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Joe Moore 06-09-2011 10:30 AM

Thundercats Premiere Date and Time?
Possible Premiere Date and Time for Thundercats 2011

Transformed 06-09-2011 01:18 PM

I hope some kind soul will be kind enough to give it the Transformers Prime/GI Joe Renegades net treatment for those of us living abroad m(_ _)m

GK Punk 06-09-2011 07:35 PM

I am soooo stoked

Mummra 06-13-2011 07:12 PM

Premiere Date Confirmed

Official Cartoon Network ThunderCats Site:

Joe Moore 06-14-2011 06:35 AM

Nice find my friend.

GrenadierStinny 06-15-2011 04:00 AM

Awesome news! Right after Comic-Con. Maybe they're hoping for an extra rating push from the promotions in San Diego.

My only question now is: when are those awesome Classic figures coming out?! Can't wait for them! And to see which two are next!

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