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OnyxPrimal 03-14-2012 05:36 PM

Worth of a Prototype?
Hey guys. I won a contest a while back and the prize was a 14" Lion-O and the prototype. I have no idea how to value the prototype for insurance or for selling/trading later if I get in a bind. I went to see if there were ANY on ebay but no luck. Interestingly enough the proto has the SDCC head. :)

englishw 03-14-2012 07:27 PM

2011 4" Bandai prototype (or test-runs) go for $20-40. That's for figures that retail for $7-8. I think you could scale that for other 2011 merchandise. 3-5x the MSRP for current 2011 ThunderCats is probably a good rule of thumb for right now. They will likely increase in value more over time though. Also, prototypes of more rare figures (Claudus, Slithe, etc.) might fetch even more than 3-5x MSRP because even the retail figures fetch a lot more right now. Those prices will go down steeply as they reach stores though.

If I were looking to buy/sell a 14" Lion-O prototype right now, I'd be thinking $75 minimum and possibly upwards of $150 if the circumstances were right.

Figures are only worth what people will pay though =o) If I were selling, I would make it the longest-term auction possible and inform as many toy collecting forums as I could that it was up for auction... let the demand drive the price.

If you got the MTV Geek Twitter giveaway prototype, that looks really sweet =o) You should post pictures! :D

OnyxPrimal 03-14-2012 08:06 PM

Right now I'm hanging on to it, but wanted to put it on my renter's insurance. And yes it is the MTV Geek Twitter giveaway one. :) I'll try to put up a few pics in a day or so. I don't have it on display as I have 2 little girls who will try to play with it so he and his 14" retail counterpart are in a box in the closet. :)

englishw 03-15-2012 12:18 PM

BTW, welcome to the forums =o)

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