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GK Punk 03-23-2011 04:25 PM

No Thundera? News from Cartoon Network press releases
ThunderCats: The re-imagined animated series based on the beloved 80s classic tells the tale of a hero’s epic journey to fulfill his ultimate destiny. On Third Earth, the kingdom of Thundera is being threatened by the evil sorcerer Mumm-Ra and young heir to the throne Lion-O embarks on a great quest to take his rightful place as king. The unlikely champion, joined by his faithful comrades Tygra, Cheetara, Panthro, WilyKit, WilyKat and his loyal pet Snarf, must work together to save their world from darkness.

Cartoon Network Upfront 2011 | Nick and More!
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Joe Moore 03-24-2011 06:16 AM

Not totally surprising. They promised the mythos would be streamlined.

Lion-O 03-24-2011 06:58 AM

they're in mah kartoonz, steelin mah plannitz.

trebleshot 03-24-2011 07:48 AM

Actually, I think it's a great way to tweak the mythos. We still have our Third Earth, we will get to see Thunderian society as a whole, and all of the different races can still be represented since Thundera is only one kingdom on Third Earth and not an entire planet unto itself.

Transformed 03-24-2011 08:07 AM

I'll still watch it, the change doesn't bother me one bit. It's a win-win for me. I wanted to see more of Thundera as well as Third Earth and that's what we're getting.

Now, we at least get to see what Thundera was really like or at least what it's like this time around anyway.

JohnnyAngel77 03-24-2011 08:59 AM

I'm all for the changes. I'd have been happy either way though, I'm just excited to get a new TC cartoon. :D

sstralkowski 03-24-2011 09:17 AM

Should be interesting. The more I hear about this, the mroe intrigued I am. I wish they had stayed a bit truer to the characters designs, but you can't expect it to perfectly match the images in every fan's head.

DESTRO 03-24-2011 04:22 PM

I like the idea and it's giving off a Lord of the Rings vibe. I'm down with that.

Ben_Gali 03-24-2011 04:33 PM

I am liking what I am hearing about the show and think the new site looks awesome!

topnotch97 03-24-2011 06:40 PM

kingdom of thundera on planet earth (3rd earth)? i'm good with that.

printer6 03-24-2011 09:52 PM

I don't see a problem with it- they still have a whole world of possibilities to explore.

WingDagger 03-25-2011 02:08 AM

Wing Dagger approves!

It seems like it's actually gonna be very similar to the political situation on Eternia in He-Man...

Transformed 03-25-2011 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by WingDagger (Post 3089)
Wing Dagger approves!

It seems like it's actually gonna be very similar to the political situation on Eternia in He-Man...

I wish the Mike Young He-Man cartoons were still on the air:(

dragon 03-25-2011 09:23 AM


I wish they had stayed a bit truer to the characters designs, but you can't expect it to perfectly match the images in every fan's head.
whats wrong with the desings? i think it fits perfectly for this show slightly modified but still staying tue to classic same as gijoe rengeades, & transformers prime

r3v3n63 03-25-2011 09:29 AM

I like this! I've been noticing with the toys and some of the clips that Mum-Ra's weaponry is very similar to Lion-O's and this may be because Mum-Ra is an ancient enemy of the Thundarians and his blade and shield may be the anti version of the Sword of Omens. This might mean that the battles between the two are more epic as its just not the characters who hate each other but the swords as well. Just spec-u-late'n.

LionO84 03-25-2011 11:52 PM

Thats cool. Ill deal with that change

Ashley 03-26-2011 11:40 AM

From a story telling point of view I really like it.

Not only will Lion-O have to worry about what his actions mean for his friends but now he will also have to worry about what his actions will mean for his kingdom. It also means we could get some really huge fights in the series instead of just a few heroes vs a few mutants.

Should be really cool to see how the other kingdoms differ from Thundera.

Lody 03-27-2011 08:56 PM

I can see the fanboys screaming about it now.

I have the Eye of Thundera tattooed on my leg. Until I complain about the new stuff, shut yer yap.

Smasher 03-28-2011 03:10 PM

This is not exactly like the old cartoon therefore it's no good.
I want the new cartoon to be exactly like the old one -but newer and better.

I prefer that Lion-O be given the chance to grow up anyway.
I never liked it that he went to bed at age 5 and awoke at age 19.

Icespark 03-30-2011 08:40 PM

This doesn't sound like a bad idea, actually.

I can see a few advantages, including no suspiciously fast trips between the two planets, like those occurring near the end of the original series, and more importantly, no characters getting left back on the other planet, like poor Tygra and Pumyra! :D

dolza_khyron 04-04-2011 04:26 AM

here is a quick thought;

what if thundera DID explode, and this is post thundera, and post them landing on third earth?

but instead of their entire population getting wiped out at the end... they ended up surviving. and then they managed to land on the planet, few dozen centuries later, and they have an entire civilization on this planet, surrounded by the mutants, who are still constantly attacking?

just a thought!

WinterSoldier 04-04-2011 10:04 PM

I dont mind the changes at all.

Im just SO super psyched to have a new TCats cartoon!!

I truly cant wait for the shows debut, it cant come quick enough IMO.

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