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Joe Moore 06-26-2012 02:22 PM

SDCC Jaga Minimate
San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Jaga Minimate Revealed

Joe Moore 06-26-2012 02:24 PM

Now does this mean DST is going to be producing more Thundercats Minimates? I sure hope so.

AlexofThundera 06-26-2012 03:04 PM

Very cool! I only hope they make it available online for those of us who can't attend. If this leads to more minimates I would be all for it.

Funny how everything we've seen so far is OS related.

nitewing73 06-26-2012 03:41 PM

It's weird, I've been picking up a bunch of minimates recently and I thought it would be cool to see Thundercats minimates. I have no knowledge of this but I would think that this would lead to at least a couple of waves of minimates.

I think this is awesome news. Shoot you can buy the Thundertank statue and display any T-Cats minimates with them. ha ha

Kregermeister 06-26-2012 04:01 PM

This is great! I actually rather these than bandai figures.... at least you know we'll get complete sets and more!

nitewing73 06-26-2012 04:23 PM

I know it wouldn't really be in scale and would probably only fit one mate but a Thundertank would be cool in this scale.

Lody 06-26-2012 04:27 PM


Where would these be sold after SDCC?

king kahn 06-26-2012 06:25 PM

I actually am pretty excited about minimate tcats! I am sure we can get a tank too even though it'll only fit one figure but I do not care!

Also think how awesome these would be next to an old school cat's lair?

IndyCat 06-27-2012 12:16 AM

This is so awesome!! I have collected minimates for years and always wanted thundercats in minimate form. My dreams have come true!!

Joe Moore 06-27-2012 10:19 AM

I've reached out to a contact at DST to see if this is an indication of more Minimates or if it's a one time deal. Will post it up when and if I get a response.

Response from DST:


You will have to wait and see. More information will be forthcoming.

englishw 06-27-2012 10:24 AM

Thundercats Minimates???? YES, PLEASE!!!!

Kregermeister 06-27-2012 05:07 PM

Thats a big yes. When Minimates does 1, they do a million. This is great! They will be able to do what bandai nor any current company could do, FINISH A SERIES! lol

AlexofThundera 06-27-2012 05:49 PM

SDCC Mummra Minimate
Looks like were getting more then just Jaga after all. :)

AlexofThundera 06-27-2012 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Kregermeister (Post 57265)
Thats a big yes. When Minimates does 1, they do a million. This is great! They will be able to do what bandai nor any current company could do, FINISH A SERIES! lol

I hope your right man because I would love a chance to own these despite not being able to go to the actual convention.

BTW things are looking good as they just revealed the Mumm-ra minimate. My wishlist would be Bengali and Lynxo in minimate form.

eero 06-27-2012 07:26 PM

This just reminds me of how much I'd been looking forward to a Classics Jaga. :(

Kregermeister 06-27-2012 08:46 PM


nitewing73 06-27-2012 09:15 PM

Awesome sauce! I just saw this on minimate hq site. Shouldn't this go on the front page?

IndyCat 06-27-2012 09:16 PM

I'm so excited!!!! Two of my favorite things!!!!

AlexofThundera 06-27-2012 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by nitewing73 (Post 57277)
Awesome sauce! I just saw this on minimate hq site. Shouldn't this go on the front page?

I'm sure Joe just hasn't been on here yet and seen it.

I feel the same way about staff being included Kregermeister. Very cool.

Joe Moore 06-28-2012 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by nitewing73 (Post 57277)
Awesome sauce! I just saw this on minimate hq site. Shouldn't this go on the front page?

I have a life outside the site ya know. :p :D

Joe Moore 06-28-2012 09:36 AM

Also, I am sold on these. Both Mumm-Ra and Jaga look fantastic. Have to figure out how I'm going to get these now.

Starsapphire 06-28-2012 10:17 AM

someone just go buy like 50 of them, usually the minimates and T-cats exclusives don't sell out, and the line isn't even long.

prolly gonna be atleast 5 bucks each

so on eay for 20 shipped for the pair ^_^

Joe Moore 06-28-2012 11:49 AM

Cleaned up thread. Trolling will not be tolerated.

IndyCat 06-28-2012 11:53 AM

Usually minimates are easy to get and usually sold online after the show. If its a two pack expect about $8-$10.

Usually DST sells con exclusives in a 4 pack for about $20-$25

I wouldn't be surprised if they reveal a few more for the con.

nitewing73 06-28-2012 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 57326)
I have a life outside the site ya know. :p :D

No offense Joe. Wasn't telling you how do your mod job :)

nitewing73 06-28-2012 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by IndyCat (Post 57340)
Usually minimates are easy to get and usually sold online after the show. If its a two pack expect about $8-$10.

Usually DST sells con exclusives in a 4 pack for about $20-$25

I wouldn't be surprised if they reveal a few more for the con.

That would be cool.
Grune would be a cool one.

You figure if they do two-packs after the show they would do a Cat and a mutant and probably have the twins in one set.

Lion-O vs Slythe
Panthro vs. Monkian
Cheetara vs. Jackalman
Tygra vs. Vulterman

Wilykit and Wilykat

Jaga (non spirit) and Mumm-Ra (transformed)

something like that.

Joe Moore 06-28-2012 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by nitewing73 (Post 57345)
No offense Joe. Wasn't telling you how do your mod job :)

No worries. :D Evening hours are hit and miss for me. I'm a daytime guy mostly.

AlexofThundera 06-28-2012 01:45 PM

Panthro has been revealed on the FB site. I can't access it from work though so I can't link it.

englishw 06-28-2012 01:47 PM

SDCC Panthro Minimate Revealed!

Only on their Facebook page so far... Looks amazing!

Joe Moore 06-28-2012 02:05 PM

DST SDCC Minimates Panel...Thundercats!
Diamond Reveals SDCC Schedule...Minimates Panel and Thundercats

Joe Moore 06-28-2012 02:06 PM


Cat's Pajamas 06-28-2012 02:40 PM

I dig him.

AlexofThundera 06-28-2012 02:46 PM

I like it!

When these reveals were first mentioned the FB site said to "look for posts all week". If that means just until tomorrow, then you can bet it will be Lion-O that gets revealed. But if they go to Saturday, we may get one more character.

On a side note: It doesn't look like the NS is getting any love at SDCC. DTS clearly could have gone with the NS versions for their minimates but went with the OS. Honestly I see why. The majority of the hard core fan base and most importantly the casual fan base know these characters based off of the OS. They may have felt that basing them off the NS was too much of a gamble.

Kregermeister 06-28-2012 02:57 PM

Look at this....

Bandai had the line for over a year, we only got 2 classic figures. (The 8 inch Tygra doesnt count as that line was dropped in favor of a stable 6 inch line).

Its been 3 days, and we have 3 minimates already.


I was a huge bandai supporter, but now I gotta say.... fuck those fuckers. After the Slithe, Tygra nonsence, the poor distribuition and broken promises, minimates all the way. Cheaper, smaller and more fun.

I would have liked some NS guys, but lets be honest, whats gunna give you a bigger drive to buy? A line thats already been rotting away on pegs, or one more chance at your childhood. lol! :D

nitewing73 06-28-2012 03:11 PM

Awesome sauce !!

All I have to say is I'm all in for a Thundercats minimates line. If they aren't going to do a comprehensive Classics line, this is good enough for me for now.

nitewing73 06-28-2012 03:12 PM

If this is like the other Action Figure Xpress offerings this will probably show up after the show on their site. I still see the Thor set from last year which I've been holding off getting. If this is on the site as well as the Alpha Flight set I'll order all of these.


User897 06-28-2012 05:54 PM

Seriously, DST?? REALLY??

If they spent half the time they do with their ridiculous MiniMates, on, you know, toys that have been in limbo for TWO YEARS, they'd have it made. I'm all for new Thundercats merchandise based on the classic series, but MiniMates? NO THANKS. All those damn things do is collect dust in every store I've ever been in, and they look like shit. DST just doesn't know what the hell they are doing. Unbreak promises that are years old FIRST, then take on new properties. That company is a joke, plain and simple.

IndyCat 06-29-2012 08:20 AM

Being an avid minimate collector with over 400 of them. I can tell you that in the world of minimate collectors they are super popular. If it weren't for DST, we wouldn't have near the amount of obscure Charactors made into toys.

If minimates aren't you cup of tea, cool. No need to slam the company though. minimates are very popular. I think they had been going for about 7 + years now. Something many other toy lines haven't achieved. obviously they are doing something right with minimates.

User897 06-29-2012 08:55 AM

My point was that DST needs to release the toys that have been stuck in limbo for years. Prototypes were built, release dates were set, photos were released, then preorders were cancelled. In a lot of cases, it was in favor of MiniMates. DST is supposed to be a specialty company, not a "cheap and easy" one. They have easily been the most frustrating of any toy companies I have dealt with.

IndyCat 06-29-2012 11:29 AM

SDCC Thundercats Minimates
SDCC 2012 ThunderCats Exclusives: Lion-O Minimate preview | THUNDERCATSNOW.COM | ThunderCats News and Information

englishw 06-29-2012 11:56 AM


I MUST have them!

Kregermeister 06-29-2012 12:06 PM

NICELY DONE! Snarf is the winner here.

Sadly assholes on ebay are already charging 60 PER figure. Disgusting.

englishw 06-29-2012 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Kregermeister (Post 57431)
NICELY DONE! Snarf is the winner here.

Sadly assholes on ebay are already charging 60 PER figure. Disgusting.

I don't suppose anyone here is going to SDCC? PM me if you are! I'd love to work out a deal =o)

AlexofThundera 06-29-2012 01:10 PM

Lion-O looks AMAZING!! Snarf is a nice bonus. Man I hope eBay doesn't become the only way to get these. I'd gladly pay $40 - $50 for the set.

Kregermeister 06-29-2012 01:11 PM

Minimate 4 packs retail at 15-20 depending where the con is. I cant see paying more than 30 for the set.

LiarDice Films 06-29-2012 01:43 PM

Thundercats will never die! Its great to see these various incarnations

nitewing73 06-29-2012 02:02 PM

I'm speechless.

LiarDice Films 07-01-2012 12:59 PM

Lets not allow these profiteering non thundercats fans grab all these and then sell them at ridiculous process on ebay. Lets work together and get a group of us who want then and are willing to send money to the people fortunate to get the the comic con and spread the community spirit. I believe they should be admired and loved and not used to make a quick buck!

Joe Moore 07-05-2012 11:17 AM

Thundercats Minimates Series 1 Gallery

LiarDice Films 07-05-2012 01:27 PM

Anyone fancy collecting mine at the comic con? i'll buy there's as well. unfortunately i will be a few thousands miles away i the UK, where Ben 10 over ride TC in all toy stores!

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