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MegaPrime33 02-07-2011 05:38 PM

Fav. Original Episode
What's your favorite episode from the original show? Mine is definitely Pumm-Ra where Mumm-Ra disguises himself as a Thundercat to gain access to the lair and the sword of omens.

Tygra 02-07-2011 05:40 PM

My favorite is the first episode we see Mumm-Ra. That dude was just a genuinely creepy villain.

Sabien 02-07-2011 06:37 PM

Trouble with time. And lord of the snows.

Tenebrouser 02-07-2011 06:50 PM

The five-parter where Lion-O has to earn his stripes as Lord of the Thundercats by winning challenges against the other Thundercats. Those episodes stood out to me because there were no bailouts by the Sword of Omens.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 02-08-2011 09:58 AM

One of my favorites will always be Pumm-Ra. I just love it so much.

nitewing73 02-09-2011 12:50 PM

Exodus is probably my alltime favorite when they were first introduced. I remember the animation was really well done. After that it would be the miniseries that introduced the Lunataks and the new Thundercats.

BLACK SWAN 02-11-2011 04:02 AM

I like the one with Mumm-Rana and the one with Safari Joe in it.

Icespark 02-14-2011 06:48 PM

I'm particularly fond of the first set of episodes, for the great atmospehere, back-story, and writing they set up.

I've also always highly enjoyed the episodes "Tower of Traps" and "Mongor". Those two episodes had just the right amounts of adventure and mystery., and in the case of "Mongor", a very creepy villain, who was just threatening enough to make the Thundercat's victory feel truly inspiring.

"The Ghost Warrior" had the same effect, and the showdown between Jaga and Grune was great!

"Lion-O's Annointment" was also a fantastic set of episodes. Watching him pass each challenge, illustrated his growth as a hero, and as a character.

I also liked "Safari Joe". Seeing him beaten by Lion-O and Snarf is always entertaining.

"The Thunder-Cutter" was also a fantastic episode, with not only a great story, but also, a great new character introduced as well!

"Good and Ugly' is also high on my list. While the basic story premise has been used in many places, I thought Thundercats employed it rather effectively.

"Thundercats - Ho!" was also great, and was just plain fun too! Plus, new Thundercats!

"The Mask of Gorgon" was also a great adventure story. It had a twist or two that I never expected.

"Helpless Laughter" was also extremely entertaining! I loved the ending!

Mako Crab 02-28-2011 02:03 PM

Tower of Traps.

It focused on my favorite TCat, Wilykit, and had her solving many of the tower's traps on her own while Lion-O searched for another way up the tower. Plus, it separated her from Wilykat, which almost never happens. It was a simple stand-alone episode and didn't feature any of the regular villains. One of the few times Kit has been featured on her own.

GK Punk 02-28-2011 07:10 PM

Tower of Traps also for the same reasons Mako Crab stated.

Michael'O 02-28-2011 09:58 PM

Sabien I am going to have to go with Lord of Snows as well, it introduced one of my fav characters and his cat, it just rocked.

Mako Crab 03-01-2011 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by GK Punk (Post 2200)
Tower of Traps also for the same reasons Mako Crab stated.

High five :D

GK Punk 03-01-2011 03:56 AM

Haha, totally. I was rather surprised to see someone say basically the same thing I was thinking.

Mako Crab 03-01-2011 10:21 AM

I always liked Wilykits' playful attitude. I was surprised that the same voice actress did Kits' voice along with all the other women in the first season. Cheetara, Mandora, and Willa in particular all have deep, baratone voices that I'm not fond of and speak their lines so stiffly. But then here's Kit talking in a normal and suitably childish voice and her lines come off sounding more natural like she's not reading off a cue card.
And while much of the shows' silliness is often credited to 80s writing, there's no such need for Kit. Being a kid, she's already expected to be silly and foolhearty. OMG I just remembered an episode where Kit brought home a neighboring kangaroo-type person, but it was really Mumm-ra in disguise. Anyone remember what that one was?

*back on track*

And, of course, since she was my favorite TCat, she gets like no episodes devoted to just her, except for this one. So there's all that, plus it's just a really good episode in its own right. I liked that they had to solve a lot of the traps instead of just fight their way through everything. Gave the episode its own unique feel. And it's cool to see her working alongside just Lion-O for once.

GK Punk 03-01-2011 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Mako Crab (Post 2225)
I always liked Wilykits' playful attitude. I was surprised that the same voice actress did Kits' voice along with all the other women in the first season. Cheetara, Mandora, and Willa in particular all have deep, baratone voices that I'm not fond of and speak their lines so stiffly. But then here's Kit talking in a normal and suitably childish voice and her lines come off sounding more natural like she's not reading off a cue card.
And while much of the shows' silliness is often credited to 80s writing, there's no such need for Kit. Being a kid, she's already expected to be silly and foolhearty. OMG I just remembered an episode where Kit brought home a neighboring kangaroo-type person, but it was really Mumm-ra in disguise. Anyone remember what that one was?

*back on track*

"Runaways" was the episode! I just watched that one again recently. The kittens run away from home because they feel unappreciated. They end up eating poison berries and nursed back to health by that creature whose name I can't remember. Then of course, Mumm-Ra shows up and takes that creatures place.


Originally Posted by Mako Crab (Post 2225)
And, of course, since she was my favorite TCat, she gets like no episodes devoted to just her, except for this one. So there's all that, plus it's just a really good episode in its own right. I liked that they had to solve a lot of the traps instead of just fight their way through everything. Gave the episode its own unique feel. And it's cool to see her working alongside just Lion-O for once.

I always wished she had more episodes like that. I loved seeing the eps when her and Lion O would be working together for some reason. (Probably 'cause mentally at least, they are roughly the same age.) I'm hoping in the new series, the twins get some good episodes. Maybe a remake of this episode even!

Mako Crab 03-02-2011 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by GK Punk (Post 2267)
"Runaways" was the episode! I just watched that one again recently.

That's the one!!


I always wished she had more episodes like that. I loved seeing the eps when her and Lion O would be working together for some reason. (Probably 'cause mentally at least, they are roughly the same age.) I'm hoping in the new series, the twins get some good episodes. Maybe a remake of this episode even!
Exactly. Somehow that comes across very well in Tower of Traps too. It doesn't feel like a father/daughter type of team-up. It feels more like two partners on equal footing storming the tower. One of them just happens to be bigger. :p A remake of this ep would be awesome too. Bring some all new traps to the table!

trebleshot 03-04-2011 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by MegaPrime33 (Post 609)
What's your favorite episode from the original show? Mine is definitely Pumm-Ra where Mumm-Ra disguises himself as a Thundercat to gain access to the lair and the sword of omens.

This one right here. Loved Pumm-Ra's design too.

I think it would be great if the new series actually had a real Pumm-Ra that disappeared years prior to the start of the show. Then Mumm-Ra learns of him and that gives him the idea to use Pumm-Ra's identity to get the Sword and take over the world (of course!).

Or, what if Mumm-Ra used to be a Thunderian known as Pumm-Ra before he was cursed/banished/disgraced (pick a backstory) and turned into the Ever-Living embodiment of evil? :eek:

xander88 07-15-2011 04:27 PM

I love the 'Tower of Traps' episode. It has such an eerie feel to it. When I was a kid this episode used to scare me. When you see the corpse of 'Baron Kanor' and you hear "Enter" in that very creepy voice it is rather chilling. I used to have nightmares of being trapped in that dark room with the Baron and that voice saying "Enter". For some reason I would have the feeling he was going to get up out of his chair and attack.

merlin 08-19-2011 11:53 AM

i pick lion - o 's appoment trials

MushTV 08-19-2011 12:55 PM

Pumm-Ra is by far the episode I like most! :)

Ravenxl7 08-19-2011 01:01 PM

Haven't had a chance to rewatch the entire series, so my memory of most of them is a bit fuzzy, but I would have to say that "Return to Thundera" is definitely one of my favorites.

Nachtsider 08-20-2011 04:21 AM

Mumm-Ra's debut episode, 'Tower of Traps' and 'Mongor' are among my favorites. And sue me - I liked the episode where Lion-O went alone into Mumm-Ra's pyramid to deal with the villain once and for all.

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