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Joe Moore 11-11-2011 07:28 AM

Thundercats Ep 11 - The Forrest of Magi Oar Discussion
Thundercats Episode 11 - The Forrest of Magi Oar airs Friday, November 11 at 8:30PM EST on Cartoon Network.

Use this thread to talk about what you expect, as a live commentary thread as well as post airing discussion.

Wilyjo 11-11-2011 08:39 PM

I really like the designs of the ghost/spirit things in this episode. Same goes for those magic users.

Edit: Now I understand the original title of this episode....that said the new one is less spoileriffic.

Edit 2: Ha! Cheetara got a new magic staff. I like that!

I liked this episode a lot personally. Loved the designs in it and the design of the main good guy (who's name I can't remember atm) I look forward to the next one :D

Really getting good imo

Joe Moore 11-11-2011 09:02 PM

Better than last week, but I feel the writers are really stalling. After so much build up to an epic race to find the stones, we get another villain of the week with no relation or bearing on the initial story arc.

Wilyjo 11-11-2011 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 21093)
Better than last week, but I feel the writers are really stalling. After so much build up to an epic race to find the stones, we get another villain of the week with no relation or bearing on the initial story arc.

True true, but still enjoyable this time. And well I think the fact that the sword of Omens can't be used on a force of good is important (unless I missed them stating that before)

Tony_Bacala 11-11-2011 09:12 PM

Good ep this week. Feel they found their stride again, brought us into an overall new world, with new ideas, without it being forced or corny. Characters that can be expanded upon later in the show, or other mediums after this ends.

I'm torn, cuz I don't mind them doing this when it's good, but because I know there's an underlying story that we need to get back to, I also want them to get to that.

Purrsia 11-11-2011 09:25 PM

I was surprised to see this ep was written by Peter Lawrence - a writer and producer for the original series. Looks like he hasn't lost his touch for writing Thundercats :)

Tony_Bacala 11-11-2011 10:02 PM

Even cooler that the brought in some talent from the original then :).

Joe Moore 11-11-2011 10:37 PM

Thundercats Ep 11 HD Screen Caps

Jack-Pumpkinhead 11-11-2011 10:45 PM

Enjoyed this episode, very fun! I like how they brought back the idea the sword won't attack good beings. The paper warriors were actually very cool, and Vigaro was extremely awesome. I love the whole running thing with Cheetara's staff, very funny. I only have one hangup; where did Wilkykat get that weapon of his? And why hasn't he used it until now?

Ravenxl7 11-11-2011 10:56 PM

The teasers had me thinking this episode would be very cringe worthy, but now that I've seen it, it's a much better episode than I would have thought. The twist was very nice, but not all that unexpected. I'm looking forward to seeing what Cheetara will be able to do with that new staff of hers.

Snarf's part was really nice. Especially since he didn't do much, if anything, after that. Should be interesting to see that Snarf-centric episode we've heard about.

Looking forward to next week's episode. Especially since it's title is "Into the Astral Plane".

LXL Guy 11-12-2011 01:23 AM

That was a good and fun episode. I love all the different characters that were introduced thus far. It's making this world of theirs a lot more colorful.

I love how there's actually a mention of the supposed love triangle as well right before the spirits appear.

JASONKAT 11-12-2011 01:43 AM

I kinda didnt like this1, it felt like another "add-ons" just to extend the seasons alil bit.
I know everybody likes em as they come and i look forward to them as well. but as soon as i see where its going, i lose hope. Out of the bunch that have aired only some r worth re-watching while others r not.
An another thing..Wheres mum-ra? why havnt they gone after him? why hasnt he shown up? watever happened to their new towers home? Theres so many unanwered questions and when you hope to find out who what where and when? they end up giving u a diff story. But im not here to complain lolz, i love thundercats 4life, This is a new era. Where new things can happen, its a retelling of the story, So alot of it will not be the same as the 80s version. So i shell just kick back & enjoy whats ahead. :)

lil question tho that i noticed on tonight.."The Forrest of Magi Oar"
When lion-o gets mad and throws his claw & sword to the ground. Right b4 the big bird is headed his way. Out of nowhere it grabs him and takes him up to the sky, This does not give him nor did it show him pick up his sword again, But sumhow he is then seen later with the claw & sword back on his pants. Any1 else noticed that?!

PANTHRO HOOO 11-12-2011 02:52 AM

Yeah everyone noticed. Obviously he flew back for it......

So I thought the bad guys in this episode are awsome. I like how Mumm-Ras not being overused but agree he's got to be a bigger part of the show than he has been. The original got kind of rediculous with fighting the same enemies 100 times. As soon as the sword didn't work on the ghost I knew they were good. Kids show though so I expect some things to be obvious.

ThundercatsHo 11-12-2011 10:23 AM

Here is a link my friends... Enjoy..

Download for free on

nomad16 11-12-2011 10:45 AM

another great episode and I like that were seeing a love triangle form between Lion-o tygra and cheetara though I think we can all agree that Lion-o is the one in her eyes lol

RedAlert Rescue 11-12-2011 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by ThundercatsHo (Post 21127)

Unfortunately that link does not work in the UK it says it's geoblocked anyone got another one that is not geoblocked like Megaupload say ?

The Eye of Thundera 11-12-2011 04:45 PM

Magi Oar = Anagram for Origami which is very fitting considering the content of this episode...

dolza_khyron 11-12-2011 05:18 PM

i totally loved it! the read or die feel, the giant owl! the environmental message shoved in our faces! lol!!! thanks ted! LOL! i loved that the kittens are getting used a lot more too. and being useful, rather then, useless. lol even if panthro said they're not useful for much, but they sure are!!!

crackus 11-12-2011 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by RedAlert Rescue (Post 21133)
Unfortunately that link does not work in the UK it says it's geoblocked anyone got another one that is not geoblocked like Megaupload say ?

there's one on btjunkie if you're intrested..

Pinero 11-13-2011 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by RedAlert Rescue (Post 21133)
Unfortunately that link does not work in the UK it says it's geoblocked anyone got another one that is not geoblocked like Megaupload say ?

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service :)

NinSage 11-15-2011 02:51 AM

Another great episode!

Just had a few questions...

1. When sitting around the camp fire, Lion-O and Tygra discuss the sword's decision of Lord. Then Tygra says that Cheetara believes in Lion-O and Lion-O responds with something like "you know we'll eventually have to settle this."

Was Lion-O talking about the Lordship or referencing some love triangle with himself, Cheetara and Tygra? From previous episodes I had picked up on something between Lion-O and Cheetara. But I hadn't gotten the sense that Tygra had thrown his hat in that ring.

2. If Lion-O is talking about some kind of love triangle, can anyone cite some evidence for me? It's entirely possible that I am just forgetting something or missed something. But I'd like to know!


PS - that huge owl guy was awwwwwwwwesome. Was he from the original series? I don't remember him...

Ravenxl7 11-15-2011 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by NinSage (Post 21267)
1. When sitting around the camp fire, Lion-O and Tygra discuss the sword's decision of Lord. Then Tygra says that Cheetara believes in Lion-O and Lion-O responds with something like "you know we'll eventually have to settle this."

Was Lion-O talking about the Lordship or referencing some love triangle with himself, Cheetara and Tygra? From previous episodes I had picked up on something between Lion-O and Cheetara. But I hadn't gotten the sense that Tygra had thrown his hat in that ring.

2. If Lion-O is talking about some kind of love triangle, can anyone cite some evidence for me? It's entirely possible that I am just forgetting something or missed something. But I'd like to know!

Lion-O was most definitely referencing the love triangle that's subtly been going on. As for Tygra's part in it, Bengali of Thundera pointed out that when Tygra saw Cheetara with the other Clerics bringing in the sword, he was shocked, and in a way that shows they knew each other beforehand. That and according to episode twelve's synopsis, Tygra and Cheetara had an "early relationship".


Originally Posted by NinSage (Post 21267)
PS - that huge owl guy was awwwwwwwwesome. Was he from the original series? I don't remember him...

I don't believe he was, but I'm not 100% sure. If not, he's definitely a character that could have fit into the original show.

Yasraina 11-15-2011 01:10 PM

That episode was great i loved the time when Tygra saved cheetara he was awesome!!!!

NinSage 11-15-2011 03:40 PM

Raven -

Thanks, I'll have to look more deeply into those notes.

And yea, doesn't that owl just "feel" like something from the original? Great job of blending the new and the old.

Yasraina -

Tygra rules. Period ^_^

Purrsia 11-15-2011 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by The Eye of Thundera (Post 21137)
Magi Oar = Anagram for Origami which is very fitting considering the content of this episode...

Oh I hadn't noticed that before. Cool! Thanks for pointing it out.

Edit: actually it'd have to be misspelled Oragami but I like it anyway :)

mumm_ra_the_ever_living 11-15-2011 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pinero (Post 21154)

why can't people just post a link to an actual video file instead of a zip file? THIS :P

Haru of the Takaguro Dojo 11-18-2011 06:29 AM

Aaaawwww snap! The Lion and the Tiger both want to mate with the Cheetah! :D


flibbits 11-23-2011 01:30 AM

Great? An envirowhacko episode throwing sustainability at the viewers. They're trying to defeat Mumm-Ra, or get revenge. They don't even know (or at least haven't shown) if any of their people are still alive. But they take time out to deliver a message about how returning to the stone age would be better for us.

BB Shockwave 11-23-2011 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 21093)
Better than last week, but I feel the writers are really stalling. After so much build up to an epic race to find the stones, we get another villain of the week with no relation or bearing on the initial story arc.

And when it was only the main plot, people were complaining about it being too plot-centered and that it needs character development episodes. :D

There is no pleasing some fans...

I loved the episode, the revelation of who the true villains were was quite shocking given the monstrous design of the owl guardian... and how Zek was even delivering the "word of wisdom of the day" to Lion-O!

The anagram for Origami... wow! Clever! Never saw that coming...

Purrsia 11-24-2011 08:23 PM

Ideally, the best stories advance plot while developing characters. Some of these eps seem to do that better than others. But for what the show is, it's not been bad in my view over all. Not perfect, but especially when you think about how inconsistent the old show could be, they do seem to try to be improving on certain aspects and I can dig that.

vantheman77 11-27-2011 01:57 AM

The episode continues from Sight Beyond Sight when they go to the Forest of Magi Oar, a tribute to Origami. The paper warriors didn't come across as evil but they wanted to stay in the forest. There was a lot of good fights and the sibling rivalry resurfaced again between Lion-O and Tygra over Cheetara. If you watched the season finale, I guess we know who the best cat for Cheetara is.

darthktempus 12-13-2011 06:23 AM

they need to halt the plot for a few episodes and spend those few episodes on the characters. For me the characters are more important than any plot from any series.

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