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Valdin 08-23-2011 01:29 PM

Which Panthro do you like better?
Ok, so people tell me I don't like change. I guess it's true. I do like updates if they are done right. I love everything about the new thundercats except panthro. Classic Panthro was my favorite of the classics. Maybe I had higher expectations with the new panthro and to me they weren't met. I do like the fact that there is a big Tank class character in the mix. But should it have been Panthro? Everyone is bringing up the samurai aspect to this new panthro. We had a samurai in the classic toon complete with sword and armor! Panthro to me is a martial artist with nunchuks. I can understand making him a little taller, but not bulkier. So far he has swung aroung his nunchuks and that was all. I think if he lost his chuks, and had to fight hand to hand, he would come off more of a wrestler than a martial artist. Thats what I see anyways. Also as far as the scars go, I am not a fan of the eye scar. Everything else is ok i guess, but if I had my choice he would be scarless.
Also, this has me wondering, if he is a general, in a war, wouldnt he have armor like Grune so he wouldn't get scarred? Which that would make him more samurai like. But also stray from the martial artist background he is supposed to have?

IndyCat 08-23-2011 02:00 PM

as much of a fan I am of the classics, I think I like the modern Panthro better. looks more fierce/less naked.

Valdin 08-23-2011 02:12 PM

I do like the classic, but his outfit was like a wrestler outfit. kind of like lion-o's. I could go with an update on clothes. I am not sold on the mc hammer pants however. Also would like some color other than black. Even Grey would be better for me. Maybe I am too picky. I don't see fierce in the new panthro, just a wooden training dummy that fights back with nunchucks and kicks butt.

Ravenxl7 08-23-2011 02:15 PM

I like both equally. The original Panthro was supposed to be old and grizzled, but didn't really show it. This new Panthro with his scars and what not shows his age and battle experience. I might be a bit biased in that Panthro is, and always will be, my favorite Thundercat. Only thing that comes to a disappointment for me, is the color inaccuracies of Panthro's toys (nunchucks and fur).

Saint Phe 08-23-2011 05:21 PM

There was always something I didn't like about the original. He was my least favorite when I was a kid. I think it was his appearance. I like modern Panthro much, much more.

Trukkinmunky 08-24-2011 11:04 AM

Classic Panthro was my favorite as a kid, but now I like classic Lion-O the best. And I like modern Panthro the most in the new series.

Monkian 08-24-2011 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Valdin (Post 12311)
Ok, so people tell me I don't like change. I guess it's true. I do like updates if they are done right. I love everything about the new thundercats except panthro. Classic Panthro was my favorite of the classics. Maybe I had higher expectations with the new panthro and to me they weren't met. I do like the fact that there is a big Tank class character in the mix. But should it have been Panthro? Everyone is bringing up the samurai aspect to this new panthro. We had a samurai in the classic toon complete with sword and armor! Panthro to me is a martial artist with nunchuks. I can understand making him a little taller, but not bulkier. So far he has swung aroung his nunchuks and that was all. I think if he lost his chuks, and had to fight hand to hand, he would come off more of a wrestler than a martial artist. Thats what I see anyways. Also as far as the scars go, I am not a fan of the eye scar. Everything else is ok i guess, but if I had my choice he would be scarless.
Also, this has me wondering, if he is a general, in a war, wouldnt he have armor like Grune so he wouldn't get scarred? Which that would make him more samurai like. But also stray from the martial artist background he is supposed to have?

I get confused about the notion that something must be changed, or else it's broke, or unoriginal, or dated, or irrelevant. I don't think that is so, but is a paradigm that is subscribed to because... well, just because. For me, if the guy has hair in the original, by all means, give him hair in the reboot. If he's hair-less in the original, then make him hairless in the re-boot. It's akin to making Batman mask-less, or Superman bald, or Bugs Bunny fond of broccoli.

There is a natural inclination for people to be taken back by such fundamental changes; it's to be expected AND should be understood and met as such. Unfortunately, it is often derided and met with contrarian rationale, a sort of devil's advocation, if you will. I'm still not entirely certain why people feel that if something isn't completely different it is somehow not original, fresh or relevant. Changes such as this are artistic liberties and nothing more. It doesn't make them right or wrong, but the fact is that the more you deviate from something the more it becomes something else. To make mention of that or to take note of that is nothing out of the ordinary.

Tracer 08-24-2011 11:15 PM

Classic Panthro all the way :)

Hyper Jaguar 08-24-2011 11:28 PM

Modern Panthro seems to have more of an edge to his personality. Not to mention he doesn't look like he's in wrestling attire.

The Ever Living 08-28-2011 11:02 PM

Young New Pantho looked kinda cool.

nitewing73 08-29-2011 05:52 PM

I like a mix of both. Visually I prefer without hair but I like the characterization of the modern one. I like the fact that he was one of Claudus's Generals and one of his oldest friends and I like the fact that he has a history with Grune. He still uses the nunchucks and still drives the Thundertank.

PANTHRO HOOO 09-06-2011 12:36 AM

If anyone who can do anything about this reads this shave his head and make him say SAMOUFLANGE.

SirSapphire 09-06-2011 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Monkian (Post 12582)
I get confused about the notion that something must be changed, or else it's broke, or unoriginal, or dated, or irrelevant. I don't think that is so, but is a paradigm that is subscribed to because... well, just because. For me, if the guy has hair in the original, by all means, give him hair in the reboot. If he's hair-less in the original, then make him hairless in the re-boot. It's akin to making Batman mask-less, or Superman bald, or Bugs Bunny fond of broccoli.

There is a natural inclination for people to be taken back by such fundamental changes; it's to be expected AND should be understood and met as such. Unfortunately, it is often derided and met with contrarian rationale, a sort of devil's advocation, if you will. I'm still not entirely certain why people feel that if something isn't completely different it is somehow not original, fresh or relevant. Changes such as this are artistic liberties and nothing more. It doesn't make them right or wrong, but the fact is that the more you deviate from something the more it becomes something else. To make mention of that or to take note of that is nothing out of the ordinary.

While I agree with much of what you say here I don't necessarily think it applies here. Panthro was the favorite character of a lot of people in the original show and (I could be wrong here) I think it was because he was one of the few characters who truly pulled double duty and in the process came off as a more rounded, fleshed out character.

In the 80's cartoon Panthro was both the big guy and the smart guy. Something about that resonated with people, especially at a time where the strongest character in a show was often the dumbest one as well. It's the same thing now, Panthro is still physically the biggest and the strongest as well as the smartest. He's still the guy that tosses lizards around like ragdolls as soon as he's done souping up his Thundertank. He's still the older, wiser, and slightly grizzled veteran he always was.

As for the hair and the scars, these are just set dressing. They're there as quick visual cues that this character is a BAD ASS and serve the same purpose that Panthro's original outfit did, if more modernized so he doesn't look like something out of a combination KISS/Queen concert (with just a little dab of classic 80's wrestling). A lot of people say that the hair and sideburns just make him look like Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop, and they're right. In fact that's EXACTLY what they're supposed to do, Jet is the same type of person Panthro was and is and it's kind of an homage.

Also when it comes to a revival of a series (especially once like Thundercats, which unlike Transformers, My Little Pony, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, hasn't had a continued presence in the public eyes for fifteen to twenty years) you do need to change things. For starters it's boring, people don't want the exact same thing they already got before (no matter how much they might insist otherwise) and you have to appeal to a brand-new younger demographic at the same time whose tastes are not the same as those of their parents. As much love as the producers and fans have for the series neither should forget the fact shows like this are primarily there to sell toys. If the toys don't sell the show doesn't get renewed and they don't get to tell the stories they wanted to tell, so it's a very precarious balance between making and good, solid show and showing off things like the Thundertank and the Tower of Omens. Unlike Transformers the producers of Thundercat do not own the network their show airs on, so things really need to sell in order to keep the ball rolling.

When you get right down to it though you're just not going to be able to please everyone ANY of the time. There will always be complaints that it's not enough like the old show and complaints that it's too much like the old show and everything in between. For the most part these points are perfectly valid and mostly come down to personal preference. Just because someone doesn't like a certain aspect of the show, or even the show itself that doesn't nessecarily mean they think it's a bad show in and of itself.

batt 09-06-2011 02:50 AM

I am a fan of The classic look. I liked his ninja style boots, and his spiked straps. I love the battle scars on him from the current look though. The only thing I really don't like is the hair. I'm actually not much of a fan of the hair on any of the new Male Cats. Hopefully in season two they might do a little something more with that.

The Ever Living 09-07-2011 04:34 AM

Ok I got bored....and made a quick sketch.....

Modern Panthro with no Mutton chops :)

LionO5289 09-18-2011 07:24 PM

Let me start by saying I didn't grow up with the classic series but having seen the way they looked I have to go with modern. He looks way more badass.

PANTHRO HOOO 09-18-2011 08:08 PM

I have cone to the conclusion that its the hair I hate also. Peoples fan art with no hair looks awsome. He's not a samuri if he was he'd have a sword.

Thundercat4Life 09-18-2011 08:35 PM

Classic all the way and I agree hes no samurai just a Badass warrior with smarts!!!!! ;)

King T'Challa 09-19-2011 05:30 AM

Panthro- modern, no hair
Lion-O- modern
Tigra- modern (awesome all around)
Cheetara- classic (with short hair I just now imagined would look hot)
Wily Kat- modern
Wily Kit- mixture (make modern more colorful with old hair)
Snarf- 100% modern (not only was the classic voice annoying, the fat/cat/rat just looked gross.

PANTHRO HOOO 12-05-2011 09:54 PM

Mabye Panthros new robotic seems will have a built-in shaved so he can get Rus of his stupid hair and mutton chops.

Ocelot 12-07-2011 06:58 PM

Classic Panthro in new Panthro's outfit would be perfect IMO.

DecepticonSpike 12-13-2011 11:33 AM

I actually like the new one better.

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