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krazycp 03-27-2012 08:03 PM

One less Claudus in this world...
Here's my true story:

So last weekend I went up to my parents house and while there stopped in to the local Wal-Mart. I was surprised to find a bunch of 30th anniversary Joes and a Claudus. Now, I already have Claudus. I found him here in Indianapolis earlier this year. However, I decided to pick him up anyway, thinking I could put him on Ebay or sell him at-cost to someone here. Tonight I decided it wasn't worth the effort to sell and ship, so I decided to walk down the road to Wal-Mart and return him.

As I'm leaving the apartment, I have Claudus in one hand and a bag of cat poop in the other. I figured since I was going to walk past the trash compactor on the way out of the apartment complex I could kill two birds with one stone. When I get to the trash compactor, I toss my bag inside and turn to walk away. That's when I realize I am still holding the cat poop and I just tossed Claudus in the trash compactor. Well, the thing has already started compacting but I was able to stop it half-way when I opened the door.

It was at this point I was actually contemplating going inside to retrieve Claudus when the intelligent part of my brain decides that would be a stupid idea. I've heard of people dying all the time by doing something equally as stupid. So, I close the door and the listen to the rest of the trash get crushed under 1000 psi. It was only $7 after all.

So, there's now 1 less Claudus in this world. May he be even harder to find, sorry.

Mongor 03-27-2012 08:20 PM

You son of a ....... :)

Ravenxl7 03-27-2012 10:21 PM

Just another thing to add to the list of reasons why I dislike house cats.

Here's to hoping distribution gets better in the coming months...

IndyCat 03-28-2012 07:50 AM

lol. nice. :)

Lody 03-28-2012 12:03 PM

So are you displaying the bag of cat poop?

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