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Icespark 08-31-2011 12:01 PM

Interview with Designer Dan Norton, plus, Jackalman!
1 Attachment(s)
Hello everyone!

An interview with new Thundercats series designer Dan Norton has been posted!

Here's a link!

The Man Who Built Third Earth: An Interview With ‘ThunderCats’ Designer Dan Norton » MTV Geek


The interview also includes a model sheet of a character's new appearance! This is our first look at the updated Jackalman! Also, if the file name is any indication, Jackalman might have the new name of Kayner.....

Ravenxl7 08-31-2011 12:28 PM

Nice update to Jackalman. It's a fresh design, and he's definitely more wild looking, but he's still recognizable to me. Also, the name Kayner is a nice fit to his design.

Edit: Read through the interview, and I can tell that Dan Norton really knows what he is doing. Got me even more psyched for future episodes. I can't wait to see how they've redesigned some of the other characters. Most especially Monkian.

Joe Moore 08-31-2011 12:53 PM

Nice design on Jackalman. Looking forward to seeing him introduced. Thanks for the heads up.

Grune the Warrior 08-31-2011 01:02 PM

The article also shows a design sheet for some other characters. I recognize the Ro-Bear but not some of them:

Ricardogasjr 08-31-2011 02:12 PM

I believe the blue cat should be Snow Miow

SPLIT LIP 08-31-2011 03:26 PM

He looks great. Leagues better than the old Jackalman. Hope his voice is good.

Article is a great read. I look forward to this show every week. :D

DESTRO 08-31-2011 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by SPLIT LIP (Post 13974)
He looks great. Leagues better than the old Jackalman. Hope his voice is good.

Article is a great read. I look forward to this show every week. :D

I gotta agree, what made Jackalman cool was the voice, but this new show has yet to let me down, I'm sure it's going to be a cool update when he shows up.

nomad16 08-31-2011 04:10 PM

I see some great character designs jackelman looks sick and snow miow looks perfect I was wondering if they would to the robear berbils I think will be getting some more great figures to come in the future!!!

BB Shockwave 08-31-2011 04:34 PM

I love this new design for Jacka... erm, Kayner. He actually looks... quite noble, with that face. He will certainly be no laughing matter like the old one.


Originally Posted by Grune the Warrior (Post 13949)
The article also shows a design sheet for some other characters. I recognize the Ro-Bear but not some of them:

Let's see... From top right to bottom:

-Sarrow/Saurro, the lizard tracker from episode 4.
- ??? No idea. A gnome?
- A Robear Berbil from the old series.
- Kamai, the chameleon-like leader of the lizard trackers from episode 4.
- a Trollog (trollop?), again in the old series they were creatures who stole candy-fruit from the Berbils to feed their oppressors.
- This pig-man looks a LOT like the tax collector from the old episode "The spaceship beneath the sands"
- Probably one of the canids/dogs, Jackalman's people. I have a hunch he'll be appearing in "The duelist and the drifter" if that huge sword is any indication.
- Three members of Captain Koinelius Tunar's fish-men crew, including the first mate. :)
- The Petalars, from episode 4.
- elephant-men, no idea where from...
- Snow-Meow, the mount of the Snow-Man from the old episode "Lord of the Snows".
- A Giantor, the creatures who oppress the Trollogs and force them to steal the fruit of the Robears.

RedAlert Rescue 08-31-2011 08:48 PM

JackalMan looks good (He was always one of my fav designs along with Rattaro) but some of those other Denizins looks like they escaped from a Japanese Role Playing game to me.

I'm kind of surprised they have included the Robear Burbils I would have thought the'd be a temptation to dump them from the franchise as unmarketable.

I wonder if Willa (or was that Willow?) and the Amazon girls will be included or not ? - I always found her interesting as she was the only thing that helped quash the Tigra is Gay rumors.

MannE 08-31-2011 09:52 PM

Wow!! They need to release an art book at the end of this season!!

Monkian 08-31-2011 11:36 PM

Kayner..? OH... K.. Whatever. As long as they introduce him as Kayner the "Jackalman" and refer to him as Jackalman, I'm good. Love the look and I am psyched to see his introduction.

Saint Phe 09-01-2011 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Monkian (Post 14061)
Kayner..? OH... K.. Whatever. As long as they introduce him as Kayner the "Jackalman" and refer to him as Jackalman, I'm good. Love the look and I am psyched to see his introduction.

I think "Kayner" is clever. It refers to his species without sounding lazy. I like it.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 09-01-2011 07:45 AM

Damn, Jackalman went to the gym! And he looks like he won't take Slithe's insults! I like it!

ThunderScott 11-29-2011 09:49 AM

I'm more interested on Pumyra's design for this new serie. I saw on a site that Michael Jelenic said that many fans wants to see her back on the show. No lies, check here Thundercats Ho! An Interview with Mike Jelenic | AWN | Animation World Network

This were Michael Jelenic words: "We look at the message boards and we see whom the original fans want to see, so as much as we can – without throwing characters in for some random reason – we want to make sure we have at least a cameo or a one-off for each of these loved characters. You'll see Pumyra, with several episodes devoted to her"

About her voice actress...there's not a word about the subject but since I'm interested on Hynden Walch to voice a character in this serie, I guess Pumyra wouldn't be a bad option!

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