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Joe Moore 02-28-2012 12:57 PM

Discussion: Thundercats Video Game Wants
So, with the major slow down in news, let's have some fun discussion. What would YOU want from a Thundercats video game? Would it be an old school brawler akin to the Konami arcade games of the 90's? Would you want a huge open world game? How about a linear adventure game ala God of War?

Ravenxl7 02-28-2012 01:08 PM

Something along the lines of Champions of Norrath would be great. Male/female options for several cat species, each with their own unique abilities that you'll advance as you go. Weaponry and armor upgrades as you and your team progress through the game. Have show characters appear and guide you through the game. The mutants could be several different levels, with the leaders being the boss battles. Then have Mumm-Ra be the final boss in the game, though he could appear once or twice throughout the game to mock you and give you a challenge of some sort.

There is one detail that would probably kill the game for me if they ever did make it, and that's the co-op. For me to play the game it would absolutely have to have four-person in-person co-op as an option. Though the chances of that actually happening with a modern game is pretty these days. Honestly, the best part to a video game is sitting down with a group of my friends and having a good time. Without that, gaming ain't the same to me. I'm....oldschool like that, lol.

Joe Moore 02-28-2012 02:36 PM

For me, personally, I would love to see two separate games. The first being a downloadable type classic 2D beat 'em up in the vein of TMNT and X-Men. This would be strictly for the original Thundercats. Four player, side scrolling, button mashing mayhem.

The second game would be a more modern semi-open world type game. Something akin to Darksiders maybe, but with distinct single player and multi-player modes. This one would be for the modern Thundercats. I think the newer series would lend itself more to this type of game.

cmangund 02-28-2012 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 37800)
For me, personally, I would love to see two separate games. The first being a downloadable type classic 2D beat 'em up in the vein of TMNT and X-Men. This would be strictly for the original Thundercats. Four player, side scrolling, button mashing mayhem.

The second game would be a more modern semi-open world type game. Something akin to Darksiders maybe, but with distinct single player and multi-player modes. This one would be for the modern Thundercats. I think the newer series would lend itself more to this type of game.

To me a perfect Thundercats game must be an rpg with dialogue and story choices with consequences, so we can change the story and choose any romance to our liking ala Bioware's Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Series, Dragon Age series. Thundercats has rpg framework already, practically speaking, the Journey to get all the stones and restore the kingdom.:cool:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

MegatronWolf 02-28-2012 05:55 PM

first off it would need 4 player coop have a really good combat system a great story and a semi-open world and be 3rd person. Id say take the level design of Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver, add rpg elements from elder scrolls, and a combat system tha mixes Devil May Cry & prince of persia. Id also like to see some kind of decision based gameplay where what you do effects the story like Mass Effect, that way theres replay value. Avoid competitive online, mmo style anything, horde mode & gimmicks. I think the new show would be a better choice for the setting but also throw in some nods to the original like alt skins for the characters.

Skylynx 02-28-2012 06:01 PM

I´d love a Zelda-ish action adventure with changable player characters.

JASONKAT 02-28-2012 07:07 PM

I think i already posted b4, on what i would love in a TC video game, ps3, xbox360 /wii.
** I would love this to be 1-4 player mode or at least 1-2 players.
** It should hve a story-mode, a smash em up as you play along, or/and vs mode.
** under options" lets have..Create a TC. or be able to play as 80s version and newer version.
** Lets be able to ride the thundercats, jets, surfboard (such as the wilys) or any other vehicle(s).
** Every TC should be able to play along while each would have to do something that another cant do. such as key-locks, lifting, fast motion,jumping, fighting, fitting in tight places, and things like that,
** Overall The game play has to be easy to play, It wouldnt hurt to throw in easy, mid and hard mode, if you like.
** And i would love it if they did the voice over not use sum robotic voice thing that sounds nothing like the person.
best of all. make those game graphics look good, not plain and dull.
everything else should be good.

Balgus82 02-28-2012 08:35 PM

I'd prefer a fighting game. That way they don't have to really come up with a separate story that interferes or contradicts story elements from the show (but could still have a story mode that goes along with the show). And I also think this would make it easier to implement many different characters that you wouldn't have to force into a story to include.

I'd like it to have graphics like the new Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations game (which may be possible since it's done by Namco Bandai) to keep the visuals faithful to the show. But with weapon based combat like Soul Calibur.

Just to show the Naruto visuals (even if you don't like the show you have to admit they could adapt Thundercats like this)

and Soul Calibur 5 gameplay (just imagine the guy with the staff is Cheetara or the guy with the Nunchucks is Panthro or that Lion-O is one of the many people with swords)

Lody 02-28-2012 09:53 PM

Where did that picture come from?

TheCopperkid 02-28-2012 09:55 PM

I hope there will be one, being a realist I would expect something like the Ben 10 games. Basically a beat em up, simple, mostly for kids, but hopefully enjoyable enough to play for 8 hours. Theres not going to be a mature game or an open world sand box game. If we get anything, just be grateful. Cautiously optimistic...

Joe Moore 02-29-2012 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Lody (Post 37841)
Where did that picture come from?

The one from the article? It's one of the old Thundercats computer game screen shots. Check this:

booshman 02-29-2012 08:22 AM

I would love a 3rd person sandbox game, based on classic T'cats. Different missions taking place across various regions of Third Earth, from the Lair, to Castle Plun-darr, Warrior Maidens Kingdom, Hook Mountain, etc. Maybe the option to go into space for side missions featuring Captain Shiner/ Mandora. All of the main cats would be playable characters, and all the vehicles from the show would be included. Basically GTA with the Thundercats. As many original voice cast members as possible, with a score taken from the music on the show. A kick-arse original storyline would be great too, with some missions that are throwbacks to some of the better episodes would be cool.

I wouldn't be against the same premise, but with the new show, although classic would be my preference.

Also, proper development would be a must! I'm glad that they didn't bring out a game to coincide with the premiere of the new show, as I'm sure if they had it would have been a poor rush job, as most movie/TV show tie-ins tend to be.

I think it's crazy that there hasn't been a new Thundercats game for me to play since I had it on the Spectrum when I was a kid.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 02-29-2012 08:37 AM

My ideal Thundercats video game would be an RPG type game with single and multi-player options. It would need nice, wide-open expanses to explore and level up in, but I'd be OK with some puzzle or stealth elements. Of course, fully voiced, maybe even work in some easter eggs from other shows or (if based on the new show) incorporate more characters from the original series who aren't likely to show up in the new one.

dragon 02-29-2012 08:45 AM

i have thing for free roam games something like that using thundercats vehicals to fight mutants, & do specila jobs, get to one location to another fast, driving thundertank underwater, into volcano, fighting mumra with sword omens, doing thunder thunder cats ho as specila abilty for lion o, play as other thunder cats,.

Dr Kain 02-29-2012 09:29 AM

I want it to be God of War-esque with maybe a touch of RDR in it.

Oh, and only three studios are allowed to touch it. Naughty Dog, Rockstar, or Rocksteady.

booshman 02-29-2012 09:48 PM


I want it to be God of War-esque with maybe a touch of RDR in it.

Oh, and only three studios are allowed to touch it. Naughty Dog, Rockstar, or Rocksteady.
Or Sony Santa Monica, since they made GOW.:)

Dr Kain 03-01-2012 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by booshman (Post 37947)
Or Sony Santa Monica, since they made GOW.:)

Yeah, but WB would never let a game made by them be exclusive to one console no matter how superior that console is to all others.

booshman 03-01-2012 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 37962)
Yeah, but WB would never let a game made by them be exclusive to one console no matter how superior that console is to all others.

Well then that takes Naughty Dog of the list too, since they're in the Sony camp.

Tony_Bacala 03-02-2012 07:44 PM

Personally I'd want a story driven game, similar to Final Fantasy 7. With updated graphics of course. That would allow you to explore 3rd Earth, meet races friend and foe, towns, cities. RPG with action battles. Could be epic. If they start now it might be out in 2017. :).

cmangund 03-03-2012 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Tony_Bacala (Post 38160)
Personally I'd want a story driven game, similar to Final Fantasy 7. With updated graphics of course. That would allow you to explore 3rd Earth, meet races friend and foe, towns, cities. RPG with action battles. Could be epic. If they start now it might be out in 2017. :).

I agree It will be :cool: if it will be like Final Fantasy series, FF 7 definitely one of my favorite RPG game. But I am hoping they will remove the blasted triangle in the game's story and just L/C or no romance at all. Tired with all this triangle nonsense.

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Gold Lion 03-03-2012 01:22 PM

When thinking of what would make a good ThunderCats video game, you have to consider which elements of the show could translate into good gameplay. I think what's essential is the ability to play as at least the four main Cats, and more preferably four player multilayer so you can have all four in on the action at once.

I think the best type of gameplay would be something close to Mortal Combat: Shaolin Monks. Plenty of platforming and combat.

Smasher 03-13-2012 03:10 PM

Ideally I would like a weapons based fighter using the Soul Caliber engine.
The classic versions of the Thundercats could be unlockable skins.

But I would be willing to accept any game as long as it stays true to the story and production values of the show it's using as a source.

I don't want another generic game where you press X, X, X, X while your overpowered character clears the screen of enemies to the sound of the voice actors babbling about things that may or not be relevant to what you're actually doing.

Batman: TAS, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Avatar are three animated series that I can quickly think of that unfortunately were represented in video game form as an X, X, X, X type of game.

CreepySariFan 03-29-2012 12:59 AM

What about a combination of action game and RPG? Dragon Nest really mixed up the arcade-beat-'em-up action with Secret of Mana style exploration. Have it 4 player co-op and things should be good for the modern market.

dpcphoto 04-04-2012 08:35 PM

I was just on trying to see if some new figures were in stock, but instead found an upcoming video game??? It says Namco Thundercats, a DS game and was added to the site on March 28. Anyone have any info on this yet? Link is below!

Clothing, Toys, Electronics, Jewelry, Jaclyn Smith -

Ravenxl7 04-04-2012 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by dpcphoto (Post 43439)
I was just on trying to see if some new figures were in stock, but instead found an upcoming video game??? It says Namco Thundercats, a DS game and was added to the site on March 28. Anyone have any info on this yet? Link is below!

Clothing, Toys, Electronics, Jewelry, Jaclyn Smith -

This is definitely the first time I've heard of this. Other than this listing, the listing on the Sears website (which I see no reason for them to each have a website, when they're almost exactly the same), I can't seem to find anything about it. The Namco site doesn't seem to have any info on it yet.

Would be great if they made a version for the Wii. Now that I finally have one, I'd love to get a Thundercats game for it.

dpcphoto 04-04-2012 09:54 PM

Yeah, I have been searching for a while now and come up with nothing. Hopefully we will get an announcement soon. I'd love to see a screen shot or hear details of what game play will be like.

CreepySariFan 04-06-2012 06:35 PM

Kinda funny how much ThunderCats feels like some of those old console RPGs. Well, even some newish ones (mostly Final Fantasy). Magic and technology mingling for a fantastic science-fantasy world.

I was looking back to games like the old Sega Master System's Phantasy Star, or Crystalis on the NES to find something similar in setting. I really miss that generation of games, and ThunderCats seems so well seated in that vein, but I doubt such games would ever be made again.

dpcphoto 04-06-2012 10:53 PM

Gotta love nostalgia!

DecepticonSpike 04-14-2012 10:24 AM

Personally, I'd like a TC game in the style of last years TF: War for Cybertron.

CreepySariFan 04-15-2012 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by DecepticonSpike (Post 45406)
Personally, I'd like a TC game in the style of last years TF: War for Cybertron.

The graphics engine WfC and FoC use already have integrated Hoverboard mechanics too!

Hoverboard - Liandri Archives

snarkybits 04-15-2012 05:32 PM

Something like Star Wars: Battlefront would be awesome. Or GTA.

SPINMASTER X 04-16-2012 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 37800)
For me, personally, I would love to see two separate games. The first being a downloadable type classic 2D beat 'em up in the vein of TMNT and X-Men. This would be strictly for the original Thundercats. Four player, side scrolling, button mashing mayhem.

The second game would be a more modern semi-open world type game. Something akin to Darksiders maybe, but with distinct single player and multi-player modes. This one would be for the modern Thundercats. I think the newer series would lend itself more to this type of game.

I like that A LOT however I'd also like to add that I'd like a 2d fighting game that is somewhere along the lines of Guilty Gear. Naturally since 2d fighting games that play like conventional fighters would end up being kinda niche and wouldn't capture everyone's attention, it'd probably have to be something like the Naruto games to get mass appeal.

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