Thundercats Forums

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Tony_Bacala 02-03-2011 01:33 AM

Show us your collection! Posting info inside!
Show em off!

You must attach at least one attachment to each thread you start in here. We do this so that the threads show a thumbnail in the thread listing. People like to look at pictures, so make it a good one! :) The first picture you upload will be the thumbnail for your thread, and it can not be changed once you create the thread, so make sure you get it right the first time.

You may create one thread, or many, up to you. Please start threads with your name, then add a descriptive piece of text about the part of your collection it is showing off.

You may post non-Thundercats collections too, just let us know in the title of the thread that it has some non-Thundercats stuff too.

Every once and a while we will feature collections on the main page, so the whole world can see your stuff and how awesome it is.

Have fun!

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