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Joe Moore 08-19-2011 09:42 AM

Thundercats Episode 5 - Old Friends Discussion
Thundercats Episode 5 - Old Friends Discussion

You can talk about this week's episode here.

Lion O of savannah 08-19-2011 12:34 PM

I am anxiously awaiting the brawl between panthro and grune tonight. Panthro going to open a six pack of whopp a$$ on grune haha. Hooooooooooooo

Ravenxl7 08-19-2011 03:31 PM

I'm ubber excited for what looks to be an amazing episode. What with Panthro, Grune, flashbacks explaining what happened on their mission, Thundrilium, and the DRILLER! Should be interesting to see how they pack all of it into just one episode.

Pinero 08-19-2011 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by lion o of savannah (Post 11597)
i am anxiously awaiting the brawl between panthro and grune tonight. Panthro going to open a six pack of whopp a$$ on grune haha. Hooooooooooooo

panthro not fighting grune this episode, too much to fill in 22 mins

Icespark 08-19-2011 07:31 PM

Since spoiler codes don't seem to work, please, beware of spoilers!

In the first five minutes... samoflange! :D This is so much fun!

The Driller is still great! He's like a cross between Cyclonus and Gurren Lagann! :D

I'm surprised how many dead soldiers are shown, including a horse.

More Larry Kenny! :D

Mumm-Ra's pyramid :)

Lynx-O's a general?! :D

Another awesome line from Panthro! :D

I really like the ancient technological look of the inside of the pyramid.

The music is awesome! :D

So is Mumm-Ra's entrance! :D

Nice! It's the cauldron!

I love the colors! :D The swords glowing effects are great! :D

Well, that was another awesome episode! :D

I can't wait til next week! :D

Wilyjo 08-19-2011 07:39 PM

Watching the full Flashback and noticing Grune's missing a tooth now...yeah I'm gonna assume that Panthro's lack of a tail is a battle scar. Which is pretty cool IMO.

xhavoc86 08-19-2011 07:41 PM

I caught the Lynx-O reference too! :)

I hope Lynx-O, Pumyra and Bengali will be in this!!!

Icespark 08-19-2011 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by xhavoc86 (Post 11626)
I caught the Lynx-O reference too! :)

I hope Lynx-O, Pumyra and Bengali will be in this!!!

At a panel at a convention, the creative team said that all three will join the cast later on in the series. :D Seeing as I love all three of those characters, I can't wait to see their designs! :D

Tracer 08-19-2011 08:01 PM

samoflange FTW :D

Driller looked cool didn't care that he was essentially a mindless robot.

Lion 08-19-2011 08:04 PM

When I heard the samoflange reference I laughed so hard. I then called my brothers to tell them about it.
Each of these episodes gets me more excited for Mumm-Ra's Ever Living Form! Something tells me that is going to be like a season finale thing. So excited! I also cannot wait for a full on Kick A** fight between Grune and Panthro!

Hyper Jaguar 08-19-2011 08:16 PM

Great Episode. I really liked the back story between Panthro and Grune. Also, the fact that Lion-O had to prove himself to Panthro before he would acknowledge him as king.


GrimlocksPS 08-19-2011 08:23 PM

SPOILERS the tags aren;t working for me

What a fantastic episode! The only niggle i have is minor continuity errors. Like Lion-O and Tygra know Panthro quite well it seems. Why were they still discussing his appearance as if they had never seen the dude before?

Panthros younger look was spot on to Classic Panthro! Also did you spot his tail? so cool!

Grunes greedy nature is apparent even as a grunt! Plus Mummras Spaceship type pyramid has me wondering if he's an ancient alien.

Lody 08-19-2011 08:32 PM

What the phuck is a samoflange?

It's a sumoflange!

I have to do that again!

Helluva line and shows that the creators and writers are aware of the rich history of the Thundercats

Yet another Lynx-o reference

and the effing DRILLER!!

Oh man, that have to release him as a figure!

Tony_Bacala 08-19-2011 08:46 PM



Another great ep. I think they referenced "Who's the King here?" and the word "Thundrillium" a bit much for one ep, but I guess they wanted to drive the point home.

So, we saw some backstory, but didn't get to see how Panthro got his scar, or how Grune lost his tooth. Guess we have some more flashbacks down the road.

Sword of Omens at the end was great too, animated real well.

Happy we are still getting quality into the show. Can't wait for that mid season arc, can't imagine how epic that's gonna be.


Joe Moore 08-19-2011 08:52 PM

Thundercats Episode 5 - Old Friends Review

Joe Moore 08-19-2011 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tony_Bacala (Post 11643)


Another great ep. I think they referenced "Who's the King here?" and the word "Thundrillium" a bit much for one ep, but I guess they wanted to drive the point home.

So, we saw some backstory, but didn't get to see how Panthro got his scar, or how Grune lost his tooth. Guess we have some more flashbacks down the road.

Sword of Omens at the end was great too, animated real well.

Happy we are still getting quality into the show. Can't wait for that mid season arc, can't imagine how epic that's gonna be.


Agreed, Driller figure please.

Ravenxl7 08-19-2011 09:08 PM

Great episode. Almost forgot to comment on it, lol. If I were to have one complaint, it would be that there was so much packed into just one episode. I'll definitely be rewatching this one a couple more times before next week's episode airs. Only other thing that even comes close to a complaint, would be the lack of any explanation for Grune's missing tooth and Panthro's eye injury. Would've been nice to see what caused those two injuries. Who knows, maybe those flashbacks will come into play later on in the series.

Panthro was great. It's nice to see what lead to his and Grune's mission, and what happened on said mission. It's also interesting to see a Panthro that won't blindly follow the new lord of the Thundercat's every command. Hopefully Panthro will be a good teacher to Lion-O.

Grune was really good in this episode too. His growing anger with Claudus was well handled. I like how Mumm-Ra called to him like that. Sort of reminded me of the Basilisk in HP:CoS. Was nice to see Grune's first betrayal.

Mumm-Ra was really good too, if a bit short-lived. Was nice to see his tomb, and his cauldron thingy (wasn't sure if the new show was going to have that in there). Hopefully the next episode will have him turning into his ever living form. Feels a little weird that we're five episodes in, and still haven't seen him as more than just the mummy.

The tank looks like it's going to be great. It's nice to see that the compartment in the back of the toy is something show-related. It sort of reminds me of the troop carrying APC's. Should be interesting to see Lion-O and Tygra riding in the ThunderRacers for the first time, and the twin's on their boards for the first time.

The Driller was a really nice cameo, and I can imagine him coming back sometime later in the series. He's definitely injured, but I doubt he's dead. Also, add me to the list of people that want to see him made into a toy. Most especially if they could make him at the 6" scale (the more I think about it, the more I think I'll go with the 6" figures).

I can't wait to see next week's episode. Though I think I might miss it's airing like I did last week's episode, so I'll probably have to catch it via online sources (most likely youtube). Should be interesting to see the Tower of Omens, and what all happens on their journey to it.

Pinero 08-19-2011 09:11 PM

This episode was the best thing i seen lol i love it:d i told you grune and panthro was not going to fight and prolly will not until like 5 more episodes from now

masterprime 08-19-2011 09:14 PM

Wow really awesome show this week! It has me pumped up for next weeks!

masterprime 08-19-2011 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pinero (Post 11652)
This episode was the best thing i seen lol i love it:d i told you grune and panthro was not going to fight and prolly will not until like 5 more episodes from now

They did a little in the flashback. lol

Tony_Bacala 08-19-2011 09:21 PM

Another thing that I realized this ep, was that the whole Mumm-Ra / Grune angle reminds me of a Star Wars-esque Emperor / Vader thing. Today's flashback with Grune being called to Mumm-Ra, then the battle, then him knocking Panthro from the platform reminded me of SW Ep 3 when Anakin turned, mixed with a bit of Jedi end scene.

Not a bad thing, just saying. :)

Joe Moore 08-19-2011 09:56 PM

Reload this Page Thundercats Episode 5 - Old Friends HD Screen Caps

Over 120 HD screen caps to check out.

Tony_Bacala 08-19-2011 10:02 PM

Old school Panthro FTW.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 08-19-2011 10:53 PM

Wow, another great episode! They suceeded in making Driller awesome! Panthro has a topknot, love it! And the flashbacks are great! Although I have one question in them; when did Panthro lose his tail? He doesn't have it in the present, was it a casualty of war? The Black Pyramid and Mumm-Ra's return were amazing! I could swear I heard the Transformers noise when Grune activated the pyramid. And they even put the yellow blur behind Cheetara, sweet! And yeah, tvtropes is right; Panthro is Jet Black for furries.

But I honestly have to say my fave thing is Lion-O using the sword; yes it has some shield capabilities, but he uses it primarily as a sword. Definite improement over the original series.

Tracer 08-19-2011 11:03 PM

I missed the very beginning. Does someone have a link for it?

nitewing73 08-19-2011 11:14 PM

This was the best episode since the premiere. It's nice to know the backstory of what happened b4 the first episode. I liked that they mentioned Lynx-O by name and that Driller was included in this episode.

Death2Fanboys 08-19-2011 11:21 PM

No complains, a very good episode and very much like how they balance the action scenes with Lion O and Panthro (keeping in mind this episode was all Panthro)

There is a plot hole in the story. If it only took a few seconds for Cheetara to run and take ONE piece of Thundrillium from the mines....then why didn't they had her do that in the begining?

If the Original plan was to wait at night...then why did they storm in instead of a stealth sneak attack?


Those were my only biggie, I still enjoy it the episode.:D

Edit Note: Now that I think of it....not really a plot hole. The Mines were well guarded.

duran1414201 08-19-2011 11:25 PM

Great episode.

One thing; when did Thundrillium become a pink crystal-type substance?
before it was a gold substance, now this???

Ravenxl7 08-19-2011 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 11660)

Thanks for the great screen caps of this, and all the other episodes. They make for great backgrounds (with a little editing of course, lol).


Originally Posted by Death2Fanboys (Post 11669)
There is a plot hole in the story. If it only took a few seconds for Cheetara to run and take ONE piece of Thunderium from the mines....then why didn't they had her do that in the begining?

I think it's because the original plan was to grab as much of it as possible. She would have been able to get in and out with ease, but the issue would have been hauling a full cart's load of it (not saying she isn't strong, just that the combination of weight and speed would have been an issue).


Originally Posted by Death2Fanboys (Post 11669)
If the Original plan was to wait at night...then why did they storm in instead of a stealth sneak attack?

The attack on so many lizard soldiers would not have gone unnoticed for too long, so it became a matter of going in now, or trying to find a different source of Thundrilium. If they had waited, the lizards and Grune would have became aware of their presence (via the attack earlier), and they would probably have beefed up their defenses and start searching the surrounding forest for them. Basically making the would-be sneak attack not-so stealthy. Doesn't help if the people you're attacking are expecting you.


Originally Posted by duran1414201 (Post 11670)
Great episode.

One thing; when did Thundrillium become a pink crystal-type substance?
before it was a gold substance, now this

New show=new physics. It's a reboot/new continuity, so some things are bound to be different. Personally I like the look of this show's Thundrilium. Makes it a bit more unique, and I don't think the whole "gold is worthless to us" bit from the original show is going to carry over to the new show, so it wouldn't make sense to make it look like gold. Though then again, I didn't think Thundrilium would either, lol.

JASONKAT 08-20-2011 12:13 AM

Man this show was epic.
I wish they'd do an "avatar" version of thundercats. Its got that avatar tech, writen all over it. A world like pandora, ..home of thundera. The lair, the thundertank. mumra's pyramid and thse extras, man, that would get so many awards, u have no idea if done right! As a live action movie, that is.. but in avatar-mode

RydenJager 08-20-2011 12:26 AM

This show is just getting more awesome with every episode. I loved how Lion-O and Tygra were having the "Why don't YOU go talk to him" moment. :D

Then poor Lion-O is telling the Lizards; "Drop your weapons....please?"
He just hasn't quite grasped the fact that not everyone cares that he is the Lord of the ThunderCats. (Well at least not in a good way)

Oh and Driller....ok I was like: "Wha....why the heck is there a Transformer in the ThunderCats episode!?":confused:(I'm cool with it :D)

And then they show little Lion-O and Tygra: Lion-O was so CUTE!!! Tygra, well he's cute too!

But anyways, loved it, so much better than the old, can't wait for more and still waiting to find the figures at my wal-mart.

Long live the ThunderCats, ROOAAARRRRRR!!!! (cheesy, I know):D

Pinero 08-20-2011 01:12 AM

Panthro is blind out his right eye..

BB Shockwave 08-20-2011 02:06 AM

Episode 5 - Old Friends (180 MB)

Will post the HD version when it is available.

dolza_khyron 08-20-2011 02:56 AM

sure does look that way huh!

and i am really curious to know if no tails is something ritual now or not, lol

at the beginning they had tails...

at the end they did NOT!

Lord Lion O 08-20-2011 08:54 AM

AWESOME! Great episode really looking forward to more flashbacks to fill in the gaps. I'm sure they're coming the guys that are putting this together are too smart to leave us hanging.

I agree with a previous poster....I think mumra is an alien to the planet. However I also think that his pyramid is a space ship that is possibly powered by the eye of thundera. Someone obvisiouly sealed him in the tomb most likely with the aid of the eye and it makes sense that without his "ship" at full strength he couldn't open the tomb himself since it seems to run on power based on the inside of it. I will be watching this all week.

Lord Lion O 08-20-2011 08:56 AM

Also anyone else think that in the battlefield flashback when grune and panthro meet and they load the "cat"apolt that grune was actually aiming for Claudus?

SPLIT LIP 08-20-2011 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Lion O (Post 11712)
Also anyone else think that in the battlefield flashback when grune and panthro meet and they load the "cat"apolt that grune was actually aiming for Claudus?

Wouldn't surprise me. At the very least I don't think he was very concerned about Claudus whilst aiming.

vincheng2k5 08-20-2011 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 11693)
Episode 5 - Old Friends (180 MB)

Will post the HD version when it is available.

Thanks for the link! Looking forward to the HD version. :)

Pinero 08-20-2011 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by lord lion o (Post 11712)
also anyone else think that in the battlefield flashback when grune and panthro meet and they load the "cat"apolt that grune was actually aiming for claudus?

no grune was loayal to claudus until claudus assigned panthro to lead the way to the book of omens, thats when grune started to hate.. I wonder how panthro became blind out his right eye, next episode will tell it.

SPLIT LIP 08-20-2011 02:57 PM

Grune stated during the battle he was going to be king. Not being a Lion it was pretty clear if he was serious he meant he was going to overthrow Claudus, so who's to say he wasn't aiming for Claudus?

Pravus Prime 08-20-2011 04:14 PM

It wasn't epic or the like. However it was a very solid episode that lay the groundwork for stronger character episodes later, gave some other elements of backstory their starting point, and had many fun references to the old series. The Samoflange and The Driller in particular.

It was still a pleasure to watch and it was a good episode.

Lord Lion O 08-20-2011 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Pinero (Post 11751)
no grune was loayal to claudus until claudus assigned panthro to lead the way to the book of omens, thats when grune started to hate.. I wonder how panthro became blind out his right eye, next episode will tell it.

Ambition knows not loyalty

Pinero 08-20-2011 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Lion O (Post 11781)
Ambition knows not loyalty

grune was loyal until they put lynx-o in front and he got tired of looking for the book and started to wonder Cladus sent them out on a cukkooo mission, thats when his evil developed and mummra sensed it and use that for his advantage to get free.. if grune was like that since day 1, mumra would of been reached him

SPLIT LIP 08-20-2011 07:22 PM

I'm pretty sure Lynx-O was just the final straw, not the only reason he betrayed the King.

He didn't just spontaniously go bad. He'd been ambitious his whole life, Claudus refusing to make him general and sending him away was just the last he could take. The only reason Mumm-ra sought him out was because of proximity. I'm sure there's others out there that hate Claudus more, like the hordes of Lizards, but Grune was closest

dbox183 08-20-2011 07:33 PM

First of all, I loved all of the little throwbacks this episode had -- Did anyone notice that Tygra was wearing a costume that was very similar to his original series duds when he was fighting Lion-O in the flashback?

Grune wielding an old school mace, his helmet, and his armor also looked like homages to the original series -- And obviously, we all saw Panthro looked like 80's Panthro and Samoflange :)!

This episode had so much going on, it really felt like the first 2 episodes in the fact a lot of important parts were unfolding. I'd easily say a 9/10 -- No real complaints, I just don't wanna say 10 out of 10 just yet ;)

Lord Lion O 08-20-2011 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Pinero (Post 11809)
grune was loyal until they put lynx-o in front and he got tired of looking for the book and started to wonder Cladus sent them out on a cukkooo mission, thats when his evil developed and mummra sensed it and use that for his advantage to get free.. if grune was like that since day 1, mumra would of been reached him

Dude if you think grune was loyal to the crown from the beginning I think you missed the whole point. The very first flashback has him talking about a quick way to the top.

Pinero 08-20-2011 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Lion O (Post 11821)
Dude if you think grune was loyal to the crown from the beginning I think you missed the whole point. The very first flashback has him talking about a quick way to the top.

he said at the celebration with Panthro He want to be king in front of a crowd and finding the the book might help him do so until they take the journey and Grune got tired and started having doubts and mummra came. Grune help train lion-o and tygra.. He wanted to be his own king in which it is acceptable since there army have ranks and he felt already he was soon to be destined until lynx-o was a shocker to be the leader of the mission in which Grune got offense about which lead to his evil ways to crave for power

Devinebull1978 08-20-2011 11:22 PM

Driller 2011 looks amazing!
Did anyone else out there think that the new look (2011) Driller looks amazing! I can already imagine what the toy itself would look like if they did bring one out .....

BB Shockwave 08-21-2011 12:58 PM

My thoughts:

- Grune was a bit too one-dimensional here, considering from the moment we see him he wants to be king. Still, I loved his descent into maddness for power, something that Clancy Brown is adept at portraying. Mumm-Ra's entrance was awesome too. I have to wonder, though, whether he also worked some spell on Grune, as he turned on Panthro too fast.

- The Driller is a Transformer! Heh... he transforms into one of those double-drills Doctor Wily uses in Mega Man. :) I bet we'll see the robot again, it was not completely destroyed, they can dig him out.

- Considering Jaga indeed knew the location of the Book, this makes me wonder that it was him, not Claudus, who wanted Grune and Panthro gone?

-Lynx-O mentioned was great! And he is a general...

- After a while, I start to feel sorry for the lizards. They always get their tail kicked. The "Drop your weapons!... please?" line was pure win, though.

Valdin 08-21-2011 03:09 PM

I am glad Jaga is not dead, he is awesome! This episode was cool.
One thing that is eatting at me slightly though. Grune to me sounds a little like mr crabs from spongebob squarepants. I looked it up and its the same voice actor. Its a little hard to take Grune serious thinking that. He is an awesome character and a great villain.

Just my 2 cents

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