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Ulisa 10-30-2011 04:20 AM

Old Elements into New Series
I am really loving how the new series takes some elements from the old and tweaks, changes, and makes them fit into the new series without utterly butchering them. That being said, I was wondering what elements, if any, from the old series you would want to see incorporated into the new.

As for myself, I'd really love to see the twins' weapons (the pellets and lariats) or a version of them return. The pellets could be a bit silly in the old cartoon but they could also be useful and lethal in the right circumstance.

One thing I have ADORED about the new series is how toned down the Sword of Omens is. As much as I love the old series, the sword was God's Swiss Army Knife and Cheat Code Book in that series. It did everything. So, I am really enjoying seeing Lion-o discovering its powers and not having it solve everything, instead having to rely on skills and smarts. That was a refreshing change.

However, in that same thread, one thing I _did_ like regarding the sword in the old series was the old danger signal it had. Is it, a little bit but I found it an interesting little tid bit. I wonder if that will be tweaked and included at all or if it's dropped altogether. I think it's a power that could be used well, if incorporated right so that it didn't become tiresome.

I think mostly, a lot of places on ThirdEarth I really hope they get to explore. This new series is really expanding on the different atmospheres and settings they use. Hook Mountain was mentioned in "berbils" briefly so I am really hoping we get to see that. Snow is an interesting setting. Although it wasn't used much in the old series, the tunnels dug by the Mole People was interesting too, given the underground element of it. Forest of Mists was also an eerie, haunting kind of place. One of my friends wrote an excellent AU story regarding the forest's origin, with tie-ins to Mumm-Ra and prior "earths" giving it a very grim, creepy and sad origin. That's something I think this new series could easily do something similiar with.

Lastly, while I like the lack of Thundranium in this series, I do hope we get a version of Darkside. Seems like every culture has something akin to "Forbidden Territories" and the like. I'd like to see what kind of legends surround a place like that in this TC universe.


80sFanboy 10-31-2011 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Ulisa (Post 20143)
I am really loving how the new series takes some elements from the old and tweaks, changes, and makes them fit into the new series without utterly butchering them...

one thing I _did_ like regarding the sword in the old series was the old danger signal it had. I wonder if that will be tweaked and included at all or if it's dropped altogether.


I think the danger signal may come in the more adept Lion-O becomes at "Sight beyond Sight", but it would probably come from the Book of Omens as aposed to the Eye of Thundara.

My question is on the Lunatacks. Ar ethey coming back? And if so, how? Mumm-Ra never froze them in volcanic rock because he was stuck until Grune released him... or so we think. Remember too, that was a test and not necessarily what happened in the past.


Ulisa 11-01-2011 12:36 AM

You bring up a very good point. It seems in this new series that instead of one ruling the other, the sword and Lion-o seem to be in sync with one another. It's pretty nice that allthis power isn;t jsut HANDED to him but that he has to figure it out and learn.

Truth be told, I found it interesting that usually in the old series, it was a thundercat in danger that the sword altered him to. I think it might be interesting if in this series, the danger signal only applied to people Lion-o has struck a bond with, hence the sword has a bond with.

Like, for example, right now, Panthro and Lion-o seem to still be sorting out their differences. Tygra and Lion-o are much better but still have their odd arguments. Cheetara seems pretty faithful to him as do the twins. So, if I was to go by my theory, if he manages to master "Sight Beyond Sight" it would only warn him on Cheetara and the twins (possibly) Eh, just random ideas that pop in my head late at night

80sFanboy 11-01-2011 06:33 PM

I was thinking and I would have to chalk the danger signal up to the multi-function swiss army knife. (Or at least function 746 of the Sonic Screwdriver)

I understand your point about the closeness, but I'm not convinced Lion-O's love interest will be Cheetara in this series. Tigra seems to have a better rapport with her, and I'm a Lion-O and Pumyra "shipper".

Ulisa 11-01-2011 07:24 PM

Oh, me personally, I like Tygra much better with Cheetara. I never really paired Lion-o with anyone though one of my friends did mention the idea of Lion-o and WilyKit together once she grew up which I found intriguing. Closeness wise though, Cheetara seems to be his best support at the moment. I don't necessarily equal closeness to being "romantically interested." More like, loyal I guess. Per instance, I see the twins as being oddly loyal to Lion-o though, they really don't have a reason to be.

if that makes any sense

80sFanboy 11-02-2011 09:36 PM

I don't see any "loyalty" there yet, just coincidental happenstance. It's beneficial for everyone for the time being. However, I can completely see the twins running off with some advantageous ploy, only to have themselves cornered; realized the "family" they had with the rest of the group; be rescued by said group and finally show true appreciation and loyalty.


Many people I've talked to never saw Lion-O with anyone because of his 'condition'. He was still only a ~12yo kid in a man's body. This is also due to the heavily programmed homo-erotic tv of the time (He man, etc). Lion-O was perfect at this as Willa didn't even turn his head.

In this series, though, they have already diagnosed Lion-O AND Tygra with a serious case of the "Not-gays". Given their reactions to Cheetara, and Lion-O's disheartened look in episode 9 when she was asleep on Tygra's arm, There's hope for a love interest somewhere along the way.

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