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Joe Moore 02-23-2011 09:39 AM

Looking for people with Thundercats Collections
Do you have a Thundercats Collection? I am looking for any members that have Thundercats collections of any size. If you have one, and may be willing to supply me with some decent quality photos of individual figures, vehicles, play sets, etc., please let me know. Post here, PM me. Feel free to post pics here as well.

I need in and out of box. Loose items, I need completed figures/items. Thanks in advance.

Rodimus_Hotrod 03-03-2011 02:49 AM

i dont have all the figures and all of them are lose but if you drop me a PM of what you want ill try take some for you

dollman ron 05-04-2011 08:40 AM

I don't have much, but here.

Never could find Snowman of Hook Mountain and Snow Meow.

Joe Moore 05-04-2011 08:44 AM

That is a bad ass collection my friend. Would you be willing to take some large, detailed photos of the individual items?

dollman ron 05-05-2011 08:40 AM

This photos are old, and digging the half dozen boxes out will be hard and take a lot of time. But, since I'm out on sick leave for three more weeks (maybe permanent) I'll see what I can do.

In the mean time exactly what kinds of photos are you looking for? Close or real close up of the figure/face, individual photos of weapons? Boxes, out of boxes, figures on vehicles, and what type of back ground do you need (I mainly just use a white sheet)? I do have to say that everything has been opened except for one of the Lion-o, and Grune. I saved my playset, Veh. boxes to repack everything in, as for the figures I saved the clambshells and card backs and placed them back in for storage as well.

Joe Moore 05-05-2011 11:35 AM

What I'm looking for is something like this...Front of box, back of box front of figure/vehicle, back of figure/vehicle, Side shot if a vehicle, and then accessories. Here are a few examples of shots I took of a Transformer for TFW. I'd be looking for something akin to this.

If it's something you can do, that would be awesome. If not, or you don't think you'd be up for it, then it's no problem at all.

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