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Ocicat 10-22-2011 01:55 PM


Episode One

Inside Castle Plunn-Darr, Monkian is being chased by Jackalman and and Vulture Man along the corridors of the Castle, they turn the corner and Monkian is stopped when Slythe knocks him to the ground with his club. Jackalman and Vulture Man stand over him.

Slythe looks at them both.

Slythe: Pick him up!

The two mutants do as they are told.

The Cats Lair stands tall and strong in the distance on Third Earth, a crashed space capsule is seen in the woods and two humans are seen walking towards the Lair, one of them is sobbing.

Grace: Mother, what happened? Where are we?

Emily: I have no idea Grace, we homed in on the Beacon of that place.

They both look at the Cats Lair.

Grace: What did we do to deserve this?

Emily doesn’t answer but continues to walk towards Cats Lair.

Over at Castle Plunn- Darr, Jackalman and Vulture Man manhandle Monkian into a dungeon.

Jackalman: Slythe will deal with you later!

They slam the door shut and walk down the corridor laughing.

Grace and Emily walk up the steps of the Cats Lair and the door is opened. They walk inside and look around, in front of them, Lion-O walks towards them. Grace looks shocked.

Grace: Mom, it’s a – it looks like a -

Lion-O: A Lion, I am Lion-O and I am the Lord of the ThuderCats. What are you doing here? Do you come in peace?

Emily: Yes we do, our spaceship crashed not far from here, we homed in on your beacon, we just need a place to stay for a few days and some supplies to fix our spaceship.

Lion-O: I think we can manage that, you can bathe and rest here. Panthro will help fix your ship.

Emily: Panthro?

Lion-O: A ThunderCat and a master engineer. Follow me.

The two humans follow Lion-O along a corridor.

Cheetara walks into the main room of the Lair. Tygra is sat looking at the telescreen.

Cheetara: They’ve arrived, I heard Lion-O talking to them.

Tygra: I know, I saw them through the Cats Eyes. Two females?

Cheetara: Yes.

Emily and Grace are sitting in one of the rooms, Emily has a flashback to the alarm sounding on the spaceship and then watches as it falls from the sky, she is brought back to reality when she hears two voices coming down the corridor.

Wily-Kit: Give it back Wily-Kat.

Wily-Kat: No, it belongs to me, I found it so I’m keeping it.

They continue to argue as they walk down the corridor, with Wily-Kit trying to take back what she thinks belongs to her.

Lion-O walks into their room with Tygra.

Lion-0: I’d like to introduce you to Tygra.

Grace: Hello.

Emily: It’s good to meet you.

Tygra: I hope Lion-O has made you feel welcome.

Grace: Yes.

Emily: I hope the damage to our ship isn’t permanent; it was burning pretty badly when we crashed.

Lion-O: Let us take you on a tour of the Lair, you can meet the other ThunderCats as well.

The two humans follow Lion-O and Tygra out of the room.

Lion-O: You’re both very lucky; you could have been buried alive.

Lion-O leads them into the main room of the Lair, Emily gasps as she sees the remains of her spaceship on the video screen. Panthro has joined Cheetara in the room. Grace walks towards her.

Grace: You’re beautiful.

Cheetara smiles.

Cheetara: And you are?

Grace: Grace and that’s my Mom, Emily.

Cheetara: Pleased to meet you Grace.

Lion-O senses something and walks out of the room and into the corridor.

Jaga appears to him.

Jaga: The humans that have arrived should be looked after Lion-O. Make sure they aren’t split up while they are here.

Lion-O: I won’t Jaga.

Jaga: This is the first time humans and ThunderCats have interacted on any level Lion-O, you’ll need all your strength and sensibility to ensure this is successful. Take care of them as you would the other ThunderCats Lion-O.

Jaga disappears and Lion-O walks back into the room. Emily, Grace and the ThunderCats are sat around the huge round table.

Lion-O: Now we’ve identified each other it’s time to get to know each other better.

Panthro: The introduction will have to wait Lion-O, look!

They look to the video screen, Mumm-Ra is vast approaching the Cats Lair.

Lion-O: You two stay here! The Cats Lair will keep you safe.

Lion-O looks at the ThunderCats.

Lion-O: Let’s go!

They jump up and leave the room. Grace looks at Emily.

Grace: It’s a monster Mommy! I’m scared!

Emily: Don’t be, you heard what they said, we’ll be fine.

The ThunderCats appear on the steps outside the Lair, Mumm-Ra stops below them.

Lion-O: This is a bad time for a visit Mumm-Ra.

Mumm-Ra: Oh I assure you Lion-O things are about to get much worse!

Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat are watching this on the video screen with the humans.

Wily-Kit: We need to protect them Wily-Kat.

Wily-Kat: Maybe we should move them to another room?

They look at the humans then back at the screen. Mumm-Ra begins to attack the Cats Lair without attacking the ThunderCats themselves.

Lion-O: Take cover!

The ThunderCats hit the ground as Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat move the humans out of the room.

Over at Castle Plunn-Darr, Monkian breaks down the door of the dungeon and escapes by running off down the corridor.

Outside the Cats Lair, Tygra turns invisible and attacks Mumm-Ra from behind, knocking him from his feet and reducing the damage to the Cats Lair. Lion-O jumps up and raises the sword of Omens.

Lion-0: Ho!

The ThunderCats eyes flash yellow and they join Tygra in the attack on Mumm-Ra. Panthro grabs Mumm-Ra and throws him across the drawbridge.

Snarf walks into one of the bedrooms where Emily and Grace are sat with the ThunderKittens.

Snarf: What’s going on? The noise woke me from my nap.

Wily-Kit: Mumm-Ra!

Snarf: Say no more.

Snarf looks at the humans.

Grace: Mom, it looks like Midnight.

Emily smiles.

Snarf: You must be the humans we saw earlier, snarf, snarf, well snarf will take care of you both.

Grace: And it talks! A talking cat!

Grace strokes Snarf and he smiles at her.

The spaceship the humans crash landed in is seen being dragged away by a set of ropes. The fight against Mumm-Ra continues in the distance.

Cheetara starts to run around Mumm-Ra faster and faster until it makes him dizzy, Lion-O blasts him with a shower of bright light and he screams, leaping into the air and flying away.

Mumm-Ra: I’ll be back to get what I want Lion-O! You’ve not seen the last of me!

Mumm-Ra disappears and the ThunderCats regroup.

Lion-O: Good work ThunderCats.

Tygra: What do you think Mumm-Ra wants?

Lion-0: I don’t know, but if it’s our new human friends, he’s going to have to fight harder than that.

They walk back towards the entrance to the Lair.

Mumm-Ra, back in his pyramid, looks into his cauldron at Lion-O and the ThunderCats walking back into the Lair.

Mumm-Ra: I can wait Lion-O, I can wait!

Panthro and Cheetara walk into the main room of the Cats Lair.

Cheetara: Is there much damage?

Panthro: Nothing that I can’t fix, are you okay?

Cheetara: Nothing I can’t fix.

They look at each other and smile.

Lion-O and Emily walk into the kitchen, Snarf is cooking dinner.

Lion-O: You can help Snarf if you like but be careful, he tends to burn his whiskers.

Emily smiles at Lion-O as he leaves the room.

Grace is sat in her room and she has her own flashback of the spaceship crash, she screams and closes her eyes as she sees it crash into the earth.

Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat are sat in the head of the Cats Lair playing a game,
Lion-O can hear them making a noise.

Lion-O: Kittens, come down here, Snarf’s dinner will be ready soon!

Wily-Kit: Okay Lion-O.

They jump down from the head of the Cats Lair and follow Lion-O down the corridor.

Tygra is sat with Grace in the main room of the Cats Lair.

Tygra: I know this is a lot to take in but Lion-O will look after you.

Grace just smiles at Tygra.

Emily walks into the room with Panthro and they sit down at the table also.

Emily: I’m starving.

Panthro: Snarf’s cooking is pretty good.

Emily: I know, I saw.

Grace looks up and frowns.

Grace: Mommy, I can see a ghost.

Emily: Don’t be silly!

Grace: No I can, he’s smiling at me.

What Grace can actually see is Jaga who disappears as quickly as he appeared.

Cheetara: A haunted Cats Lair? I hope not!

They all laugh.

Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat walk in with some food and place it down on the table. Lion-O follows them in with more.

Tygra: This looks great.

Grace: It looks just like you’d make Mommy.

Panthro: That will please Snarf.

They all sit around the table and laugh.

End of episode One.

Devinebull1978 10-22-2011 04:53 PM

Wow , you have a lot of spare time.... well done :)

Ocicat 10-25-2011 01:59 PM

Thanks - here's episode 2 if you liked that one.

Episode Two
The sun is shining over the Cats Lair as Emily awakens from a decent night’s sleep, after opening her eyes and recovering from the initial shock of not know where she is, she sits up in bed as there is a knock at the door and Tygra walks in.

Tygra: Three times I’ve checked on you now, you were sleeping like a baby, you should be up and out of that bed though to make the most of this lovely day.

Emily: Yes Tygra.

Tygra walks out of the room as Emily stretches.

Mumm-Ra is stood before his Cauldron in his pyramid, Slythe is stood on the other side of it.

Slythe: Have you forgotten what’s happening today Mumm-Ra?

Mumm-Ra: I know everything that happens on third earth Slythe, you should know that.

Slythe: Then you won’t need me to remind you that today is the day that Lion-O is leaving the Cats Lair to visit those wretched Berbils, you’d be too stupid to pass up on the opportunity to take over the Cats Lair in his absence, yes?

Mumm-Ra: Stupid?! Mumm-Ra is far from stupid Slythe and I have plans of my own.
The Cats Lair appears in the Cauldron.

Mumm-Ra: By the end of the day the Cats Lair will be mine.

Mumm-Ra starts to laugh.

Panthro is working on the ThunderTank as Cheetara is sat watching him underneath one of the feet of the Cats Lair.

Cheetara: I hope the two kittens will be safe on this journey they’re taking.

Panthro: I’m sure they will be, they’ll have Lion-O to look after them after all.

Cheetara: Yes.

Panthro: Have you ever thought about having kittens of your own Cheetara?

Cheetara: I did once, having never met the right man and then joining Lion-O here once Thundera was destroyed, kittens of my own are something I’ve barely had time to think about, besides, looking after Lion-O and then Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat is enough. Don’t you think?

Panthro: Yes.

Grace is sat playing with Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat in her room.

Grace: Do you two have to go with Lion-O today?

Wily-Kit: We want to go.

Wily-Kat: Yeah, it’s going to be so much fun.

Grace: But who am I going to play with while you’re gone?

Wily-Kit: You’ll have Snarf, he’s always good for a laugh.

Grace doesn’t look impressed by Wily-Kit’s suggestion.

Tygra walks in.

Wily-Kat: Hey Tygra, where are we going today? Do you know?

Wily-Kit: Yeah, Lion-O isn’t telling us anything.

Tygra: No and neither am I!

Wily-Kat: Oh Tygra!

Lion-O walks in.

Lion-O: Come on kittens, you need to get ready.

Tygra: Come on, I’ll help you out,

Tygra, Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat walk out of the room. Grace walks towards Lion-O and hugs him.

Lion-O: I won’t be gone for long Grace, just long enough to help out some old friends that’s all.

Lion-O walks out of the room and Jaga appears before Grace.

Grace: You again!

Jaga: You have nothing to fear young Grace, I have been watching over Lion-O for many years now, he’s capable of looking after himself and I’ll watch over him, making sure he’s safe enough to return, you have nothing to fear child.

Jaga disappears and Grace runs out of the room and straight into Panthro.

Panthro: Who were you talking too Grace?

Grace: I saw that ghost again, the one that looks after Lion-O.

Panthro smiles.

Panthro: Ah, you mean Jaga, he’s a pretty friendly ghost you know, let me tell you more about him.

Panthro and Grace walk down the corridor.

Lion-O is in the main room of the Lair looking at the video screen when Cheetara walks in.

Cheetara: Are you looking forward to your trip Lion-O?
Lion-O: I haven’t told the Berbils I’m going to see them, I thought I’d surprise our old friends.

Lion-O looks at Cheetara.

Lion-O: Keep everyone safe from the likes of Mumm-Ra and those Mutants while I’m gone will you Cheetara?

Cheetara: That goes without saying Lion-O.

Lion-O smiles at Cheetara as Snarf walks in and puts some food down on the table.

Lion-O: What’s this Snarf? It’s a little early for dinner?

Snarf: You didn’t think we were going to let you go without a little farewell dinner did you Lion-O? Now sit down and eat, the other ThunderCats will be here soon.

Snarf walks out of the room as the other ThunderCats walk in and sit down with Lion-O as they begin to eat Jaga appears, out of sight and simply watches over them.

Bundun the Bolkin appears outside Cats Lair and walks up the steps towards the main door.

Bundun: Now to fool those ThunderCats once more and take what will belong to Mumm-Ra once and for all.

Mumm-Ra clearly in disguise as Bundun laughs at this as he knocks on the door.

Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat open the door to the Cats Lair.

Wily-Kit: Bundun! It’s good to see you. Come in!

Bundun smiles as they let him into the Cats Lair and close the door.

Wily-Kat: The others will be pleased to see you Bundun.

Wily-Kit: How do you think we’re travelling to wherever we’re going Wily-Kat.

Wily-Kat: There’s no way Panthro is going to let Lion-O take the ThunderTank so I reckon we’re walking.

Wily-Kit: Great.

They continue on down the corridor towards the main room, they open the door and the ThuderCats are sat around the table eating.

Lion-O: Bundun, old friend, sit, eat.

Bundun: Thank you Lion-O.

Bundun sits down as Tygra puts a plate of food in front of him.

Tygra: What brings you out here Bundun?
Bundun: I came to ask for help from my friends the ThunderCats, I’ve travelled for days to get here and I need to tell you that the Bolkins have little Thundrillim left to power their homes.

Panthro: I can help you out with that Bundun, we’ve got plenty under the Lair, I can even take you back in the Tank.

Bundun: So kind of you Panthro, thank you.

Panthro: You can stay here and rest overnight and I’ll take you back tomorrow.

Bundun: You ThunderCats are true friends. I can’t thank you enough.

Tygra: You haven’t met our human friends have you? This is Emily and her daughter Grace.

Bundun: We saw the spaceship fall out of the sky a few days ago pleased to meet you both, if you’re staying with the ThunderCats you’ll be well looked after.

Tygra: There’s a plant in your room Emily, it needs a lot of care and attention, Snarf almost killed it when he poured boiling hot water over it.

Emily: I’ll try my best to bring it back to life Tygra.

Emily smiles at him.

Panthro: Cheetara’s been worrying about Lion-O leaving all day, but I told her, she’s got nothing to worry about; I’ll look after her and everyone else.
Cheetara: As long as Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat do as Lion-O tells them then I’m sure they’ll all come back safe.

Wily-Kit and Kat: Yes Cheetara!

Lion-O: It’s time we were leaving!

They get up from the table and the ThunderCats leave the room, Bundun stays sitting in his chair and looks around and smiles.

As the ThunderCats watch Lion-O leave for the Berbils, Emily walks towards the ThunderTank and sits inside it, Bundun appeas and sits next to her.

Bundun: So you’re a human then?

Emily: I am, I homed in on the Cats Lair’s beacon and lost control of my ship, my daughter was travelling with me, we were on our way home when we crashed.

Bundun: I’m sure the ThunderCats will look after you.

Emily: Yes, they have so far, Panthro said he’d go out and look at my ship, he’s going to see if he can fix it.

Bundun smiles.

Bundun: Is he now?

Bundun watches as Tygra and Panthro walk towards them.
Panthro: You two be careful in there, one wrong move and you’ll be sorry, the ThunderTank isn’t the easiest of machines to control.

Bundun: We will Panthro, by the way, there’s plenty of food left in the Lair, I made some dishes of my own for you to try.

Tygra smiles.

Tygra: Thanks Bundun.

They walk up the steps of the Cats Lair, Bundun smiles.

Tygra: Do you think he’ll be gone long?

Panthro: I don’t know Tygra, how long does something like that take?

Tygra: Let’s just hope it all goes to plan.

Panthro: I’m sure it will. He’s not going to need any help while he’s away. Now lets eat.

They sit down in the main room of the Cats Lair and begin to eat.

Tygra: This is really good.

Panthro: Bundun sure puts Snarf to shame.

Suddenly, after a few more bites, they both collapse onto the table.
Wily Kit, Wily-Kat and Lion-O are walking through the forest on their way to the Berbil Village.

Wily-Kit: You do know that we’ll do whatever we can to make sure we reach the Berbil Village safely, don’t you Lion-O?

Lion-O: Of course I do, but I have the sword of omens and that’s all the protection we need.

They continue to walk through the forest.

Cheetara and Emily are sat in Cheetara’s room within the Cats Lair.

Emily: I just find him a little creepy that’s all, he seems to be everywhere I am since he’s been here and I don’t like the way he looks at Grace.

Cheetara smiles.

Cheetara: I’ve always thought Bundun was kind and gentle, his people certainly are, but I’ll make he stays away from you while he’s here if that helps.

Emily smiles.

Emily: Thank you.

Meanwhile in Grace’s room, Bundun is stood talking to her.

Bundun: You could have at least eaten my food Grace, didn’t your mother tell you it was rude not too eat the food that was made for you?

Grace: I had had enough Bundun, I wasn’t hungry.

Bundun: Don’t upset me child!

Bundun knocks a vase on to the floor and Grace screams, this brings Cheetara into the room with Emily not far behind.

Emily: What have you done?

Emily rushes over to Grace and hugs her.

Grace: He was being mean because I didn’t eat his food.

Grace looks at Bundun.

Grace: Well while you’re being this nasty I’m not going to eat another thing you make!

Bundun rushes out of the room, Cheetara frowns.

Lion-O and the Thunder kittens have stopped for a rest. Wily-Kit is about to take a drink from the lake when Lion-O pulls her back.

Lion-O: No!

Wily-Kit: What’s wrong Lion-O? I’m thirsty!
Lion-O hands her a bottle of water.

Lion-O: Drink this; it’s much safer for you than the acid in there.

Wily-Kit looks at the yellow lake, it’s bubbling with acid, she takes a drink from the bottle and puts it down.

Wily-Kat: That was close Wily-Kit.

Wily-Kit: Yeah I know and there was us saying we would make sure we made it to the Berbil Village safely.

Lion-O: I’m just pleased that I stopped you; now let’s rest of a few minutes.

They sit down and look at the lake.

Tygra and Panthro are shown in the main room of the Cats Lair still unconscious.

Over at the Acid Lake Lion-O and the Thunder kittens awaken from a cat nap and continue on their travels, in the distance the Berbil Village comes into view.

Wily-Kat: We made it Lion-O.

Lion-O: Yes we did, not long now, let’s keep going.

They continue towards the Berbil Village where they are met by Ro-Bear Bill.

Ro-Bear Bill: Lion-O pleased to see you again.

Lion-O: And you my friend. How can we help you?

Ro-Bear Bill: Come with me Lion-O and I’ll show you.

They walk into the Berbil Village. King Claudus’ statue stands tall in the centre of the village as they are looking at it a small missile lands close by them and a band of Trollogs appear in the distance.

Lion-O: Get back! All of you!

Lion-O runs towards the Trollogs as the others take cover.

End of episode 2.

Ocicat 10-29-2011 11:11 AM


Episode Three

The ThunderCats have finished eating their breakfast which Bundun has serve, they all get up to leave the room.

Bundun: No! Sit down all of you!

The ThunderCats look shocked as they look at each other and sit back down.

Bundun: I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s just that you’re always rushing around all the time; can’t you just take some time to sit and relax?

Tygra remains standing as the others sit down.

Panthro: I think it would be best if you sat down Tygra.

Tygra growls and sits back down in his seat.

Jaga appears to Bundun.

Jaga: Let them go Bundun, for your own sake, let them go.

Jaga disappears as quickly as he appeared and the ThunderCats notice that Bundun now looks a little shocked.

Bundun: Okay, you can go, all of you, I apologise for my rudeness.

The ThunderCats get up and leave the room. They walk down the corridor and Tygra walks into his room. Cheetara follows him.

Cheetara: So what do you make of our guest?

Tygra: He is acting a little strangely.

Cheetara: I think he’s outstayed his welcome.

Tygra: Maybe so.

Cheetara walks towards Tygra.

Cheetara: So what are you doing today?

Tygra: Well I’m working on some new vehicles with Panthro for most of it.

Cheetara: It shouldn’t be too hard, for a big, stong, cat like you.

Cheetara rubs her hands over Tygra’s chest and he blushes.

Tygra: Erm – no.

Tygra laughs nervously, sidesteps Cheetara and walks out of the room.

Cheetara: Whiskers!

Cheetara follows him out.

Grace is sitting on the grass near the Lair when she picks up a broken flower, she takes it to Panthro who is working underneath one of the feet of the Cats Lair.

Grace: Do you think you could fix this for me Panthro?

Panthro smiles.

Panthro: I’ll do my best little cub.

Panthro puts the flower in a glass of water.

Cheetara walks towards them.

Cheetara: What are you two doing?

Panthro: Working on some new vehicles,

Cheetara looks at Tygra.

Cheetara: Tygra?

Tygra doesn’t speak to Cheetara and continues with his work.

Cheetara: Fine.

Cheetara walks away from them all.

Panthro: I’m sure he’ll speak to you when he’s not busy Cheetara.

Tygra glares at Panthro.

Panthro: Come on I had to say something to her.

Bundun walks in.

Bundun: I hope none of you are going to be as rude at lunch as you were at breakfast.

Tygra: Now just a minute Bundun, you’re a guest here, you wanted somewhere to stay and we gave it to you, cooking our meals is a lovely gesture but you’re not our keeper.

Bundun glares at Tygra.

Bundun: I hope you don’t do it again Tygra, you’ll be sorry if you do.

Bundun walks away from them, Tygra looks at Panthro and they both look shocked.

Emily is sitting on the steps, reading a book, outside Cats Lair when Cheetara walks towards her.

Cheetara: We’ve got a pretty good library here at the Lair Emily, if you’d like me to show it to you.

Emily smiles at Cheetara.

Emily: Did Tygra ask you to ask me?

Cheetara frowns.

Cheetara: Tygra? No, why?

Emily: I was just wondering, well, thanks but I’m fine for now.

Cheetara: Well you know where I am if you change your mind.

Tygra passes Panthro some scrap wire.

Tygra: Will this do?

Panthro: It should, thanks Tygra.

Panthro walks out from under the Lair as Cheetara walks down the steps, Emily is still sat reading her book.

Panthro: is our human friend okay?

Cheetara: I think she’s finding it a little hard to adjust, maybe if we found their ship and showed her that we were repairing it, it might make her feel a little better.

Panthro: I’ve tried to talk her into looking on the positive side of things but I don’t think I’ve done a very good job.

Panthro walks away from Cheetara as she walks towards Tygra.

Cheetara: I think Panthro is getting attached to our human visitor.

Tygra: What makes you say that? He’s just following the Code of Thundera I expect.

Cheetara smiles.

Cheetara: I don’t know, I’ve seen the way he looks at her. I think he may be falling for her.

Tygra: I think you’re mistaking it for friendship Cheetara.

Cheetara: We’ll see.

Cheetara walks away from Tygra as he continues to build the vehicle he’s been working on with Panthro.

Panthro walks into the main room of the Cats Lair, Bundun is looking at the telescreen.

Panthro: Well what do you know, they are back!

Bundun: Pardon me?

Panthro: Look! Lion-O and the kittens they’re back. Why don’t you go out and greet them Bundun, I’m sure Lion-O would be pleased to see such a friendly face.

Bundun gets up and leaves the room as he’s walking down the corridor we hear Mumm-Ra’s voice.

Bundun: Yes Panthro, I’m sure he would!

Bundun laughs Mumm-Ra’s evil laugh. Jaga appears.

Bundun: You again?

Jaga: Panthro is right in what he says Bundun. I hope Lion-O is able to settle straight back into life as Lord of the ThunderCats. Now go and greet your friend.

Jaga disappears and Bundun continues to walk down the corridor.

Cheetara is stood with Tygra as Lion-O, Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat walk across the drawbridge and Bundun walks down the steps to greet them.

Cheetara: Can I help?

Tygra: Sure.

Cheetara: Thanks, what would you like me to do?

Tygra: Well you can start by checking our Thundrillium supplies, I’m going to wash myself clean of all this dirt.

Cheetara: Got it.

Cheetara walks away from Tygra as he walks into the Cats Lair.

From inside Panthro’s room we see a hand grab his Nunchucks and walk out of the room quickly.

Tygra steps out of the bath from which he has been bathing, he collapses onto a shelf and falls onto the floor, Grace runs in, sees Tygra lying on the floor then runs out into the corridor.

Grace: Panthro! Panthro where are you?!

Panthro appears at the other end of the corridor.

Grace: Oh Panthro, it’s Tygra. He’s not well.

Panthro: Come on then.

They run down the corridor towards the bathroom.

Panthro: Tygra! Tygra are you okay?

Tygra: I’m fine. I just went a little dizzy that’s all.

Tygra gets up with Panthro’s help.

Panthro: Well if you’re sure, Bundun has made us some lunch in the main room.

Tygra: Great! I’m starving!

Later on, in the main room of the Cats Lair, the ThunderCats have just finished eating their lunch. Lion-O gets up to leave the room.

Bundun: Oh not this again, just sit down Lion-O and relax, my lunch should be appreciated.

Lion-O: I’ve got things to do Bundun as have we all, come on.

Lion-O and the ThunderCats get up to leave the room.

Cheetara: I think it’s about time you went back to your home Bundun, I’m sure everything is fine there now.

Bundun (using Mumm-Ra’s voice): Oh I’m sure it is Cheetara.

Mumm-Ra changes back into his usual form.

Mumm-Ra: Ancient Spirits of Evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living!

Mumm-Ra then appears as he does when transformed.

Lion-O: Mumm-Ra! I should have known!

Lion-O raises the sword of Omens as Tygra and the others move towards Mumm-Ra. As Panthro and Cheetara leap towards Mumm-Ra he raises his arms and traps them in a forcefield, floating in mid air.

Mumm-Ra: Oh! I can already feel your power ThunderCats, flowing through me! Increasing my own! You’ll soon be dead!

Wily-Kit: Not if we have anything to do with it Mumm-Ra!

Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat throw various weapons at Mumm-Ra, all of which he blocks, trapping them in a similar forcefield to Panthro and Cheetara.

Mumm-Ra: I now have the strength of Panthro, the speed of Cheetara and the cunning of the Kittens increasing my own powers!

Tygra moves towards Mumm-Ra.

Mumm-Ra: Back down Tygra! My fight is with Lion-O and no-one else! Or do you want to end up like the others.

Panthro and Cheetara try to break free from their forcefield and Mumm-Ra strengthens it, draining their power further. Tygra watches as Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat collapse within their forcefield.

Tygra: Come on Mumm-Ra stop this! Take me instead! I’ll be your hostage.

Mumm-Ra: Not a chance Tygra! This is working better than I expected, soon the Cats Lair will be mine forever!

As Mumm-Ra is speaking Emily tries to free Panthro and gets a shock as she puts her hand into the forcefield, it then throws her back against the wall. Cheetara tries to smash her way out of the force field but Mumm-Ra strengthens the power of the forcefield and she also collapses.

Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat regain consciousness.

Wily-Kit: Mumm-Ra... Please... Stop this... If it’s Lion-O you want then it’s Lion-O you can have.

Wily-Kat: Wily-Kit’s right Mumm-Ra, we’ll retreat away from the Cats Lair and let you fight Lion-O alone.

Mumm-Ra: Very well.

Mumm-Ra releases them from their focefields and the weakened ThunderCats fall to the floor.

Panthro tries to take his nunchucks from his pouch when Mumm-Ra produces them.

Mumm-Ra: Looking for these Panthro?

Mumm-Ra laughs as Panthro jumps towards him. Mumm-Ra shoots a bright red light from his fingers straight at Panthro, Panthro screams and falls to the floor. The light on his ThunderCat emblum fades as does the sign and the ThunderCats watch in shock as Panthro’s energy floats away.

Cheetara: NO! Mumm-Ra! I’ll kill you for what you’ve done!

End of episode Three.

Ocicat 11-09-2011 02:25 PM

Episode Four

Mumm-Ra flies out of Cats Lair laughing as he goes. Jaga appears and encases Panthro in a binding white light, he begins trying to heal Panthro’s wounds.

Jaga: I urge you to say nothing about what you’ve seen here today.

The ThunderCats simply stand and watch.

Jaga: I won’t be around for a while.

Jaga disappears with Panthro.

Mumm-Ra arrives at Castle Plunn-Darr and meets the Mutants.

Mumm-Ra: Victory!

Slythe: What do you mean Mumm-Ra?

Monkian: Yes, Mumm-Ra, what do you mean?

Jackalman: If you’re talking about the humans spaceship we all ready took care of that.

Mumm-Ra: The ThunderCats have lost one of their numbers.

Slythe: What?

Mumm-Ra: The one called Panthro is dead. He’s lost all of his nine lives.

The Mutants cheer and Mumm-Ra laughs.

Lion-O is walking outside the Cats Lair and Jaga appears.

Lion-O: Jaga, where’s Panthro?

Jaga: I’m sorry Lion-O I tried to do all that I could but the damage Mumm-Ra did to him was irrepairable. He died a short while ago.

Lion-O: No!

Lion-O puts his head in his hands.

Jaga: You need to tell the ThunderCats Lino-O and the sooner the better.

Jaga disappears and Lion-O walks up the steps into the Cats Lair.

The ThunderCats, Grace and Emily are sat in the main room of the Lair. Tygra looks at Emily and Grace.

Tygra: You can both hang around here all day if you like, it’s been a shock for all of us.

Lion-O walks into the main room.

Lion-O: I need to speak to you all.

Cheetara: What is it Lion-O?

Lion-O: Jaga just appeared to me, he told me – he told me that Panthro died a short time ago.

All of the ThunderCats start crying, especially Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat, who turn to Cheetara for comfort. Grace walks out of the room and Emily follows her.

Cheetara looks at Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat.
Cheetara: Mumm-Ra will pay for what he’s done, don’t you two worry about that.

Wily-Kit: We’ll all deal with Mumm-Ra.

Wily-Kat: Yeah, when the time comes, we’ll do it together.

Slythe is stood in front of Mumm-Ra at the pyramid, the cauldron between them.

Slythe: Mumm-Ra now that we have the advantage we need to build on it, we need to get rid of the others!

Mumm-Ra: Don’t worry Slythe, Panthro was an insignificance, it’s the Lord of the ThunderCats I want, if I have to get rid of the others one by one to get to him, then so be it.

Tygra is stood with Cheetara in the main room of the Cats Lair.

Tygra: I can’t stop thinking about Panthro’s death.

Cheetara: No and you won’t be able too, not for a long time, Panthro was a fine warrior and a good Thundarian with a caring heart.
Tygra: And if it hadn’t been for you he might still be alive.

Cheetara looks shocked.

Cheetara: What do you mean? I had nothing to do with his death, I loved Panthro as much as any of you.

Tygra: If we hadn’t been fighting, I’d have seen Bundun wasn’t really who he said he was and I might have been able to get rid of him sooner, Panthro might then have still been alive.

Tygra walks out of the main room, leaving Cheetara speechless.

Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat are stood outside with Lion-O.

Wily-Kit: I can’t believe what I saw Lion-O.

Wily-Kat: I can’t believe we’ll never see him again.

Lion-O: Neither can I. But don’t worry, I’ll get my revenge.

Emily walks towards them.

Lion-O: Could you leave us for a while Emily.
Emily nods and walks away from them. Lion-O looks at Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat.

Lion-O: Mumm-Ra will pay for what he’s done one way or another.

Cheetara walks down the corridor as Tygra comes out of his room.

Cheetara: Excuse me.

Tygra: Cheetara wait.

Cheetara sighs and turns to face Tygra.

Tygra: Look, I just want to apologise, I was wrong to blame you for Panthro’s death, Mumm-Ra was to blame, not you, I should never have said the things I did.

Cheetara: Let’s just forget about it, come on, Lion-O wants us outside.

They walk down the corridor and out of the Lair then down the steps where the other ThunderCats are waiting. A capsule bearing the Eye of Thundera is laid out in front of the ThunderCats and many of the residents of Third Earth. Panthro’s body lies inside it. Lion-O stands before the ThunderCats and the other residents of Third Earth who have joined them to pay their respects. Jaga watches from afar.

Lion-O: We are gathered here today to pay our final respects to the proud, loyal and excellent ThunderCat Panthro. Although we feel great sorrow, we are happy in the knowledge that our fellow Thundarian protected and in a sense gave his life for us all. He was a true friend and will never be forgotten.

With that Lion-O points the sword of omens at the capsule and in a haze of red light it disappears. Wily-Kit, Wily-Kat and Cheetara all sob quietly.

Mumm-Ra and the Mutants have watched this from his pyramid through the Cauldron.

Slythe: It’s our perfect time Mumm-Ra we should just kill them all.

Mumm-Ra: No! I won’t help you to kill the ThunderCats, it’s Lion-O I want.

Back at the Cats Lair, the ThunderCats are stood in the main room.

Tygra: Then I say we go to his Pyramid and confront him once and for all.

Cheetara: I agree, let’s make sure it’s for the last time too.

Lion-O: If we’re going then we’re all going.

Tygra puts his hand on Lion-O’s arm.

Mumm-Ra has watched this from his Cauldron.

Mumm-Ra: I can’t wait for you to arrive.

Mumm-Ra laughs.

Lion-O is sat in his room, wiping tears away from his eyes. Jaga appears.

Jaga: Panthro is at peace now Lion-O, this wasn’t your fault.

Lion-O: As Lord of the ThunderCats it’s my job to take care of them and this time I didn’t, we lost a good friend and an honourable ThunderCat.

Jaga: Panthro put himself in that danger Lion-O, you laid his body to rest with great respect, your job now is to lead the rest of the ThunderCats just as you always have with justice, truth, honour and loyalty.

Lion-O looks at Jaga.

Mumm-Ra is stood in his pyramid.

Mumm-Ra: The excitement of the visitors I am awaiting is almost too much to bear, I may meet them on their way here and escort them back to their new home, they’ll like it so much, they’ll never leave.

Mumm-Ra laughs.

Grace and Emily are sat in their room. Grace looks up to Emily and holds her hand as she looks outside at the sun.

Grace: Mom.

Emily: Yes.

Grace: When are we going home?

Emily: I don’t know my child, I don’t know. I’m sorry.

Emily hugs Grace.

Jaga is stood with Lion-O in his room.

Jaga: You need to rest Lion-O, you’re going to need all your strength for what’s about to come, it’ll be your biggest test yet.

Lion-O looks angry.

Lion-0: I don’t need to rest Jaga, what I need to do is look after the others.

Lion-O looks out of the window.

End of episode 4.

catthunder 11-23-2011 07:12 AM

embracing dark desires
there is a really cool fanfic called embracing dark desires about the wilys turning bad on fan

Ocicat 12-06-2011 02:19 PM

Episode 5

Lying in his tent Tygra dreams of Thundera, he sees Panthro smiling at him and he wakes with a jolt, sweating, he looks around and sees the trees which surround him in the Forest of Silence, he looks over at Cheetara who is sat next to Grace.

Cheetara: Grace, eat your food, don’t just play with it.

Grace: I am.

Grace gets up and sits next to her mother.

At Mumm-Ra’s pyramid he is stood in front of the Mutants.

Mumm-Ra: May I remind you all that I am in charge here, I am force to be reckoned with. I’ll show you. Ancient sprits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the ever living!

Mumm-Ra transforms and then flies out of the pyramid.

The ThunderCats continue on their journey through the Forest of Silence. Emily is walking with Wily-Kit.

Wily-Kit: I know your spaceship is lost Emily but you really have nothing to worry about, we’ll look after you.

Mumm-Ra flies into the forest and blocks the path of the ThunderCats, standing in front of Lion-O.

Mumm-Ra: Lion-O! Lord of the ThunderCats, I thought I’d escort you to my home, that’s where you’re heading isn’t it.

Lion-O: You are right Mumm-Ra, but now you’re here, we may as well finish things once and for all.

Lion-O raises the sword of Omens, Emily stands beside him as he glares at Mumm-Ra. Wily-Kat looks on as Tygra and Cheetara raise their weapons and stand alongside Lion-O.

Tygra: Get ready.

Cheetara: I was born ready, he’s like a headache, painful now, but it doesn’t last.

Emily glares at Mumm-Ra and suffers a flashback to a time when she was surrounded by Egyptian tombs, she comes around.

Emily: I’ve seen you before Mumm-Ra, many years ago.

Mumm-Ra: I doubt that very much human.

Grace looks at Lion-O and then points to a hole in the ground just behind Mumm-Ra.

Lion-O: I’d be careful if I were you Mumm-Ra.

Mumm-Ra: You’re the one that needs to be careful Lion-O, soon you’ll have no-one to be a Lord over as all your ThunderCats will end up just like the one you called Panthro.

Wily-Kit: No!

Wily-Kit throws a bottle of liquid on the floor and a blinding mist rises from it, the ThunderCats leap into the trees, taking the humans with them. Jaga appears and throws out a bright force of energy towards Mumm-Ra, he screams as he turns back into his mummified form and then flies off away from the forest.

Mumm-Ra: I’ll see you soon Lion-O, you’ll be the one needing help when you enter my domain!

The ThunderCats come down from the trees.

Jaga: You worked well Wily-Kit, Wily-Kat could learn a lot from you about developing a positive attitude, educate him Wily-Kit.

Wily-Kat looks shocked as Jaga disappears. Emily hugs Grace.

Emily: Spotting that hole was a smart move Grace.

Tygra: We could have used these against him also, we didn’t need Jaga.

Tygra shows Lion-O some bright capsules.
Lion-O: Well I’m glad he was here Tygra.

Cheetara: We should never have left Cats Lair, it was stupid idea to confront Mumm-Ra at the Pyramid, he’ll be stronger than ever there, at least at the Cats Lair we had an advantage.

Lion-O: Well go back Cheetara and take Tygra with you, I’ll go alone if need be.

Grace looks at Emily.

Grace: I wish they’d stop fighting, the hole was a good idea, we just needed something to trap Mumm-Ra in it.

Grace looks into the hole, she notices a bright, round, red coloured fruit on the ground, she picks it up and takes a bite from it.

Lion-O: Grace! No!

Grace swallows the fruit then collapses on the floor.

Emily looks shocked as do the ThunderCats.

To be continued...

Ocicat 12-15-2011 03:06 PM


Episode 6

Tygra rushes to Grace’s aid and helps her to vomit up the fruit.

Cheetara: She’s only looking for attention that one.

Tygra looks shocked.

Tygra: Cheetara, that’s a disgusting thing to say.

Cheetara shrugs her shoulders.

Mumm-Ra is watching their continued journey from his cauldron. He hears Lion-O talking to the ThunderCats.

Lion-O: I’ll rid Third Earth of Mumm-Ra once and for all.

Mumm-Ra: Will you Lion-O? Will you?

The ThunderCats continue on their journey and Cheetara takes some fruit from a tree, she eats it and then takes a drink from a nearby pool of water, Mumm-Ra continues to watch this from his cauldron.

Mumm-Ra: You’d better make the most of your feed ThunderCat as it may be your last.

Mumm-Ra laughs.

As the ThunderCats continue on their journey, Slythe and some of his lizards appear.

Lion-O: Kittens get ready.

Slythe: Did you really think I was going to make it easy for you Lion-O?

Lion-O: Come and get me then.
As Slythe runs towards Lion-O, Wily-Kit and Wily-Kat jump towards him and Tygra extends his whip, wrapping it around Slythe and dragging him to his feet. Slythe gets up.

Slythe: Retreat!

They run away as Jaga appears to Cheetara.

Cheetara: Jaga.

Jaga: Cheetara, you’re two days away from the pyramid, don’t give up hope.

Jaga then disappears as Cheetara looks at Grace and hugs her.

Cheetara: I’m sorry I was so harsh earlier, I will do all I can to look after you.

Grace: Don’t worry about it Cheetara, thank you.

In Mumm-Ra’s pyramid, he takes what looks like the sword of omens from his casket, he smiles as he walks towards his cauldron and throws it in, it cracks and falls into the water.

Mumm-Ra: This will happen soon Lion-O and Third Earth will return to its rightful owner, me.

Mumm-Ra laughs.

As the ThunderCats continue on their journey Tygra speaks to Cheetara.

Tygra: I’m pleased you’re with us on our journey Cheetara.

Cheetara: I’d rather be back at Cats Lair.

Lion-O looks shocked as she says this.
Cheetara: Jaga should be doing something to help those humans get home, as well as us.

Jaga’s voice is heard inside Cheetara’s head.

Jaga: I’ve been helping them since they crash landed Cheetara, don’t lose faith now.

As they are walking along, Grace suffers a flashback to the time their spaceship crashed. Mumm-Ra is still watching the ThunderCats from his cauldron.

Mumm-Ra: Once you get here you won’t be so powerful when your weapons are taken away from you and the Ancient Spirits of Evil take over.

Mumm-Ra laughs.

As the ThunderCats continue on their journey. Grace talks to Tygra.

Grace: How do you think my mother is Tygra? She looks tired.

They both look at Emily.

Tygra: She seems fine to me.

Cheetara: She has strength, just as well all have, we need to continue, to go on, we’ll get there and defeat Mumm-Ra once and for all and then at least Panthro won’t have died in vain.

Mumm-Ra continues to watch but is then blinded by a bright white light as it fades Mumm-Rana walks towards him from the other side of the Cauldron.

The Mutants arrive at the same time and are shocked to see what looks like a female version of Mumm-Ra.

Mumm-Rana: I believe you work for the Ancient Spirits of evil.

Mumm-Ra: Correct.

Mumm-Rana: I Mumm-Rana work for the Ancient Spirits of Good, I am here to show you that we can live together and rule Third Earth in peace and harmony with the ThunderCats.

Mumm-Ra laughs, as do the Mutants.

End of episode 6.

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