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Tony_Bacala 02-05-2011 09:36 PM

Maryland and D.C. Thundercats Sightings
Use this thread to post what you find, and where! Let your fellow collectors know what's up. Minor local discussion is ok, but try to keep it focused on the toys and finding them locally.

Lord Lion O 08-04-2011 07:49 AM

Toys r us has a bunch of stuff online this morning. When I typed in thundercats only the thundertank came up but then if you scroll down you can see other related items...many of them in stock but not all. When you click on an item repeat the process of scrolling down to the related items. Dunno why it's like that today but definatley stuff in stock.

Drake915 08-07-2011 02:09 PM

3 sword of omens and one thundertank left at the kmart on belair rd. I also found out from the manager that kmart plans to put the thundercat stuff out this week so if you haven't seen it at your local one yet, just check tomorrow(monday) or sometime later this week. the pegs are already up and a ton of people are looking for them. i ran into 2 other fans at the north pt blvd kmart and at the belair there was someone on the phone requesting them held from another store. I also found out that the sytem for kmart says to expect them 10/9 so that must be where we got reports of them coming out in october. good luck and happy hunting!

p.s. save me a panthro, tygra or lion-o 6" plz :D

Lord Lion O 08-09-2011 09:14 PM

Walmart in Hagerstown had 4 deluxe sword of omens a 6 inch panthro and lion o. Looked like they were going fast

Missed it 08-10-2011 08:52 PM

Hey Drake, Hows it going I'm the guy the you met at the Dundalk Kmart. I wanted to hop on to let you know TRU seems to be getting everything in finally. The Golden Ring store had a few 6" and deluxes and the Towson store has just about everything just no 6" Mummra. I picked up a few more 4" figures since my box from Toysrus with the classics and 6" set will finally be here tomorrow. They looked awesome cant wait to get them.

Drake915 08-11-2011 07:02 AM

Awesome! Thanks for the heads up, but what time did TRU at Golden Ring put them out? I checked yesterday around noonish and didn't see any. That Kmart near eastpoint has the 6" figures now though. I snagged a Lion-o but they had at least another 5-6 6". Had all 3 Mummra, Panthro(dissapointed in how he looked) and the Lion-o. Tks for the heads up though, I'll have to run by there today.

Drake915 08-12-2011 08:11 PM

The Golden Ring TRU still has one classic's Tygra a few of the 6" new line and quite a few of the 4" deluxe figures. I snagged the last Grune I saw though. There's also 3 of the 4" with vehicles; the lion-o, tygra and the lizard cannon one. some thundertanks as well. Soooooo....when are the other people who check this sighting thread going to introduce themselves? :)

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