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Kregermeister 04-04-2012 01:26 AM

New ThunderCats costumes for 2012!
Mostly aimed at the kiddies, it comes in a regular version and a deluxe muscle version. Nothing yet on new role play weapons.

We are getting Lion-O, Mumm-Ra, Tygra and Panthro. Get ready to be called a HO! by some kids this halloween at your door!

Staff Edit:
Links to all costumes and available images.
New Thundercats Halloween Costumes

adssse 04-04-2012 05:47 AM

Hmmm, no costumes for the girls? I was thinking about dressing my daughter as a Thundercat for Halloween, but I guess I will have to keep looking.

Eclipse 04-04-2012 09:26 AM

I have two girls to dress up and I could really benefit from buying the costumes instead of making them myself. If you find anything for girls (Cheetara + Wilikit) please let me know. My deadline is July, because with the little spare time I've got that's when I'll have to get started if they are to be Thundercats come Halloween.

Lion-O's mask looks too good.

Ravenxl7 04-04-2012 10:49 AM

The deluxe Lion-O costume is pretty good looking. Too bad there aren't pictures of the others though. I've already shown my nephew almost half of the original show, and I've been slowly introducing him to the new one, so this'll be the perfect year for one of these costumes. He loves yelling Thundercats Hoo!, and has even started mimicking the sight-beyond-sight stance. Would be great to see him dressed up as Lion-O this year. Though I have the feeling that once he see's the Mumm-Ra costume, he'll only have eyes for it, lol.

Joe Moore 04-04-2012 11:57 AM

Links to all costumes and available images.
New Thundercats Halloween Costumes

Balgus82 04-04-2012 12:04 PM

so they have costumes from the new show. On yeah it's getting canceled alright. Makes all the sense in the world to have costumes for October when the show's getting canceled this summer.


no it doesn't

Kregermeister 04-04-2012 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 43365)
so they have costumes from the new show. On yeah it's getting canceled alright. Makes all the sense in the world to have costumes for October when the show's getting canceled this summer.


no it doesn't

Sadly costumes would have been had to be designed months ago to get to this production stage. It means nothing thus far bro. Like WWE toys that come out a year after the wrestler is fired, its still under a figure/play licence that needs to be released. But the show will probably continue, the toys however probably wont.

AlexofThundera 04-04-2012 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 43365)
so they have costumes from the new show. On yeah it's getting canceled alright. Makes all the sense in the world to have costumes for October when the show's getting canceled this summer.


no it doesn't

While I can appreciate your desire for the show to continue, Kregermeister is right; these costumes being released don't really mean anything when it comes to the future of the show.

For example I could just as easily say that having heard speculation of the show being cancelled they opted to push these costumes out 6 months before October, to try and cash in on what they can.

We just have to wait and see what happens with our favorite franchise.

Back on topic: I think they look pretty cool but I wish they would have just made the deluxe costumes the ONLY costume. I can see some poor kid with the "value" costume being teased by the kid with the deluxe version. :p

As far as the two classic masks (Lion-O and Panthro) I don't like the Lion-O mask at all. Like they tried way to hard. The Panthro one looks alright though.

Kregermeister 04-04-2012 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 43383)
Kregermeister is right

Thank you. Most people around here are very glass half full kinda guys, I respect that, but as a realist people need to look at how companys work, not base decisions on personal hope. If the show WAS canned, they would still release the costumes in hopes of making back said investment costs.

Now back to the costumes.....

There are 2 different adult styles you NEED to be aware of before ordering.

2 different Panthro, Lion-O and Mumm-Ra's for men. WB style and Party store style. The party store style is over sculpted and inaccurate in multiple spots (you may notice at times Mumm-Ra looks more like a monkey or Lion-'s mouth is open... thats Party store versions.)

The WB masks are fantastic, I sold mine off but kept the Mumm-Ra. Really if your going for detail and higher quallity the WB masks are where its at.

vantheman77 04-06-2012 12:42 AM

It's good to see costumes and masks based on the new Thundercats. It's a throwback to the Ben Cooper Halloween Costumes and Masks of the 80's.

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