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Balgus82 05-03-2012 02:51 PM

Thundercats S2 Voice Recording Update
Here we go. Maybe this will prove it.

From Matt Mercer's fb page. In the studio. TODAY. Robert Atkin Downes, Madeline Hall, And Will Friedle.

They're recording boys and girls.


EDIT: He's got it set to "friends of friends" so sorry for those who can't see it.

krazycp 05-03-2012 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 48745)
Here we go. Maybe this will prove it.

From Matt Mercer's fb page. In the studio. TODAY. Robert Atkin Downes, Madeline Hall, And Will Friedle.

They're recording boys and girls.


I click on the link and Facebook gives me an error. Is this for reals?

Balgus82 05-03-2012 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by krazycp (Post 48746)
I click on the link and Facebook gives me an error. Is this for reals?

ugh... when I posted it here it changed the URL.

Lets try this...

Kregermeister 05-03-2012 06:28 PM

I was just gunna post this! We'll probably see Season 2 even if its only on DVD, so whatever its great! I just wish we'd get a few more toys before the towel gets thrown in.

krazycp 05-03-2012 06:48 PM

My prediction is 2 seasons, 4 waves of toys. That would be the minimum, imho.

Kregermeister 05-03-2012 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by krazycp (Post 48769)
My prediction is 2 seasons, 4 waves of toys. That would be the minimum, imho.

Id say 2 seasons and prehaps a 3rd wave over sea's. Bandai sticks it in and breaks it off like that.

adssse 05-03-2012 08:32 PM

Sound promising to me! Hopefully rating will continue to be strong. Also I am hoping that a wave 3 is seen sometime in early summer and that they have a stronger selection. I may be overly optimistic, but between the switch to Saturday mornings/better ratings and a new wave I think things could really improve!

Joe Moore 05-04-2012 09:42 AM

Moved out to a new thread so everyone catches this. :D

Ravenxl7 05-04-2012 09:54 AM

Definitely sounds promising for a second season. Meaning that if nothing goes wrong, we'll at least have a total of 52 episodes. I'd love to see this show continue on to have five seasons total (would make it just as long as the original), but I'm not going to hold my breath for that.

Balgus82 05-04-2012 10:04 AM

ThundercatsNOW reposted the image on Twitter so those of you who can't see the FB pic should be able to see it there.!/ThunderCatsNO.../photo/1/large

Also want to clarify that the "In the studio. Today....etc." was my words.

These were Matt's words.
"From inside the booth this morning. A bunch of talented knuckleheads."

and later on in the comments after people were trying to guess who everyone was.
"Madeline, Robin, and Will. You guys were right on!"

Joe Moore 05-04-2012 11:15 AM

Thanks for the clarification. :)

AdamofEternia 05-04-2012 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 48859)
ThundercatsNOW reposted the image on Twitter so those of you who can't see the FB pic should be able to see it there.!/ThunderCatsNO.../photo/1/large

Also want to clarify that the "In the studio. Today....etc." was my words.

These were Matt's words.
"From inside the booth this morning. A bunch of talented knuckleheads."

and later on in the comments after people were trying to guess who everyone was.
"Madeline, Robin, and Will. You guys were right on!"

thanks for the update as always and you always come through with info when we at this thread need it.

Nekomen 05-04-2012 03:19 PM

Not too surprising with how outsourcing animation to Japan typically works. They do the voice track after the animation typically. Not sure how it's working with this series though for certain. It can vary depending on the contract with the studio they are using. I still say the fears were premature though. The show seems to be doing pretty strong in its current block. It's gaining a larger kid audience now, and with the UK even outright having a T-Cats magazine all signs are pointing to good for now. Everything else will probably be NYCC and SDCC or next year's toy fair.

The lack of the CN announcement doesn't really mean anything at all. It's not the first time they've done that with a show that already premiered what they were calling a new season.

Balgus82 05-04-2012 03:46 PM

Thundercats has been doing the voice work before the animation is done, not after. They had finished recording the first season mid last year.

Balgus82 05-04-2012 07:48 PM

Gah don't celebrate too soon guys. Just in from Matt:

"This was for an ADR episode, but if you folks want to keep seeing more Thundercats action, let Cartoon Network and Warner Bros know! The show is doing great, but be LOUD about your appreciation! Write them, call them, spread the word. Get more friends hooked! Call your local toy stores and ask about the toys. Let's keep this show going! ♥"

adssse 05-04-2012 09:40 PM

Whats an ADR episode?

Balgus82 05-04-2012 09:48 PM

ADR is Additional Dialogue Recording. It's when they go back for additional work after it's animated to fix problems and stuff.

Which pretty much means they're still fine tuning the end of this season.

SirSapphire 05-04-2012 09:50 PM

It's kind of cool to see that Thundercats is, at least partially, recorded radio-style; That is, with as many members of the cast recording together as they can. It gives them an opportunity to play off each others performance and leads to better voice acting.

Balgus82 05-04-2012 09:58 PM

Yeah I believe the only one that recorded alone was Larry Kenny because he doesn't live in California.

Jlogano20 05-04-2012 10:27 PM

so which characters are the 3 shown???? im guessing the far left is wilykit

Balgus82 05-05-2012 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Jlogano20 (Post 48960)
so which characters are the 3 shown???? im guessing the far left is wilykit

Wilykit, Mumm-Ra/Addicus, and Lion-O.

MegatronWolf 05-10-2012 06:47 PM

well at least we know we're getting more episodes and the series isnt ending suddenly.

hollowdheart 05-10-2012 07:09 PM

I thought it was just additional dialogue sessions?

Balgus82 05-10-2012 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 50091)
I thought it was just additional dialogue sessions?

Yes. And I said as much a few posts back.

hollowdheart 05-10-2012 08:52 PM

oh, sorry. i only saw the post above me so....

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