I would not doubt be interested in such a story, sounds awesome, but I don’t want to allow myself to get my hopes up too high.

Has it already been confirmed that the pilot will be split into three parts?


Originally Posted by Smasher (Post 2338)
In the original series the Thundercats location and unfamiliarity with the Third Earth was only a factor for a few episodes.
In the last season, when stories switched between Third Earth and New Thundera as locations it wasn't immediately evident which was which.

So, I'm not exactly married to the Third Earth's being the location, but it would be cool if it showed up in some form.

I don’t think I saw how the Thundercats ended, my area kept repeating the same old cartoons over and over, which led to my leaving the show:(

I hope the writers keep enough of the old show as possible while still making it fresh and very interesting. If this is anything like the Mike Young He-Man series I’ll be very, very happy (too bad it’s gone).


What I'm more wondering about is the concept that the Mutants are slaves to the elitist Thundercats, and that Lion-O may be shielded from the more grim aspects of their society.

This seems a far cry from "Truth. Honor. Justice. Loyalty."
Good point. Was that quote always a part of the Thundercats’ code or was something Lion-O coined? What sort of person was Lion-O’s father? As I said up above, I don’t remember the Thundercat’s history all that well…

WingDagger 03-04-2011 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Transformed
I don’t remember much of the Tundercats apparently, so could you refresh my memory by telling me who the Plunndarians are? The they the same as the Mutants?

Yeah, the Mutants come form Plun-Darr, hence why their castle is called Castle Plun-Darr. (Sorry, just found the correct spelling!)

As for the rest of your post, I haven't seen the extended trailer yet. CN have seen fit to restrict it to the US only, and nobody else has uploaded it yet. I was originally going to post how it would be pointless to have Mumm-Ra make an appearance until the Mutants make him aware of the Sword of Omens/EoT, and if he was a resident of Thundera, surely he would have known of the Eye already and it wouldn't have taken him millennia to try and take it from the Thundercats. But if you say there are images of hieroglyphs depicting Mumm-Ra leading the mutants out of captivity... Well, who knows? Maybe the story will follow a similar path to TF: Animated and the Sword will be thrown off into space to prevent Mumm-Ra getting it, like how the All-Spark was.


Originally Posted by Transformed
If true, why would Lion-O accept Tygra as an ally/brother? Wouldn’t he be supporting the very thing Lion-O’s against?

I’m wondering what was the cause of Thundera’s end. Why did it explode; did their sun die or what? Surely the slaves could have destroyed the planet.

These are two of the questions I'm most looking forward to being answered. Tygra may fnd that he gets a serious wake-up call when the uprising hits, and ends up getting closer to his (half?) brother as a result when he realises the young lord has been right all along.

Whatever, I am most definitely looking forward to seeing the dynamic between the two in action!

Smasher 03-04-2011 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Transformed (Post 2351)
Good point. Was that quote always a part of the Thundercats’ code or was something Lion-O coined? What sort of person was Lion-O’s father? As I said up above, I don’t remember the Thundercat’s history all that well…

If I remember correctly it was the actual Code of Thundera.
They would put their hands together and say it.

Reeds 03-04-2011 08:40 PM

I think the explosion of Thundera is something they won't want to rush. They've already got this great way to extend the series into something new in their pocket, so why waste it. They have this clean slate with which to work and Thundera looks so rich that they could do stories in it for years.

Eventually, if the show remains successful, I hope to see the switch over to Exodus before the creative well on Thundera runs dry and starts to crack.

Transformed 03-05-2011 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by WingDagger (Post 2382)
CN have seen fit to restrict it to the US only, and nobody else has uploaded it yet.

I'm in Japan, so I know how you feel. This following posted helped me see it so, hopefully, it'll be of use to you to;)


Originally Posted by GK Punk (Post 2332)
Thanks for the new screen caps!

I saw where people outside of the US is having trouble viewing this new one so I mirrored it:

MEGAVIDEO - I'm watching it

Thundercats - Coming to Cartoon Network!(360p_H.264-AAC).mp4 - - online file sharing and storage - download


Whatever, I am most definitely looking forward to seeing the dynamic between the two in action!
I agree. This going to be a long wait:(

ThunderCat Tygra 2011 03-07-2011 03:14 PM

Personatly I´d like to see the felines home planet, their culture, customs and traditions. All the place look amazing. But if Thundera is only full of desert places, I think it would be kinda better that they´ll go to another planet with more classes of habitats. After all, they are felines and I think they need more kinds of climates beside desert climate.....

WingDagger 03-07-2011 05:31 PM

OK, so having seen the extended trailer now (cheers, GK Punk!) it would certainly seem that Mumm-Ra inhabits Thundera, unless the hieroglyphs are being intetionally used in the trailer to mislead us into thinking that!

Revised theory:

Either the hieroglyphs are meant to portray an evil that previous generations of TCats sealed away or they're showing a prophecy of a battle yet-to-come, which may take place on either Third Earth or Thundera. If it's the latter, it may explain why Panthro has been scouting Third Earth, if Claudus is trying to determine the nature of the hieroglyphs...

Super_Megatron 03-09-2011 12:43 PM

This isn't going to be a continuation of the original series so I have no problem with them them using Thundera as the base for the series. If they are keeping true to the first cartoon then I'm sure they will introduce 3rd Earth in eventually.

Steevy Maximus 03-10-2011 01:31 AM

I think debate on this subject is moot. From prior experiences, usually these "preview clips" are composed from whatever episode(s) that are done, and usually the clips only pull footage from the first episode or two.

So I think it is quite premature to assume they aren't leaving when we've likely only seen material from the first episode

Grune the Destroyer 03-11-2011 06:30 AM

Explosion of Thundera may be an "end of season one"-type thing...

I'm quite happy if they spend longer on the homeworld. I didn't want a carbon copy of the original series anyway, so am pleased to see new ideas and directions.

printer6 03-15-2011 03:25 PM

I don't want this to be an imitation of the original series (doesn't look like it from the trailer) so I'm fine with an extended stay on Thundera.

WingDagger 03-22-2011 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Super_Megatron (Post 2604)
This isn't going to be a continuation of the original series so I have no problem with them them using Thundera as the base for the series. If they are keeping true to the first cartoon then I'm sure they will introduce 3rd Earth in eventually.

As I mentioned, Mumm-Ra on Thundera doesn't quite sit right with me. I don't believe a being of his power would remain dormant for so long with an artifact of the Eye of Thundera/Sword of Omen's magnitude on the same planet.

Maybe there'll be some sort of 'Ancient evil, sealed away and catastophically released by a naive young prince' scenario set up, but, in my personal opinion, he worked better as an unknown, alien threat, not as some fabled 'bogey man,' but meh... That's just my opinion.

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