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asianstudnt87 10-13-2011 09:20 AM

Future female characters
Just a thought...

The one single criticism I have with the new series is that there haven't been many female characters appearing in the episodes so far, not even as side characters(except for episode 7 with the tall cat lady).

I'm personally hoping that if new female warrior characters are introduced, they'll give at least a few of them classy historical clothing designs. Especially if they are villains.:D

I'm thinking something like in this scene:
The Three Musketeers (2011) Clip - Mila Jovovich - YouTube

What does everyone think?

Haru of the Takaguro Dojo 10-20-2011 03:05 AM

That style of clothing is quite a far departure from this TC series, if you ask me.

That video makes me think of Voltron more than anything. Princess Alurra kicking ass. :cool:

What was the name of that one female character in the original toon, who rode a space motorcycle? She kinda looked like Robocop if I recall correctly..

asianstudnt87 10-21-2011 07:27 PM

You think so? I thought that kind of elaborate design if implemented would provide a striking contrast to the more practical warrior-like costumes the main characters wear.

Besides, this type of design should only be for single-appearance characters. Too many of those designs would overwhelm the shows look.

Perhaps they could introduce East Asian style female warriors in flowing dress robes? Just try to imagine the contract in costume styles between the main characters and the elaborate guest characters.

Or even something like this:

Hero (

I'd like to see Cheetara take on any of those characters one on one!:D

Star Saber 10-28-2011 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Haru of the Takaguro Dojo (Post 19330)
That style of clothing is quite a far departure from this TC series, if you ask me.

That video makes me think of Voltron more than anything. Princess Alurra kicking ass. :cool:

What was the name of that one female character in the original toon, who rode a space motorcycle? She kinda looked like Robocop if I recall correctly..

That would be Mandora the Evil Chaser. :)

Ocicat 10-29-2011 11:31 AM

She'd be good as would Willa the Warrior Maiden and of course Pumyra.

Ulisa 10-29-2011 06:39 PM

Personally, given how new the episodes are, I would like to see the Warrior Maidens. The new series has shown it can give old characters new twists without ruining their image, at least in my opinion, and that's a pretty difficult feat to pull off.

The Warrior Maidens were some of my favorites when they were first introduced in the old show. Their knowledge of Third Earth's plants, animals, landscape, etc. were useful and their skill with a bow was impressive to say the least. I never liked how they seemed to lose their skills as the show progressed. I think this new show is a good way to revamp them and maybe keep their skills useful.

Personally, I always prefered Nayda to Willa, namely her slight naiveness but then her ability to defend herself if need be. Willa seemed a bit too pompous to me at times but still made for an interesting character.

If we're talking villians, well, I always loved Chilla from the old series, though if the new series introduced Lunatac-like characters, it may not be for a while. Chilla intrigued me simply due to HOW ruthless and heartless she was, at least at first introduction. I think someone with her kind of ruthlessness, if not her power, would be interesting. A lot of villians, despite how cold they appear, usually seem to have SOME kind of moral code, or some line that they won't cross, either for their own benefit or some underlying reason. A villian who is completely and utterly without that would be interesting.

Cheetaraslover 10-29-2011 07:31 PM

I'd like to see Pumyra as a ninja, cause that would be awesome.

Warrior Maidens were cool, they should returns, definitely.

asianstudnt87 10-29-2011 09:16 PM

This board mentions Warrior Maidens. How were they depicted in the original series?(ie. skin color, costume, overall character design)?

Also, does this board think any of these looks could be acceptable in the new series for female characters?

Haru of the Takaguro Dojo 11-03-2011 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by asianstudnt87 (Post 20123)
This board mentions Warrior Maidens. How were they depicted in the original series?(ie. skin color, costume, overall character design)?

Also, does this board think any of these looks could be acceptable in the new series for female characters?

The Warrior Maidens were Human jungle women. Sort of dressed in the style of Tarzan. Personally I don't think this new series is ready for humans yet. I really like that pretty much every race on the planet is some type of humanimal.

What sort of female characters are you thinking of for that type of wardrobe?

Dedboy 11-03-2011 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Cheetaraslover (Post 20113)
I'd like to see Pumyra as a ninja, cause that would be awesome.

Warrior Maidens were cool, they should returns, definitely.

This WOULD be awesome! Thundercats + Ninjas = AWESOME-SPLOSION!!! :]

Steelheart 11-05-2011 04:04 PM

Well, we've already been told Pumyra will appear and have a 2-3 episode story arc in future episodes. I'm looking forward to that. I'd love to see the Warrior Maidens and Mandors the Evil Chaser too.

xhavoc86 11-06-2011 10:28 AM

Pumyra will only have a 2-3 episode arc? LAME!

Her and Bengali and Lynx-O need to have bigger roles in this series than the original...

Purrsia 11-06-2011 01:07 PM

The warrior maidens are probably my favorite group of secondary characters - so much room for adding richness to the tcats universe through them, I do so hope the new series will introduce them.

king kahn 11-06-2011 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Cheetaraslover (Post 20113)
I'd like to see Pumyra as a ninja, cause that would be awesome.

Warrior Maidens were cool, they should returns, definitely.

hell yeah! more ninjas are always a good thing.

I can not wait for mandora since hopefully the silverhawks will be coming with her.

Ulisa 11-06-2011 09:09 PM

You know another group of characters came ot my mind tonight. I was reading through some of my old TCAT comics and came across the Nai People, a group of sea-going people who looked like they had grapes for hair. I don't remember much about them except that I thought they were intriguing. I wouldn't mind seeing them.

I also recall a character Lynxana from the comics, some kind of mercenary type of character. I liked her too. Villain-wise, I think Ta-She could have been an interesting adversary if she had been handled or used differently. If they could remodel her into something a little more complex, I think that could prove interesting

Purrsia 11-06-2011 10:10 PM

It would be awesome if they used Lynxana from the comics - she has loads of potential for development.

A little OT, but I wonder if Mumm-Ra will have his shapeshifting abilities in the new series - he disguised himself as a female before, probably most memorably as the Nether Witch.

Steelheart 11-07-2011 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by xhavoc86 (Post 20751)
Pumyra will only have a 2-3 episode arc? LAME!

Her and Bengali and Lynx-O need to have bigger roles in this series than the original...

She might stick around for longer than that. I don't know. Only that one of the interviews said that she would appear and get some focus for a few episodes. I hope she sticks around though. But it's cool to know she will be showing up in the new show.

asianstudnt87 11-09-2011 06:51 AM

To Haru of the Takaguro Dojo :

In response to your question 'What sort of female characters are you thinking of for that type of wardrobe?'

I'm thinking they could be an evil troupe of courtesan-entertainers who use their beauty, charm and verbal wit to lure travellers into their highland rest centre. The basic idea involves all of the main characters falling for they charms and tricks, and only Snarf and the two kids can save the adults from mortal peril.

Bengali of Thundera 11-15-2011 07:45 AM

Whenever Pumyra appears in the show (I heard season 2) I just hope Andre Romano thinks about Hynden Walch while making the voice castting for her!!

vantheman77 11-27-2011 02:04 AM

The future female Thundercats they should bring in are Jaguara and Pumy-Ra.

darthktempus 12-13-2011 06:30 AM

I'd like them to bring in pumyra and somehow jaguara as well

nitewing73 01-03-2012 01:32 PM

I'm curious how they would introduce the Warrior Maidens and Mandora if they do show them.

Captn Cracka 01-21-2012 10:18 PM

I can easily see them bringing Mandora into the series. Especially since we have seen in the flashback episodes that space travel was possible and its a road that they have gone down and would be eventually getting into again. I was never a big Mandora fan but I can see them bringing her into it.

Shadowknight1 01-24-2012 01:45 AM

I personally think Pumyra needs to show up as a new possible romantic interest for Lion-O considering that Cheetara screwed him over.

Besides, his ancestor went with a panther-like cat, why can't he?

SirSapphire 04-14-2012 09:01 PM

BOOM! Necropost! Reviving now that we're all the more closer to Pumyra's debut and there just needs to be more Pumyra in general.

Let's here all those crazy theories, I'll start:

Given the show's love of "backstory through flashback" I'm willing to lay odds that Pumyra is a childhood friend of Lion-O's, possibly the younger relative of the woman who acted as his nurse/caregiver when he was a child. She was someone he could be the bigger, braver one with as opposed to Tygra. The two were probably separated when Lion-O's education kicked into high gear and will find each other again in The Pit, leading to a "She/He is all grown up" moment.

vantheman77 04-15-2012 12:49 AM

I wouldn't be surprised if Pumyra was Lion-O's childhood friend and they could hook up as a counterpoint to Tygra/ Cheetara.

merlin 04-16-2012 05:10 AM

maybe cheertah 's sister show up in series

SirSapphire 04-17-2012 08:13 PM

If they do decide to make Pumyra Lion-O's love interest perhaps the best way to do it is to make her sort of like Julie from Ben 10, she's his love interest (and eventual girlfriend) but is ultimately a secondary character. Their relationship is important, but not the focus of the show.

Mum Star 04-21-2012 07:42 PM

I'd love to see Mandora show up. Although if the Silverhawks do get used, I don't see many ways in which Mandora would be different from them. And speaking of charecters from the original series, I wonder how Mum-Rana could be done.

vantheman77 04-29-2012 10:11 PM

We may get our wish for future Thundercats when next episode Curse of Ratilla airs next weekend.

nitewing73 05-02-2012 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 48164)
We may get our wish for future Thundercats when next episode Curse of Ratilla airs next weekend.

Maybe this is where Bengali will get introduced. Then again they probably would put it in the episode description if he is going to be shown, like they did with Pumyra.

vantheman77 06-11-2012 03:15 PM

I would like to see future female Thundercats such as Jaguara and Leah.

Sining 06-11-2012 10:04 PM

The cynic in me says 'new females? Why would they need new females? They already have love interests for most of the males already' -_- Mostly because thats what females in this series seem to be relegated to

nickanu 06-12-2012 10:45 PM

I would like to see a female character with a sense of humor.....

a character that has a little more to her.......not irritated and moody (like Pumyra) or have no character at all (like Cheetara)....

I don't know if all the guys that write this are all guys but whoever they are they sure don't know how to write a convincing female least they haven't yet..

Sining 06-13-2012 02:14 AM

i was thinking the same thing too. That all the writers must be male because none of their female characters are really believable.

hollowdheart 06-13-2012 10:49 AM

All the writers have been male. If only they had a man like Miyazaki who makes women awesome looking and gives them development.......if we do get more female characters, i'm not holding out any hope that they'll be anything worthwhile.

Singe 06-18-2012 02:23 AM

Well I think they could bring in the Amazon Village from OS but tweak it where the inhabitants are animals of various species while all female. The leader and daughter could be cat people.

It would be kinda funny for the females to be attracted to the TC guys. Cheetara gets a little jealous when Tygra gets attention.

Young girls have a crush on Wilykat.

Sining 06-18-2012 03:07 AM

Step 1) Introduce female
Step 2) Have Lion-O and female get into what seems like a romantic relationship
Step 3) ???
Step 4) Have female break Lion-Os heart in season finale.

Repeat till TC is cancelled or finished.

Big Snarf 06-18-2012 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 55961)
Well I think they could bring in the Amazon Village from OS but tweak it where the inhabitants are animals of various species while all female. The leader and daughter could be cat people.

It would be kinda funny for the females to be attracted to the TC guys. Cheetara gets a little jealous when Tygra gets attention.

Young girls have a crush on Wilykat.

Or cheetara might find it funny if the big muscular females are chasing around tygra to hug and squeeze him to death and he's literall afraid of them :D:D:D:D until cheetara steps in and puts an end to it then the "relationship based on saving each other" line comes up again. Kit says to the young girls "you leave my brother alone" :D:D:D:D and kat says "thanks sis". Snarf will be all :D:D:D while panthro is :mad: and "says wheres the food around here I'm blasted hungry". And lion-o is still thinking on how he got played again

Singe 06-18-2012 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 55992)
Or cheetara might find it funny if the big muscular females are chasing around tygra to hug and squeeze him to death and he's literall afraid of them :D:D:D:D until cheetara steps in and puts an end to it then the "relationship based on saving each other" line comes up again. Kit says to the young girls "you leave my brother alone" :D:D:D:D and kat says "thanks sis". Snarf will be all :D:D:D while panthro is :mad: and "says wheres the food around here I'm blasted hungry". And lion-o is still thinking on how he got played again

They could do some joke where Lion-O has the Sword of Omens out in short form and when another cat girl touches him/sword it extends to the full length. She gets all impressed by his sword.

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