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Jlogano20 11-16-2011 08:44 PM

TC Episode 12 Preview Clips
ThunderCats episode 12 Into The Astral Plane preview clip 1 - YouTube

Jlogano20 11-16-2011 08:45 PM

2nd one
ThunderCats episode 12 Into The Astral Plane preview clip 2 - YouTube

DecepticonSpike 11-16-2011 08:49 PM

Cheetra's new staff kicks some major butt.

Ravenxl7 11-17-2011 12:05 AM

Definitely looks like the show will continue to be great. Cheetara's new staff seems to be working out well for her. Should be interesting to see what all she can do with it. Snarf being helpful is nice to see, even if he was just a distraction. I wasn't really expecting to see the elephant people again. I look forward to see what exactly is going on there.

The scene with Tygra and Cheetara meeting as kids was a nice little scene. Should be interesting to see where that goes from there. Should also be interesting to see how their history affects the love triangle going on.

Joe Moore 11-17-2011 12:28 PM

Hi guys, we're on the mailing list for these as well. We're just waiting to get our clips and images for the week. Please refrain from linking to other sites clips so we can get ours up.


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