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>EXO< 11-19-2011 09:23 PM

Memory lapses of The Thundercats
I'm loving the storylines of the show but the one thing that bugs me is that the memory of the main characters are more inconsistent than the Elephants.

For example:

The cats didn't know who Panthro was when they first see him in the Thundertank when in the flashback it clear that they spent a lot of time with Panthro and Grunde.

And in this last episode Tygra watches Cheetarah's ordeal with becoming a cleric, which seems to leave a scar within him too. But then when the mutants first attack, he seems to be surprised with the fact that she is one.

I understand that they try to make the introduction of these characters mysterious and with an element of surprise but I think a little continuity would be better. It's not like we didn't know she was a cleric as soon as we saw all of them running faster than the speed of sound. The bigger surprise was that Jaga could move just as fast.

Also, it would have been nice to see a small showdown between Panthro and Grunde. We have to see these bad guys to be more apt against the good guys or else knowing the Thundercats can win every time makes it too predictable.

Ravenxl7 11-19-2011 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by >EXO< (Post 21764)
The cats didn't know who Panthro was when they first see him in the Thundertank when in the flashback it clear that they spent a lot of time with Panthro and Grunde.

They didn't recognize him because it was dark, and all they could see was a shadowy figure.


Originally Posted by >EXO< (Post 21764)
And in this last episode Tygra watches Cheetarah's ordeal with becoming a cleric, which seems to leave a scar within him too. But then when the mutants first attack, he seems to be surprised with the fact that she is one.

I'll have to watch the episode again to be sure, but if my memory is correct, it was Lion-O that was surprised she was a cleric. Tygra was just surprised to see her at that moment.


Originally Posted by >EXO< (Post 21764)
Also, it would have been nice to see a small showdown between Panthro and Grunde. We have to see these bad guys to be more apt against the good guys or else knowing the Thundercats can win every time makes it too predictable.

I think we'll get a really nice showdown between the two of them eventually. I think they're building up to one eventually happening.

Kregermeister 11-20-2011 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by >EXO< (Post 21764)

Grune. :)

Darkliger 11-20-2011 11:00 PM

re-watching the first episode. both Lion-O and Tyrga were surprised to see Cheetarah
their reactions

Tyrga "Cheetarah?"

Lion-O: "You're a Cleric?"

>EXO< 11-22-2011 11:23 PM

Cool. Thanks for settling this for me!

>EXO< 11-22-2011 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Kregermeister (Post 21779)
Grune. :)


flibbits 11-23-2011 01:02 AM

Why not make a new series rather than re-imagine the T-Cats? These aren't tiny writing errors, they're central plot errors. In this series people don't know people they are shown to know in flashbacks, they don't know things about people we've clearly seen them discover or know.

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