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Joe Moore 01-23-2012 11:53 AM

Power-Con and ThunderCon Returns
Power-Con and ThunderCon Convention Returns In 2012

Kregermeister 01-23-2012 12:30 PM

Last year had like 3 guests for Thundercats, hopefully this year has a ton. Peter Newman and Lynne Lipton are a must!!

Though im sure it will be easier for them in NY since they all still live here. Though..... imagine getting Earl!!! I know he'd never do it... but imagine..... :D

rhinox1701 01-23-2012 10:11 PM

starting to save we come!!!

GK Punk 01-23-2012 11:49 PM

Ugh that's right around the same time as another con I attend annually and get to see friends that I rarely get to... I wonder if I can swing both...

nitewing73 01-24-2012 10:54 PM

For those of you that went last year were there a lot of vendors? I'm already planting the seed about going with my wife?

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