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Trukkinmunky 08-04-2011 09:43 PM

ThunderCats 4 inch figures review.
Here is my review of the ThunderCats figures that came out. I did this to show everyone how they are. I do like this line very much and I like it more then the 6 inch one.
‪Thundercats 2011 4" Figures review‬‏ - YouTube
Thanks for watching guys.

Joe Moore 08-05-2011 06:39 AM

Moved to review section. Thanks for sharing.

Trukkinmunky 08-05-2011 10:43 AM

Thanks for putting this in the right spot, sorry bout that.
Here is my Thundertank review.

Ravenxl7 08-05-2011 11:50 AM

Great reviews. I'll definitely be getting the 4" scaled line for the new show's stuff. Though I might get a couple of the 6" one's (certain favorite characters, and maybe Mumm-Ra for the size of him). I'm still on the fence about the Thundertank. Would be nice, but if Snarf wasn't included as an exclusive with it, I wouldn't even be considering it, tbh. I'm hoping he doesn't turn out to be so "exclusive", lol. The only one of the vehicles I'm positive I might get, is Tygra's ThunderCycle, but I want to wait and find out if the normal 4" figures can fit in them or not.

dolza_khyron 08-06-2011 03:58 AM

love it! thanks!

while i would of liked to see the thunder kittens have better articulation, i think it would of screwed up the scale, and or the quality of the sculpt.

after all, articulation isn't everything!

also i wonder if snarf gets "bigger" in the series later on?

Talyn 08-10-2011 01:58 PM

what does Mumm-ra's magnet do? Do his accessories interact any way?

Trukkinmunky 08-10-2011 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Talyn (Post 9707)
what does Mumm-ra's magnet do? Do his accessories interact any way?

His magnet is the same as everyone else. It doesn't do anything with the stuff he comes with.

Trukkinmunky 08-13-2011 01:44 AM

Thundercats 2011 Lizard Cannon review - YouTube
New review of the Lizard cannon!!

Trukkinmunky 08-15-2011 08:58 PM

I just bought Grune today. Will be reviewing him some time soon.

dbox183 08-16-2011 01:42 AM

Really enjoying your reviews -- Much appreciated. This is the first I've seen of the Lizard Canon, and your video helped make it a *Maybe* to a *Must-Own*!

I just picked up a few of the 4" figures myself (Lion-O, Cheetara, Tygra, and Panthro) and, much like yourself, I am really happy with them. I can't wait to find the rest now, which hopefully will be soon. Thanks again for the videos - can't wait to see Grune.

Trukkinmunky 08-16-2011 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by dbox183 (Post 10586)
Really enjoying your reviews -- Much appreciated. This is the first I've seen of the Lizard Canon, and your video helped make it a *Maybe* to a *Must-Own*!

I just picked up a few of the 4" figures myself (Lion-O, Cheetara, Tygra, and Panthro) and, much like yourself, I am really happy with them. I can't wait to find the rest now, which hopefully will be soon. Thanks again for the videos - can't wait to see Grune.

Thanks alot man, that really means alot :). That's why I do the reviews just to show people how awesome these toys are. I will hopefully be doing Grune sometime today. Thanks again friend.

Trukkinmunky 08-18-2011 10:26 PM

Sorry for the wait. Grune review.
Thundercats 2011 Deluxe Grune review - YouTube

dbox183 08-20-2011 07:21 PM

Got a few thoughts for ya Trukk! Firstly, thank you again for another awesome video review. Some of the stores around me are FINALLY getting in the Deluxe figures, so it's only a matter of time until I get Grune. I know they're going for 14.99 at my local TRU's, and I don't mind the price, but I would have liked some other accessories - A sword, a regular mace (Ala his original/flashback in the new series), something along those lines.

Also, I did manage to pick up a Lizard Cannon yesterday (The last 2 days I have been on the hunt, so busy I haven't been here!) and I absolutely love it. It's such a neat little toy, plus as you said the Lizard figure is awesome.

Lastly, I do have a 6" Mumm-Ra and it is an awesome figure. I am someone who prefers the 6" personally (doesn't matter which I prefer, I am purchasing them all lol) but I think he is just a tad too big when in line with the 4" line. I'd say do a match up in the store if you can find the 4" & 6" together so you can find one you're happy with.

Now to find Grune and the Thundertank! Thanks again :)

Trukkinmunky 08-22-2011 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by dbox183 (Post 11813)
Got a few thoughts for ya Trukk! Firstly, thank you again for another awesome video review. Some of the stores around me are FINALLY getting in the Deluxe figures, so it's only a matter of time until I get Grune. I know they're going for 14.99 at my local TRU's, and I don't mind the price, but I would have liked some other accessories - A sword, a regular mace (Ala his original/flashback in the new series), something along those lines.

Also, I did manage to pick up a Lizard Cannon yesterday (The last 2 days I have been on the hunt, so busy I haven't been here!) and I absolutely love it. It's such a neat little toy, plus as you said the Lizard figure is awesome.

Lastly, I do have a 6" Mumm-Ra and it is an awesome figure. I am someone who prefers the 6" personally (doesn't matter which I prefer, I am purchasing them all lol) but I think he is just a tad too big when in line with the 4" line. I'd say do a match up in the store if you can find the 4" & 6" together so you can find one you're happy with.

Now to find Grune and the Thundertank! Thanks again :)

Thanks alot man. I'm going on the hunt tomorrow for my Mumm Ra. I'm leaning towards the 6'' one as of now. But I might pick up both. Thanks again for the comments. :)

Hyper Jaguar 08-22-2011 05:36 PM

The only downside to the 4" figures is that you can't fit Cheetara or the Wily Twins in any of the vehicles.

squawkbot 08-23-2011 12:53 PM

Cheetara doesnt fit in the tank?
That sucks
Guess panthro wont be pimpin it anytime soon

Trukkinmunky 08-23-2011 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by squawkbot (Post 12304)
Cheetara doesnt fit in the tank?
That sucks
Guess panthro wont be pimpin it anytime soon

Cheetara can fit in the tank. she just sits kinda low in it.

Hyper Jaguar 08-23-2011 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Trukkinmunky (Post 12335)
Cheetara can fit in the tank. she just sits kinda low in it.

Does she fit in the ThunderRacers?

Trukkinmunky 08-23-2011 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Hyper Jaguar (Post 12362)
Does she fit in the ThunderRacers?

That I am not sure about. I don't own the ThunderRacers........yet.

soulej 08-28-2011 03:35 PM

Great review.

I don't particularly care for the 4" line, however the 8" classics are amazing. I just got them the other day and I can't say how pleased I am that Bandai released an 8" classics line.

I have to say though, they are probably my favorite action figures I have bought so far, and I have a lot. Even the packaging is awesome, you don't have to rip it open to take out the figures and the packaging is reusable. Pretty cool!

Trukkinmunky 08-28-2011 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by soulej (Post 13555)
Great review.

I don't particularly care for the 4" line, however the 8" classics are amazing. I just got them the other day and I can't say how pleased I am that Bandai released an 8" classics line.

I have to say though, they are probably my favorite action figures I have bought so far, and I have a lot. Even the packaging is awesome, you don't have to rip it open to take out the figures and the packaging is reusable. Pretty cool!

Thanks. I own both of the classic figures and I love them. They look great and are so awesome. I will hopefully be doing a review of these two guys soon.

Trukkinmunky 09-05-2011 10:50 PM

Check out my Classics and 6'' figure reviews in this thread.

ToodlesMrJim 01-26-2012 01:46 AM

I really like the 4 inch line, but am a bit taken back by the 2nd wave. For the most part it's a rehash line, so I'm curious why the molds were retooled to include less articulation?

Mum-ra (Everliving) - has basically the same to the deluxe with the exception of the wings of course. He lacks waist articulation that the previous figure had and doesn't come with the peg hold (or claw gauntlet) in his right hand. And for some reason they didn't paint the bandages on his hand, but on the plus side, they did paint the symbol on his chest correctly.

Panthro (Jaxx's edition) - I'm glad they didn't paint the gums like the prototype, just having the white teeth does wonders for the appearance of this figure. Back to the articulation, Panthro lacks wrist articulation :( but the part that really bothers me is that he has no heal articulation like the first figure did.

Lion-o (Witchblade edition) - First I have to say I think this arm is a bit larger (ape-like) than I think it should be. I do like the inclusion of the alternate hand. Lion-o also has less articulation than his first release, he lacks the heal and waist articulation. I think the torso must be a new piece all together because his crotch piece is thicker and (at least in my figure) makes his stance a little strange looking.

King Claudis - This is my favorite out of this series, but perhaps it's because there's not a previous figure to compare it to. This figure also lacks heal/ankle and waist articulation.

All and all I still like the 4inch line, the sculpts and paint applications are there (for the most part), but it is beyond me why they would spend the extra money to remove the articulation when they already had existing parts to use.

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