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User897 08-18-2011 02:50 AM

Thundercats Toys STILL not in stores....
Not in my area, anyway. I live in a NW suburb of Houston, TX, called Cypress.

Target = NO
Walmart = NO
TRU = Haven't checked because they are too far to go without air conditioning in this drought!

Is there anyone near my area that has something to report?

japanrl 08-18-2011 04:06 AM

Still not here in Japan too.


Fuzz 08-18-2011 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by User897 (Post 11080)
Not in my area, anyway. I live in a NW suburb of Houston, TX, called Cypress.

Target = NO
Walmart = NO
TRU = Haven't checked because they are too far to go without air conditioning in this drought!

Is there anyone near my area that has something to report?

You really should make that trip to TRU, regardless of the heat. TRU has had them for about two weeks now.

Hyper Jaguar 08-18-2011 07:18 AM

In the Indianapolis, IN area, I still haven't seen them in any Wal-Mart stores. I have yet to look in any Target stores. (At least on the South Side.)

ragmanrag 08-18-2011 07:25 AM

Hi all,

Is there any word on when the thundercats toys will come to Canada. I called my local toys r us and they suggested a mid to late September time frame for the release of the toys.

Any additional information will be greatly appreciated!


Ravenxl7 08-18-2011 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Fuzz (Post 11105)
You really should make that trip to TRU, regardless of the heat. TRU has had them for about two weeks now.

Not necesarily all of them. I was at the closest TRU to me last Friday, and they still hadn't put out anything (not even Mezco Lion-O), so I would recommend calling before making the trip.

JohnnyAngel77 08-18-2011 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 11109)
Not necesarily all of them. I was at the closest TRU to me last Friday, and they still hadn't put out anything (not even Mezco Lion-O), so I would recommend calling before making the trip.

Mine just put everything out on Tuesday. One of the guys that works there said one dude bought all the Classic Lion-o figures. I expect to see them on eBay here locally soon. :(

Drake915 08-18-2011 05:16 PM

I've found everything thats supposed to be out, but seeing as the D.C./MD sighting thread is mostly dead of post, but full of views I'm holding my sightings to avoid giving scalpers the info....I've run into a couple fellow fans out on my trips and passed the info to them personally...but when you have 6 post and over 200 views after I asked people to at least introduce themselves I'm a little suspicious of who's actually viewing the thread.....stuff disappears almost instantly here in baltimore.

Tracer 08-18-2011 05:43 PM

all of the TRU'S are cleared out here except for the $12.99 Lion-o & Tygras. K-mart and Wal-Mart still haven't got them.

RichardC 08-18-2011 07:58 PM

ive seen them at a toys r us and a couple walmarts nothing at kmarts or targets
i heard a rumor that target will not be carying them anyone know?

Lody 08-18-2011 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by User897 (Post 11080)
Not in my area, anyway. I live in a NW suburb of Houston, TX, called Cypress.

Target = NO
Walmart = NO
TRU = Haven't checked because they are too far to go without air conditioning in this drought!

Is there anyone near my area that has something to report?

TRU is getting them but I called around and spoke to the employees. They are getting ALOT of calls about them so i if I were you, I would venture out to TRU.

User897 08-18-2011 10:11 PM

Not when the car interior is over 100 degrees. It makes me sick. Looks like I'll have to stick to the 3 Classic figures I got through the mail, at least for a while.

soundwave810 08-19-2011 09:21 AM

TRU is DEFINITELY the store to check. That's where I've gotten most of the 4" line. Local Targets don't have anything and I haven't checked the K-Marts but that's moot since TRU has them.

path the sage 08-21-2011 06:45 PM

I went to 4 Wal-Marts and a target before i found them. If your in the Piedmont NC area the Burlington wal-mart on exit 141 has them.

Haloid1177 08-21-2011 07:52 PM

It took me 4 Walmarts and a TRU to get the 6" figures I wanted. Found a 6" Lion-O at one Walmart, and the last WM I went to actually had all the Thundercats merchandise out. I only bought the 6" Panthro. Regret not getting the Classics and the 6" Mumm-Ra, as these things rock.

Darkliger 08-21-2011 09:35 PM

I got all the basics along with the 6-inch Lion-O and Thundertank. In my area (Long Island, New York) only TRU have been getting them and it seems they are selling out quick. Which I see as good news.
How is the DX Sword of Omens? because that and the 6 inch Mumm-ra are my next targets

omens619 08-21-2011 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Darkliger (Post 12018)
I got all the basics along with the 6-inch Lion-O and Thundertank. In my area (Long Island, New York) only TRU have been getting them and it seems they are selling out quick. Which I see as good news.
How is the DX Sword of Omens? because that and the 6 inch Mumm-ra are my next targets

The Dx sword is great, for $20.00 it's a steal, the mini or reg to me is a rip off even at $10.00 :mad:

I have almost all of the 4", I need Panthro 4" keep missing him I wonder why he's hard, maybe because of the thundertank, I have 2 liono classics, tygra classic, and all 3 6". It's weird I found Cheetara and Grune quicker than Panthro, it's gotta be because of the thundertank.

Blade Raider 08-22-2011 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by omens619 (Post 12025)

The Dx sword is great, for $20.00 it's a steal, the mini or reg to me is a rip off even at $10.00 :mad:

I have almost all of the 4", I need Panthro 4" keep missing him I wonder why he's hard, maybe because of the thundertank, I have 2 liono classics, tygra classic, and all 3 6". It's weird I found Cheetara and Grune quicker than Panthro, it's gotta be because of the thundertank.

It's because Bandai's assortments are ran by idiots. The basic case lay out is:

Lion-O x3-4
Mumm-Ra (Mummy) x2-3 (WHY?!)
Tygra x2
Panthro x1
Cheetara x1 (I've seen one case that has 2)
WilyKit x1
WilyKat x1

There is no case with more than 1 Panthro, Kit, or Kat. We all know why Cheetara, Kit, and Kat are 1 per case, but I can not for the life of me figure out why they made Panthro 1 per case. Panthro is the Green Ranger of ThunderCats. He's the beat all end all fan favorite. Everyone wants him. And why is Mumm-Ra 3 per case? Panthro should have been at least 2 per case.

In fact, I think the general assortment should've been:

Lion-O x2
Tygra x2
Panthro x2
Cheetara x2 (or just one if Bandai is really that scared of boobs)
WilyKit x1
WilyKat x1
Mumm-Ra (Mummy) x1

That makes all the figures everyone wants well proportioned and the ones only collectors will get not clog shelves.

Star Saber 08-22-2011 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Blade Raider (Post 12042)
It's because Bandai's assortments are ran by idiots. The basic case lay out is:

Lion-O x3-4
Mumm-Ra (Mummy) x2-3 (WHY?!)
Tygra x2
Panthro x1
Cheetara x1 (I've seen one case that has 2)
WilyKit x1
WilyKat x1

They must be the same guys who made all those MOTU 2002 case assortments loaded with He-Man and Skeletor :)

MegatronWolf 08-22-2011 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Darkliger (Post 12018)
I got all the basics along with the 6-inch Lion-O and Thundertank. In my area (Long Island, New York) only TRU have been getting them and it seems they are selling out quick. Which I see as good news.
How is the DX Sword of Omens? because that and the 6 inch Mumm-ra are my next targets

What TRU did you find them in? I live on long island as well and the TRUs ive checked were picked clean.

SPLIT LIP 08-22-2011 05:41 PM

Still not out here in Canada AFAIK. :(

Damn, I might have to order online.

OrionPax9 08-22-2011 05:41 PM

I spotted some at a walmart that is 3 hours from my town and at a toys r us that is about an hour from me. My local stores, walmart target kmart, still don't have anything and we dont have a toys r us.

Hyper Jaguar 08-22-2011 05:56 PM

Most stores (i.e. Target and Wal-Mart) are probably waiting until it nears the Holiday season before putting out the bulk of the toys. Obviously not to say they won't put stuff out before then.

MegatronWolf 08-22-2011 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Hyper Jaguar (Post 12140)
Most stores (i.e. Target and Wal-Mart) are probably waiting until it nears the Holiday season before putting out the bulk of the toys. Obviously not to say they won't put stuff out before then.

target is waiting for their reset, but as for walmart it depends on the store itself cause they are not required to have the figures so its up to the person in charge of the toys to decide if they want them or not. Well at least thats what i was told when i asked. With the way they're selling though im sure every store will be getting them eventually, they would be stupid not too.

Darkliger 08-23-2011 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by MegatronWolf (Post 12077)
What TRU did you find them in? I live on long island as well and the TRUs ive checked were picked clean.

The TRUs on Old Country Road in Carle Place, the one right across from Roosevelt Field Mall.

Valdin 08-23-2011 01:51 PM

I went to target and walmart in mira mesa last night and found nothing. I only saw some figures in toysrus. I asked the walmart worker if they had anything for thundercats and he said only toysrus had them and that walmart was not allowed to carry them yet. What ever that meant. He seemed a little annoyed so I didn't ask anything else.

MegatronWolf 08-26-2011 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Darkliger (Post 12229)
The TRUs on Old Country Road in Carle Place, the one right across from Roosevelt Field Mall.

ah i checked the ones in shirley, riverhead & holbrook. Checked holbrook again yesterday and it looked liked they got another shipment (and more than just 1 case) but they didnt have what i wanted. Checked another walmart too and they had nothing but the person i talked to said that walmart is not suppose to be carrying them but they werent suppose to be carrying smurfs either and they got them. Pretty much they're like target, they have no clue what they are getting until the shipment actually comes in. TRU is the only one thats guarantied to be getting them on a regular basis right now. Best thing to do is talk to the manager and see if they will hold the figure your looking for when they get a new shipment, most likely youll be like me and be put on a waiting list. The main problem right now is most of the figures come 1 per case. And of course the only figure i want is 1 per case.

Tracer 08-30-2011 03:03 PM has just about everyone in stock right now. No Grune though :(

Thunderbarber 08-31-2011 01:04 AM

Canadian Toys R us should have them on sept 23rd for all my Canadian peeps!

Lion-O* 09-04-2011 02:48 PM

I wonder when Target will have them in stores...seems like they are really slow on this

decepticat 09-04-2011 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Lion-O* (Post 14737)
I wonder when Target will have them in stores...seems like they are really slow on this

I agree, checked yesterday and they still don't have them but they can get in REAL STEEL figures? WTH? But seriously I hope they carry the deluxes when they get them in since I can't find them anywhere but TRU and seem to always miss on Grune.

User897 09-04-2011 08:22 PM

My nearest Walmart still doesn't have the toys. There was one lonely Tower of Omens playset on the bottom shelf. All the pegs were there with Thundercats stickers, but not one figure was there. The strange thing is, they usually don't open up the shelf space until the toys arrive. It's been three days now and all they have is the one Tower set.

Thunderbarber 09-08-2011 08:43 AM

I called my TRU yesterday and they said they had no idea when they will get any Thundercats stuff, she said to check back later. I looked up Bandai Canada and it was odd because it said they are going to release stuff in the U.S. and Canada at the same time???? I just want me some thundercats!

Spider-Man 09-13-2011 06:37 PM

Only store I've seen 'em at is TRU and all they had were a couple of 6 inch figures which I have no interest in. I just want the 4 inch figures. Walmart and Target haven't put any out yet.

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