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Joe Moore 03-21-2011 10:22 AM

Thundercats 2011 Voice Actor Spotlight
Cheetara Voice Actor Spotlight - Emmanuelle Chriqui

DESTRO 03-21-2011 01:16 PM

Now that's what I call casting!

Grayman 03-21-2011 03:16 PM

It's funny that she is described as probably the least recognized voice actor in the Thundercats cast, because she has done very little voice actor work, but to me she is the most recognized actor in the cast because of all of her non-voice onscreen actor work.

GK Punk 03-21-2011 06:13 PM

I've not actually seen a single film or show she's been in. But I look forward to seeing what she brings to the table, she seems to be quite the up and coming voice talent.

Joe Moore 03-21-2011 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Grayman (Post 2980)
It's funny that she is described as probably the least recognized voice actor in the Thundercats cast, because she has done very little voice actor work, but to me she is the most recognized actor in the cast because of all of her non-voice onscreen actor work.

But a lot of that stuff was bit part and/or non-memorable stuff. Entourage is really the one spot people may recognize her from. Most news stories of her being cast were followed by a "what has she been in" or "never heard of her".

Transformed 03-21-2011 09:37 PM

Wow. Not what I was expecting her to look like, color me pleasantly surprised.

Are there any audio files of her voice online?

printer6 03-22-2011 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 2990)
Most news stories of her being cast were followed by a "what has she been in" or "never heard of her".

When I saw the name my first thoughts were "who is that?" and "what has she been in?".
From the picture, she looks lovely, but that doesn't really help much when you're doing voice work on a cartoon :)

Lynx-0 03-22-2011 04:55 PM

Haven't heard of her, haven't seen her(until now...and yeah..she's easy on the eyes), so I hope she does a great job on the series.

By the way....she was born in '77? Wow! She looks like she's a teeny older than 20. Time has definitely been good to her.

Snarfer 03-22-2011 08:25 PM

I recognized her face right away from seeing her in the movie "Snow Day", but that's the only thing I ever remember seeing her in.

I know she was also in "Detroit Rock City", but I haven't seen that movie in ages so I don't remember her character.

Snarfer 03-22-2011 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Lynx-0 (Post 3013)
Haven't heard of her, haven't seen her(until now...and yeah..she's easy on the eyes), so I hope she does a great job on the series.

By the way....she was born in '77? Wow! She looks like she's a teeny older than 20. Time has definitely been good to her.

Well that pic of her is from August of 2005 before she turned 28 later that year. Still looks younger than 27 or 28 there though.

If you look at some recent pics of her you can see that she's aged in the last 5 years, but not by much. She still looks like she's in her 20's even though she is now in her 30's.

Razorclaw 03-29-2011 10:58 PM google her name and see more of her she is awesome.

Joe Moore 04-12-2011 09:13 AM

Transformed 04-12-2011 12:59 PM

I wasn't familar of the actors name, but I'm aware of his work in Batman Beyond--nice. That picture of him looks like it was taken several years ago, as he looks much older in the other pictures.

Can't wait to see (and hear) the new Thundercats cartoon.

Joe Moore 04-12-2011 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Transformed (Post 3747)
I wasn't familar of the actors name, but I'm aware of his work in Batman Beyond--nice. That picture of him looks like it was taken several years ago, as he looks much older in the other pictures.

Can't wait to see (and hear) the new Thundercats cartoon.

I used the "young" pic, as that was from his most famous live action role in Boy Meets World.

GK Punk 04-12-2011 05:44 PM

I think he'll do great as Lion O. So far, I really dig all the choices they've made.

ponygt 04-12-2011 09:22 PM

Very happy with the voice actors:) CountDown to ThunderCats!!

dragon 04-13-2011 08:02 AM

i enjoy him as an actor hes always funny what hes in not sure how hes going to be with liono either way i will enjoy

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