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marv 10-20-2011 02:54 PM

BBTS posts new Thundercat assortment!
Looks like the line is going to keep on going for a while
Bandai Thundercats - Wave 02 Announced at BigBadToyStore

Jaga 10-20-2011 03:20 PM

Nice, am I right in assuming that the 6" Classics Collection Mumm-Ra and Lion-O are their 1980's versions? If so are they doing away with the 8" figures in favor of the 6" or are they going to run side by side?

Tracer 10-20-2011 04:06 PM

I tend to believe they will be dropping the 8" figures in favor of these. Despite having the first two I'm okay with that.

eero 10-20-2011 04:20 PM

I'm going to be mighty peeved if they do that. I would have preferred 6" to begin with but finally took the plunge with the 8". I'll just skip the new line if that's the case. I'm not starting over.

EDIT: Toy News International is suggesting they've been listening to fans regarding scale.

Tracer 10-20-2011 05:10 PM

That was my impression as well. It will be mighty cool to have old and new Lion-o side by side and in scale to each other.

marv 10-20-2011 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by eero (Post 19362)
I'm going to be mighty peeved if they do that. I would have preferred 6" to begin with but finally took the plunge with the 8". I'll just skip the new line if that's the case. I'm not starting over.

EDIT: Toy News International is suggesting they've been listening to fans regarding scale.

It would be nice to have the collector line to be in sync with the new line but what am i going to do with my Tygra and Lion-O now.

DESTRO 10-20-2011 05:19 PM

Thundercats 2011 6" Classic Collector Figure Series 01 - Set of Lion-O & Mumm-Ra
Thundercats 2011 6" Classic Collector Figure Series 01 - Set of Lion-O & Mumm-Ra - Thundercats (2011) Figures

Thundercats 2011 12" Armor of Omens Exoskeleton Figure
Thundercats 2011 12" Armor of Omens Exoskeleton Figure - Thundercats (2011) Figures

Thundercats 2011 Stylized Figure 6-Pack - Eye of Thundera
Thundercats 2011 Stylized Figure 6-Pack - Eye of Thundera - Thundercats (2011) Figures

eero 10-20-2011 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by marv (Post 19364)
It would be nice to have the collector line to be in sync with the new line but what am i going to do with my Tygra and Lion-O now.

No kidding. Just a bummer.

GrenadierStinny 10-20-2011 05:39 PM

I'm not too thrilled with them dropping the Classic line down to 6" now. Sort of makes the investment in the 8" Lion-O and Tigra a bit of a waste.

And I fear that a drop in scale will equal a drop in quality. I just don't want the Classic figures to be full of those ugly black rivets that ruined the other scales.

But, since they did announce that they'd be working more closely with Bandai Japan on future TC releases, I do have some hope. Plus it might give us more figures in the Classic line a little faster than just two at a time.

As for the other figures, I'm enjoying the 4" line from the new cartoon, so I wouldn't mind getting some more of those, too.

crackus 10-20-2011 05:42 PM

too bad they won't ship to the UK... oh well hello EbaY..

Ravenxl7 10-20-2011 06:08 PM

It's definitely nice to see new toy listings. It REALLY sucks that Classics looks to be downgrading to 6" figures. Part of me is really hoping that is a typo. I've already got Lion-O, and was planning on getting Tygra.

The Armor of Omens getting a 12" figure is a little surprising. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be that big. Maybe it's the armor if it's got all the stones in it? Not sure if I'll get this, but it's definitely interesting. Hopefully the gimmick doesn't affect the articulation.

The 6-pack sounds interesting. Not really sure what to expect from it. If it's cool enough I might get it. Really depends on how the figures look, and what their articulation is like.

It's nice to see Slithe and Claudus getting 4" figures. While I don't plan on getting much of any from the modern line, they're two characters that I could see myself getting. It's also nice to see Panthro getting a v2 figure. If his 6" figure gets a more accurate release I'll definitely get it.

Now, where's my Snarf plushy? :mad:

Edit: Now that I've realized that the 6" Classics are set for this November, maybe they're expanding the line to two scales rather than just the one? Sounds unlikely, but I'm hoping that is the case. I've only got Lion-O, and I was a bit iffy about the size at first, but he's grown on me. Sort of reminds me of the GI-Joe I had as a kid.

Edit2: I've just sent out a question to Bandai's customer service about the Classics line. I'm not expecting an answer worth much of anything, but figured it wouldn't hurt to at least try. I'll post here again if I get anything back that's worth mentioning.

Buhawi 10-20-2011 06:11 PM

so we have 6" and 8" classics? does anyone have pics of the 6"? i'd rather have the 8" thundercats but i just want to see what they look like.

Nekomen 10-20-2011 06:11 PM

That armor of omens is total win, otherwise I can pass on a lot of these.

Dr Kain 10-20-2011 06:13 PM

Wait, 6 inch? Don't they mean 8 inch? If not, why couldn't they announced this BEFORE my 30day return policy ended?!

And what about the 6inch NEW series figures????!!

It is starting to sound like my lament over the last two months is coming to pass.

eero 10-20-2011 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 19373)
It is starting to sound like my lament over the last two months is coming to pass.

What's that?

Tracer 10-20-2011 06:46 PM

I hope the Mumm-Ra is still 8" which would make it 6" scale but I doubt it will be.

Buhawi 10-20-2011 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 19373)
Wait, 6 inch? Don't they mean 8 inch?

that's what i thought in the beginning.

McSoundwave 10-20-2011 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 19370)
It's definitely nice to see new toy listings. It REALLY sucks that Classics looks to be downgrading to 6" figures. Part of me is really hoping that is a typo. I've already got Lion-O, and was planning on getting Tygra.

Yes. If that is in fact the case, it really does suck. I'm certainly with you in hoping that's a typo. Fingers crossed.


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 19370)
Edit2: I've just sent out a question to Bandai's customer service about the Classics line. I'm not expecting an answer worth much of anything, but figured it wouldn't hurt to at least try. I'll post here again if I get anything back that's worth mentioning.

Please do. I'd like to hear what they have to say, if anything.

Geesh, this has turned out to be one particularly irksome day for the toy fan in me. First the announcement of the next Masterpiece figure for Transformers being another Starscream and now this mess about the Thundercat Classics line changing scale. The toy gods MUST be f*cking with me. High unsats all around!

Balgus82 10-20-2011 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 19370)
The Armor of Omens getting a 12" figure is a little surprising. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be that big. Maybe it's the armor if it's got all the stones in it? Not sure if I'll get this, but it's definitely interesting. Hopefully the gimmick doesn't affect the articulation.

it's really not surprising at all if you pay attention to their sizes in the show. When Mumm-Ra gets his armor Leo only went up to his knee and when Leo transformed his size was on par with Mumm-Ra's size.

as for the 6" classics figures I'm ok with it as long as they redo both Lion-O and Tygra (and it seems they are at least with Lion-O.)

Dr Kain 10-20-2011 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by eero (Post 19377)
What's that?

That Bandai does not know what the fuck they are doing with this line.

No pictures, no news, and then they go and pick on some poor ebay seller who is located in the US for stating he will ship the figures world wide.

Steelgrave 10-20-2011 11:48 PM

No 8" classic Cheetara= NO SALE! I won't start collecting the classics line until I know for sure I'm going to be able to get the figures I want. If they drop it down to 6" then I won't touch anything Thundercats. I'll just enjoy the new show & let the toys rot on the pegs.

Joe Moore 10-21-2011 06:42 AM

If they're dropping the 8" line, then I'm dropping the Classics all together.

Nekomen 10-21-2011 08:51 AM

There are some new 4 inchers coming too. A new Lion-O, Transformed Mumm-ra, Claudus, and Slithe. They are listed at BBTS too.

Saint Phe 10-21-2011 09:41 AM

I skipped the 8" Classics because I refuse to buy that scale. But I'll almost certainly pick up 6" Classics. I'm really excited about the 4" Wave 2 and Armor of Omens news, too!

Covenant 10-21-2011 01:07 PM

This info is confusing and hopefully misleading. I cannot believe that a company as big as Bandai would scrap their plans for an action figure line that has been in the works for over a year already in order to release this new, unannounced stuff. I have no experience buying Power Rangers figures but from what I've seen many Power Ranger collectors are less than thrilled with Bandai's track record. I am still hoping to complete the 8" series as well as the 6" but I really don't need a 6" Classics. The 12" Armor figure does not sound like something I'll be interested in either since it will probably be mostly cheap gold colored toy plastic.

Balgus82 10-21-2011 02:17 PM

guys don't jump to conclusions. theres nothing that says these will be the only figures that will be released. in fact i remember bandai confirming at least 3 figures that aren't listed on this site (armored mumm-ra and 6 inch versions of the twins.) not to mention the stormcharger. so try not to fuss and complain until we get an actual official list.

Buhawi 10-21-2011 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 19415)
If they're dropping the 8" line, then I'm dropping the Classics all together.


sigh. i was so freaking hyped with the 8" classics.

Autotrooper 10-21-2011 04:19 PM

If we don't the 6 inch twins, I will rage! :(

PANTHRO HOOO 10-21-2011 08:02 PM

Clasics panthro. Also Wtf is up with mezco.

nomad16 10-21-2011 08:04 PM

I WANT PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope we get more 4 inch figures Im really into those the most and not wanting 6 inch ones. and super deformed sweetness!!!

GK Punk 10-21-2011 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Autotrooper (Post 19447)
If we don't the 6 inch twins, I will rage! :(

This. A lot.

Dr Kain 10-21-2011 10:59 PM

We probably won't see a single shot of these new figures until Toyfair. Why? Because it's Bandai. This is why I had hoped Mattel would get the line. I might not agree with everything they have done with the MOTUC line, but at least they know how to communicate regardless of how much of a tool some of their responses are. Even assnine communication is better than no communication.

Nekomen 10-21-2011 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by nomad16 (Post 19458)
I WANT PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope we get more 4 inch figures Im really into those the most and not wanting 6 inch ones. and super deformed sweetness!!!

We are. Claudus, a new Lion-O(battle damaged and new gauntlet of omens), a transformed mumm-ra(no wings?), a new panthro, and Slithe. Plus I think a deluxe Panthro.

BBTS has them listed too.

Pravus Prime 10-22-2011 05:59 AM

I'm still a little befuddled about the 6 inch classics. At first I thought it was a typo, but seems that's unlikely. I picked up 8 inch classics Lion-O and was in eager anticipation of 8 inch Mumm-Ra to match him.

That said, Classics Mumm-Ra, even at 6 inches, will be bought. Hopefully it'll be like the 8 inch line only smaller since Lion-O blew my socks off with everything it does.

Pics and Plundarr armor Mumm-Ra will be welcome news.

Jlogano20 10-22-2011 08:32 AM

finally new stuff cant wait

krazycp 10-22-2011 10:33 AM

This is a small Wave 2, most likely it was planned out in advance of selling Wave 1. Most likely we will be having a large Wave 3 late 2012. I'm glad we are getting two new figs (Slithe and Claudus) but sad that the rest are variations of characters we already have. I think a Jaga would have been sweet. Anyway, still looking forward to this. As for the 8" Classics, those may still show up, they just didn't want to produce any early on in case Wave 1 bombed. Since it did well, they are probably just starting to produce more 8" classics. We'll see what their official response is to the 6" classics. I'm not thrilled about those.

nomad16 10-22-2011 10:56 AM

any news on vehicles??

User897 10-22-2011 12:10 PM

It'll be interesting to see what develops on these. I sincerely hope the 8" Classics line hasn't been dropped so early in the game. Here's to hoping distribution will be improved as well.

>EXO< 10-22-2011 04:33 PM

I won't be bothered if they dropped the 8" line. It's only 2 figured deep and I still haven't bought Tygra. I plan to eventually... but as long as they keep the sculpt quality of the 8" line, I'll be picking these up.

Hopefully it'll be in almost close to the MOTUC toys which are 7" tall but still considered a 6" line.

Darkliger 10-22-2011 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Autotrooper (Post 19447)
If we don't the 6 inch twins, I will rage! :(

You and me both.

I'm actually glad to see the drop in scale. I'd like see classic Thundercats more in scale with my Masters of the Universe Classics

TheCopperkid 10-23-2011 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Darkliger (Post 19516)
You and me both.

I'm actually glad to see the drop in scale. I'd like see classic Thundercats more in scale with my Masters of the Universe Classics

i dont really understand why people are wanting to motu and thundercats to be on the same scale. they are a little bit bigger but feel like maybe they are just bigger. they're not on the same planet, it's possible for them to be larger... and i'm not putting he-man in the thundertank...

everybody's got their own likes and dislikes i just wish they'd keep it 8inch. i'd have to see them in 6 inch, and looks like i will, before i make my decision. just hope that it doesnt look like that big of a difference to me since i really like the classics as is.

nomad16 10-23-2011 11:20 AM

I agree I don't get the big deal with motu figures I mean there's no comparison with the thundercats. the cats are so much better!!!

lionslayer 10-23-2011 10:11 PM

No need to freakout over the 6 inch classic scale, anyone who has ever collected gundam should know that Bandai makes their toys in like 5 different scales.

PANTHRO HOOO 10-23-2011 10:43 PM

I don't care what scale they are as long as I get a panthro classic.

SideswipePrime 10-24-2011 12:39 AM

cool! but since sideshow made a lion-o statue, at least i think it was sideshow, i was hoping to see some 12" stuff from them

Joe Moore 10-24-2011 11:12 AM

Updated with figures included in 4" wave 2 as well as the links to the different Wave 2 case breakdowns.

Vaderhater2005 10-24-2011 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Steelgrave (Post 19403)
No 8" classic Cheetara= NO SALE! I won't start collecting the classics line until I know for sure I'm going to be able to get the figures I want. If they drop it down to 6" then I won't touch anything Thundercats. I'll just enjoy the new show & let the toys rot on the pegs.

This. If I can't collect the Thundercats in the scale that I invested my money into already, no sale.

IndyCat 10-24-2011 03:19 PM

I would be really disappointed if they dropped the 8" line. :(

TheCopperkid 10-24-2011 07:06 PM

keep the 8 inch line! listen to the fans? :p

eero 10-25-2011 01:54 PM

Anyone received an answer on this? Mods, have you been able to do any reporting on it? Customer Service hasn't answered my question submitted on Friday.


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