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englishw 05-08-2012 12:58 PM

Wanted: 6" Tygra
I know it's a pipe dream to find someone willing to sell him for a reasonable price, but I'm just looking to add one to my collection and I can't afford the $100+ that he's going for on eBay. Still hoping to find him locally somewhere, but I'm not holding my breath. Anyone here want to sell a spare to a fellow fan at a reasonable price? =o) Pretty please?

Mongor 06-11-2012 05:40 PM

It looks like I'll have an extra one in about 2 weeks. Do you by chance have a Stormcharger or Slithe? I looking to trade for the Tygra even. Let me know.

englishw 06-12-2012 08:14 PM

I see I am too late. I don't have a Storm charger or slithe anyway. Thanks though!

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