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PoeFectTear 08-25-2011 02:43 PM

Top Ten "Best of" Episodes
I'll be Frank, but don't call me Shirley... I've only maybe seen a handful of the original ThunderCats episodes. I've tried watching from the beginning but I can never make it more than a few eps at a time.

If they were to come out with a "Best of" Compilation DVD set, what episodes would you want on there?


xander88 08-25-2011 03:33 PM

This is a tough one because there are some very good five-part episodes so I would recommend most of those. If I was to come up with a top ten of single episodes it would be as follows.

1. Exodus
2. The Unholy Alliance
3. Pumm-Ra
4.Tower of Traps
5. The Garden Of Delights
6. The Doomgaze
7.The Ghost Warrior
8. Return To Thundera
9. Excalibur
10. Fond Memories

This is basically a top ten for season 1. I think that to have a decent best of you would need a separate top ten for season 2. These episodes are some of my favourites among the episodes I encountered early on.

Trukkinmunky 08-25-2011 07:16 PM

Also watch Lion-O's trials. And episodes with the Berbils. I love those guys.

xander88 08-26-2011 11:33 AM

Yes Lion-o's anointment trials are also very good. I also recommend the following for later episodes:

1. Thundercats Ho! Part 1-5
2. Mumm-Ra Lives Part 1-5
3. The Mask of Gorgon
4. Thundercubs Part 1-5
5. Chain Of Loyalty
6. Crystal Canyon
7. The Last Day
8. Return To Thundera Part 1-5
9. Shadowmaster
10. Book Of Omens

There are lots of other good ones but these are a few that I personally liked. I also enjoyed the episode 'Helpless Laughter' quite a lot even though it's a bit silly. I found it rather funny.

xander88 08-26-2011 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by xander88 (Post 13016)
This is a tough one because there are some very good five-part episodes so I would recommend most of those. If I was to come up with a top ten of single episodes it would be as follows.

1. Exodus
2. The Unholy Alliance
3. Pumm-Ra
4.Tower of Traps
5. The Garden Of Delights
6. The Doomgaze
7.The Ghost Warrior
8. Return To Thundera
9. Excalibur
10. Fond Memories

This is basically a top ten for season 1. I think that to have a decent best of you would need a separate top ten for season 2. These episodes are some of my favourites among the episodes I encountered early on.

If you like these there are few more from season 1 that are worth a mention and if I were re-watching the series but only selecting certain ones I would also include these because they only just missed out on my top ten for season 1. They are as follows:

1. Berbils
2. Slaves Of Castle Plunn-Darr
3. Mongor
4. The Astral Prison

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