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Lion-O 08-30-2012 10:24 PM

Thundercats is indeed Dead.
According to Mr. Dan Norton:

This was posted in the following facebook group "Save the New ThunderCats!!":

Sorry to say, but it seems it's true. This comes as no surprise considering how the toyline has already been dead for a year.

At least this news came from me, the Lord of the Thundercats... ~_~;

Bill923 08-30-2012 10:50 PM

Hey Dan Norton, Trick Batman. Three different versions of Batman in as many years is not popularity, it's called "No good writing". The Animated series lasted a lot longer because of a compelling story. Cartoon Network sucks everything dry. Thats why they only have five voice actors for the entire network.

hollowdheart 08-30-2012 11:16 PM

I'm so pissed.

monothingie 08-30-2012 11:20 PM

With what DN said and the article that came out yesterday, best case is they (CN and WB) could be doing a reboot or rework of the reboot, and dumping all the creative talent from the NS2011 (writers and artists). Just hope that it doesn't turn into a Chibi version ala the new Teen Titans.

Lioconvoy 08-31-2012 04:10 AM

Here's the main part of the original article that EVERYONE seems to be missing:

"Today however we have gotten a hold of some possible good news for ThunderCats fans. We have learned that things are still in the works for the series at Cartoon Network, and that an official announcement about it should hopefully be coming soon."

Balgus82 08-31-2012 04:26 AM

I don't see how Cartoon Network can have the show in the works still if Warner Brothers has ceased production. AFAIK, WB has the copyrights, not CN.

Joe Moore 08-31-2012 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by Lioconvoy (Post 61635)
Here's the main part of the original article that EVERYONE seems to be missing:

"Today however we have gotten a hold of some possible good news for ThunderCats fans. We have learned that things are still in the works for the series at Cartoon Network, and that an official announcement about it should hopefully be coming soon."

Unsourced speculation with nothing to back it up versus the lead designer of the series saying no one is working on it... Hmmmm...Which one to believe?

Lioconvoy 08-31-2012 07:06 AM

Unsourced? The Toy News actable is where that come from. It's hardly "unsourced". Whereas Dan's post states that no one's working onit right now. Guess what? That's the way it's been since the hiatus. No change.

Joe Moore 08-31-2012 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Lioconvoy (Post 61649)
Unsourced? The Toy News actable is where that come from. It's hardly "unsourced". Whereas Dan's post states that no one's working onit right now. Guess what? That's the way it's been since the hiatus. No change.

The ToyNewsI article is unsourced. The "He Tell Me" approach doesn't fly with me. This info, however, comes from the guy who helped create the show. When he says no one is working on Thundercats, then no one is working onTHundercats and no one will be. At least not on this version of Thundercats.

Lioconvoy 08-31-2012 07:21 AM

Is that what he said? "No one is and no one will be"! I go back to my earlier statement: no one has been working on the show since the hiatus. Nothing has changed. Either way, it would still take a year or two to put new episodes out due to how these things are produced.

Steelgrave 08-31-2012 07:28 AM

I told you guys this was going to bomb. You can look back at my old posts. I had a bad feeling about it since the first time I saw it. Unfortunately I'm usually always right. I could just feel it. This wasn't going to work. They did everything wrong right from the start.

It's too bad because I really liked the new show. I wanted it to succeed. I'm sick & tired of Star Wars, GI Joe & Transformers being shoved down our throats constantly. It was nice to see one of my old lines from the 80's return.

But the designs on most of the characters totally sucked. The toys were horrible. And they only made Lion-O & Tygra for the classic line. Then they screwed around with the scale of the Classics line & released another Lion-O. One mistake after another. They did everything wrong & I knew it would fail. It was really easy to predict (for me anyway).

I refused to buy any of it until they made classic Cheetara & Panthro. If they couldn't at least make the original 4 main characters then I knew it was a line to be avoided & destined to fail.

The toys are piled up at my Toys R Us on clearance & not moving at all. I saw a new Panthro statue yesterday. It was huge. I'll keep checking back but I bet it won't sell.


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 61651)
At least not on this version of Thundercats.

Hopefully they'll work on a new version & somebody will get it right. But if Bandai makes the toys forget it! Bandai makes shitty figures. They just look cheap & crappy, like dollar store garbage.

Joe Moore 08-31-2012 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Lioconvoy (Post 61652)
I go back to my earlier statement: no one has been working on the show since the hiatus.

But you are categorically incorrect in that statement. Voice recordings actually began for the second slate of episodes that will now go unproduced.

monothingie 08-31-2012 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 61648)
Unsourced speculation with nothing to back it up versus the lead designer of the series saying no one is working on it... Hmmmm...Which one to believe?

I would guess Dan is out at this show, so of there were anything more he would not be in the loop.

Joe Moore 08-31-2012 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by monothingie (Post 61655)
I would guess Dan is out at this show, so of there were anything more he would not be in the loop.

Dan moved onto a new series for the exact same companies, WB and Cartoon Network. I'd say he would has a pretty good indication if the series were to continue.

monothingie 08-31-2012 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 61638)
I don't see how Cartoon Network can have the show in the works still if Warner Brothers has ceased production. AFAIK, WB has the copyrights, not CN.

As you know WB owns CN but CN is the only practical outlet for the ns. WB has taken a hands off approach towards the distribution of the series and as a result CN dictates the future of the ns. WB has only ceased production because CN has balked for the moment on the show.

monothingie 08-31-2012 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 61656)
Dan moved onto a new series for the exact same companies, WB and Cartoon Network. I'd say he would has a pretty good indication if the series were to continue.

Going to disagree if he was replaced and there is a new production team in place, especially if it's not even located in the us, then Dan is out of the loop and knows just as much as we do. I wouldn't cast doubt so quickly on what was published, they were right in march and were unsourced there, as opposed to people on the crew who have repeatedly and intentionally misled fans.

Lioconvoy 08-31-2012 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 61654)
But you are categorically incorrect in that statement. Voice recordings actually began for the second slate of episodes that will now go unproduced.

.....except that I'm not. Last I heard, the second season hadn't even been WRITTEN yet, much less voice overs recorded. If you're trying to bring up that image of Matt and Kit's VA in the booth.....that was debunked as a re-recording of season one lines that they did. Post proof of VA work being done on the second season, then we'll talk.

Also, Dan Norton is the one that posted the link to the Toy News article, while saying nothing to truly debunk it. You say you'll go by what he says, right? Let's see you go by what he posts.

Joe Moore 08-31-2012 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by monothingie (Post 61658)
Going to disagree if he was replaced and there is a new production team in place, especially if it's not even located in the us, then Dan is out of the loop and knows just as much as we do. I wouldn't cast doubt so quickly on what was published, they were right in march and were unsourced there, as opposed to people on the crew who have repeatedly and intentionally misled fans.

I'm guessing you're referring to the news they posted in February that "Thundercats Episodes Will Return". Meaning the second half of the first season would air, which is the exact same response everyone who contacted CN got and after the episodes began airing overseas.

And you seem to be under the assumption that a new production team is in place, again, baseless speculation as opposed to hard info from one of the shows creators. To say he wouldn't know any more than we do, when working with the same companies that produced Thundercats and him having personal contact with everyone who was involved, is a massive stretch.

Joe Moore 08-31-2012 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Lioconvoy (Post 61659)
.....except that I'm not. Last I heard, the second season hadn't even been WRITTEN yet, much less voice overs recorded. If you're trying to bring up that image of Matt and Kit's VA in the booth.....that was debunked as a re-recording of season one lines that they did. Post proof of VA work being done on the second season, then we'll talk.

I see that was corrected in the thread. Missed it, then. Sorry about that.


Also, Dan Norton is the one that posted the link to the Toy News article, while saying nothing to truly debunk it. You say you'll go by what he says, right? Let's see you go by what he posts.
The article is an unsourced piece of speculation. It contains no actual information. Dan posted the link, okay. He also didn't respond to it. He also said specifically Thundercats isn't being worked on. There's hoping and there's grasping at non-existant straws.

monothingie 08-31-2012 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 61660)
I'm guessing you're referring to the news they posted in February that "Thundercats Episodes Will Return". Meaning the second half of the first season would air, which is the exact same response everyone who contacted CN got and after the episodes began airing overseas.

And you seem to be under the assumption that a new production team is in place, again, baseless speculation as opposed to hard info from one of the shows creators. To say he wouldn't know any more than we do, when working with the same companies that produced Thundercats and him having personal contact with everyone who was involved, is a massive stretch.

Negative, the article in March about the ns not returning for the 2012-13 season, which was unsourced and turned out to be spot on. But I think you give DN a bit too much credit for his insights into the future of the show. I really doubt that he has knowledges of what the execs at CN and WB are planning, also if he's been canned he may/would be pretty hostile towards any continuation of his work by another. The only one here with questionable motives are not the writers of the article, don't be too quick to write them off.

Joe Moore 08-31-2012 08:04 AM

I'm also not saying Thundercats will not be on TV again. But if and when it does come back, it will not be this Thundercats show. WB spent too much money gaining the rights to this franchise to let it die with one attempt. But they're also not going to continue a failing show and toy line.

Lioconvoy 08-31-2012 08:07 AM

I'm less at the grasping and more about face-value and letting things play out. Yeah, no one is working on it right now. But no news has been released saying it's cancelled. Until then, everything......EVERYTHING is speculation. SO putting an article on the mainpage and Facebook stating that it's absolutely dead is stretching it by quite a bit. Until official word it released, we won't know for sure.

And about the VA picture....don't sweat it. We all miss out on details front time to time. ;)

Joe Moore 08-31-2012 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by monothingie (Post 61662)
Negative, the article in March about the ns not returning for the 2012-13 season, which was unsourced and turned out to be spot on. But I think you give DN a bit too much credit for his insights into the future of the show. I really doubt that he has knowledges of what the execs at CN and WB are planning, also if he's been canned he may/would be pretty hostile towards any continuation of his work by another. The only one here with questionable motives are not the writers of the article, don't be too quick to write them off. - Your #1 Source for Thundercats and All your Action Figures News

That is their list of March Thundercats stories. I see not the story you are referencing.

monothingie 08-31-2012 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 61665) - Your #1 Source for Thundercats and All your Action Figures News

That is their list of March Thundercats stories. I see not the story you are referencing.

Cartoon Network Announces New & Returning Series Including "Beware The Batman" - No Sign Of ThunderCats - DC Comics -

Joe Moore 08-31-2012 08:16 AM

That wasn't an unsourced article. That was a press release directly from Cartoon Network about their shows for Fall 2012. The release didn't mention Thundercats and they put their own spin on the release.

The press release is till on the CN site:

L08e16o 08-31-2012 08:37 AM

DN didn't post that link on Save Thundercats Facebook page. It was done by someone else. DN was commenting on the link.

DN said it would take years to get it back on TV again.

We will see a new writing team on the series. Toys might of failed, but so did MJ. He screwed this up big time.

Next time they should get someone who knows about TCats, unlike MJ.

Dr Kain 08-31-2012 09:46 AM

Wow, there are a lot of non-believers. I'm pretty sure when the guy in charge of the show says it is done, IT IS DONE!!!

You act as if this surprising. In fact, if you did not see this coming, you were either living under a rock all of this time or in a cave. The lack of toys at SDCC were a clear indicator, and yet, some still did not want to believe it. Now that the guy behind the show has said it is done, you still don't want to believe it.

I am not pissed. Disappointed, but not pissed. I figured it was canceled months ago, especially after SDCC, so there was no way I could be mad about it. If it had returned, I would have been amazingly surprised, but it was not, and I expected it, so it is only disappointing because they had a good show on their hands. Alas though, Cartoon Network is where good cartoons go to die if they don't have Batman in them. It happened with Megas XLR, it happened with He-Man, it happened to Samurai Jack, and Symbionic Titan, and now Thundercats, and it will happen again in the future.

Balgus82 08-31-2012 10:29 AM

Dan only got the final word on the show about a month ago (back when he made that "Final-O" picture on Deviantart). He told me the bosses probably wouldn't announce the fate of the show, trying to just let it fade off on it's own, but he didn't feel right about doing that, hence the post here.

He has, however, told me that if he got permission he'd let us all know exactly what they had planned for the second season so we're not all left hanging. No idea when he might do that though.

monothingie 08-31-2012 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 61678)
Dan only got the final word on the show about a month ago (back when he made that "Final-O" picture on Deviantart). He told me the bosses probably wouldn't announce the fate of the show, trying to just let it fade off on it's own, but he didn't feel right about doing that, hence the post here.

He has, however, told me that if he got permission he'd let us all know exactly what they had planned for the second season so we're not all left hanging. No idea when he might do that though.

All do deference to Dan, but he is/was just a cog in the creative team of the show. While his role in the current iteration is done, I doubt he knows what the execs have planned for the franchise.

Just remember that a lot of money was spent on this reboot, both on the part of WB and Bandai. These are interests that are going to want a positive return on their investment and they won't get that by letting the brand die.

Dr Kain 08-31-2012 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by monothingie (Post 61683)
All do deference to Dan, but he is/was just a cog in the creative team of the show. While his role in the current iteration is done, I doubt he knows what the execs have planned for the franchise.

Just remember that a lot of money was spent on this reboot, both on the part of WB and Bandai. These are interests that are going to want a positive return on their investment and they won't get that by letting the brand die.

You act like this is the first time this has happened. WB and CN spent money for Tranformers Animated and they canned it after 42 episodes. WB and CN spent money on Samurai Jack, and they did not even initially want to air the last batch of episodes. They spent money on Megas XLR, had a contest between 4 cartoons and it won, and they still canned that after like 20 episodes. Why should Thundercats be any more or less special? Especially compared to a bigger property like Transformers?

And Bandai hardly put any thought or effort into the toyline, so I doubt they spent any money on those either. I bet the only reason they took up Thundercats is they were polishing their Power Rangers Ben 10 shelf and a couple thousand turned out to be stashed away on it. It was extra money, Thundercats was up for bid, and they said, "Hey, let's get Thundercats. I mean, it probably won't sell well, so we don't need to put too much effort into it, and we do have all of those unpaid interns, so that will give them something to do."

monothingie 08-31-2012 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 61684)
You act like this is the first time this has happened. WB and CN spent money for Tranformers Animated and they canned it after 42 episodes. WB and CN spent money on Samurai Jack, and they did not even initially want to air the last batch of episodes. They spent money on Megas XLR, had a contest between 4 cartoons and it won, and they still canned that after like 20 episodes. Why should Thundercats be any more or less special? Especially compared to a bigger property like Transformers?

And Bandai hardly put any thought or effort into the toyline, so I doubt they spent any money on those either. I bet the only reason they took up Thundercats is they were polishing their Power Rangers Ben 10 shelf and a couple thousand turned out to be stashed away on it. It was extra money, Thundercats was up for bid, and they said, "Hey, let's get Thundercats. I mean, it probably won't sell well, so we don't need to put too much effort into it, and we do have all of those unpaid interns, so that will give them something to do."

Transformers was axed because of the movies and Hasbro (The Hub).
Samurai Jack was done in house by CN and compared to the NS was cheap to bring to life.

Bandai while they did put together a crap line, was certainly not helped by the execution of the show. That doesn't change the fact that they spent a lot to get the master license and they probably want to recoup some of that.

L08e16o 08-31-2012 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by monothingie (Post 61687)
Transformers was axed because of the movies and Hasbro (The Hub).
Samurai Jack was done in house by CN and compared to the NS was cheap to bring to life.

Bandai while they did put together a crap line, was certainly not helped by the execution of the show. That doesn't change the fact that they spent a lot to get the master license and they probably want to recoup some of that.

Why keep spending money when you are not making any.

They cut their losses.

I will forever blame this on MJ. He had a golden opportunity and he blew it.

I don't collect toys, so I didn't care what Bandai did.

vantheman77 08-31-2012 12:44 PM

That's it, then. What's good about this version of Thundercats is the art and animation. But I hated how it was written, especially how Lion-O became king in a very negative way. Might as well get the rest of the toys that are on clearance and complete my collection.

L08e16o 08-31-2012 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 61690)
That's it, then. What's good about this version of Thundercats is the art and animation. But I hated how it was written, especially how Lion-O became king in a very negative way. Might as well get the rest of the toys that are on clearance and complete my collection.

Agreed. Loved the music and animation (art concept). Writing was very poor.

Didn't care for Kit's outfit and pumyra's look.

I didn't get the feeling that lion-o was the hero of this series. I felt another character was the hero.

Balgus82 08-31-2012 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 61688)
Why keep spending money when you are not making any.

They cut their losses.

This pretty much. The only money to recoup now is in international markets where they haven't finished airing what's already been produced.

Dr Kain 08-31-2012 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 61690)
That's it, then. What's good about this version of Thundercats is the art and animation. But I hated how it was written, especially how Lion-O became king in a very negative way. Might as well get the rest of the toys that are on clearance and complete my collection.

So because Lion-O became king because his dad died, you hated it? I'm sorry, but how many kings have lived long enough to pass the crown to their children?

Basically you wanted a sugar coated everything is fine and dandy storyline that always ended on a good note the way the old series was. Have you actually watched the old series recently without relying on nostalgia? It is crap.

Why would you buy toys to a dead line? Hell, I'm probably just going to throw everything I have on ebay. I have no reason to own an incomplete toyline that could not even complete a single team.

Ravenxl7 08-31-2012 04:28 PM

Oh well...there were no signs of life anyways. I'd love to see them get another reboot in the works, but keep it as far away as possible from the retards over at Cartoon Network...and Bandai...

THUNDER JEDI 08-31-2012 04:48 PM

I heard a while back that a Japanese company bought the rights to a bunch of 80's cartoons and are going to remake them with the original story lines and new animation. The list of shows was extensive and Thundercats was one of them. Any one else hear somthing like that?

merlin 08-31-2012 08:40 PM

saban pick up thundercats cartoon for his vortex cw

Dr Kain 08-31-2012 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 61702)

Oh well...there were no signs of life anyways. I'd love to see them get another reboot in the works, but keep it as far away as possible from the retards over at Cartoon Network...and Bandai...

Tracer 08-31-2012 10:25 PM

So how long will this site stay up now?

vantheman77 08-31-2012 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 61701)
So because Lion-O became king because his dad died, you hated it? I'm sorry, but how many kings have lived long enough to pass the crown to their children?

Basically you wanted a sugar coated everything is fine and dandy storyline that always ended on a good note the way the old series was. Have you actually watched the old series recently without relying on nostalgia? It is crap.

Why would you buy toys to a dead line? Hell, I'm probably just going to throw everything I have on ebay. I have no reason to own an incomplete toyline that could not even complete a single team.

I'm not sugar coating that everything is fine, but I just didn't like how Lion-O became king when we saw Tygra beating him at every turn. I don't expect this series to be like the old series.

The reason I want to buy the rest of the figures so that I can keep the memory of this version of Thundercats alive. Something like a souvenir.

moreprimeland 09-01-2012 12:20 AM

Awwwwww...just awwwwwww. :(

Very sad kitteh now.

*goes to watch her DVD Books 1 & 2 now....

and glad she has Book 3 on order*

Ribieconvoy 09-01-2012 03:54 AM

That sucks. I was a real fan of the new series. Never liked the original one very much, but the new series caught my interest. The quality of episodes dipped a bit in the middle of the season (just my opinion), but the beginning and end were great. It's a shame the show didn't live on, we'll probably never get the 6-inch Wily Kittens or any version of Pumyra. In any case, the main cast will always have a spot on my display shelves, it was a good show while it lasted.

JASONKAT 09-01-2012 04:24 AM

Since the guy said it would take years to get TCS back on if they started today. then my only other choice is to keep what we have now and just continue fixing most of those key errors and make things better, Just because 1 show failed, doesnt mean the rest will too!, if done right. it could really take off to a good direction.
By key errors, i mean get rid of these idiots behind the product and give it to somebody who knows TCS and knows the story, Somebody who will put care & love into it and with good writers , what could go wrong?

Dr Kain 09-01-2012 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 61715)
I'm not sugar coating that everything is fine, but I just didn't like how Lion-O became king when we saw Tygra beating him at every turn. I don't expect this series to be like the old series.

The reason I want to buy the rest of the figures so that I can keep the memory of this version of Thundercats alive. Something like a souvenir.

Tygra was not a true heir though, so it does no matter if he was better than Lion-O. He will never be a king because he is adopted.

Dr Kain 09-01-2012 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by JASONKAT (Post 61729)
By key errors, i mean get rid of these idiots behind the product and give it to somebody who knows TCS and knows the story, Somebody who will put care & love into it and with good writers , what could go wrong?

Knows what story? Thundercats is whatever the writers decide it is. It does not have to be the original. If you want to see the original, watch the original. You act as if Thundercats was based off a book, when it wasn't. There is no story written in stone for it.

L08e16o 09-01-2012 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 61741)
Tygra was not a true heir though, so it does no matter if he was better than Lion-O. He will never be a king because he is adopted.

Tygra is a king without a kingdom just like lion-o.

Lion-o is the supportng character in this show.

It does matter who is better. There is a reason why the OS is still popular.

Lody 09-01-2012 11:53 AM


Lody 09-01-2012 11:56 AM

Either way

The show was GREAT and had so many built in references not just to the original show but other popular 80's cartoons as well.

The problem is that it fell victime to poor advertising, an even worse time slot and a company that didn't understand the history behind this show )often dubbed one of the greatest shows and lines EVER).

They never gave it a chance.

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