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Fist Pounder 02-22-2012 04:23 PM

Action Figure Collector
I have collected tons of different action figures over the years

G.I Joe
Masters of the universe
James Bond Jr
Star Wars
Star Trek
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Dragon Ball Z
Various Marvel superheroes
Various DC Superheroes

Here is the question Ive seen videos of peoples epic collections on youtube namely those who must have traded in and sold all other figures in favor of one larger one.

Is it better to have the ultimate of any one collection or respectable collections of different lines.

I never had a brand new vintage thundercat so I scrounged mine from garage sales flea markets and toy conventions that being said I am very proud of it.

But I also love my transformers and even though so of my favorite characters I never had until the newer lines came out cyclonus and rodimus with matrix recveal the shield two pack and classics scourge and galavatron. I love that cyclonus more than the original as it looks like he came right out of the TV.

I also have a ton of star wars figures including vintage.

I dont think I could sell all other lines in favor of one.

What are your guys opinions on this matter?

englishw 03-27-2012 09:02 PM

It just depends why you collect. Some people are completists by nature and will have a driving "need" to get every figure and every varient of every figure from a specific line. They might branch out to other lines, but they have to have everything of what they collect... that's one type of collector. If that's you, great! If you don't feel that need, you might be a collector who collects for other reasons.

Personally, I collect what I think is neat or cool from lines. Sometimes, that means I collect a full line, sometimes that means I collect 10% of a line. It just depends. In the modern ThunderCats line, these are the figures I do not have and would only buy if I found them really cheap - not because they aren't good, but because they don't strike me as a cool figure. Personal taste.

- 4" Deluxe Lion-O
- 4" Deluxe Tigra
- 4" Deluxe Mumm-Ra
- 4" wave 2 Mumm-Ra
- 4" wave 2 Lion-O
- Lion-O Racer
- Tygra Racer

I have everything else from the modern line with a couple exceptions of things that I am still looking to buy. I'm still looking for:

- 6" Tygra
- 4" Deluxe Slithe
- Mumm-Ra's Storm Charger

I found and bought the 6" Cheetara, Tygus with Flyer, 4" Panthro with robotic arms, 4" Claudus, Armor of Omens (only because it was BOGO free), and the rest of the 4", 6", and 8" figures released so far. I don't feel a need to get the figures I don't have and I don't feel like my collection is "incomplete" by any means. I have 3 things I'm still looking for, but that's it. When I go shopping I look for those and then I look for Avengers figures I don't have, there are some current Star Wars figures I'm collecting, and I'm on the lookout for The Hunger Games figures. The Hunger Games figures are interesting... there are three, but I'm only going to get two... Katniss and Peeta. I think the Gale figure isn't done very well and he doesn't play as much of a role in the first book. I'll wait and see if they come out with a Catching Fire or Mocking Jay version of him before I buy a character. Some people would "need" to buy him if they bought any of the line. That's okay, it's just not me =o)

All just my opinion. It really comes down to what makes you happy and what you like =o)

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