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Monkian 08-30-2011 12:26 AM

Storm-Charger: #1 on Most Wanted List?
After the recent unveiling of the Storm-Charger, is there anything that we would like to see more at retail than this Mummy Mobile? Personally, my answer is no, there isn't. Looks like it would make an AWESOME toy and would be a must have for any fan. I love that Mumm-Ra now has an official vehicle of this own. Totally bad-ass!

englishw 08-30-2011 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Monkian (Post 13725)
After the recent unveiling of the Storm-Charger, is there anything that we would like to see more at retail than this Mummy Mobile? Personally, my answer is no, there isn't. Looks like it would make an AWESOME toy and would be a must have for any fan. I love that Mumm-Ra now has an official vehicle of this own. Totally bad-ass!

Agreed! *want*!!!

Vinson 08-30-2011 01:24 AM

Hell yeah any enemy vehicle or character would be great too have in the next line but the Storm-Charger is definantly a must have! And it could give mummy form Mumm-ra some purpose besides just hunching over and looking evil.

Saint Phe 08-30-2011 06:57 AM

The best thing about it would be that it doubles as his sarcophagus!!! So it's a vehicle AND a playset!

Joe Moore 08-30-2011 07:19 AM

Moved to the more appropriate toy forum. And yes, I do want one to go with the Thundertank.

Ravenxl7 08-30-2011 10:56 AM

While I would like to see it made into toy-form, there are several things I would like to see before it.

Grune the Warrior 08-30-2011 11:18 AM

I have no problem with more vehicles being made, but I want more figures first. Mainly Jaga, Claudus and Slythe.

Thundera 08-30-2011 12:41 PM

I would love this to be made! My list of vehicles to be made from Thundercats is this, the mutant robots, and the pirate ship!

Tracer 08-30-2011 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Saint Phe (Post 13744)
The best thing about it would be that it doubles as his sarcophagus!!! So it's a vehicle AND a playset!

If it transformed into a tomb play set too, I would bite.

IndyCat 08-30-2011 03:08 PM

personally, I dont like his tank. A giant face. looks silly to me.

Monkian 08-30-2011 04:37 PM

I think it looks cool, actually. Most of the coolness is centered in and around the fact that it's a tank for Mumm-Ra. That it has a silly looking face on it is secondary to me. I actually think the Thunder Tank looks like it has a shit-eating grin on it!

Pravus Prime 08-30-2011 08:50 PM

Classics Mumm-Ra is first on my list. After that would be a new series Winged 8 inch or so Mumm-Ra, then the Storm Charger.

Fist Pounder 08-31-2011 12:40 PM

Anyone remember the old batmissle toy? you put both halves on and it formed the batmobile but when removed you had the missle.

So maybe you have the sarcophagus then you assemble it into the vehicle

Thundera 08-31-2011 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Fist Pounder (Post 13946)
Anyone remember the old batmissle toy? you put both halves on and it formed the batmobile but when removed you had the missle.

So maybe you have the sarcophagus then you assemble it into the vehicle

That would be amazing beyond comprehension!

squawkbot 09-01-2011 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by IndyCat (Post 13797)
personally, I dont like his tank. A giant face. looks silly to me.

yeah, i though the asthetic design could have been better too, but i'd prob buy anyway. they should do a episode destroy/rebuild to allow for a redesign before making it into plastic

guard convoy 09-02-2011 07:49 PM

while i will happily buy the storm-charger, my most wanted items are a 6 inch cheetara and tygra

si3ge 09-24-2011 05:22 AM

it would be cooler if instead of TURNING INTO a playset... it would somehow mount in a seperate actual playset and you could launch it out just like in the show.

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