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Jasperoo 06-19-2012 07:26 AM

Why does everyone seem to hate Tygra?
Ive noticed a common theme amongst many Thundercats fans, a general hatred of Tygra and anything related to him.
Personally i have always liked Tygra the most right from the original series i often dont take to the main characters in these sort of shows i find them boring (such as lion-o)

One big complaint is that Cheetara got with Tygra and not Lion-o, in this series it makes much more sense for Cheetara to be with Tygra not Lion-o, they are a closer match in age for a start and have history together. Yes Cheetara flirted with lion-o but dont alot of kids (cos he is still young) have crushes on teachers and mentors? especially those as hot as cheetara is. Remember we see most episodes from Lion-o's point of view so its bound to look like she likes him back cos thats the way he wants to see it.

these are just my opinions and i am definitely open to discussion (hence starting a thread)
I just want the views and opinions if you love tygra like i do why? and if you are one of the tygra haters then speak out and share your thoughts.
Just as a side not i dont want this to turn into a huge argument everyone has their own views and opinions thats what makes life great itd be dull if we are all the same. :D

Jasperoo 06-19-2012 07:28 AM

thats a previous comment i made on this subject

Sining 06-19-2012 09:12 AM

Same reason I dislike Sasuke in Naruto -_-

hollowdheart 06-19-2012 10:21 AM

He's made racist, sexist comments and has been horrible to Lion-o for over a decade just because Lion-o got in the way of what he wanted (being King) and Lion-o's mother died giving birth, leaving Tygra with just Claudus. At the very least Sasuke's situation is more understandable.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 06-19-2012 10:46 AM

I don't personally hate Tygra. But for a while there we kept getting reminded about how he's stronger, faster, better leader, etc. than Lion-O. And it gets kinda annoying after a while. Like a guy at my local comic shop who sincerely believes Red Hulk/Gen. Ross is Marvel's Batman. This same guy hates new Lion-O because he's a teenager, makes some mistakes (being a teenager), "makes tactical erors a king would never make"(again, he's a teenager), so clearly my friend's not the best judge of character.

stac 06-19-2012 12:11 PM

I suppose it’s for the same reasons I’d pick the boring, nice guy over the cocky, arrogant wanker.
I don’t hate the character but I do dislike him. I don’t share the view that Tygra is a ‘complex’ character. I think he’s a rather simple and petty character for all the reasons hollowdheart mentioned.
For other people, Tygra symbolises the control exerted on the show by Jelenic.


Originally Posted by Jasperoo (Post 56082)
One big complaint is that Cheetara got with Tygra and not Lion-o, in this series it makes much more sense for Cheetara to be with Tygra not Lion-o, they are a closer match in age for a start and have history together.

“Between Brothers” was not just a slap in the face to those who ship LiChee, but also to those who didn’t necessarily care about shipping but just wanted good storytelling. It was a fine example of how ‘misdirection’ can turn into an utter failure. Cheetara choosing Tygra was an Ass Pull through and through.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 06-19-2012 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 56112)
“Between Brothers” was not just a slap in the face to those who ship LiChee, but also to those who didn’t necessarily care about shipping but just wanted good storytelling. It was a fine example of how ‘misdirection’ can turn into an utter failure. Cheetara choosing Tygra was an Ass Pull through and through.

Yeah, a bit. I mean, I'll buy the whole "raised by monks = lack of social skills" part, but there was little to no hint of this backstory until that episode. If we had a scene of her holding the flower earlier in the series, or if we had Tygra actively hitting on her, not near as much of an ass pull. But as filmed; yeah, ass pull.

Sining 06-19-2012 08:39 PM

I'd like to point out Aang was ALSO raised by monks and he had social skills -_- and was 12?11?

hollowdheart 06-19-2012 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 56163)
I'd like to point out Aang was ALSO raised by monks and he had social skills -_- and was 12?11?

112 actually, but yeah.

Sining 06-19-2012 10:05 PM

100 of those was spent in a coma-like state. I'm not sure that counts >_<

Actually, monks nowadays are a pretty well-versed modern bunch. At least over here. They use cellphones, shop for PCs and other tech stuff and drive cars -_-

THUNDER JEDI 06-19-2012 10:18 PM

I loved Tygra back in the day just because he had a cool weapon and powers. In the new series I like him even more, because he has more of an edge to him. He's the Han Solo of Thundercats and Lion-O is like Luke Skywalker. You can say he's a little like Indiana Jones for carrying a whip and like Han Solo for carrying a Blaster, getting the girl, acting tough, and kicking ass. What's wrong with that?

Sining 06-19-2012 10:26 PM

Don't insult Han Solo or Indiana Jones. Neither of them tried to kill their little brother -_- Actually, they're both nicer than Tygra. See, there's nothing wrong with being a snarky wise-ass but some people take it over the line into jerkass

THUNDER JEDI 06-19-2012 11:05 PM

It wasn't an insult to Han or Indy, but a compliment to Tygra. We all know Tygra would never have actually killed Lion-O, he just had a lot of anger towards him. Jerkass is an insult.

Sining 06-20-2012 02:28 AM

That's like saying Tygra is Shit. It's not an insult to Tygra, it's a compliment to Shit -_-

Cat's Pajamas 06-20-2012 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 56198)
That's like saying Tygra is Shit. It's not an insult to Tygra, it's a compliment to Shit -_-

I knew this was going to be a fun and productive thread. My biggest cheese with all of the Tygra haters and the NS haters is the way the always frame the discussion. It's not;

"I don't like the new series, I think it's terrible."

It's always;

"You're an idiot if you like the new series, because the new series IS terrible."

Sining 06-20-2012 08:03 AM

I would have used 'insert char name' here but frankly, there's probably someone who likes any possible character out there but it's very unlikely there's going to be someone speaking up in defence of shit.

I still haven't said anything about the new series in this thread anyway. Plus you're going into a thread about 'Why people no like Tygra'. What did you expect to see?

Balgus82 06-20-2012 08:08 AM

This thread was pretty much asking for an argument. Coming in and asking why people hate a character that half the fandom also likes? You're gonna have people coming in and answering the post saying why they hate him, and then you're obviously going to have people coming in to defend the character.

Even to fans of the character it's pretty obvious why some people hate him. As much as I like him, he is a bit of a prick. Did we really need a thread to say it?

Cat's Pajamas 06-20-2012 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 56246)
I would have used 'insert char name' here but frankly, there's probably someone who likes any possible character out there but it's very unlikely there's going to be someone speaking up in defence of shit.

I still haven't said anything about the new series in this thread anyway. Plus you're going into a thread about 'Why people no like Tygra'. What did you expect to see?

I'm just talking tone.

Someone says "I like Tygra."
And the response is "Tygra is shit."

But you're correct, I'm an idiot for looking at this thread.

Sining 06-20-2012 08:32 AM

It's more "Tygra is so cool, like Han Solo and Indiana Jones"
"Don't insult Indiana Jones and Han Solo"

And then feeble attempt to explain how comparing two things to be alike isn't insulting to the superior version and is merely a compliment to the inferior one.

Given2u 06-20-2012 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by sining (Post 56198)
that's like saying tygra is shit. It's not an insult to tygra, it's a compliment to shit -_-

lmao... Lol...

cmangund 06-20-2012 08:40 AM

We will need another thread, "Why will anyone "like" Lion-O?":D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

L08e16o 06-20-2012 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 56256)
We will need another thread, "Why will anyone "like" Lion-O?":D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Or why does MJ hate lion-o. :D:D

cmangund 06-20-2012 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 56264)
Or why does MJ hate lion-o. :D:D

Or Why does MJ love Tygra:D:D:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Ravenxl7 06-20-2012 12:11 PM

Tygra might actually be my favorite character from the new show. I've never been a fan of the OS Tygra, but this new take on him I like. It's just too bad that his 4" figure looked horrible, and I'll probably never see his 6" figure...

BTW, not trying to defend him, just stating my opinion...:D

THUNDER JEDI 06-20-2012 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 56253)
It's more "Tygra is so cool, like Han Solo and Indiana Jones"
"Don't insult Indiana Jones and Han Solo"

And then feeble attempt to explain how comparing two things to be alike isn't insulting to the superior version and is merely a compliment to the inferior one.

Calling my comparison feeble is very insulting and fucking rude.

Sining 06-20-2012 08:50 PM

If you want to lecture someone on manners, you really shouldn't be the first one to use vulgarities then. Plus it was feeble. Here are some other synonyms I can use to describe your argument. Weak, unsatisfactory, inadequate, ineffectual, insubstantial etc, actually just look at this Feeble Synonyms, Feeble Antonyms |

THUNDER JEDI 06-21-2012 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 56315)
If you want to lecture someone on manners, you really shouldn't be the first one to use vulgarities then. Plus it was feeble. Here are some other synonyms I can use to describe your argument. Weak, unsatisfactory, inadequate, ineffectual, insubstantial etc, actually just look at this Feeble Synonyms, Feeble Antonyms |

Way to go! You just proved how fucking rude you actually are.

MegaGearX 06-21-2012 08:18 AM

I don't hate Tygra, but I think they should have squashed his "I'm Lion-O's older, stronger, faster and military trained" rivalry with Lion-O a couple of episodes in, instead of episode 15 or 16. I think Cheetara choosing Tygra later and the whole "I'm a better flyer than the birds" has made that situation even worse. While Lion-O is the chosen one, Tygra is better than he is physically.

They wanted to make Tygra a much stronger character than he was in the original series, but I think he's TOO strong. I think the idea might be to suggest that the Sword of Omens should have gone to Tygra instead, but I believe it's the wrong way to go.

This isn't irreversible. I hope that if the show does return, the creators make Lion-O grow into Tygra's physical rival and have Tygra accept that Lion-O is king.

Jasperoo 06-21-2012 08:49 AM

Wow cool it people this was intended to be a discussion not a full on argument. There is no need to become offensive to other people just because they hold a different opinion than yourself, if you havent got constructive things to say then dont say them. I started this thread as i was genuinely curious as to what made people dislike Tygra so much and some peoples comments have shown that in a constructive way.
i especially like MegaGearX's comment, it seems the show made the rivalry a bit too strong and made Tygra way too arrogant.
I think a big problem is the show focused so much on developing Lion-o to start with that the other characters appeared a bit 2D so when they did start to develop them further they had to work on the 2D basis eg Tygra is an arrogant rival, Panthro is a grizzly veteran. It would of been nicer if the other thundercats had been more interesting to start with.
I definitely agree it was foolish to make tygra fly better than the birds without explaining it, the only thing i can imagine is that he is tygus' descendant but that doesnt really explain why he was a good flier.

Sining 06-21-2012 08:58 AM

To put it simply, Tygra was probably conceived as a LoveableRogue type character like Han Solo and Indiana Jones but couldn't really make it and sorta turned into a JerkWithAHeartOfGold except he didn't have enough PetTheDog moments before people just really disliked him. Trying to kill your adopted brother also probably counted as crossing the MoralEventHorizon for many viewers. And this before he hit puberty too.

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