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JohnnyAngel77 05-28-2011 06:46 PM

Whats the articulation on the 4" figures?
I know these aren't yet out but I'm asking for anybody who has maybe seen these up close and in person. Its hard to tell from some of the pics. But, I don't see bicep articulation at all. Does anybody know if there is wrist articulation? That would really help out with lack of the bicep swivel. I could be wrong about the bicep swivel, I just don't really see one. Also, same with the legs. Is there a thigh swivel anywhere?

Any info would greatly help.

Ravenxl7 07-05-2011 08:19 PM

From what I've seen in pictures, it's going to vary greatly from figure to figure. Cheetara seems to be loaded with articulation, but Mumm-Ra has very little. Though the majority of them seem to have what I would consider a good amount of articulation for the size they are.

JohnnyAngel77 07-05-2011 10:38 PM

Agreed, I looked at some clearer pics recently. Panthro seems to be the only one of the main four TC's that does not have a bicep/elbow swivel. Curious how the articulation is on the kittens too. At least its getting closer!

Ravenxl7 07-05-2011 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyAngel77 (Post 6714)
Curious how the articulation is on the kittens too.

It could be the pictures I'm looking at, but they appear to have almost no articulation to them at all. They both have swivel shoulder joints, and what appears to be a joint at the neck, but that's the only articulation I can see. They might have hip joints, but if they do, they're severely hindered by the clothing and tails of the twins. Their elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles are all solid/fixed.

It sucks, but if they're the size I'm thinking they are, the lack of articulation makes sense (still sucks though, lol). If I get them, it'll be to complete the main team.

Cheetara 07-11-2011 08:54 PM

ive got to get all this thunderctas straight. i just want to do one classic and one modern size/line but i have to decide which. knowing articulation will help. too bad they cant be held to poc gi joe standards. : P

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